Sweet Apple Anthology

by Bad_Seed_72

Year Four: Hearts And Hooves Day — Redemption

Year Four: Hearts And Hooves Day – Redemption

The beast stomped its claws towards the fillies, growling deep and low with primal aggression. Any worthy timberwolf would not suffer an intruder to live. Cast beyond the protection of his pack, this omega would show no mercy to the trembling ponies before him. He was the lower in the eyes of the others, but would soon prove them incorrect.

His victims quickly buried their hatchet and clung to each other, frozen in fear. The timberwolf licked his gnarled lips with a scratchy, sapling tongue, a cloud of fetid breath issued from his maw. This sent his quarry into coughing fits, struggling not to vomit. Fear amplified and pulsated within their veins. He could smell it all. Delicious. For days he’d scavenged, unable to locate an end to his relentless hunger.

Now, the timberwolf knew his search would soon be over.

Silver Spoon felt her heart clenching in her chest, threatening to arrest. An untimely heart attack would be far more suitable a demise, she reasoned, part of her willing it to continue and end her terror. Her hindhooves cemented to the grass, and her forehooves clung to her object of desire—but their union was far from welcome.

Diamond Tiara’s cowardice compelled her to run, to leave Silver behind as tribute to the dark god of the forest. She resisted it.

In spite of everything—even today’s fiasco—Diamond would not leave her one and only friend. Not at the claws of this beast. If anypony would destroy Silver Spoon, it would be her, and her alone.

As the timberwolf approached, Silver Spoon slammed her eyelids shut and began to whimper. Spurred by the sweet, intoxicating aroma of adrenaline, the timberwolf inched closer, closer, snorting sickening waves of fetid breath through his nostrils. Across the beast’s maw, rows and rows of sharp, splinter-like teeth declared their victory.

Diamond Tiara backed up into a tree trunk and pulled the shivering filly beside her. Driven purely by instinct, she flailed her forehooves widely into the bark, seeking a hoof-hold. The weathered trunk gave no relief.

Diamond littered the orchard ground with the tree’s bark, but could not climb up it. Never one for “outdoor sports,” her chances were slim with the fairest of conditions.

Today just wasn’t her day.

Silver Spoon buried her muzzle in Diamond's chest, her pitiful cries providing a joyous accompaniment to the steady stomp of the monstrosity’s paws. Once a proud and intelligent filly, she found no words in all known language to soothe, to comfort, to precede what was sure to come. It was over.

She’d told Diamond how she’d felt, and, just as expected, it was over. Silver never fathomed it would all be over because of her.

Trembling in the shadow of Death stalking them and growling just a few yards away, Diamond Tiara forgot her father’s words and embraced Silver Spoon. She swept her gaze across the orchard, finding no trace of the bully or the blankflank. In an instant, she forgave one and repented to another, willing them to save them.

Finding her vocal cords strong still (unlike the rest of her), Diamond Tiara arched her back into the bark and screamed.

The timberwolf inched closer and closer, mere feet away from them now. Reptilian in mammalian form, the beast flicked his tongue and tasted their fear in the air. Nutritious. Equine flesh would be even more delectable. His jaws salivated, anticipating his meal.

Omega transformed into alpha in his dominion. Triumphant, the timberwolf roared his success, decreeing his power to the empty heavens above.


Apple Bloom jolted awake. Pricking her ears, she asked, “Babs, did ya hear that? … Babs?”

“H-huh?” Blinking, Babs lied, “I wasn’t sleepin’! I was jus’ restin’ ma eyes.” Hard not ta sleep when youze look so peaceful. Heh. An’ a nap’s always nice.

Apple Bloom squirmed from her forehooves and trotted over to the clubhouse window on the opposite side of the room.

“Summat wrong, Bloom?” Babs Seed joined her at the windowsill.

“Yea… Ah could’ve sworn Ah heard somepony screamin’.”

“Screamin’? But there’s nopony out heeya—“


All along her spine, Babs Seed felt tiny, individual follicles of fur stand straight and at attention. A cold wave of recognition passed down that same spinal cord, making her weak in her limbs.

Every Zap Apple season, Babs would lie awake at night, listening to that demonic chorus with her heart’s thundering tempo as accompaniment. Apple Bloom never seemed affected by their cries. Perhaps it took more than a few years to habituate to their howls.

“T-timberwolf?! But it’s not Zap Apple Jam season, an’ it’s so…”

“… Close,” Babs finished. She peered through the glass in search of the beast. The trees surrounding their fort seemed to be free of monsters.

Squinting past the sunlight and the distance, she found the farther orchards closer to the farmhouse to be similarly clear. “I can’t see ‘em, Bloom, maybe it—“

From a thicket of apple trees behind them came the indistinguishable scream of a frightened filly.

Apple Bloom quickly grabbed Babs Seed by the forehoof and pulled her from the windowsill. She was prepared to ignore a cry of protest, but none came.

Once their hooves hit the floorboards, they burst from the clubhouse, nearly breaking down the door on their exit, and galloped down the drawbridge. Once wood gave way to grass, both pricked their ears and listened for the growl and the scream, the sound and the fury of a wayward wolf’s howl.

From the corner of her eye, Babs detected a rush of movement to the south. “C’mon, dis way!” This time, she tugged Apple Bloom in the direction of the disturbance.

Through apple tree after apple tree, they steered their steam, skillfully, expertly. Iffa there’s anythin’ I’m good at afta all these years, it’s runnin’. Babs Seed whipped around the trees and streamlined her gallop, approaching, encroaching, faster, faster. Gotta be heeya somewhere…

Apple Bloom, after almost seven years of crusading, possessed similar precision. Round and through the thicket they galloped. She couldn’t match Babs’s speed, and trailed behind her despite the effort.

Soon, the timberwolf howled once more, and his quarry shrieked, begging for mercy in tone if not words. C’mon, youze! Almost, almost!


Playtime no longer interested him. Long past puppyhood, he regulated such activity to a mere minimum of his energy. Lately, he had no time or ability to waste on entertainment. The fillies cowering before him, scratching bark off trees with their worthless hooves, screaming and crying and begging for their lives, were an exception to this rule. The beast had all the time in Equestria for this spectacle.

Even monsters have limits. The scent of their fear, the subtle sound of their blood accelerating within their veins, and their sheer delightful terror eventually overpowered his minimal restraint.

The timberwolf closed the distance between him and his prey, and rocked back on his haunches, ready to pounce.

Suddenly, a pair of hooves rocketed into his side, crashing him to the cold, unforgiving Earth. The timberwolf landed with a THUD! Several of his rib-twigs shattered from the impact. The pair of hooves kicked him on his opposite side, doubling his injuries.

A large filly hovered above him and screeched into his sensitive predator’s ears, “GET OUT!”

The timberwolf scrambled to his claws, shaking his muzzle. His sides ached, but only momentarily. With a flash of his soulless emerald eyes, his missing branches rushed and rejoined their fellows in his ribcage.


Babs Seed took one hoof-step backwards, staring straight into the eyes of the monster. The beast parted its jaws and exhaled a cloud of pure, airborne bile into her nostrils. Celestia, didn’t anypony tell these brutes ‘bout brushin’?!

Gagging, she challenged, “Is dat the best youze got?”

Rearing up on his hindlimbs, the timberwolf roared his negative.

I was afraid o’ dat.

Babs snapped her head around. Apple Bloom had joined the side of their antagonists, pulling on Diamond’s forehoof. Silver clung to Diamond, possibly unconscious. Babs shouted, “Bloom! Get ‘em ‘way from—“

Apple Bloom yelled,“BABS, WATCH OUT!”

She ducked in the nick of time, an angry claw swiping at her mane. Catching her second wind, Babs leapt forward again, brandishing her forehooves. Again she pounced the timberwolf, careening into his chest.

A tango and flurry of forehooves, scrambling wooden claws, and volumes high and low echoed throughout the orchard. Filly pummeled wolf over and over, snapping timber ribcage repeatedly. Each injury resulted in immediate regeneration. The timberwolf gnashed his jaws and lunged towards his adversary. Babs pulled away, leaving him to chomp at the air.

Behind her, two fillies watched, and a third charged into the beast. Yellow blur dove into the timberwolf, sending him to the ground. Orange blur had enough.

While the enemy was still stunned, Babs Seed grabbed Apple Bloom’s tail with her teeth and yanked. “C’mon! Get outta heeya wit’ dem two!”

“But Babs, Ah know if—“

The beast stirred and began to rise once more.

Shoving Apple Bloom away, Babs ordered, “GO! GO! Get Tiara an’ Spoon outta heeya, an’ I’ll take care o’ dis one!” She stood firm, unyielding, dismissing a thousand arguments raised in Apple Bloom’s eyes with one nudge towards the clubhouse.

Apple Bloom galloped over to her bullies, her tormentors, her antagonists and her wards, grabbing Diamond Tiara by the forehoof. “We need ta get outta here, Tiara! Hold on ta Silver Spoon an’ follow me!”

Diamond Tiara betrayed her upbringing and obeyed, submitting to the whims of a lowly, incestuous fillyfooler. Silver Spoon, long lost to the overwhelming tide of monstrous reality, fit far better on Diamond’s back than in her forehooves.

Hastily, Diamond Tiara followed Apple Bloom through the twisting maze of apple trees and towards the clubhouse in the distance.

Behind her, Babs Seed took up hooves against her monster.


Strengthened by his ancient magic, drawing strength from the Everfree Forest far beyond its boundaries, he stumbled to his limbs and snarled. The insolent, foolish filly was still here, the biggest and strongest of them all. Useless still, she held no purpose beyond sustenance.

The timberwolf licked at the air. Nothing. His adversary lowered her gaze and crouched low on her forehooves, growling a primal warning. Soon, she would strike. In her blood, he detected no telltale tremors, no flood and rush of fear. Adrenaline escalated to the highest heights in her veins. Only fight triggered in her consciousness.

Truly, this pony wasn’t so willing to fall, candle in the wind as the others.

Beast without burden roared, throwing back his throat to the skies. His fellows ignored his cries once more. Omega exile he was, lone starving wolf in the orchard. Mournfully he howled, seeking refuge in numbers against this strange enemy.



The beast howled at the moonless daytime sky, foolishly exposing his neck. Babs Seed seized this opportunity and pounced on his chest. This time, she clung to his form instead of toppling it. With both her forehooves and her own gnashing jaws, she tore at the timberwolf’s throat, tearing branches and twigs where a trachea would be.

Ignoring the awful, bitter taste of his bark and the more dreadful stench of his frantic breath, Babs ripped into the beast. Separated from his oxygen supply, the monster began to panic, clawing at her. The host scratched at its parasite, raking its claws across her treacherous fur. She winced and bled but hung tight, biting through his gnarled vertebrae.

Babs growled through her teeth, “C’mon, give it up, youze bastard!”

Opening and closing its jaws in a desperate scramble for breath, the monstrosity realized within its twisted, primitive mind that it lacked control in all four of its limbs. The timberwolf willed its claws to gouge the eyes and maw of the filly clinging to its chest. They did not respond. He urged his hindlimbs to kick upwards and pry off the scum draining the life and magic from his timber. They remained still.

Grinning, Babs Seed slid down the body of the timberwolf and watched the downfall with perverse glee. The beast gasped for breath, dilated its empty eyes, and with one final shudder, tumbled to the grass. She sprang on its final spinal connection without hesitation, separating the head from the rest of the wooden body.

Babs waited. A minute, then two, then maybe five. The timberwolf did not stir. The breeze arrived, and played with its gnarled bark and branch-bones, but did not summon a survivor or an avenger.

Lone filly conquered lone wolf.


“Nice place you have here,” Diamond Tiara said. She took in the meager trappings of the treehouse, noting the lack of interior décor or pristine furniture. Or… furniture at all. It seemed they hadn’t upgraded the clubhouse since she’d first set hoof in it, over four years ago. Every insignificant and inane detail—from the sparse lunch table to the ludicrous lantern and “thinking spot”—from her memory found a home here.

She trotted inside the structure, following Apple Bloom through the threshold. Gently, Apple Bloom removed Silver Spoon from her back and leaned her against one of the clubhouse walls. Acknowledging her statement, Apple Bloom turned and glared at Diamond, scowling in response.

“Hey! I was actually being nice for a change. It was a compliment!”

“Sure it was,” Apple Bloom snarled. She leaned down to Silver Spoon’s level and waved a forehoof in front of her eyes. “Silver Spoon? Equestria ta Silver Spoon?”

Diamond strode over and pushed her aside. “You’re doing it wrong. Move over!

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. “Since when do ya actually—“

Sighing, Diamond began, “Look, I might not be the nicest pony, but—“

“But what?”

Babs Seed trotted inside, her fur dotted with spots of blood and marred by scratches and scrapes.

Apple Bloom charged over and embraced her tightly, nuzzling her neck. “Babs! Are ya alright? Ah think yer bleedin’ a bit, maybe Ah should go get—mmph…

Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes and face-hoofed. “Ugh. Do you really have to do that right here? In front of me?

Breaking their kiss, Babs Seed stomped over to Metal Crown, her hackles raised once more. “Yea, I do. Youze know what? I jus’ saved youze an’ youze lil’ lackey’s lives right heeya, so I’d expect a bit mo’ respect.”

Pointing to Silver Spoon, Babs continued, “An’ speakin’ o’ which, looks like dis poor filly’s out cold. What did youze do ta her, anyway?”

Crown met her, muzzle against muzzle. “Oh! So of course you think it’s me doing something to her. Poor little Silver Spoon, all wrapped around Diamond Tiara’s forehooves! Is that what you think? Huh?! Because you’re wrong. This is all Silver Spoon’s fault! She chased after me—“

“Chased afta youze?! “ Snickering, Babs jabbed, “What kinda dumb pony chases afta a brat like youze?!

Apple Bloom joined her side and whispered, “Um, sugarcube, maybe ya should—“

“At least I don’t have to resort to shacking up with my own cousin,” Crown countered with a grin. Before her adversary could fire a ready retort, she added, “Though, unfortunately, it appears you two have infected Silver Spoon with your disease.”

In her pupils, Crown transformed, hooves morphing into claws and fur dissolving into rows and rows of branch and bark. Flattening her ears, Babs Seed leaned back on her hindhooves, ready to strike. Youze rotten little bitch! First I go save youze pansy ass, an’ now youze have the stones ta tell me—

“That’s right! Silver is a fillyfooler too! Maybe you can invite her to your twisted little slumber parties!” Diamond scowled, huffing. Twirling a strand of mane with a forehoof, she rolled her eyes and mused, “They say three’s a crowd, but I’m sure you two of all ponies can manage—“


“Why? What are you going to do about it?!”

“How dare ya! She jus’ gone an’ saved yer hide an’ now ya—“

From the corner of the clubhouse came an inquiry: “Where am I?”

Three ponies dropped their feud. Babs Seeed trotted over and offered a forehoof to the confused filly. She accepted, blinking, rubbing sleep from her eyes under her eyeglasses. “B-Babs?”

Smiling, Babs said, “Ahh, youze awake, now. Dat’s good.”

Silver repeated, “’Awake’? When was I asleep? What happened?”

“Why don’t you tell them, Silver Spoon?” Diamond snapped curtly, glaring at her fallen friend.

Timberwolf slain, mortality disregarded, Diamond returned to the comfort of her snide and sarcasm. The only real monster she faced looked quizzically back at her, eyes wide and myopic. The fillyfooler had been on her back—on her back—mere minutes ago. She shuddered. “Why don’t you tell them about your little confession, huh? I’m sure they’ll be quite interested to hear.”

Apple Bloom shook her muzzle. “That’s enough, Diamond Tiara! Ah’ve had enough o’ ya fer today! Now, get off ma property an’ don’t come back ‘till ya apologize!”

“Apologize?! Apologize to whom?!”

“Ta me, fo’ one." Babs growled. “An’ ta Silva, fo’ two, it’s lookin’ like. Now, I dunno why youze both were heeya, o’ why there was a timberwolf in dem orchards, but I took care o’ it anyway. Not because youze anythin’ special. It’s the right thing. But youze don’t know anythin’ ‘bout dat, do youze, Diamond Tiara?”

Metal Crown flipped her snout at the common farm-ponies below her grandiose stature, ignoring the insult. With a quick flick of her tail, she turned towards the clubhouse door, but not before hissing to Brass Fork, “I am through with you. And to think I let you sleep in the same bed as me!”


Four became three. Two exchanged confused glances. The remaining filly buried her face in her forehooves and closed her eyes, counting backwards from ten.

Ten. Diamond Tiara was waiting for her behind the bakery. Nine. She met with her and demanded to know where her new coltfriend was. Eight. He was nowhere to be found; the only one she desired had been waiting for her all along. Seven…

“Are ya alright, Silver Spoon? Are ya hurt?”

Silver Spoon shook her head, returning to her numbers. Seven. A simple box of chocolates and a few stuttered words. Six. Galloping, charging, barreling from Ponyville towards Sweet Apple Acres, hot on her hindhooves. Five. Rows and rows of apple trees, a maze of bark and branch. Four. Catching up to her at last, only to find that they were not alone. Three…

“Youze told her, didn’t youze?”

Silver Spoon sniffed and nodded. She bit down on her bottom lip, suppressing the tide churning within. There was no rational reason to cry. Diamond Tiara was just but one filly, one drop in an ocean of limitless soul. Why, then, did it hurt so?

Two Crusaders sat on their haunches beside their bully. Their enemy posed no more threat. She, too, was a victim in a way. She was worthy of their empathy, and had always been. They sat in silence for a moment, choosing not to comment on Silver Spoon’s poorly hidden tears.

Babs Seed stared at the floorboards, digging a hoof into the wood grain. Finally, she muttered, “Youze know… it’s betta youze found dis out now. Imagine iffa youze tried ta run ‘way togetha wit’ her o’ summat. Ta Canterlot o’ summat.” O’ Manehatten. But I might actually stop youze iffa youze did dat, bully o’ no…

Two. A timberwolf, eyes hungry and wild.

Apple Bloom stretched a forehoof over Silver’s shoulders. “Aw, don’t worry ‘bout her, Silver Spoon. Ya deserve somepony better anyhow. Somepony who sees ya fer who ya are. Not as jus’ a… crony, or somethin’."

One. Diamond Tiara was holding her close. They were trembling, frozen in fear, unable to speak or fight or gallop. But… she was there. That would’ve been her last memory. Would have been a magnificent last memory. She could accept that peace.

Before Silver reached zero, she remembered an orange blur, a streak of greased lightning, a bullet train rocketing into the hunk of wayward wolf. And then, she knew why she’d never reached the countdown to zero.

That reason sat quietly on its haunches beside her.

Silver Spoon looked up from her forehooves. "Babs?"


“Thank you,” Silver Spoon whispered. “You saved my life.” A small smile crept its way across her crestfallen muzzle. “But…why?”

“’Why’?” Babs tilted her head.

“Yes. Why? Why did you do that? Why didn’t you just leave us?” Silver asked.

She played mindlessly with her braid, staring across the clubhouse and out the window beyond. “After all we’ve done to you—I’ve done to you—what we did at school that day of… sex ed class… And you just…. you just up and fight for us? For me?”

Shrugging, Babs Seed answered, “It’s the right thing ta do. Sometimes, youze jus’ know what the right thing is, ta do o’ ta say. Isn’t dat right, Bloom?”

Apple Bloom giggled. “It sure is, Babsy.”

A blush appeared across an orange muzzle, to the notice of the third wheel. Grinning, Silver said, “So that’s why you two were out here. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day.”

“An’ ta ya too, Silver Spoon,” Apple Bloom said with a smile. “Don’t worry ‘bout her. Plenty mo’ fillies out there.”

“Sometimes, dey’re right in front o’ youze, so keep youze eyes open,” Babs advised, eliciting another wave of giggles. “What? It’s good advice!”

“Thanks Babs, Apple Bloom. For everything. I’m really sorry about everything I or Diamond Tiara said to you… I don’t understand her, why she is the way she is. Why she is such a….” A bitch? “A bully.” Close enough.

“Maybe Babs can answer that question. She was a bully once, too, ya know.”

Not answerin’ anythin’ fo’ a pony like dat. Babs sighed. “Yea, yea, don’t remind me.”

Apple Bloom said, “But… it’s true. Maybe there’s a lot mo’ you an’ Diamond have in common? Maybe she jus’ ended up one way an’ you the other?”


Silver Spoon scoffed. “I doubt that. Diamond Tiara is the most spoiled filly in all of Ponyville. Her dad practically owns half the town! She can get away with everything and can have whatever she wants. I doubt anypony has anything in common with her… even I really didn’t. My family is… shall we say… middle-class?”

The three of them shared a laugh. Soon, they shared far more than that, exchanging stories from their foalhood until Silver Spoon was ready to face the world beyond the clubhouse walls once more.

A world without Diamond Tiara. A world that, in spite of its near-dusk chill, was still bright, sun above the fog.


Applejack hovered above Babs Seed, dotting the filly’s scratches with a rag full of soapy water. Babs flinched at each touch, grumbling and cursing under her breath.

O’ course I jus’ get a few cuts an’ bruises an’ Applejack thinks I’m gonna get flesh-eatin’ bacteria o’ summat… Horseapples! “Youze done yet?!”

“Hold still, Babs! Yer jus’ gonna make it worse!” Applejack scolded. “Tarnation! First few Hearts an’ Hooves Days, y’all try an’ set up Fluttershy an’ Dash, then me an’ Rarity! An’ now, ya nearly get mauled by a timberwolf! Can’t ya have a normal holiday fer once?!”

Apple Bloom and Babs Seed exchanged a knowing glance.

To her sister, Apple Bloom answered, “Applejack, Ah think we Apples are a bit mo’ than jus’ normal, don’t ya think?”

To her elder cousin, Babs Seed remarked, “An’ what’s so fun ‘bout bein’ normal, anyways? Whateva dat means.”

Applejack chuckled. “Heh. Heh. Y'all both are grounded.”

“… Fo’ what?!” Babs shrieked.

“… Ah still don’t forgive y’all fer that date wit’ Rarity.”