Earth's Nightmare Era

by Nightmare Chaser


As the first rays of Celestia's sun shone through the windows of Chase's temporary home while in Ponyville, Chase sat up and yawned, stretching his forelegs up and was thankful for the momentary feeling of waking to the morning sun for the first time in years. He got out of his bed and headed for the bathroom to shower before heading to Twilights home to strategize. He looked himself in the bathroom mirror and, much like the other times he's done so, he saw Nightmare moon staring back at him. He knew she wasn't really there but he couldn't help but shift nervously at her gaze.

"Your idea will never succeed, my little traitor," The illusion sneered at Chase and cackled, "You and the Elements will fail and i will continue to rule your world forever."

Chase shook his head and turned away from the reflection, doubt starting to fill him. He shook his head again before turning back to the mirror and seeing his reflection staring back at him instead of that horrible monster.

"We won't fail," he said to himself, still hearing the cackling of the imaginary Nightmare, "We will end you , my 'teacher', and when we do everything you've done will unravel and the sun will rise once again."

With that done with Chase strode out of the home and headed for the librarian's home, his mind focused on ending Nightmare Moon. As he walked to the tree home, Chase could feel many eyes on him as he passed the ponies they belonged to and he could feel a slight malice in them. But he didn't let that get to him, he always got glares from rebels whenever he was allowed a chance to walk freely.

"Look out!" Came a voice from Chase's left followed by something crashing into him suddenly.

With a groan, Chase started to get up and looked at whoever crashed into him. He was suprised to see three young fillies sprawled on the ground. Each of the fillies were a different race, an orange pegasus, whose wings were a little smaller than usual , witha a purple mane and matching tail, a yellow earth pony with a bow in her red mane, and a white unicorn with a curled pink and light purple mane and tail. As they started to get up, groaning, he noticed they had no 'cutie marks' as he was told they were called.

"Are you ok, mister?" The little unicorn asked

"Yeah i'm fine," Chase brushed his forelegs of dust, "Are you three ok?"

"Yeah, we've taken worse falls before." The pegasus said before they turned to Chase.

Their eyes widened when they saw Chase. He sighed and expected them to run away screaming, but was suprised when they smiled and tackled him to the ground. He felt little hooves grab and touch his wings, horn, mane, and tail.

"Another alicorn," the earth pony said, starry eyed, "An' he looks a bit like Luna only darker and not all depressed."

"Maybe he's related to the princesses?"

"Uh..." Chase started but was interuppted by the pegasus.

"He can't be."

"He could be Scootaloo you never know."

Chase was about to snap when Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy walked over to where we were and saw the three fillies arguing. They came over quickly and broke the girls argument.

"AppleBloom, what the hay are ya three arguing about now?" Applejack asked, pulling the yellow earth pony to her.

"They were arguing about whether or not i was related to Celestia and Luna." Chase said, his frustration fading.

Rainbow Dash laughed like she heard the best joke ever, which in a sense it was.

"Oh that's hilarious squirts."

"Now Sweetie belle," Rarity turned to the little white unicorn, "Chase is not related to the princesses."

"Why would he be related to some pony who tried to kill him yesterday." Rainbow Dash said, still laughing.

The fillies looked confused and Chase sighed.

"Ok before this goes any further, who are these three?"

They introduced themselves as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the pegasus being Scootaloo, the unicorn being Rarity's sister Sweetie Belle, and the yellow earth pony was Applejacks sister Applebloom. Chase introduced himself before remembering that he and the girls needed to be at Twilights house.

They said good-bye to the CmC and went in the direction of the library, which said they were closed. Chase was glad, he didn't want any interruptions for this meeting. They entered the library and saw Pinkie and Twilight already talking amongst themselves. They turned to Chase who immediately pulled a piece of paper and a pencil from a saddle bag so graciously provided by Celestia and set them on the floor.

"I will be honest with you girls, i'm starting to doubt doing this in the first place." He looked at them with a sorrowful look.

"Why is that?" Twilight asked.

"Because there is a great risk of failure and even death," Chase said, "And now that i've seen the mares who wield the Elements of Harmony, I don't want to lead you to your death just to save my own world."

They all looked at him confused. Chase looked away, the image of Nightmare Moon in the mirror as well as what she said still in his mind.

"Look man," Rainbow Dash said impatiently, trotting up to Chase and getting in his face, "you came and asked us to help you and now your saying that your not going to let us help, what's up with that?"

Chase was taken aback by this and was met with all eyes on him.

"Nightmare Moon..." Chase began.

"So what if she's more powerful now," Applejack said, "We can't just let her continue ruling your world, whether you want us to or not."

"That's right silly." Pinkie said, as cheery as ever, "We're always there for a friend in need."

His eyes widened when he heard the word friend come from the pink pony's mouth.

"You consider me a friend, even though i just met you?"

They all nodded their heads and Chase grinned like an idiot causing the girls to laugh.

With his mind at ease and his resolve to destroy Nightmare Moon strengthened, they planned their attack. The words Pinkie said rang in his head as he wrote down and sketched out the strategies.

Suddenly, the voice of his human side in rags popped into his head and rang clear.

"Never forget who you are."

To Be Continued....