Tamed II: As Time Went On

by PiercingZen

Chapter V - From Another World

Act 1 - Broken

Chapter V – From Another World

Edited by Vertorm


What was the last thing I remember?

“Now who’s being selfish, Twilight?”

We both laughed… I can’t remember anything after that. Now… I’m in a strange place.

Twilight Sparkle gradually opened her eyes. A bleak, white void greeted them with a blinding flash. It was so quiet that her ears began to ring. She couldn’t feel or move anything. Panic began to settle in as she realized she wasn’t even breathing. The air was stale and any scent non-existent. She couldn’t even feel the warmth of her own body.

Am I… dead? This must be a dream. I don’t know what’s going on. I can’t even move my head.

She felt like crying, but nothing came. She felt like screaming, but she couldn’t draw breath. After a few minutes, she felt defeated. There was nothing she could do and nopony she could call to. Twilight began to scan her memories. She replayed in her mind the things she’d been through, fond of all the times she had had with her friends. It made her feel a little better. It seemed like that was all she would need for now. It was the only boon the void gave her.

Ponyville…The place that changed my life forever. I never thought my trip there would be of any importance… That it would have been a blink of a memory in my lifetime. When the Princess ordered me to “make some friends”… my eyes rolled straight out of my skull. Now… it wouldn’t ever be a difficult decision… I would be there in a heartbeat to be with my friends.

Pinkie Pie… I remember when I first saw you. You made this obnoxious gasp and zipped away, leaving me dumbfounded. I was still so cynical then. I wasn’t interested at all in meeting anypony. I thought I could find the comfort I needed in ink and paper. The need to impress my teacher… The mastery of magic… When I met you all there was warmth I had never felt before. A new power that couldn’t match anything else I could ever do with magic.

Applejack… You know how to make a pony feel welcome. I can still remember the pain in my leg from that crazy hoofshake. I felt all of those apples would make a pony sick, but somehow you made everything taste wonderful every time. You have such a large family too… I wondered if I would ever have the chance to meet every one of them. Now, I wish I had.

Rainbow Dash… Meeting you was the most annoying experience I ever had. Your social skills were probably worse than mine. Now there’s nopony else I would rather be with. It’s such a strange thing that two opposites could ever find similarities… but finding them makes it worth more than all the magic in the world.

Rarity… I never thought about how I looked until I met you. Seeing you so distressed over my mane was a bit of an eye-opener. There’s importance in every aspect of life, even the most trivial ones. Of course… trivialness depends on your perspective. I once thought that my studies were the only thing that mattered… but now I find interest in every notion and it made my life that much more interesting.

Fluttershy… I knew there was something odd about you the first time I laid eyes on you. You were meek, and more anti-social than I was. I wasn’t sure if I would ever get a word out of you. You are the living proof that power can be within even the most cowardly of ponies. Values and dependency can draw an immense strength where nopony else can muster. I’m actually jealous of your talents… There are things that even books can’t teach.

Spike… You’ve been with me since the very beginning. Ever since I met the rest… I regretted every time I mistreated you. You were always there for me helping me with everything. I wish I could repay you somehow… I’ve always wanted to… Now I’m not sure if I’ll ever have the chance again. I wonder… What are you doing now that I’m gone?

When I met all of you that day… I wasn’t sure I would ever see any of you again. That I would just return to Canterlot and continue with my studies… But now I can never regret staying. Now, there’s nothing more I want than to return, to see my friends again. There’s nothing…

Now, I’m alone… and my heart would ache if it could. I wish my magic was more powerful… Then maybe I could fix things. Now, I’m not sure what to do… Will my memories of you be enough to keep me sane? It feels like it’s been forever since I saw any of you. Celestia… wherever you are… Please pull me through this.

Her prayers were never answered. The persistent silence of the abyss was the only response she ever got. It felt like hours she was trapped in the void… until something finally came.

I wouldn’t even mind anypony visiting me now… I’m not sure if I can take this… How did this happen?

A voice broke the silence like thunder. “Well, what do we have here? I never thought I’d see this.”

Who is that?!

“I don’t think even I could do something this cruel.” The voice had a cocky edge to it that could irritate anypony with its abrasive pretentiousness.

Wait a minute, is that…?

“Hello, Twilight Sparkle!” He showed his ugly face; Discord, the spirit of Chaos. “Let me guess… Dipping your hooves in dark magic? Or no! Wait! Wait! I got it… Did you forget to write a letter to dear ol’ Princess Celestia?”

What is he doing here? Better question, how did he get here? Does that mean there could be a way out?

“Now you’re probably wondering what I’m doing here and that’s such an annoying question to answer so let’s just get you back to normal, shall we?”

With that, Discord snapped his fingers and every feeling came rushing back into Twilight. Immediately, she felt cold and hungry. She let out a cough and squeezed her burning eyes shut. She collapsed and began panting for air.

“Oops! Sorry… was that a little too sudden for you? Don’t worry. It’ll pass. You’ve been asleep for a very long time, dear Twilight.” The draconequus smirked and floated in the air just in front of her as he watched Twilight struggle to regain her senses.

“I-I can’t open my eyes!” She coughed again between her words. “What’s going on!?”

He placed a paw under his chin. “Hm… To be honest I’ve never done this before so… it may have been a little dangerous.” His lips curved into a grin.

“Shut up and do something already!”

“Now just calm down, Twilight. You don’t have to be so dramatic.”

Twilight felt something press against her head and a soothing feeling poured into her. Her body relaxed and her mind became clear. Shortly after, she opened her eyes. She saw him looking right at her with a gentle smile.

“What did you…?”

“See? Nothing to worry about. Aren’t you glad you have me around, Princess?”

Twilight was a bit put off by his remark. “Princess?”

Discord looked dumbfounded for a moment. “Oh! I shouldn’t have said that.” He smiled sheepishly and laughed. “I forgot. This is not my world.”

“Your… world?” Twilight tilted her head and then shook it. “Discord! What are you doing here?! I thought my friends and I sealed you!”

“Oh, you did, Twilight. Believe me. However, I was freed again… by you.”

“By… me? Why would I do a thing like that?!”

“Trust me, Twilight. It was more painful for me than it ever was for you. Besides, that’s not important. What’s more important is why you-” he poked her nose with a claw, “-are here.”

Twilight batted away Discord and stood up. She backed away from him, looking around the white void and saw no answers in sight. “I… don’t know.”

“That’s a logical answer. How could you know?”

“Then why ask?”

“It’s not about an answer, Twilight. It’s about speculation. You see… I’ve been around… And by that I mean I’ve seen so many things that would make your very soul cringe. From the Cutie Mark Crusaders becoming pirates to you slaughtering ponies for research…”

“What?!” Twilight furrowed her brow. “What are you talking about… slaughtering ponies?! How could you say that?”

Discord couldn’t hold back a haughty laugh from the unicorn’s reaction. “Oh, Twilight! You really need to calm down. None of it is true here. You are perfectly fine here… Well, for the moment. Hehe! The real Twilight would flip if she saw you like this.” He laughed and covered his mouth.

“The real Twilight?” She put a hoof to her forehead. “Discord please… What in Equestria are you talking about? What’s the meaning of all this?”

The draconequus slowly floated over to her and patted her head. “In due time, Twilight. I will tell you everything you need to know. For now, wouldn’t you like to get out of here? This place brings back bad memories.”

Twilight scanned her surroundings again; the emptiness went on for countless miles with nowhere to go. A sigh escaped her lungs as she nodded to him. “I suppose I don’t have any choice. Why are you helping me anyway?”

“Consider it an obligation… and nothing more. Now hold still. We don’t want anypony to get hurt… yet. Hahaha!” Discord chuckled while moving his claws to a praying position. In a few seconds, the space around Twilight began to bend, pulling her inward. She felt the air being forced out of her and her body felt like it was about to be crushed. Then with a sudden crack, the white void around her shattered and faded into nothingness.

Beyond the veil, she found herself in one of Canterlot’s many gardens. In fact, she was standing directly in front of a petrified Discord, sealed a second time by Twilight and her friends a couple months back, or so she thought.

“Why am I here?” she thought aloud as she looked around. The area was silent except for a few chirping birds and the faint noise of a bustling population nearby. It was just a few hours into morning as the sun illuminated the huge variety of plant life around the garden. For a moment, her senses felt heightened and extremely sensitive. She felt like she could see, hear, and smell almost everything around her. The flood of stimuli was a bit startling; it felt as if she hadn’t used her senses in quite some time.

It’s strange. Why does the world feel… different? The air feels tense… Even I can tell something is amiss. Now that I’m… free… I should go find the Princess. I have to tell her everything that’s happened so far. Discord being loose, the strange void… She must be aware of what’s going on.

“Isn’t it great to be home again, Twilight?” A voice shattered her thoughts, “I’m sure your mind is racing about what to do next.” Twilight could hear Discord, but she couldn’t spot him. Only his statue which she wasn’t sure his voice was even coming from.

She turned around in place, looking around randomly. Her features displayed a hint of displeasure…she was certain she had lost the cretin. “I have to see Princess Celestia. She must know what’s going on…and why you’re out and about.”

“Oh, I don’t know if seeing Celestia is such a good idea.” He sounded foreboding…as if he was trying to warn her.

“What do you mean? Are you trying to trick me?” She scoffed and began to canter along a dirt path nearby. In about a hundred yards or so, it would lead to Canterlot’s streets. From there it would be only a few minutes gallop to Canterlot Castle. “Well, it won’t work!”

There was an audible sigh from the draconequus. “After helping you escape… you still doubt my intentions?”

Twilight slowed her stride a bit to answer the silly question. “Of course I doubt them! Since when did Discord become obligated to help anypony? How do I know you’re not trying to deceive me?”

“Hahaha… I suppose you have every right to assume that. You’ve only known me for causing mischief and irresistible chaos.”

By now, Twilight had reached the gate that would lead her out, but unfortunately something was blocking her path. It was him, leaning on it nonchalantly with his arms crossed. Strangely, the creature was tinted blue and only half visible, somehow see-through like a ghost.

“If that’s how you feel…” He snickered as he stepped out of the way and unfolded his arms to beckon her through. “…then go see her, Twilight. I’ll be surprised if you make it past the guards.”

Twilight stopped for a moment and groaned. “What makes you say that? I’m revered in the eyes of everypony in Canterlot Castle. Surely, they would grant me audience with the Princess.”

This made him chuckle and lift a hand to cover his face. “Ah… I’m torn between telling you for your own safety or watching you fail miserably. I miss the good ol’ days when that decision was simple. Think about it Twilight…wouldn’t Celestia have already found you eons ago? Shouldn’t she have been the one to free you from your prison? Yes… But it was me who found you, wasn’t it? It was me who found your hopeless soul lingering in the balance. It was I who saved you so you could once again walk this very earth. Strange that I… Discord” - he rolled his eyes - “would be the only one kind-hearted enough to save you. Doesn’t that tickle your faith in the ones you hold so dear?”

The sincerity and coldness in his words was a little upsetting to her. Immediately her mind reached out for rationalizations. “She probably didn’t even know where I was! Certainly she was looking for me. My friends are probably worried sick!”

“Is that what you truly believe? Like I’ve said before, I have been around. I haven’t been here long, but I’ve quickly picked up on a few things. Ponies are getting… killed… and I’m pretty sure it has something to do with you.”

The unicorn groaned and shook her head. “Not this again! I would never hurt anypony! You’re trying to trick me, Discord. Your body isn’t the only thing that’s transparent. I’ve seen you turn my friends against me…but you’ll never turn me against my friends. My faith in them is unbreakable as is their faith in me!” Discord could only stare at her in silence. In a few moments, she continued, “You’ve never experienced that bond…the blessing of friendship and the power it gives…you are the epitome of what I have to protect it from, bringer of disharmony! Now I’m going to see Celestia and you won’t stop me.” She stomped her hoof.

The spirit continued to stare at the pony before a smile slowly formed on his snidely face. “Stubborn as ever… Fine. Have it your way, Twilight.” With that, he vanished in a swirl of smoke, leaving the pony by herself. The unicorn smirked at her victory. She opened the gate with her magic and went through.

She found herself staring down a very long hallway made of old, dusty brick. The place looked like it hadn’t been gone through in a long time. She could lift her hoof and see her hoofprint in the dust below. There were various insects crawling the walls and floor, and cobwebs spanning corners of the arched hallway.

“What’s going on? Who would let it get this bad?” She carefully stepped around whatever crawled the floor and slowly made her way to the opposite side. “Was it always this long? Why can’t I hear anything?” She muttered to herself, wanting to break the eerie silence. “It doesn’t matter… Canterlot should be…”

Go back…

Twilight froze. The voice made her heart leap. Her eyes darted around to find the source. “Hello? Is somepony there?”

I don’t want to die…

Hearing it a second time, she realized whose voice it was. “Is that… me?” She turned around to look behind her. She gasped softly. The door she was sure was only a few yards away was now gone, replaced by darkness.

Mistake… have to fix the mistake…

“Mistake? What mistake? Hello? What’s going on?” Frightened, the unicorn bolted. She galloped at full speed down the hallway towards what appeared to be daylight.

Glitter… fear… turn back…

Twilight ignored her own creepy voice and continued. Eventually, she could see the doorway that would lead her out. Her horn charged with magic as she leaped to it with a quick teleport. She had made it…she could see other ponies walking around on the street. Twilight turned her head back down the long hallway except… For some reason it was now only a short distance. “Odd…” She put a hoof to her face. “Some kind of delirium? Maybe a side-effect of being in that prison?” She shook her head. “I’ll worry about it later.” She turned and proceeded through the archway into Canterlot’s streets.

As she did, several of the passing ponies turned their heads to look at her, all sporting looks of confusion. Twilight could hear them mutter to each other. “Did you see that?”

“Yeah, she just… came out of that wall.” She heard one say. She turned to look where she had walked through. Certainly enough, the way she walked in was bricked. She put a hoof to it and felt around the solid wall. She briefly glanced back at the other ponies before she galloped off towards Canterlot Castle.

No wonder nopony could find me…the entrance to the garden was sealed with a brick wall, but… How did I just walk through it? Also, I could see the sky when I was in the garden… Ugh! I don’t care anymore! The Princess will explain everything!

It was then Twilight noticed many things different about Canterlot. It was never this bustling before. Ponies and creatures of all kinds were walking the streets and not the usual specks of aristocrats and working ponies. As a result, the streets looked a bit messier and more traveled than it had ever been. All of the buildings she was familiar with weren’t there and were replaced by more sophisticated structures. She had some trouble navigating because it was so different. However, the Castle was clearly visible from any point in the city so it wasn’t too difficult to find.

What has become of Canterlot since I’ve been away? Wait… How long have I been away?! This isn’t something that happens overnight. This could have been years… years I’ve been trapped in that garden. It makes me wonder how the castle is…

In her gallop, she attracted many gazes from the ponies she passed. She didn’t recognize a single one of them. Nothing felt familiar to her and the air felt heavy in her lungs. Everypony had cold eyes and walked droningly along. Everything looked gray and depressing.

Something has happened… or is happening. I don’t like the look of this. My friends… Please don’t tell me you’ve become like this as well. I could never forgive myself for letting this happen.

Suddenly, the unicorn heard a scream. It was distant, but it got the attention of everypony. There was a moment of silence before a crowd of ponies charged in her direction. A frightened stampede ran towards her.

“What’s going on?” She asked aloud, but nopony answered as they whisked past her. She asked a couple more times before she became frustrated. The very last straggler was about to pass her, but she jumped in front of him and stopped him with a hoof. “Hold it right there! Tell me what’s going on!”

“S-Somepony was just killed! I saw it with my own eyes! This… thing came out of nowhere!” The stallion was truly distressed and was constantly trying to push past her.

“Calm down! Tell me what this… thing is,” she questioned him.

“No! You have to run! Let me through!” His strength was too much for her as he shoved her aside and galloped away.

“Wait! Come back! Ugh!” She groaned as she watched him flee. “Kill?” She slowly turned her head back. “How could anypony…”

There, staring her right in the face, was some sort of mask. Instantly, she gasped and took a leap backward. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She really wasn’t ready for that. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!” She glared at the masked pony in front of her. She noticed the strange attire. The pony was bundled in all kinds of different cloaks and scarves. It was a wonder if that pony could move at all. The pony didn’t speak, but it did slowly advance towards her. “Hey, could you tell me what’s going on? You don’t seem afraid like the other ponies.”

The pony stopped. “I’m not afraid of anything.”

“Then could you answer my question?”

“Of course… But first I must ask you something.” The voice was a little muffled, but she could understand it pretty well.

“Okay. What’s your question?”

“What do you know… about Twilight Sparkle?”

“Twilight… Sparkle?” The unicorn grinned. “You mean you don’t…” She hesitated for a moment when her eyes caught something on the ponies left foreleg. There was a streak of blood going across it.

Oh no… This must have been what the others were running from! How could I be so dense?! That stallion said it killed somepony? Then again… I can feel its malice. Those eyes are darker than anything I’ve ever seen.

“Do you know anything?” It asked again, more determinedly this time around.

Why is it asking about me? Is it… looking for me? Maybe… Maybe I should just confront it. If it’s… killing other ponies, I have to protect them.

“I…” Twilight felt something in her throat. “I…” She put a hoof to it and coughed. “I am…” She coughed again. She couldn’t speak for some reason.

The pony tilted its head and walked closer. “Yes?”

What’s going on?! I can’t say anything! Every time something stops me!

“You… know something. Don’t you?” It narrowed its eyes.

Twilight could at least nod. Instantly, the pony seemed to relax in a way.

“Then tell me! I must know! I know she’s in this city. She must be somewhere…. Somewhere hidden.”

“I… can’t…” She coughed harder this time. It was beginning to become painful. It felt like something was squeezing her neck every time she even thought about telling it.

The relaxation faded quickly from the pony’s stature. “What do you mean you… can’t?!”

“I’m sorry…I don’t know why.” Twilight was becoming dizzy. She could hardly breathe much less speak to it.

“Maybe…a little persuasion is necessary…” Its voice grew cold as it moved even closer. Twilight took steps back to keep it at a distance. “You will tell me about her one way or another.” It began to slowly lift a hoof and its eyes slowly turned white.

“Stop! Don’t make another move!” Twilight heard a booming voice from behind her. She swung her head around.

“Princess Celestia?!” Her heart leapt in joy. The Princess was accompanied by a squad of royal guards.

The strange pony didn’t falter for a moment. “Don’t get in my way, Princess! Remember… A country needs a ruler.”

“Yes, but we don’t need you terrorizing it! Your spree ends now!” Celestia’s horn began to shimmer. “Stand back, my subject!”

One of the royal guards pulled Twilight away from the masked pony. “You wouldn’t dare…” It whispered.

“You were foolish to attack in public and reveal yourself!” The Princess’s horn grew brighter. “Now… You are hereby banished from Equestria!”

A solid beam of gold fired towards the pony. It didn’t seem to have enough time to react as the beam hit it straight in the chest. The golden magic surrounded the pony and trapped it in a sphere of energy. The Princess then strained and grunted as her magic grew even stronger. With a final release she propelled the sphere with an enormous boom of force. In an instant, it vanished into the horizon, leaving a trail of energy that slowly dissipated.

There was a solid ten seconds of silence. Only Celestia’s heavy breathing was audible. Twilight had never seen her like that. She could feel some true anger from her voice and the way she used her magic. “Princess?”

Celestia turned her attention to Twilight. “Are you all right there, my little pony?”