Living in Equestria

by Blazewing

*Alternate POV* Nocturnal Doings

Luna reopened her eyes, the glow of her horn evaporating. She was standing at a balcony, at the pinnacle of Canterlot Castle, from which she could command a widespread view of Equestria. Yes, she could even see the small town of Ponyville from where she stood; a princess of the night must be ever-vigilant of all of her subjects. She let out a small sigh.

“I would never have anticipated I should meet our new arrival under such circumstances, but how could I sense his need of assistance and stand idly by as he suffered? And he seemed such a good-natured boy, too.”

“Your Highness.”

Luna turned. Minister Ironmane stood at the doorway to the balcony. He inclined his head in a respectful obeisance.

“Ah, Ironmane. What brings you here at this hour?”

“I would have delivered this information to your sister," said Ironmane, "but by the time it arrived, she was already abed. I hope you don’t mind my telling you then, Princess.”

“Not at all. What is it?”

“We have received confirmation from Saddle Arabia. The delegates would be more than pleased to see a magic demonstration from young Twilight Sparkle. That is to say, if she is available to do so.”

“Ah, wonderful," said Luna, "and I’m certain she would be only too eager to agree. When is it to be done?”

“That they left for you and Princess Celestia to decide.”

“Very good. We shall send word once we determine a date. Thank you, Ironmane.”

Ironmane bowed again, and turned to leave, when Luna called after him, making him halt and turn around again.

“Oh! Minister?”

“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“Your arrival caused me to remember. I never did hear what your impression of this human in Ponyville was.”

A slight frown crossed Ironmane's face at this.

“The human in Ponyville, Your Majesty?”

“Indeed, unless there is one skulking around in Baltimare or Fillydelphia that escaped our notice,” said Luna, with a slight chuckle.

Ironmane thought it only polite to reciprocate with a grin.

“Well, while I can’t be positive at the moment, I can say he’s…unusually prepossessing.”

“Oh?” asked Luna, raising an eyebrow.

“I’ve observed him once or twice while I was in Ponyville," said Ironmane. "He seems rather easygoing, quick to make friends, but also rather impertinent.”

“How so?”

“He doesn’t cow easily to intimidation, and even has the nerve to speak back on the same level,” said Ironmane.

“Something you’re not used to, Minister?” asked Luna, slyly.

“Something I am used to, actually,” said Ironmane, in a somewhat testy tone, “and that is what makes me all the more wary of him. Your Highness, consider what he is. Consider what his kind-”


Ironmane flinched. If there were any two ponies whose powers of speech could quell the unruly as effectively as he, they were the Princesses. Luna didn’t even need to use the Royal Canterlot Voice to silence him.

“Leave that incident entirely out of the question,” she said, in a soft and dangerous voice.

“Incident? It was hardly an incident, Your Majesty!” said Ironmane, heatedly. “There’s a reason it’s stripped of its details in the history books! Can you imagine what a scandal it would arouse if Equestria knew that your sister was almost-”

“I asked you to hold your tongue!” said Luna, sharply, and Ironmane took a cautious step backward. “What happened in those days has no bearing on the events of this age. In any case, how can you assert that the same blood that flowed in the veins of a few rogue humans is the same that flows through his? And why should you take such stock in one foreigner when you deal with several on a daily basis?”

“Your Majesty knows the reason too well,” said Ironmane, stiffly. “Because I owe Princess Celestia my life, and to know that one of those…those creatures tried to-”

The words wouldn’t come, due to some anger or other strong emotion he was doing his utmost to choke down.

“it burns my insides.”

Luna had not once removed her eyes from Ironmane’s, but on hearing these words, she sighed and looked to the stars.

“I know, Ironmane, I know. I, too, was infuriated when I was told that-”

She, too, found it hard to put the rest into words.

“But is it really worth being harsh on this unoffending lad when he has committed no offense to the crown?”

“He’s committed nothing yet,” said Ironmane, bitterly, “but give him time. He may surprise us yet.”

“Oh, he’s surprised me very much already,” said Luna, in a wry tone.

Ironmane looked taken aback.

“You’ve met him, Your Highness?”

“In a manner of speaking,” said Luna. “He’s told me he’s braved the Everfree Forest, rescued a filly from its depths, and even had the time to find a home for her. Surely he can’t be all bad, Minister.”

Ironmane looked uncomfortable. On the one hand, he seemed determined to keep his argument to prove that Dave was not to be trusted, or to be given so much leeway, at any rate. On the other hand, he dared not contradict the Princess of the Night when he had already roused her ire.

“I have said he is unusually prepossessing,” said Ironmane, finally, “but he is still a foreigner. It’s my duty to observe his doings and take necessary precautions.”

“Of course it is, Ironmane,” said Luna, “and I have no fault in you for that. There’s a reason your cutie mark is what it is.”

Almost unconsciously, Ironmane, with the aura of his horn, lifted the hem of his cloak to expose his haunch, revealing his cutie mark: a shield crossed by a jousting lance from behind, with an eye in the center of the shield.

“Constant vigilance,” said Ironmane, almost to himself. “I swore myself to that: constant vigilance. I shall do what I can to keep that pledge carried out.”

“I understand,” said Luna, “but do not be harsher on him than is necessary, Ironmane. Do you know when you will encounter him again?”

“I know not, Your Majesty,” said Ironmane, “but should something else arise by his doings, I shall be there to hear him answer for it.”

“Then, that is all that we can ask for,” said Luna, softly. “Good night, Minister.”

“Good night, Your Majesty,” said Ironmane, bowing low, and taking his leave, at last, of the regal winged unicorn.

As soon as he was out of her presence, Ironmane let his features relax from their stony resolution, a troubled look overtaking his countenance, an expression like one who is torn between his own convictions and contrary evidence stacked against it.

“He has not, after all, done anything serious,” he said to himself, “but that is exactly how they took the country by surprise on that day. Princess Celestia trusts him, as does Princess Luna, but he has not earned my trust just yet. He has hardly been in Ponyville a week, and those of the right inner machinations may take days, weeks, even months to prepare their ultimate endeavors. Well, as Celestia saved me from certain doom, I will do what I must to do the same for her. I’m making no mistakes this time.”

So saying, the grim Minister of Foreign Affairs retired to his bedchamber, firm in his resolution.


That same evening, though a few hours later into it, Scootaloo lay stretched out on her new bed, gazing up at the moonlit ceiling, as Dinky slept across the room in her own bed, breathing softly. She was tired, but sleep hadn’t yet taken a hold on her. Her mind was busy elsewhere.

She had been excited, ecstatic at the prospect of having a home, a mother, a family, but now that the initial euphoria had settled, she was left feeling…awkward. Even in the days when she had to live with her lazy, drunkard father, she had been given free reign to do what she wanted while he wasn’t watching. She could eat what she wanted, sleep when she wanted, go where she pleased, but now she had someone to put a limit on those freedoms. It wasn’t that she was resentful, per se, but that it was a little tough getting used to.

There was also the shower of affections her new mother was bestowing upon her. It seemed Derpy was under the impression that Scootaloo had known nothing but neglect and heartache her whole life, and it was time she mended that with extra doses of love and attention. Now, it shouldn’t be supposed that Scootaloo was completely against displays of affection; it was really only when she was out in public when it was thrust upon her, especially in the company of her friends or Rainbow Dash.

And speaking of Rainbow Dash, her idol had actually been part of the group that had helped her get adopted in the first place. The mare she hero-worshiped had actually stepped down to see that she was all right. She truly did care about her.

To sweeten the deal, Scootaloo had even heard Derpy mention once that she had been on good terms with Rainbow back in flight school. To have a mother who was on close terms with Rainbow Dash; it was like her birthday 7 days a week! Maybe she could even give her some side lessons on flying, in between Sundays. There was no reason why they couldn’t add in a few more. How awesome would it be to have a sister like Rainbow Dash?

And then there was Dave. This human, this strange creature she had first encountered dancing with Rarity in a bathrobe, this good-natured giant whom they named an honorary Crusader; it was he who had braved the Everfree Forest just to rescue her, then went through the trouble of finding her a family, an act that earned him her eternal gratitude. She had to figure out how to make it up to him, somehow, someway.

Then, a dark cloud passed over her expression as she thought of 'them': Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. She would have to face them tomorrow at school. They picked the most menial of reasons to poke fun at the Crusaders. They wasted no opportunities in finding the least faults or points of ridicule in them. They had made it a mission to mock Apple Bloom at Diamond Tiara’s cutecenera, tried to make her feel ashamed of her own grandmother. How would they abuse Scootaloo when they found out she really had been an orphan, or found reason to tease her because of being part of Derpy’s family? They might even target Dinky because of her. Her blood tingled to think about it, and she felt herself growing hot with anger at imaging anyone who would make fun of her new mother or sister, but upon reflection, she was glad she was angry. It was a reassurance to her that they were, indeed, her family now.

She was about to finally drop off to sleep when she heard the sound of whimpering. Looking to her side, she saw Dinky fussing beneath her covers, giving little whimpers, obviously locked in some bad dream. Scootaloo slipped out of bed, crossed to Dinky, and gently shook her.

“Dinky, wake up,” she whispered. "Dinky!"

Dinky’s yellow eyes shot open with a sharp yelp, and she breathed quickly and frantically.

“What’s the matter?” Scootaloo asked.

Dinky turned to Scootaloo, still looking panicky.

“I…I was having a bad dream,” she said. “I dreamed I was trying to levitate an apple, like I see all the big unicorns do.”

Scootaloo nodded to show she comprehended. Dinky’s magical skills had not yet developed, much like Sweetie Belle’s, though the latter had been showing sparks in moments of excitement lately.

“I got the apple to start glowing,” Dinky went on, “and then it started lifting up! I was so happy that I didn’t see what was happening at first, and the next thing I knew, the apple was a monster that started attacking Ponyville!”

Scootaloo grimaced. Of all things Dinky could have described, she had not seen that coming.

“I tried to change it back, but I couldn't! It just laughed and stomped around! Everypony was running away from it! And then…and then…”

Tears sprang into the little unicorn’s eyes.

“It took Mama, and Sparkler, and you, and ate you all up! Right in front of me! And then it turned around to eat me, and…and…!”

She could say no more. She covered her face with her hooves and cried. A sharp pang went through Scootaloo’s heart. It hurt her to see her new little sister like this, especially when she was always so happy and carefree whenever she saw her. Also, there was an extra pang added from the fact that Scootaloo had been a part of the nightmare. Dinky really cared about her that much, even though they’d only just become sisters. She wasn’t sure what to do, or what to say. She wasn’t used to this stuff.

Suddenly, the hall light clicked on, startling the two. The door opened, and Sparkler, tired but alert, entered.

“Is everything ok?” she asked. “I heard somepony scream.”

“Dinky,” said Scootaloo, glad to have somepony else intervene. “She had a bad dream.”

Dinky sniffled and wiped at her eyes.

“Sorry, Sparkly,” she said, in a small voice. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Oh, Dinky, it’s ok,” said Sparkle, kindly.

She walked over and sat beside the bed, so that her head was level with her sister’s.

“Now, what happened in this dream?” she asked.

And so, once again, Dinky related her bizarre and terrible dream, the repetition not at all sitting well with Scootaloo. Sparkler listened attentively, and her gentle face looked pained as Dinky came to the conclusion and started crying again.

“Dinky, that’s horrible,” she said, leaning in and nuzzling the disconsolate filly gently. “I’m sorry you had such a dream. but that’s all it was, a dream.”

“But…but what if it does happen?” asked Dinky, leaning against her older sister’s cheek. “What if I do make something bad happen when I learn magic?”

“It won’t be something as bad as that,” reassured Sparkler.

She paused, then asked,

“You want to hear a secret?”

Dinky sniffled, then said, “Uh-huh.”

“I did something pretty crazy when I first learned magic, when I was about your age.”

Dinky wiped her nose, looking curious.

“What did you do?”

“I turned Mom’s wings green,” said Sparkler, with a grim smile.

Dinky gasped, and Scootaloo burst into a laugh.

“Seriously?” she asked.

“Super-seriously,” said Sparkler. “Mom wasn’t too happy about it, and grounded me for a week. I wanted to make amends for it, but I didn’t know how. So, I decided to spend my time grounded in trying to remember how I did the spell, and figuring out how to reverse it. Mind you, I was only a little filly, so I didn’t know how to distinguish one spell from the next. I wasn’t coming up with any answers in a hurry, so I decided to go out for a walk. I was feeling pretty gloomy, because Mom had been pretty moody. In fact, she had been ever since-”

She suddenly stopped herself, even though Scootaloo and Dinky were all ears.

“Well, she’d been kind of down lately,” she continued, “and I couldn’t help thinking I’d only made it worse. As I was walking, however, my horn started to act up, and began thudding my head against the ground, as if a magnet was calling it. I had no idea what was going on, but I dug at the spot my horn was pointing to, and I found a little diamond, all covered with dirt, but still pretty. I decided to take it home, clean it up, and give it to Mom for her birthday, which, coincidentally, was the day my grounding ended. Well, I polished it up as well as I could, and it didn’t look half-bad after that, so I wrapped it up and waited for Mom’s birthday. When it rolled around, I finally gave it to her, and her face just instantly lit up. I told her I was sorry about her wings, but she just scooped me up and hugged me super-tight. I was so overjoyed that my simple little gift made her so happy, that I didn’t notice two things.”

“What were those?” asked Scootaloo.

“One, that, in my excitement, I made another burst of magic that turned Mom’s wings back to gray. And second, that I’d gotten my cutie mark!”

She turned slightly to allow them to see the three diamonds on her flank. Dinky and Scootaloo looked awed.

“I’d figured out, in that moment before earning it, that it was my duty to make those around me happy with beautiful gems. It was a wonderful day on all accounts.”

“Wow,” said Dinky.

“But do you want to know what’s even better?” asked Sparkler.


“That very same day, Mom started feeling ill, so she went to the hospital, and guess what she found out, little sister.”

“Um, I dunno, what?” asked Dinky.

Sparkler giggled and nuzzled her nose against hers.

“She found out you were in her tummy.”

Dinky gave a small gasp.

“That’s one heck of a birthday,” said Scootaloo, amazed.

“I couldn’t agree more, Scootaloo. So, after a little bit of an accident with Mom’s wings, everything had turned out all right in the end after all.”

Dinky smiled brightly.

"Feel better now?" Sparkler asked.

“Uh-huh. Thanks, Sparkly.”


Dinky raised herself and threw her little hooves around her big sister’s neck, and Sparkler, with another soft giggle, held her close for a moment or two, as Scootaloo watched. She was impressed with how Sparkler had been able to banish Dinky’s night terrors away, and the story made her feel warm inside as well. To think that so much good could happen all in one day. It reminded her of how she felt only yesterday, when she became a Hooves.

“Good night, Dinky,” said Sparkler, giving her little sister a kiss on the forehead.

“Good night, Sparkly,” said Dinky, nestling back under the covers.

Sparkler then turned to Scootaloo, as she crawled back into her own bed.

“You all right, Scoot?” she asked.

“Yeah. I was just worried about Dinky. That was a really sweet story.”


She crossed over to Scootaloo's bed and placed a hoof on hers, her expression becoming slightly more serious.

"Listen, Scootaloo, you know you can always come to Mom or me if anything’s wrong, right?” she asked.

“Mm-hmm," said Scootaloo, nodding.

“So, tell me, are you sure nothing else is bothering you?”

Scootaloo hesitated.

“Well," she said, slowly, "It just feels kind of...awkward, having a family again. I mean, before, I was so thrilled, but now I feel kind of...I dunno.”

“Don’t worry about it,” said Sparkler, gently tousling her mane, “I understand. You’ve made a huge transition, and it’ll take some time to get into the swing of things, but I know you’ll be fine.”

This reassurance brought a smile to Scootaloo’s face. Then, after a bit of thought, she asked,

“Do you think you could ask Mom if we can arrange Rainbow Dash to give me some flying lessons on the side?”

“Of course. I’ll ask her in the morning. Good night, Scoot.”

And she leaned down and kissed Scootaloo’s forehead, an act that made the little pegasus crinkle her nose, but she appreciated the sentiment nonetheless.

“Good night, Sparkler.”

The gentle-natured unicorn took one last look at her little sisters settling back into bed, smiled, and left the bedroom, closing the door softly behind her.


“Sweetie Belle, what are you still doing up?”

Rarity was exhausted, and thus her patience was stretched as thin as a bowstring. Sweetie Belle, however, was fussing around her older sister’s workroom, frequently returning to the sewing bench, where a strip of red cloth was laid out, already embroidered with the emblem of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“This has to be perfect,” muttered Sweetie Belle to herself, as she once more double-checked the fabric.

“Sweetie, you have school in the morning, and it’s now almost 11 o’clock.”

“I know, I know, but I wanna make sure this cape looks just right.”

“Honestly, you and your Crusader capes,” grumbled Rarity. “First, you use my gold silk without my permission for the first three capes, and now you expect me to just sit back and watch you make another, and at such a late hour too!”

“But I thought it added the perfect touch,” said Sweetie Belle, stung by these words. “Besides, Dinky ought to have a cape just like ours.”

Rarity snapped into a new alertness at Sweetie Belle’s response.

“This cape’s for Dinky?” she asked.

“Uh-huh. We want to make her a member tomorrow, so the cape has to be exactly like ours.”

“You’re making her a Crusader now, too? I had no idea Dinky didn’t have her cutie mark yet.”

“She’s never brought it up before, and we only just noticed. We’d thought about adding new members for a while now, even before Dave joined, but now with Dinky and Scootaloo being sisters, it kind of sealed the deal.”

Rarity just stood staring at her little sister as she continued to fuss over the cape, amazed at her dedication and good-heartedness. She remembered the days when they would quarrel over everything, particularly from Sweetie Belle’s need to assist her older sis with everything, even though this usually led to a bigger mess than before, though only because Sweetie Belle had been innocently unaware of the implications. Recently, however, things had gotten much smoother between them. Sweetie Belle was visiting much more than she had in Rarity’s colder days, and there was a better understanding between the two of them, although the elder sister still felt the title of 'best older sister' rested on Applejack’s shoulders. Rarity knew she wasn’t perfect, but she was trying, little by little, to repair the damage caused by their distance apart after she had moved away from her parents’ home.

Finally, she allowed herself a little smile.

“Sweetie Belle, that’s very kind of you to want to do this for Dinky, but why don’t I finish this up?”

Sweetie Belle looked up, surprised.

“You’d want to do that for me?” she asked. “But what about you? Weren’t you making more clothes for Dave today?”

“Invariably, yes, among my other projects.”

“How do you do it, anyway? Dave isn’t a pony, so it must be pretty tough.”

“Oh, not at all, darling. From what Dave’s told me, humans share many fashion choices as we ponies do, only they tend to always pair shirts with pants or shorts or the like.”

“Ohh. So, do you like making human clothes?”

“It’s a very ambitious side-project, yes, but one I’m fully up to the task for. Why, I might even call Fancypants or Hoity Toity in and see what they think.”

Rarity saw she was getting off track and cleared her throat.

“But I digress. Run along to bed, and I’ll make sure Dinky’s cape is perfect.”

“Ok!" said Sweetie Belle, eagerly. "Thanks, Rarity!”

She bounced over and nuzzled up to her big sister. Rarity smiled and pulled her into a side hug with one foreleg.

“You’re welcome, darling. Good night.”


Sweetie Belle scampered upstairs as Rarity, putting her work glasses on, sat herself behind the sewing bench and inspected Sweetie Belle’s work. The younger unicorn had put her cape beside the machine as a kind of exemplary template to follow her work from, and from what Rarity could see, very little differed between them. Only a few stitches were incomplete, and the patch still had to be sewed on, but otherwise, it was a near copy. Rarity couldn’t help but feel a warmth in her heart that Sweetie Belle took her big sister’s fashion career to heart, especially given her young age.

“Well, this shouldn’t take too long,” she said, levitating a sewing needle. She chuckled to herself. “Look at me. I tell Sweetie Belle off for using my gold silk, and now I’m fixing up a cape it was made from. Sometimes I think there’s such a thing as being too generous.”

And she set to work on the unfinished cape.


The night hours were usually a time for repose, relaxation, or slumber, but one pony was still wide awake. In the little house she shared with Bon Bon, barely a block away from the sweet shop, Lyra was still in a state of excitement over her interview with Dave and Twilight.

“You should’ve been there, Bonnie! You’d have learned so much!”

“Yes, I’m sure I would have, Lyra,” said Bon Bon, trying to keep her patience as she readjusted her position on her bed, “but you’ve told me about a dozen times now. Do you think you can settle down so we can get some sleep?”

Bon Bon had spent the time while Lyra was away in planning new special treats for Nightmare Night, at least until she needed Lyra's final opinions.

“Sleep? Who can sleep when everything I’ve ever studied has been confirmed?” asked Lyra.

“A good many ponies, you’d be surprised to find,” said Bon Bon, a bit testier than would have been wise, perhaps.

Sensing this, she changed her tone and turned over to look at her unicorn pal.

“Look, Lyra, I am happy for you, really. I know you’ve always been, well, let’s face it, a little obsessed about humans-”

“Because they’re so fascinating!” said Lyra, kicking her hind legs as she lay on her bed. “Those fingers, those toes, the stuff they use when they don’t have wings or magic! Who wouldn’t be fired up about that?!”

“Well, from what you’ve told me of what he said, he does seem to come from a very interesting locale," said Bon Bon. "Anyway, my point is, it’s great that he answered your questions, but can you put a lid on it? You’ve been talking nonstop about it ever since you came back, and it’s starting to get a little grating.”

She had said this as gently as she could, but her words still made Lyra’s smile fade.

“Lyra, I’m sorry-” Bon Bon began.

“No, Bonnie, you’re right,” said Lyra, humbly. “I guess I am going a little overboard.”

She stretched herself out, staring at the ceiling.

“But, it feels so good to feel right for once," she said, "to know I’m not crazy.”

“Oh, Lyra, not this again,” said Bon Bon, wearily.

“I'm serious, Bonnie. Remember what I said about when I was in grade school in Canterlot?”

“Grade school…" Bon Bon mused. "Oh! You mean your history project?”

“Yeah. I did a report on humans in relation to Equestrian history. It was brilliant! But my teacher told me humans were little better than a myth, and that the class was supposed to be concerned with ‘fact’, so she failed my assignment."

Lyra turned over and punched her pillow in frustration.

"It bugged me all the way up until graduation.”

“Lyra,” said Bon Bon, soothingly, but Lyra went on.

“I wanted to be an anthropologist, but nopony ever takes it seriously, or even really knows what anthropology is, so I decided to be a lyrist instead, like my cutie mark told me to. At least there I could vent my feelings through music.”

“And you’re a wonderful lyrist, Lyra," said Bon Bon.

“Not enough to be in the Canterlot Symphony Orchestra," said Lyra. "Octavia was the one for that.”

“You don’t hate her for that, do you?”

“Hate her?" asked Lyra, incredulously. "How can I hate her? She deserves to be part of the Orchestra. She’s amazing! I just…”

Lyra sighed and thumped her head against her pillow.

“I’m just tired of nothing I do ever amounting to anything. I wanna be a somepony who can change lives.”

There was a pause.

“You’ve changed mine," said Bon Bon, gently.

Lyra looked up, surprised. Bon Bon was sitting up, smiling at her.

“I hadn’t had that many friends before you moved to Ponyville," she said. "All I had were the customers as they came and went while I sat behind the cash register. You’re a ton of fun to be around, even if you are a little nutty. Every day with you is like an adventure. I know I get a little impatient with you, but nothing will change the fact that you’re my best friend in the whole world.”

Lyra’s orange eyes went moist, her lip quivering. Then, she launched herself off of her bed and threw herself at Bon Bon, hugging her tightly. The compassionate candy-maker put her hooves around the human-crazy lyrist, completing the embrace.

“Thanks, Bonnie,” said Lyra, huskily. “I needed that.”

“Anytime, Ly-Ly,” said Bon Bon.

“Hey!” said Lyra, in a jestingly insulted tone, pulling back to look Bon Bon in the eye.

“If you get to call me by my nickname, then I can do the same to you,” said Bon Bon, with a smirk. “Turnabout is fair play,” she added, booping Lyra on the nose with her hoof, prompting both of them to break into giggles.

Finally, exhaustion seemed to catch up with Lyra, as she yawned mightily, disengaged herself from Bon Bon, and settled herself beneath her covers. Relieved to finally have some peace for the night, Bon Bon snuggled under her own sheets, both ponies wishing each other good night before Lyra winked the light out with her horn.

All was silent at last, until,

“Still, fingers. How do they work?”

“Lyra,” said Bon Bon, in a gently warning voice.

“A-heh, right, sorry,” said Lyra, sheepishly. “Night.”

Bon Bon sighed and settled back into slumber.


But not all who were consumed with nocturnal thoughts were at peace, or even in the company of another. In her caravan hidden in the woods, the pony once known as Beatrix Lulamoon, she who now went under the mantle of the Great and Powerful Trixie, was deep in conflicted mental concentrations. She had a piece of parchment in front of her, and a quill, held in her unicorn’s aura, was scribbling furiously.

There were two things foremost on her fevered mind: Dave and Twilight Sparkle. In regards to the latter, she still harbored an intense resentment toward the scholarly mare after the events of her previous stay in Ponyville. She had not known a day of peace since her exile, as word had spread of her humiliation at Twilight’s hooves. In fact, the paper she was working on was a scrap sheet of ways and means with which she might attain revenge against her for the injustice wrought upon her by that Ursa Minor incident, from pranks set around her home to vile rumors, but she had difficulty knowing which to choose.

Then there was Dave. This human, wherever he came from, had at least tried to be friendly towards her. He actually showed concern for her well-being, and even brought her a present of muffins, and how did she repay him? By frightening him with the hard truth. She had only been trying to warn him before it was too late, but had she gone about it the wrong way?

She shook her head vigorously to clear it. Why was she taking such an interest in this stranger? He was only a temporary acquaintance. She had told him herself, never form attachments if you don’t intend to stick around. As soon as she was in better spirits again, she would be on her way.

So, then, why was she sticking around in these woods? Why did she hesitate?

“Revenge on Twilight Sparkle,” she breathed to herself in response. “That, and only that. Once I think of how, then we can proceed.”

Thus affirming her own doubts, she continued her planning well into the night.