Earth's Nightmare Era

by Nightmare Chaser

A Nightmareish Beginning (Chase's Flashback)

(I'd like to thank blobbo420 for helping me with the names of the Dark Bolts, if your reading this thnx man.)

It all began five years ago, on the week known to all as the Days of Nightmares, when the creature known as Nightmare Moon appeared into the human world after her defeat at the hands of the Elements of Harmony. The first four days, she silently observed the humans from the shadows, studying everything she could about the humans, their culture, behavior, what they feared, their strengths and weeknesses. Then she decided to test something that was on her mind on the second day of observing these creatures. In the dead of night on the same day, she silently entered the home of a married man named Jason McCrellean who was a Senator for the state of Florida and changed him and his wife into the first of the many soldiers for her army. With this discovery she decided to set out and each night transformed a set amount of humans into her soldiers until she was sure there were enough to set her plan into motion.

On the night of the fifth day of nightmare, Nightmare Moon sent her soldiers to the more major power plants around the world and told them to wait for her command. She also put her soldiers at key locations around the world, miitary instalations, government buildings, and the U.N. Upon her orders, all the soldiers struck destroying all the locations and setting the world in chaos. It was that moment that Nightmare Moon announced her presence to the world and plunged the earth into eternal darkness. The world had officially been put into the Nightmare Era.

The first thing the new earthly Queen of the Night decreed was the building of her dark castle. Under the watch of Nightmare's dark guards armed with spears and whips, the humans built the castle to her specified designs. After about two or so months, and much pain and suffering while building, the castle was complete. Much to everyones relief she was pleased with her castle. The humans who worked on her castle, a good two thousand humans, were transformed into more of her guards and even turned five of them into her Dark Bolts. All of them wore indigo colored jump, or in this case flight suits, that covered all but their wings and top of their heads that had a black lightning bolt streaking across both sides of the suits. Each of them wore dark, malicious looking goggles that almost seemed as if they could see into your very souls. The dark bolts members were two stallions and three mare by the names of StarStreak, ThunderHoof, Solar Eclipse, Acid Rain, and Dusk Glider. They loved to put on a show for Nightmare Moon and anyone who Nightmare Moon thought was worthy to see their shows.

It was within ten months that she had a vision of her permanent end at the hands of the Elements of Harmony and a Human by the name of Chase Welcher.

"StarStreak!" Nightmare Moon called the leader of the Dark Bolts, who streaked in like the wind and bowed before her queen.

"What may the Dark Bolts do for you, my queen?" StarStreak asked her ruler, who glared out the window in worry.

"I have just had a most unpleseant vision of my demise," Nightmare Moon said coldly, her eyes glowing with growing anger. "I need you and your Dark Bolts to set out and locate a human by the name of Chase Welcher."

"Of course my queen, what does this human look like so our search may bring you better results?" The Dark Bolts leader asked.

Reaching into her memory, she searched for the image of the human that would be an accomplice in her demise. Finding the image she was looking for, her starry mane began to stir and began to form the image of a five foot seven caucasion human male of about twelve or so with short brown hair, green eyes, and a noticable scar on his left eyebrow.

StarStreak studied the image before bowing again. "It shall be done my queen."

She was dismissed by the Mare in the Moon and immediately flew to Dark Bolts quarters. As she entered the bunk area of their quarters, she saw the remaining Dark Bolts doing different off duty activities. Thunderhoof was doing wing-ups, trying to keep his wings in shape for when they are called for duty, Acid Rain was deep in a book she had been reading for the past two weeks, and Solar Eclipse and Dusk Glider were hoof wrestling, Solar obviously winning against Dusk. Upon the sound of her hooves, the Dark Bolts stood at attention for StarStreak, who was glad for her position.

"Alright Dark Bolts listen up," she said as she trotted towards them, "Our queen has given us an important task to accomplish, failure is not an option."

"What is our task ma'am?" Dusk asked, keeping his attention ahead.

"She wants us to locate andreport the location of a human boy by the name of Chase Welcher." She said and the Dark Bolts all said yes ma'am. "Now suit up and report to the roof immediately."

On the roof of the Dark Bolts they assembled and after a recap on their assignment they set off in search of Chase.

Meanwhile at Chase's home, he and his family were sitting at the dinner table about to partake in some dinner when they heard the sounds of five pair of hooves in the front yard followed by the harsh sound of a hoof on the front door. Chase's father stood to answer the door, looking at his family with fear easily seen in his eyes. He answered the door to find the Dark Bolts staring up at him, their goggles barely glinting in the torch light.

"Greetings," StarStreak said, a little annoyed of their search turning up nothing so far, "May we come inside?"

Mike nodded and stood aside, allowing the dark pegasi inside and closed the door behind them. He nervously offered them a drink of water which they refused, saying that they were here on official business assigned by Nightmare Moon herself, which made Mike even more nervous.

"W-what do we owe the pleasure of the queens Dark Bolts to our home?" Mike asked, rubbing his hands together nervously. Solar Eclipse noticed this and grinned.

"Do you have a twelve year old son sir?" StarStreak asked, silently hoping that this house will contain their objective.

"Y-yes i do, ma'am." Mike stuttered and tried to keep eye contact with the dark grey mare. "W-why do you ask?"

"It is none of your concern, unless your son is the one our queen is searching for." StarStreak said, her wings ruffling in frustration. "Just call him now."

At the sound of his name, Chase walked into the living room before freezing before the dark team of pegasi. The dark bolts eyes widened under their goggles and quickly approached Chase who flinched.

StarStreak turned to Acid Rain, "Report to Nightmare Moon and tell her we found him." Acid Rain nodded and opened the door before flying off in the direction of the dark castle.

Chase tried to walks off but Dusk Glider stopped him and he and Solar Eclipse force him on the couch. He looked absolutely terrified as his mother and older brother enter the room at the sounds of Chase and the Dark bolts.

"Stay there maggot," Dusk said in a dark voice, staring down at Chase, causing him to squirm under his stare.

"Now now dusk Glider, no need to make him feel uncomfortable," StarStreak said maliciously, looking towards Chase with a grin, "That is our queens job."

Chase squirmed in fear for ten minutes before the torches flickered and the door swung open, slamming into the wall. Lightning flashed as Nightmare Moon, the dark queen of the night, stood there with a scowl. Everyone bowed to her in fear as she entered the home, her dark aura washing over the entire home causing the torches to flicker constantly. Her gaze turned to her Dark Bolts who bowed in respect to their queen.

"Where is he?" She asked in her usual dark tone, her eyes glowing.

The dark pegasi stepped aside and revealed the cowering child. Nightmare Moon grinned and approached the child, who stared at the dark alicorn in complete horror. Chase was wondering what she would do to him and what he did to deserve whatever she had planned for him. Nightmare Moon stopped in front of Chase and stared down at him with malicious, snake-like eyes. She wondered why this chiled was destined to help the Elements of Harmony and the wretched mares who wielded them to end her once and for all.

Suddenly a thought popped into her head, a deliciously evil thought. She looked down at the child and her grin widened, scaring Chase more.

"You know who i am do you not child?" Nightmare asked the scared child, who nodded. "Then you must know how much of an honor it is to have me make an appearance in your home."

Chase nodded and Nightmare Moon looked at his family, who flinched.

"I have come to you this evning to give you a chance to be your queens student and learn the ways of magic." She said in a polite yet malicious tone, catching Chase and everyone else off guard.

"Y-you want m-me to be your s-student y-your majesty?" He asked, slowly sitting up.

"Did i stutter?" Nightmare growled, making Chase flinch. "Now you can either become my student or you and your family will perish here and now."

Chase's eyes widened and he looked at his family, each with terror in their eyes. His mother looked at him and mouthed please do it, on the verge of tears. Nodding he turned to the azure armor clad alicorn and said he would become her student.

"Wise choice," Nightmare Moon said with a smirk, "Approach your teacher, my student."

Chase stood and and approached his new teacher and stood before her. She turned to Thunderhoof and motioned him forward.

Thunderhoof strode towards his queen and bowed. "What will you have me do your majesty." Thunderhoof asked his queen.

"We are heading back to the castle, i want you to carry my student there." She said , turning to the door.

He nodded and turned to Chase , ordering him to get on his back and to hold on tight. Chase nodded nervously before getting on Thunderhoof's back. Nightmare Moon and the Dark Bolts exited the home and launched into the night sky, heading in the direction of Nightmare Moon's castle. Chase clung to Thunderhoof's neck as the wind blew in his face and the adrenaline pumping in his veins.

He looked around at the landscape speeding by as conflicting thoughts played through his mind. He was glad that he was given this oppurtunity to do something more than he already was, scared that Nightmare Moon personally came to his home to ask him to be her student, and sad that he may never see his family again.

StarStreak flew next to the pair. "Don't worry." She said over the wind, "It's a huge honor to be the student of Nighmare Moon."

Chase nodded nervously and looked at the dark alicorn. They arrived at the palace and Chase fell off Thunderhoof's back and landed on the ground hard. He got up, groaning, and followed his teacher into the throne room.

Nightmare Moon sat in her throne and commanded Chase forward. Chase did so and stood before the dark alicorn. She looked down at him from her throne.

"If you are to be my student," Nightmare Moon said, staring down at her student, "You must pledge your loyalty to me and never falter on my orders."

Chase nods and pledges himself to Nightmare Moon, who smiled. Her horn suddenly started glowing and a mist of night surrounded Chase. At first he started to panic as his body started to feel strange. He felt things start to disappear and appear. He felt his bones begin to shift, his hair grow longer and change color, he felt himself grow a little smaller, and he felt himself grow wings, a tail, a coat of dark blue fur, and a horn. The mist disappatedand before Nightmare Moon stood a dark blue alicorn with a white mane, white tail, and emerald green snake-like eyes.

"You now look like a proper student for me." Nightmare Moon said, laughing as Chase looked himself over.

Chase was very confused and tested his wings, seeing if they actually worke. He saw that they in fact worked, the muscles in his wings moving the wings up and down. He flexed them experimentally and was fascinated that he had actual functioning wings. Nightmare Moon let the curious boy experiment with his new body before snapping him back to her.

"Now that you are somewhat acquanted with your new body we shall proceed with your teachings." Nightmare Moon said and stood, approaching her student.

Chase nodded and procceeded to learn from the Mare in the Moon.

"And for four and a half years, i loyaly followed Nightmare Moon and i have done unspeakable things in her name, things i regret doing." Chase said, finishing his tale on the verge of tears.

Celestia, the girls, and Luna sat on their haunches, listening intentively. Chase could see tears welling up in most of their eyes. Celestia looked over to Luna who stared at Chase, her emotions and thoughts conflicting at the alicorns story.

"Oh you poor thing, you've had it so hard." Rarity said, tears rolling down her cheeks and she hugged Chase.

The other girls hugged him too and Chase once again felt something he hasn't felt in so long, he felt loved. He hugged the girls with a smile as he felt the pain and sorrow melt away in the embrace of these six special mares. Luna stood and approached Chase, the look on her face never changing. The girls saw Luna and backed away, worried looks on their faces. The princess of the night looked at the Mare in the Moon's student, emerald staring at teal, before doing something that suprised Chase, Celestia and the girls. Luna hugged Chase, wrapping her forehooves and wings around the dark blue alicorn.

"Well this is a suprise," Celestia said, her usual calm demeanor replaced with a look of suprise. "Luna, I thought you hated Nightmare Moon?"

"I do, but i do not however hate somepony who's life was taken from him." She said, not looking at her sister. "From what i've heard today, this alicorn was forced to become her student or he would be dead. He chose his family's life before his own freedom."

Celestia nodded. Luna broke the embrace and looked at Chase.

"I'm sorry i attacked you chase." Luna apologised. "I was angry about feeling the enrgy that once took over my form and almost plunged the world into eternal night."

"It's fine." Chase said, smiling at the princess of the night, "Things like that happen without warning whether we want them to happen or not."

"I can't help but think it's our fault that your world was plunged into eternal night and you becoming the student to the Mare in the Moon." Twilight said, obviously looking guilty. The other five Elements nodded their heads in agreement, feeling the same.

"It's not your fault girls," Chase said, trying to make the girls less guilty. "You didn't know that she did that, sure at first i blamed you for what happened." They looked down in shame. "But after awhile i figured you were just doing what was right for your world, so i got over it."

They looked up at him, obviously cheered up, and smiled at him.

"Well now that i'm on the current situation, the reason i came here was to ask you for your help." Chase said, scratching the back of his head.

All of the girls and both princesses looked at him confused. He hesitated a bit before continuing.

"I need the help of the very thing that destroyed her the first time," Chase said, looking them in the eye. "I need your help girls, i need your help destroying Nightmare Moon once and for all, returning my world back to the way it was before the days of nightmares."

The girls were taken aback by this and looked at each other nervously. If they said yes, they would face Nightmare Moon again, who may be a little more powerful than she was last time. If they said no, Chase's world would be in darkness forever. After much debating, fifteen minutes to be exact, the turned to Chase with their descision.

"We'll help." They said in perfect unison. For the third time that day, Chase was happy and he thanked the girls. Celestia asked if she could do anything to help them out and all Chase said was that he only needed to have somewhere to stay until it was time for Nightmare Moon woke up.

After talking to the mayor, Chase found a temporary house in Ponyville where he mentally and physically prepared for the upcoming battle between his teacher, Nightmare Moon, and the Elements and Harmony and himself. Whatever happened in this battle, one side would suffer a heavy loss.

"I hope i'm doing the right thing?" Chase asked himself as he steeled his mind but couldn't help but wonder if he could succeed with this plan. He decided to see the outcome for himself instead of guessing.

To Be Continued...