Displaced: The Traitorous Gunslinger

by 2themax

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Reporting in.

Morning has arrived as dawn broke over the horizon, slowly cresting over the hills and trees as it greets the peaceful world of Equestria. As the rising sun reaches the sky its bright light shines over Canterlot. Celestia was standing over a balcony, her horn glowing a bright gold on her white horn before dimming as she let out a small sigh, happy to finally only use her energy on the sun and not the moon any more since Luna’s back. She gazes over her wonderful city, seeing the ponies waking up and getting ready to head to work, the bright sunray reflecting off the shining glasses on the castle towers and many of the buildings. ‘After over a millenia, I feel like Equestria has finally reached its full harmony and peace. With Luna finally returning back home, the two of us will make sure nothing will go wrong.’ she thought as she walked back into the castle, closing the balcony door behind her.

I was just snoring lightly in bed, drooling a bit on the pillow as I was in a deep sleep. Soon my wonderful sleep was interrupted by the blasted sun, hitting me in the eyes as I let out a groan. “Curse you morning light…Let me sleep.'' I grumbled before feeling the beam grow brighter. “Fine! I’m up!” I yelled as I slowly roused myself out of bed. I let out a mix of a yawn and a guttural sound that only cthulhu would understand while I stretched, hearing some of my joints pop. After that morning…stretch if you can call it that, I got up off the bed, cracking my neck and finger. Once I got up on my feet, there was a knock at my door. “Who is it?” I called out loudly.

“It’s me, Princess Celestia, mind if I come in?” she called out from the other side of the door. “Gimme a second.” as I walked over to the door, opening it as i saw the alabaster alicorn standing at the door. “Good morning Ocelot, I hoped you slept well last night.” she asked. I gave her a small nod as I went to the side.

“I did, nice to sleep in an actual bed rather than an ancient mattress in a castle ruin. Please come in.” I said as Celestia walked in the room. She took a small look around the room and eyes the blank papers on the table. “I see you haven’t done your full report yet, I expect it to be complete in around the late afternoon.” she said in a slightly serious tone, as a commanding officer would say to their subordinate. “Ah damn it, I was planning on doing that today, but I lack writing material and I was dead tired from yesterday, I'll get it done when I have a chance.” I replied as I walked over to the paper stack, fixing them up. Her white horn glowed a yellow color as a white quill and a jar of ink materialized in the air and was floated over to the desk. “Thank you, I'll get it done after breakfast.” she gave a small nod.

“Once you bring in the report I want you to meet up with our captain with the Royal guards, Captain Shining Armor at the barracks. I’ll see you later today, Adamska.” she walked out of the room, closing the door behind using her telekinesis spell. Once she’s gone I let out a small sigh as I start changing back into my Major uniform and re-equip myself with my holsters and bandoleer. Once everything was on, I walked over to the door and walked out the room.

Since I got familiar with where the dining room was I made my way there and entered. In there I spotted Celestia and sitting next to her was Luna, looking like her small light blue self than the dark blue and taller version of herself later in the show. “Good morning, your highnesses.”I greeted the sisters as I sat down across the two alicorns.

“Good Morning Adamska.” Celestia greeted me.

“Ah..yes. Good morrow Major..” Luna greeted in her ye old speech.

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance Princess Luna. And please, can both of you use my codename, call me Ocelot.” I replied.

“Are you sure?” Celestia asked.

“Tis an odd name to call somepony, using a jungle feline as a name.” Luna said, raising a brow, confused.

“I feel more comfortable using it, you never know who’s listening in.” I replied, eyeing the room.

“That’s just paranoid talk, you’re among friends here. But if you insist on calling you Ocelot, we’ll do just that.” Celestia replied.

Soon a waiter walks in as the two princesses ask for their breakfast of salads, Celestia leans in close to the waiter and whispers something to them, they nod before they walk to me. “And what would you like for breakfast?” The waiter asked. “Can I get scrambled eggs with toast, and Orange Juice please.” I replied as they wrote it down and nodded, giving a small smile as they headed to the kitchen.

We sat there in a bit of awkward silence, I was just drumming the table with my fingers, waiting while the sisters just politely sat in silence. Soon the silence was broken by Princess Luna. “We… apologize for what transpired in the old ruins… We weren’t in the right mind when we fought Sir Ocelot.” Luna apologized to me, lowering her head with a sad guilty look on her face.

“Princess Luna, It wasn’t you that fought me, it was Nightmare Moon. So please, take a deep breath, relax and move on. It is now in the past, I already forgive you because you were under dark influences.” I replied as I gave a small reassuring smile.

“B-but…we nearly slain ye in battle, and we saw you fall in combat with our dark selves! But you cheated death and beat our dark half!” She exclaimed, pointing a hoof at me.

“Wait, you were killed in battle? But, how, you’re still here and fine?” Celestia asked, looking a bit confused as she had her muzzle left a bit agape.

‘Crap, this is gonna be hard to explain.’ I thought before clearing my throat. “Well yes, but actually no…” I replied leaning back into the chair.

“Would you care to explain than, Ocelot? How did you cheat death while facing Nightmare Moon?” Celestia asked, raising a brow.

“I’ll write you the full report on how I did it, for now, I want to keep it a secret so that way I can have an upper hand against the enemy.” I replied, wanting to keep the Fake Death Pill as an ace in my sleeve.

“Please Ocelot, we must know if it’s some sort of dark sorcery you’re hiding from us, Equestria doesn’t look kindly to dark magic and necromancy.” Celestia pleaded.

‘Huh, so there’s necromancy in the world, better keep note on that.’ I thought before replying “No, I promise to you it’s not any form of dark magic or anything of that sort. Hell humans don’t even have magic!”

“Are you positive it’s not magic?” Luna asked.

“Yes I am very positive it’s not magic, all I can tell you is that it’s something akin to…Alchemy than magic, it’s something I used to appear dead and come back to life.” I explained. Soon the waiter carted in our breakfast and carefully placed them in front of their proper owners. We gave them our thanks as they took the cart back into the kitchen. “Princess please, I will write it all down on the report, trust me on this.” I pleaded.

Celestia let out a small disappointed sigh before nodding her head. “Fine, But I expect that full report in the next 2 hours, you hear me Ocelot.” she said firmly as I gave her a quick salute. “Yes ma’am.” she smiled as we started digging into our breakfast. I gotta say, whoever this chef is, I want to give them a handshake or is it a hoofshake, either way they really know how to cook some soft scramble eggs.

I can taste the hint of salt inside the eggs to add more flavor to it, the light seasoning of pepper on top and as well a small shred of cheese too. Every bite of the eggs was good, just a nice lovely burst of flavor in my mouth, beats eating Everfree forest fruits any day. I added some of the eggs on a piece of toast and it tasted amazing, the perfect crunch of the toast that was lightly buttered and that perfectly brown coloring makes it so damn appealing as well with the smoothness of the eggs. This was the best damn breakfast I’ve had in a long time.

After a few minutes of all of us eating and enjoying our breakfast, I finish drinking my orange juice as I sigh happily, placing the glass down as I look at the princesses. “Well, it’s nice eating with you two but I have some papers to write on and later on meet a certain captain. See you later you two.” I got up from the chair and left the dining hall.


As the two sisters watch Ocelot leave the dining room, Luna turns to her sister. “Sister, we feel uneasy with this stallion.” Celestia nodded her head as she stared at the closed door. “I know, I have my suspicions about this Ocelot character. He already knew about the Element of Harmony and your return as Nightmare moon, but what disturbed me more is that he already knew about my protege Twilight Sparkle and her connection to the Elements. He knows more than he let on, and as much as I hate to admit it, he did save you from your corruption, so for that I at least owe him one.” she sighed as she leaned back into her chair.

“So what should we do dear sister?” Luna asked, placing a hoof on her shoulder.

“For now, we should work with him during his time here, I don’t know if he has any ulterior motives but we best keep an eye on him in secret.” Celestia replied as she turned her head as the waiter walked in and placed a slice of strawberry shortcake in front of Princess Celestia. “Thank you.” She pulled out a dessert fork and took a piece out and took a bite out of the sweet cake.

“Seriously sister, cake this early in the morning?” Luna asked, raising a brow to her older sibling.

“Hey this is the best way I can cope with all the stress of Equestria, plus I can’t help it, it’s soooo good.” Celestia took another piece of the cake and ate it as her sister shook her head and smiled.

“Some things never changed over a thousand years, such as thou’s sweet tooth.” Luna eyed the cake as she tried to sneak a hoof towards it before Celestia playfully batted her hoof away. “Nuh uh, mine.” as she pulled the cake closer to her.

“Pleeease, just a piece of cake…” Luna pleaded, giving her older sibling puppy dog eyes. Celestia's heart melts a bit as she looks towards her sister’s pleading face. “Fine. just a piece.” She said before she noticed her sister’s horn glow as a large chunk of the cake was pulled off and flew into her mouth, chewing the large chunk of cake before swallowing it down, licking her lips. “Hey!” Celestia cried out while Luna giggled. “Thou never said how big it should be.” she grinned as Celestia smirked. “Touche Luna.” Leaning in to her sister and nuzzles her.


I walk my way back to my room, closing the door behind as I grab a chair and sit in front of the table with all of the paperwork, ink and quill for me to use. I pop open the little ink jar and grab the quill, dipping it in the ink and looking at the paper. I just sat there for a solid minute or two, thinking on how to write this report to Celestia without revealing too much. I can make up a reconnaissance run on the castle and the Everfree Forest, but then how does it explain how I knew when Luna returned as Nightmare moon or my supposed death and revival against her with the pills i bought from Drebin.

“Fuck! I’ve gotten myself in a bit of a corner with some contradictions. I already showed my hand too early to the princess. Really need to lay low on this, just have to stay out of the way of the show, let the girls handle their own issue and hope nothing goes off script.” I said to myself, getting up from the chair and pacing a bit. That’s when it really hit me, I’m stuck in this world, a world that was supposed to be a god damn children cartoon, possibly no way to get back home. And the scariest part about this is that I nearly died in this supposed cartoon world, alone and I went along with it like it was nothing...

Not wanting to alert the whole castle I walked to the bed and grabbed a pillow, stuffing my face in it and let out a muffled yell of pure frustration. I was pissed, at this world, at the merchant, and at myself for buying these damn revolvers. ‘It’s all his damn fault! If he didn’t show up I would be back home, back on my computer, playing games, texting friends on Discord and watching streams! But nooo…I had to buy cursed revolvers from the resident evil merchant.’ I punched the mattress hard as I sat on the edge of the bed. ‘Should have believed those fucking threads on the X board on 4chan, thought it was just someone shitty idea of a creepypasta story or one of those backroom ideas but no, it turns out it’s real, and I fell victim to it.’ groaning lightly as I rub my face with my gloved hand.

As of now I’m speedrunning the many stage of grief; At first, denying the reality I’m seeing and how any of this make sense and how all of this is some messed up dream, soon i got angry at the merchant, at myself, and this entire predicament I’m in, it wasn’t fucking fair! Later in the stage if I ever do meet the merchant some way or some how I would bargain my way back home with him, hell I’ll even return the revolvers to him just to return to my old life. Soon I just slump forward, the wave of dread and sadness rushing through my body, hitting the depression part of the process as I feel so useless and powerless at the moment. I looked down to the revolver in my holster, a very dark thought rushed through my mind but I pushed that notion very far back in the part of my mind. “No, I’m sent here for a purpose. I have to find out why and get to the bottom of this…” I muttered as I stood back up, taking a very deep breath, trying to calm my nerves.

At the final stage of the grief process I was ready to accept this, as of now this is the current hand I’m dealt with and I have to play with it. A deep sigh was released as I took out a revolver, spinning with the expertise of a master gunslinger, spinning it upside down, in circles and a quick toss before catching it, doing the pose that was in the movie poster of the film Desperados that starred Antonio Banderas, I muttered a silent prayer to whatever god out there that can hear me and holstered it. I walked back over to the desk, grabbed the quill and started writing down the report.

After an hour and a half of writing, using half truth and white lies, I finished my initial reports and actions of what happened during the Nightmare Moon Incident, with the small reconnaissance of the old ruins, the survival in the woods and my minor surveillance in the town hall. Later in the report I explained that I carried out this mission with the Equipment I came with when I arrived in Equestria.

At the end I explain I had an encounter with Luna in her Nightmare Moon form, fending her off in ranged combat using non-lethal methods and deceiving her with the fake death pill I had with me and the use of the revival pill I had installed in my tooth. I later explained in the report a brief explanation of how these pills work, in the best way. One pill puts me in a death like trance while the other wakes me out of it, without using the name of the chemicals and medical jargon that would take more time writing.

With how the report looks I felt satisfied with it as I took the small stack of paper and walked out the room and headed to Celestia’s court. I finally arrived after a few minutes of walking. I made it to large golden doors with two guards posted at each side. “Halt, state your business with the princess.” A dark gray stallion earth pony wearing the ceremonial golden armor spoke out. I rolled my eyes as I looked at the two guards. “Yeah, I’m here to give my report regarding the Nightmare Moon Incident.” waving the large stack of paper in my hand. The other guard appeared to be a white unicorn stallion in the same uniform giving a small smirk to his buddy.

“Sorry but any and all reports should all go to the captain of the royal guard, now if you please leave I’m sure the princess is extremely busy at the moment.” The white unicorn said with a small grin on his face.

“Are you denying a superior officer from meeting his commander and chief?” I asked the two of them as they looked confused.

“You, a superior officer, yeah right, you look like one of those pencil pushers in the recruitment office, all decorated to impress the youth.” The gray earth pony said rather smugly. ‘Alright fuck this.’ I thought as I walked over to the door and banged on it with my fist, hoping this would get the princess’ attention.

“Hey! Back away from the door or we will use authorized force to detain you!” The white unicorn shouted out as his horn glowed a dim pink. “Really, are you threatening me with a good time?” I replied as I gave a smirk as the two guards growled at me. Soon the golden door opened up as Celestia was standing right in front of me. “What’s going on here? Oh Major Ocelot, I see you made it.” giving me a small courteous smile as I give her a small bow.

“Your highness, this creature here said they were to report to you about the Nightmare Moon incident, is it true?” The gray earth pony guard asked.

She nodded her head. “He is to report to me today with a written account of his involvement, did you two deny him entry?” She raised a brow to her two pony guards.

As of now the two pony guards were sweating bullets under their armor, gulping a bit. “Um…er…Yes, but only because we were doing our jobs as guards.” the white unicorn replied as he gulped down his nervousness.

She gave her a reassuring smile to the guards. “I commend you for honesty and I believe you were doing your duty but if somepony claims they have a report for me and have said report in hoof, do let them in. Don’t be too concerned about my safety, I can take care of myself.” She smiled before waving me in to follow and so I did.

Once inside her courtroom I saw a few stacks of paperwork near her throne as we walked up to her golden sun throne as she sat down. “Here’s what I wrote down, all from my perspective and the explanation of my ‘Death’ and ‘revival.’ princess.” I handed the report to her as she levitated in front of her, quickly reading the report.

“Hmm, This Revival pill, is it still in your molar?” she asked. I nodded in reply. “I see… and from what I’m reading here, you used a-” squinting her eyes to read it out properly. “A Mark 22 Mod 0 Hush Puppy tranquilizer gun? Such a long and unnecessarily needed name for a device. And you use this for subduing Nightmare Moon. Do you still have this device?” She asked as I pulled the tranq gun from my back pocket.

“It’s right here, specifically made for non-lethal takedowns using modified darts.” I explained as I took the magazine out and revealed the modified rounds.

Princess Celestia hummed as she stroked her chin with a hoof, eyeing the tranq in my hand as I popped the mag back in and put the gun away. She kept reading and looking through the report as she raised a brow to something in the report. “What does a young male pony have to do with taking down a timber wolf!? How did you even meet this colt?” She was very confused about the matter. ‘Ah, wondering about the Colt Single Action Army.’ I thought before I chuckled a bit.

“Ah, It’s not an actual pony I’m talking about, it’s about what I have in these holsters.” I tapped the twin revolvers on my hips.

“I was wondering what those are, you’ve been spinning those around when we were first introduced.” She said as she eyed the twin black revolvers.

I smirked to the princess as I took out one of the revolvers and carefully held it in my grasp, resting the barrel on my gloved hand. “This my dear princess is one of the greatest handgun ever made in human history. The Colt Single Action Army revolver, these bad boys fire .45 Colt rounds that can easily punch through any unarmored targets, Six bullets, more than enough to kill anything that moves.” I grinned as I spun the revolver on my finger, showing how dexterous and skilled I am with the weapon before holstering it.

Celestia eyed the revolvers carefully before looking back up and stare me dead in the eyes. “I suggest you stick with using the non-lethal one whenever you’re around my ponies, and do not use your revolver unless your life is in immediate danger or when dealing with dangerous creatures in the wild, understood.” She commanded as I nodded. “Understood Ma’am” crossing my fingers mentally.

As tension was slightly built between us a pink wispy smoke flew in from the window and over to Celestia, a letter soon popped into existence as Celestia read it. Curious, I had to ask. “What does it say?” walking over to the princess as I peeked over to the note. “It’s from my student Twilight Sparkle, she wrote here that she found a small metal construct in the Everfree Forest when returning to Ponyville, she believed it was a minotaur construction that was abandoned in the forest. She’s asking me for advice on what to do with it.” rolling up the scroll. ‘Shit! The Mark II! I forgot about it when we got teleported!’ panicking mentally as I kept a straight face.

I looked over to the princess. “Princess, think you can get a chariot ready for me for Ponyville?” I asked as she raised a brow.

“I could get you a chariot but you have to explain why?” slightly curious to my reasoning.

“That metal construct she has, belongs to me.” I replied.

“I didn’t see it with you when we first met.” looking at the scroll and reading more in depth from what Twilight wrote.

“That’s because it was invisible to the naked eye.” I replied.

“Impossible, I would have detected an invisibility spell.” she said, looking skeptical of the claim.

“Because it’s not magic at all, it was bending light around it to appear invisible. I could explain more in depth but I don't want to waste too much time here. I feel like I ate up plenty of your time already.” I said as the Princess sighed as she grasped a blank scroll and quickly wrote a response to Twilight as she turned the letter into a puff of smoke before grabbing another one and writing on the scroll before grabbing a stamp and stamping the scroll and handing it to me.

“Here, take this to the Chariot Hanger and they’ll take you to Ponyville. Now, you’re dismissed, Major.” she ordered as I gave her a quick salute before leaving her day court.

Back at Ponyville…

Twilight was pacing in the library, eyeing the crate that held the Mark II. Spike walked over to the worrying unicorn as he placed his claw on Twilight’s side. “Relax Twilight, no need to worry about the princess' response time, she is an important pony after all.” reassuring his adoptive pony sister.

“I know Spike, but I’m just nervous about what to do with this construct…” she said as she nervously stroked her mane with a hoof. Soon Spike started to retch and gag before letting out a fiery burp as a message appeared in front of them. Twilight gasps as she quickly snatched the letter in the air with her magic and read it.

“Dear Twilight, I read the letter you sent me about your newest finding in the Everfree, a minotaur construct you and your friends found. Luckily for you I have the owner here in Canterlot and is arriving in Ponyville today to collect it.

Please be polite to the visitor as he’s new to Equestria and its custom. He goes by Major Ocelot, a strange name I know but he seems more comfortable being called Ocelot. I hope you and your new friends treat him with kindness and friendship during his visit to Ponyville.

Sincerely, Princess Celestia.”

She finished reading out before scratching her chin with a hoof. ‘That name sounds oddly familiar…’ she thought before shaking her head. “That’s great Twilight, we’ve got to meet the owner of this mysterious construct, though ocelot is a funny name, you think he’s some kind of talking cat?” Spike asked as he took the scroll and rolled it up, putting it away in a drawer.

“I don’t know Spike, I’m going to go get the others and see what they think about this.” Twilight replied as she trotted over the library door and turned to Spike. “Can you keep an eye on the place while I get the others?” she asked her assistant. “I’m on it!” he saluted as Twilight smiled at the baby dragon as she left the library.

She walked her way to the Sugarcube corner, entering the bakery as she saw Pinkie behind the counter. “Ooh Hi Twilight, What can i get ya today!?” the pink pony bounces in place as Twilight Approaches.

“Morning pinkie, how are you?” Twilight greeting her hyper friend.

“I’m doing super duper great this morning. First I brushed my teeth this morning using my favorite toothbrush in the shape of a cupcake, after that I had breakfast with the cakes, eating my favorite sugar cereal ‘Sugar Crunch Oats’ and after that I had-” Pinkie rambled on before Twilight cut in.

“Pinkie I’m happy to hear your morning is going great but I received a letter from the Princess.” Pinkie gasped at the news as she stood still for a few seconds.

“What is it about, was it about a super ultra party that’s gonna happen?! Ooh ooh I know, it’s about a mega death nuke robot! No wait, maybe it’s about how she’s about to come to Ponyville for a party!” the party pony rambled as Twilight looked ever so confused.

“A mega what now?” she asked the hyper pony. “It’s nothing, so what did she say?” The pink pony ignored her friend's question as she smiled and bounces in place.

Twilight sighed as she rubs her forehead to soothe the upcoming headache from her friend’s ramblings. “It’s about that little construct we found, it turns out it does have an owner and they’re coming to Ponyville today to pick it up!” she explained as Pinkie smiles there for a bit before letting out a very loud gasp, hovering in the air before zooming off in a pink smoke. “And there she goes, I hope this Ocelot character likes surprise parties.” She muttered quietly before leaving the bakery.

As Twilight was walking down the street, making her way to Rarity’s boutique shop, she heard a ‘Swoosh’ sound as Rainbow Dash flew by. Seeing her pegasus friend Twilight shouted out to her friend. “Hey Rainbow Dash, down here!” The Rainbow hair pony turned and spotted her unicorn friend down before and flew down to her.

“Sup Twilight, what got you all in a huff?” Rainbow asked as she looked at Twilight.

“You know that small construct we found in the Everfree Forest?” she asked.

“You mean that tin can jerk that zapped me?! What about it, please tell me you threw it in the trash.” Rainbow smacked her hoof together.

“No I didn’t throw it away, it would be a waste of such an advanced piece of minotaur artifact. Well the news is that the owner of this construct is coming to Ponyville today.” She explained as Rainbow Dash huffed angrily.

“Maybe I’ll tell this pony to not teach their toys not to be such jerks.” Crossed her forelegs.

“Well they’re called Ocelot, and the princess said to be polite to them, she also mentioned they’re a Major. This means they’re a very high ranking official, so please Rainbow, don’t start a fight with them.” Twilight pleaded as Rainbow Dash hovered in the air and tapped her chin.

“Well if he’s Major in some army, just means he probably has a very cushy job, bossing people around, he can’t be that tough.” Dash stated before Twilight facehoof.

“Dash, please just be nice. Oh also Pinkie is planning a surprise party for them, so I guess it’s gonna take place at the library like last time.” Dash pumped his foreleg in excitement.

“Oh heck yeah, a pinkie party and getting rid of that hunk junk, today is gonna be awesome.”

Twilight sighed and shook her head. “I’m off to see Rarity and tell her the news, wanna come with me?” she offered.

“No thanks, got some clouds to clear up this morning before doing my practice routine, Later Twi.” She zoomed off into the sky.

Once Rainbow Dash was gone Twilight walked all the way over to Rarity’s shop and knocked on the door. She heard a muffled voice talking in a singsong fashion. “Comiiiing!~” before the door opens. Standing at the doorway was Twilight fashionista friend Rarity.

“Oh, good morning Twilight. Hope you’re doing well this lovely morning.” Rarity greeted as she smiled at her friend.

“Good morning Rarity, hope you’re doing well.” Twilight smiled back.

“I’m Doing wonderful dear, now what brings you here today?” Rarity asked.

“You know that construct we found yesterday? Well its owner is coming in today and I was hoping you girls would want to meet them.” She explained.

“Hmm, that does sound interesting dear, and do you have a name for this mysterious owner?” Rarity asked.

“Well, from what I read, they’re called Major Ocelot, though they prefer to be called Ocelot as strange as it sounds.” Twilight replied.

“Hmmm, the name sounds a bit familiar but I can't put my hoof on it…” Rarity muttered as she tapped her chin.

“Oh almost forgot to mention this but Pinkie is planning on a surprise party when Major Ocelot is coming to town.” She informed Rarity.

“Thanks for informing me, Twilight, gotta make a good first impression. As much as I want to talk, I do have a custom order to finish, so I’ll see you at the party.” Rarity said as she gave a small and closed the door.

With Rarity done, Twilight headed off as she walked away from the boutique shop. After around ten minutes of walking she was able to make it to Fluttershy's cottage. She gently knocks on the door as opening the door was the buttery colored pegasus Fluttershy, shyly peeking her head. “H-hello? Oh it's just you Twilight…Good morning.” The meek pegasus smiles softly to her friend.

“Good Morning Fluttershy, hope you’re doing alright.” Twilight replied.

“Oh, I’m doing fine, Thanks for asking. N-now is there something I can help you with, if you don’t mind me asking that is…” Fluttershy meekly asked, hiding behind her soft pink mane.

“Oh I just came by to tell you that small construct we found has an owner and they’re coming to pick it up. Oh and Pinkie planned on throwing a party for them.” the purple unicorn informed her shy friend.

“O-oh i see… well I hope they take better care of it, the poor thing was probably all alone and scared in the forest…” Fluttershy said.

“Well I’ll make sure to tell Major Ocelot about your concern about his little construct.” Twilight replied. This causes the yellow pegasus to perk up from hearing the name.

“Did you say his name Ocelot? Is he a talking jungle kitty?!” Fluttershy asked enthusiastically, squeeing a bit as she imagined a small walking jungle kitty.

“I’m…not so sure but if he is I bet you have a lot of questions to ask him.” Twilight replied.

“Oh yes, so many questions for him. I hope to see him at the party.” Fluttershy said before a small white bunny hopped over to and tapped at her flank. She turned her head and saw her pet bunny Angel. “Oh, what is it, Angel bunny?” she asked her little fluffy friend. The bunny pointed to his mouth and rubbed his belly. “Oh you’re hungry, don’t worry I’ll make you something. Sorry Twilight but I have to care for Angel for a bit, I’ll see you at the Party.” Fluttershy said to her unicorn friend as she gently closed the door and went to make Angel his breakfast.

With that Twilight walked away from Fluttershy’s Cottage and headed on over to Applejack’s farm. With some time Twilight made it to Sweet Apple Acres, as she followed the road down as she spotted her orange county pony friend bucking at a tree.

With a mighty buck the apples on the tree fell into the awaiting baskets. Applejack took her stetson hat off for a bit and wiped the sweat from her brow. “Phew, just a few dozen more…” she muttered.

Twilight walked over to her hard working friend and greets her. “Morning Applejack!”

Applejack put her hat back on and turned to the voice and saw her friend Twilight. “Morning Twi, what brings ya to the farm?” the farmer pony asked.

“Got a letter from the Princess this morning.” Twilight replied.

“Golly, what’s it about?” Applejack asked, looking a bit more attentive now.

“You know that small construct we found? Well I sent Princess Celestia a letter about it.” Twilight replied.

“Is she coming here to pick it up?” Applejack asked, raising a brow.

“Not exactly, she’s sending over the true owner of this construct and they’re picking it up today. Oh, speaking of their arrival, Pinkie is preparing a surprise party for them.” Twilight explained.

“Is that so, well any party Pinkie throws usually is a great one. Oh speaking about that metal thingy, I can’t help but get a small sense of seeing it before… I don’t know but I think it’s around the time Applebloom said she found a trespasser on our farm but after that I kinda blacked out and can’t remember much.” Applejack explained, scratching her head trying to remember.

This caught Twilight by surprise. “Wait, someone broke into your farm?! Did they steal anything? Did you report it to the guards at least?!”

“When I came too there wasn’t anyone or anything on the farm plus none of our crop was stolen or missing, we just chalked it up to Applebloom’s imagination again. Sometimes that filly comes up with the oddest of ideas.” Applesaid as she shook her head.

“Glad to hear nothing was stolen, Applejack, though it is strange you blacked out and had no recollection of what happened.” She said, scratching at her chin.

As the two ponies stood there and pondered on the mystery blackout, Rainbow Dash flew in at high speed, stopping mid air and hovered. “Girls! A Canterlot chariot was spotted in Ponyville airspace, I think our mystery visitor is landing!” This catches Twilight and Applejack’s attention as Twilight cries out “Already!? Oh gosh we need to meet them there now!” as AJ nodded her head as the three ponies rushed to the town center.

As Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow made it to the town center, waiting for them there was Fluttershy and Rarity. “There you three are, Rainbow dash told us about the chariot's arrival and made it here first.” Rarity said to her arriving friends. Twilight looks around and notices they’re lacking a pink party pony. “Where’s Pinkie Pie?” Twilight asked.

“Pinkie is still setting up for the party, she’ll be at your place Twi.” Rainbow replied as Twilight nodded. “Alright, girls , let’s greet Celestia’s guests with some friendship and hospitality.” Applejack called out as they watched the golden Chariot come in for a landing. They watched as the pegasi guards touched down, bringing the golden chariot to a grinding halt as it skidded, the guards whinnied out as they saw something standing inside the chariot.

The bipedal creature stepped off the chariot, the metal stars on their boots let out a small metal clang as it hit the dirt. It turned to the chariot pilots and spoke. “Don’t fly off yet boys, I’m just here to pick something up and we’ll be back to Canterlot in no time.” he turned his head back and looked at the girls.

Twilight couldn’t believe her eyes; The black uniform he’s wearing, the red beret, the furless skin, the very same black items hanging off his hips. This was the very same creature that saved her from being killed by Nightmare Moon. Twilight and her friends are standing there, speechless as this was the very same being they all saw last night. He stood there at the stunned mares as he gave them all a smirk. “What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?”

Twilight shook her head and finally spoke. “Y-you, you’re the one from yesterday! The one who stood up to Nightmare Moon!” pointing a hoof to the Biped. This caused him to smirk as looked down at the purple unicorn. “Then you must already know my name, well, say it.” he said to the flabbergasted mare. “Y-you’re…Ocelot…” She said as all of the other mares screamed out ‘WHAAAT!’ as they all turned to the gunslinger, doing his twin finger points. Finally, the Element of Harmony met with the legendary gunslinger himself Revolver Ocelot…