Immortality of Exma

by Nightmare Chaser

Six thousand years ago: the execution of Exma

Canterlot, six thousand five hundred years ago

Exma walked down the streets of Canterlot as her persona, a silver colored mare known as Silver Scroll. She brushed a lock of her sandy blonde mane out of her face and adjusts the glasses on her snout as she walked to her place of work, the Canterlot library. She was one of the most beloved librarians in Canterlot and a lot of the ponies that pass her are at the library. She was greeted by ponies young and old, noble and not. She smiled as she arrived at her work and entered it being greeted by her boss as she walked in through the front door.

"Good morning Silver Scroll," a dark brown unicorn stallion said with a smile. "How are you this fine day?"

"I am doing fine sir," she replied to her boss, Dusty Book, as she sat at the front desk. "There was a fight on my way here so there was a crowd but some of the guards came and stopped it." She sighed happily. "Oh those guards, if only I can spend one day with one of them."

Dusty shook his head, completely aware of Silver's attraction to the guards. He sighed and walked off just as the first knowledge seeker of the day entered the building. Silver's ears perked up as a teenage unicorn filly with an orange coat and a tan mane, her little skirt swishing as she skipped in. Silver couldn't help but giggle as the teenage filly skipped to the counter, her lavender eyes sparkling as looked at the receptionist.

"And what can I do for you today young one?" Silver Scroll asked the giddy filly with a caring smile.

"I would like to check out a book ma'am." She said.

"Alright," she said as she took out the check out list and a quill, "May I get your name and which book you would like to...."

Before she could finish the front door of the Library burst open and guards rushed in scaring Silver and the filly. One of the guards saw Silver and ordered his men to arrest her. She was forced to the floor as she was restrained, her hands locked behind her back.

"What is the meaning of this?" Dusty demanded as he trotted from the back of the library.

"This is royal business sir." The captain said as Silver was pulled to her hooves.

"Well that's my employee you are arresting and as her boss I demand that you tell me why you are placing her under arrest." He said stomping his hoof causing the guard to sigh.

"This mare is under arrest for the murder of Count Atlas." the captain said making Dusty and Silver gasp at the same time.

"B-But I-I-I....." Silver stuttered. Not again. She thought as Dusty looked at her in shock.

"I-I never knew." he said, taking the guards words before anypony else's.

Without second thought the captain and his men dragged Silver out of the library. She could feel eyes of the surrounding ponies fall upon her as they passed by, all whispering as she was 'escorted' to the castle. She was shoved forward through the front gate and almost tripped. She cursed silently as she was taken to the one place nopony wanted to go unless they had a good reason for being there, the throne room. She whimpered as the two large doors opened and she was taken down the vast room towards the rulers of Equestria, King Cosmos and Queen Galaxia. King Cosmos sat in his throne wearing a dark coat that matched his own night sky coat, a gray pair of trousers edged in black, and a royal cape decorated with the constellations that decorated the night sky. His dark purple mane flowing to his right and his lavender eyes stared at Silver with a hardened glare as she was brought to him. Queen Galaxia sat next to her husband in a golden dress that brought out her pale white coat and her day-turning-tonight colored mane flowed in the opposite of her husband as her light orange eyes stared at Silver in a sympathetic way. Silver whimpered as she felt the magical aura of the two alicorns wash over her and she knew that whatever they had in store for her would result in dying again.

"Here is the mare you asked for your majesties." The captain said and bowed to the queen and king.

Silver was shoved in front of them and collapsed to the floor. She groaned as she got to her knees and stared up at Cosmos and Galaxia. She had a bad feeling that she was about to die without even pleading her case.

"So you are the mare that murdered Atlas, the count of Cloudsdale?" Cosmos asked.

"I didn't kill anyone my king." Silver said.

"Then how do you explain eyewitness reports that you left the count's Canterlot home last night," He said, his voice rising as he spoke to the silver mare causing her to flinch, "Not to mention that Captain Lance found the murder weapon in your home."

Silver's eyes widened and she stuttered, not believing what she was hearing.

"B-But I-I would never do that to another pony your majesty," she said, pleading her innocence, "I'm just the receptionist at the library, I have no reason to..."

"Silence!" Cosmos said in the Royal Canterlot Voice. "You Are Hereby Sentenced To Death By Beheading, Bring In The Royal Excecutioner."

As he said it, a tall, muscular stallion walked in wearing the stereotypical Excecutioners cowel and holding a large axe no normal Pony could hold. Silver was forced to bend over by two of the guards as the big pony stood next to her. She sighed as he brought the axe over her neck and lifted it high above his head.

"Any last words miss Silver Scroll?" Queen Galaxia asked.

"Immortalis." was all she said before the excecutioner brought the axe onto her neck, severing her head.

Silver's head rolled on the floor leaving a trail of scarlet before settling before the rulers. With a sigh the king ordered the body and head taken away just as two young fillies ran into the room, the two young princesses. They ran up to their parents, avoiding the severed head, and hugged them.

"Hello 'Tia, Lulu." Galaxia said to her daughters as she embraced both princesses.

"Did you excecute another bad pony daddy?" Celestia asked King Cosmos.

"Yes my little sun goddess," he said ruffling her rosey pink mane. "She won't hurt anypony else."

Celestia was going to say something positive to her father when Luna screamed. He looked at his daughter who was pointing in the direction of the severed head. The remaining family members looked in the direction Luna was pointing and looked in horror as the headless body that was motionless moments ago bend over to pick it's head up. The head's ruby eyes looked at the royal family and it smiled before being reunited with it's body. Silver sighed and cracked her neck before stretching.

"And that makes twenty five." she said rubbing her neck before looking at the king and queen.

They stared back in shock at the mare who had been beheaded and yet here she stood.

"H-How...." King Cosmos asked.

"How am I not dead?" Silver asked recieving a nod from the bewildered king.

"And what do you mean that by 'that makes twenty five'?" Galaxia asked, holding her daughters close. "Do you mean to say you've already been excecuted twenty four seperate times."

"Oh no no no," Silver said. "That's the twenty fifth time I've been beheaded."

They stared at her in terror thinking that she was going to try to harm them. Silver sighed.

"Now if you'll listen to me I will explain." she said a little annoyed at the King and Queen's ignorance.

The kings calmed down and so did the queen and children. With a smile Silver shed her persona, gaining gasps from the royal family. She stood before them as her scale self, her yellow green hide decorated in scars from previous battles and experiences in years past. She smiled at them and bowed.

"Allow me to reintroduce myself," She said with grace, "My name is Exma Immortalius and I am a true immortal."

"True Immortal?" Cosmos says in confusion. "That is impossible there is no such thing as a true immortal."

"Oh isn't there?" she says with a giggle before walking up to the king. "Then ask yourself this King Cosmos."

He looks at her curiously.

"How am I still alive after having my head lobbed off if i'm not a true immortal." She says as a smirk crosses her scaled muzzle.

He opens his mouth to say something but closed it.

"B-But that means..." Queen Galaxia said. "That the fairy tale we read to 'Tia and Lulu every night is true."

"Oh that story oh how I love that one." She smiles and wags her tail. "My best week ever."

"Sorry for executing you miss Immortalius." King cosmos says and received a pat from the lizard.

"It is alright but I did not murder anypony." she said sternly.

"I am sorry for that." he says again getting a sigh from Exma.

"I'm used to that actually," she said receiving a confused look from the king. "Too many times that's happened but hey that's in the past. Now if you'll excuse me I have to be going now."

"Why?" came the response from the young sun princess.

She turned and smiled at her. "Because I can't exactly walk around as a mare that's been executed for murder." she said with a smile. "But I promise i'll see you again all grown up Celestia."

Celestia smiled and she and Luna hugged Exma. She giggled and hugged them back before she disappeared in a ball of light. For years Celestia had wondered if she'd see that lizard woman again but as time passed the memory of the true immortal faded to the deepest part of her mind until she was nothing more than a phantom to the princess. That is until the day she was informed of an unusual patient at Ponyville General. A woman that looked like a dragon but without it's wings and smaller. Celestia summoned Luna and both of them teleported to Ponyville General only to be reunited with the true immortal.

"I thought I'd never see you again." She said as she hugged Exma who returned it happily.

"How have ya been kiddo?" Exma asked

"I have been well since i last met you." she said.

Exma smiled and lay back falling asleep. Celestia smiled and pulled the covers over her before she and luna teleported back to the castle.

To be continued.....