Displaced: The Traitorous Gunslinger

by 2themax

Chapter 1 (Edited.)

Displaced: The Traitorous Gunslinger

Chapter 1: That’s Major Ocelot to you.

It was a warm afternoon, an anime mixed with gaming expo was happening close to town so I thought now was a good time to head over and do a cosplay as someone more low key, definitely a gaming character but only if someone got the reference to it.

I kinda regret going in a bit of a warm outfit, a black officer outfit complete with ribbons and shoulder ranking along with the red beret, red scarf around my neck, a clean shirt underneath with matching black pants, was a bit hard to find boots my size but managed to get some cowboy boots complete with spurs.

Had to cut my hair shorter and bleach it yellow since my original was a darker brown color, either way had to match the buzz cut look of a military officer.

I fixed the red gloves on my hands as I spun a cap gun revolver around my fingers before pocketing it.

I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself, grinning as I did the two finger pointing that ocelot does. “You’re pretty good, and handsome to boot as well.” I said to my reflection “Why thank you, and must say you’re gonna kill it out there.” I replied back to myself before cracking my neck and popping my shoulders. “Alright, let’s head to that expo and have some fun.”

An hour of driving later.

After paying for a parking space nearby, I head over to the main entrance to the place, letting security check me for anything illegal or dangerous.

“What about the revolver you got there?” A security in the front asked.

“Oh this?” I pointed over to a dinky little revolver on my waist band. “It’s a snap cap, you know those old toy guns that have those little rings on the cap that go snaps and make a spark. Things are safe.” I replied as I handed it to one of the guards.

They checked it out and like I said, plastic, crappy and just a toy. “Alright, but don’t go causing any trouble with them.” the security guard said as he handed it back to me.

“Don’t worry, we’re all responsible adults here, well most are but trust me, I’m a good guy.” Taking the gun back as I spun it for a bit before putting it away.

“Come on in.” they waved me in as i entered the venue as i did the double finger point at them as my spur clang while I walked away.

Gotta say, been a long while since I been to an expo like these, maybe like two or three years since I last attended one, plenty of people walking about with their cosplays, some from bleach, some from demon slayers, few western media like star wars, marvel and DC, Hell I even spotted the rare Spy with a paper mask walking around.

“Huh, always thought the spies are usually the ones that walk in those furry cons. Whatever, time to mingle.” I said as I walked through the busy convention.

After around half an hour of walking I spy a cardboard box, just sitting there. “No fucking way…” I headed over to the box as i give it a small knock, waiting for response…Nothing. ‘Alright, time to have some fun here.’ I reached over and picked up the box, slowly lifting it up as I spotted a guy in a big boss cosplay.

He looked at me and I looked at him, it took us a few seconds before we felt our Invisible exclamation point pop up over our head.

”Aha, so I finally found you Snake!” I said to the snake cosplayer as he got up and got into his CQC pose “Ocelot!” Snake replied.

“That’s MAJOR ocelot to you, and I got a score to settle with you.” as I pull out the dinky revolver as I start to twirl it around in my finger, tossing up before catching it. “Six shots and no more accidents.” I said to the snake cosplayer as we made a standoff.

Of course since this is big boss we’re talking about I had to let him win as I was more slow to the draw before he does the signature CQC grab and disarm, gently pushing me down onto the floor, just opening the cap gun open and dropping the cylinder onto the floor “Gotta say, that is some fancy revolver tricks, you’re pretty good.” he said as I reach out and place an hand on his arm.

“Pretty…Good…'' I replied before pretending to pass out before letting out a laugh and he laughed back. I dust myself off as I get back up “That was fun. I’ll see you around the con man, peace.” I said to the snake cosplayer as he gave me a thumbs up as we part ways.

As I walked over a thought occurred to me ‘Shit, forgot to ask for his name. Aw well, I'll ask if I see him again.’ shrugging my shoulders as I walked.

As I walked past some of the booths, some selling mostly anime posters, art and souvenirs, I heard someone whisper to me “Psst, over here stranger.” I turned and I kid you not, the merchant from Resident Evil 4 was standing at his own small booth.

“The fuck..” I quietly said to myself as I walked over to him.

“Welcome. Got somethin that might interest ya..” the merchant said as he opened his cloak as he pulled out two holsters with revolvers In them and a bandoleer with what seem to be metal cartridges for revolvers.

“Holy shit, how’d you get these past- never mind you’re the damn merchant, either way how much?” I asked as I took out one of the revolvers, seeing that it was indeed a Colt Single Action Army.

“I always wanted to own these things.” I muttered to myself as I gave it a test spin.

“I see you’ve got an eye for things, gun’s not just about shooting, it’s about reloading. You know what I'm talking about.” the merchant said as he eyes me twirling the Revolver around, something inside me just...Clicked, like I was made for these.

“I’m buying these, how much?” I asked him as I reached over to my wallet. “ Well, usually I'd charge you pesetas for them but for you Stranger, around 60 U.S Dollars. I’ll even throw in a special gift for ya.” he replied as he reached into his cloak and pulled out a long strip of cloth.

‘A bandana?’ I thought as I pulled out a fifty dollar bill and a ten dollar bill “Deal.” as I handed him the cash as I took my new goodies as I put on the new holsters and bandoleer.

The Twin black Colt SAA hung nicely around my belt. I took the bandana and placed it into my pocket. “Hehe, Thank you, Come back anytime.” The merchant said as I started to walk away from the guy. ‘I swear that guy always gives me that creep.’ I thought to myself as I took one last look at the merchant.

As I walked down the expo I suddenly felt my head killing, my vision blurring, slowly losing my consciousness. ‘Fuck, fuck fuck!’ I started to panic as I made my way past the other people through the crowd, somehow I found myself alone, vision slowly darkening as I lost my footing, falling, sinking into the floor as I was swallowed by darkness. That was the last thing I remember.


Don’t know how long I was out, days, weeks, months, hell maybe years but one thing is for sure. My body hurts, my head hurts, and I need a STRONG drink.

I slowly open my eyes as I slowly push myself off the floor I was laying down on. I dust myself off as I look over myself and see that my suit is a bit dirty but nothing too bad.

“I feel like this is that merchant’s fault but I have no fucking clue where I am.” I looked around as I found myself in what seemed to be an alley. Before I had a chance to step out I heard a ringing, a very familiar ringing.

It was coming from my head, more specifically behind my ear. I reached behind my ear and placed two fingers behind it as what seemed that time stopped around me and the codec visual appeared before me, one is myself, looking like ocelot himself while the other window was static.

“Hello?” I called out to the codec as I waited for a reply… “Ah, I see that Shalashaska himself has arrived in Equestria, good, this is all going according to plan. Now let’s see how well you can play the part of Ocelot.” a mysterious voice replied as I looked confused.

“ What are you talking about, I'm just a guy who went to an expo and found himself waking up in an alley, for all I know I got drugged and probably robbed.” I said to the mystery voice, a bit annoyed.

“If so then why do you still have all your gear with you huh? Either way I think you know where Equestria is and what it's all about.” the voice said as I looked puzzled.

Soon it dawned on me ‘Equestria.’ the land of the magical pony land. I let out a shocked gasp and expression as the voice chuckled.

“Seems like you’re catching on. Hopefully you’re all caught up on FIM lore but if you need some extra help with Equestria and its land, call me on the codec, my number is 140.85.” the voice said as I looked at the static.

“Just who the hell are you!?” I yelled out “ Just call me, Lore Master.” they replied as I let out a scoff.

“Guess we’re using code names huh, fine, Since you knew about the other name, Call me ocelot, Revolver Ocelot.” I replied with a small smirk.

“Good, stick with that code name, right now you’re in the capital of the pony land of Equestria, Canterlot. Right now I want you to make contact with a guard’s pony with the name “Gilded Cross.” you’ll find them near the water fountain close to the center of town. She’ll know it’s you since you’re well...the only other human here. After that, make contact with the princess, you need to gain her trust as she’s the only current ruler.” the voice instructed.

“Only the current ruler? Wait, that means we’re in season one of the timeline, that means Nightmare moon will appear in a week's time, correct?” I said.

“Correct, use that knowledge as leverage if need be. I think the smooth talking Ocelot can handle anything, but if you feel like something doesn’t feel right or need to save your progress, call 140.96 on the codec.” the voice replied.

This time I gave a confused look as I saw the number appearing on my option to call. “Got it, Ocelot out.” The codec call finished as the UI closed and time resumed around me.

I take in a deep breath and let out a big sigh, I quickly reach out and took out the twin revolvers, with ease and expertise I spun them around, doing tricks that would took me years to get down and master just coming to me naturally, as I finished spinning the twin revolvers around and pointed them out in front of me.

“Twelve shots, plus an extra 52 on the bandoleer. Let's see if this Princess is willing to let an Ocelot live among ponies." I spun the twins revolvers for a bit more before holstering them into their place.

I took a look around the alley, knowing no one was around to hear this, and since I was dressed up as MGS3 ocelot I had to do it, I had to let out that meow.

It echoed in the alley way as I started to facepalm at myself, hoping that it would do someth- are those…boots I hear? I turned to see Men in similar attire to the Ocelot unit from the game, black balaclavas, their black AKs, shotguns, M63 Stoner LMG, and I looked up, saw one with a Dragonov Sniper Rifle on the rooftop, taking overwatch.

‘Holy shit…I can summon the ocelot unit to me…’ I looked at the men, all looking at me awaiting orders. “Commander, what are your orders?” The GRU soldier asked me as I looked at him.

“At ease men, making a quick roll call to see how many men we have on the ready.” I replied to the soldier. He gave a salute as he looked at me.

“Sir, we have over a Hundred men awaiting your call and orders, Sir. If you ever need us, just let out the signal and we shall arrive to back you up.” He said as all the other GRU operatives gave the salute as well.

“Alright, for now, this ocelot is going out alone, remember, ocelots are proud creatures. You and your men are dismissed, return to base.`` I gave the order to them as they saluted and nodded and slinked off back into the shadow of the alley and out of sight, not hearing their boots and equipment clanking around.

I let out another sigh as I wiped my face with my gloved hand “Great, not only have I arrived in pony land but I now have an entire private military platoon to lead as well. This day keeps getting better and better…” I said as I took off my beret for a bit, wiping the sweat off my brow and forehead before putting it back on.

“Still, I have a mission to do, don’t know what it is but it’s my only lead here.” I muttered softly as I walked out of the alley, boots clanging onto the cobbled floor under me as I looked around, seeing the Canterlot pony walking about town, some stopping to look at me before going back to walking wherever they needed to go. I followed the main road in the city, since I don’t have a map on me or a radar system of my location, this is the best way I can do for now.

As I continue passing through I can feel my hand not like being idle, needing something to do, so I took a quick minute to stop and look around ‘I think this may be an easy and fun way to earn some cash or two.’ I thought as I took off my beret and gently lay it onto the floor.

I took the twin revolvers and did what I do best, SPEEEN. It started with simples back spins then follow up with a front spins, then I follow up with switching to side-wide spins as I move them in a circle motion before resuming my spins, soon I follow up with the gun juggling as I did an under arm toss before catching and resume the juggling. This stunt starting to catch the ponies attentions as they start to applause, giving some cheers here and there as they watched this “furless” minotaur performing very talented juggling and spinning tricks with his interesting “Toys” this gave me a small smug grin as I continue, some start tossing in some gold coins into the cap as I do a final spinning trick before doing a bow as they clap for me. “Thank you, Thank you, I'll be here next week,” I said to the crowd as I took my hat, collecting the coins and pocketing them before dusting off the hat and making my way over to the main center of the city.

I spotted the fountain that the voice told me about and standing guard nearby was a pony dressed in golden armor. ‘That must be my contact.’ I thought as I made my way to them.

Their ears flicked a bit as they heard the clinging of my spurs as they turned and saw me “You must be the contact I'm meeting, a mister Ocelot I'm assuming.” The pony said, hearing a feminine voice coming from them.

“That’s Major Ocelot, and I'm guessing you’re my contact to meet the princess.” I replied as I looked over to the pony, which I assumed was Gilded Cross.

“You guessed right, don’t know what your reason is for coming to Canterlot but it’s something urgent to meet the princess directly, then stick close to me.” She said as I nodded, the pony guard escorted me through town.

As I walked through the town with the guard pony, I was taking small notes of key buildings, places I might need to visit later on in the future. A clothing store, a smithing place and several restaurants.

After a couple minutes we made it to the castle, as Gilded Cross walked to the main gate as it had two other guards pony covering each side. They saluted her as she walked past, and as soon as I reached the door their wings flared out to block my way. “At ease you two, he’s with me.” She called out before the two other guards looked at her and lowered their wings.
I let out a small scoff as I gave the two the trademark salute as I followed behind her.

We walked down the halls before reaching a twin set of doors “This here is the princess day court entrance, She’s expecting me. Wait here for a minute.” she said before entering past the door. After a minute or two she stepped out and held the door open “She wants to see you now.” Gilded Cross said as I nodded to her, entering the room.

The door shut behind me as I walked down the carpet, looking ahead as I saw the princess of the sun herself Princess Celestia. (Voiced By Nicole Oliver)

“You must be the visitor that Lieutenant Gilded Cross must be talking about. It is a pleasure to meet you Mister..” She kindly asked for my name.

“Adamska.” I replied.

“Pardon?” She asked in a more softer motherly tone.

“ That’s my name but I also go by something else.” I said.

“Something else, what else would that be?” She curiously asked.

“Special Operation Foxhound and Commander of the Ocelot Unit…” I said as I took my revolver, giving that infamous spin from Twin Snakes. “Major…Revolver……..Ocelot.” finishing my spin as I held my revolver in my grasp, pointing skyward (Voiced by Max Castle.).

“I see… Well Major Adamska, I welcome you to Equestria and to the town of Canterlot.” She gave a smile and gave me a regal bow.

“It is an honor to meet the princess that raises the sun and moon, though I have a feeling you’ll be raising only the sun when the week is done.” I spoke cryptically.

She caught what I was saying as she gave a more cautious look to me, squinting her eyes a bit at me. “And how do you know of this Mister Adamska, know something privy?” she pressed the question.

‘She noticed the hook and bait, now let’s see if I can hook and reel her in.’ I thought as I started to slowly pace around the room. “Well, as we all heard that this coming week is the Summer Sun Celebration, a very important event in Equestria, where you let the summer solstice take its course and let the days go longer, the day gets hotter and you pretty much enjoy the summer day.” I said as I looked at the princess, casually spinning my Colt SAA with my finger.

“True that the Summer Sun Celebration is nearing, what about it?” She asked, raising a brow.

“Well, I would say that it would be…The thousandth year of Summer, correct?” I asked her.

“You assumed correctly, it is the thousandth year of doing my duty of raising the sun and moon. What of it?” she asked with a tiny bit of force to it.

“I was wondering if you’re gonna have a little family reunion with her…” I said, stopping mid step as a bright golden beam hitting the floor in front of me. ‘Gotcha..’ I smugly thought as I turned to her, “Oh I'm sorry, did I hit a nerve?” I asked coyly as I saw her white horn in a golden glow with a glare at me.

“Just who are you and how do you know?” She asked firmly as she took a step towards me as I holstered my revolver, holding my hands up in a non threatening way.

“Lady, I'm on your side here, we both know about Nightmare Moon's return and you have a plan to handle this. Trust me on this Princess, I want to help but there’s a small problem with your plan.`` I said to the princess as she looked with a raised brow at me.

“And what plan do you think I have in case of Nightmare moon's return?” she asked.

“It’s the Elements, the problem is that they’re inert, no longer active to your command nor you wielding them again. You used them back in the past but now the elements are in several new hosts.” I said as I walked to a pillar and leaned against it.

“The Elements are Inert? That’s impossible, they’re in the castle of-``

''of the two sister’s collecting dust as a bunch of stone orbs with no way to power them. Though I have a way.`` I interrupted her as cracked my knuckles.

“I know how much your sister means to you Princess, and I know you want her back to her old self, there's a way.” I said as I looked her in the eyes, seeing the tiny desperation in them to have her sister back hiding behind her strong ruler glare.

“What is it, what is this way you know that I don't.” She asked calmly as she looked over at me.

“Do you have a student by the name Twilight Sparkle? Don’t ask how I know, I'm just that good.” I said as I gave her a dismissive wave of a hand.

She lets out a small huff as she looks away for a bit “I do, what about her?” she asked defensively about her personal student.

“There’s a small town to the west of Canterlot, goes by the name of Ponyville, send her there to make some friends. Trust me on this, this is vital to Nightmare moon’s return and the elements.” I said to the princess as she thought about it.

“Not sure how this correlates with the Elements and Nightmare but I have no choice but to trust you on this. And I have your word this will work Ocelot?” she asked.

“You have my word princess, she’ll probably send a message about her return and you need to dismiss it as an old folk tale, tell her that you’ll be making your Celebration in Ponyville and she needs to supervise it while making friends there.” I advised, and right on Cue, a purple smoke floated in and a letter appeared in front of her.

“Speak of the devil.” I shrugged as Celestia read through the letter and sighs.

“It's just like you said, she expects Nightmare’s return. Must I really dismiss it?” she asked, conflicted with wanting to go along with the lie.

“You have to Celestia, it’s the only way little Luna returns safe.” I replied as I heard her sigh as she quickly wrote back to Twilight and used her magic to turn the parchment into smoke and it flew away.

“If your plan doesn’t work, I will have you rotting in the darkest part of the dungeons for many years.” She said in a cold tone as she gave me a dead serious look.

“Trust me your Highness, why would I lie.” I said as I gave her the two finger points.

“For now, I must ask you to leave, I have day court to attend.” Celestia said as I gave her a small bow as I walked to the door.

“Until we meet again, Princess.” as I opened the door and walked out.

I walked down the hall before slinking somewhere more secluded and knelt down, placing my fingers behind my ears and made a call.

Time froze around me again as the Codec UI popped in front of me, answering me with the same static image from earlier.

“Ah Ocelot, I'm hoping the meeting with the princess went well?” the voice asked as I gave a nod.

“Everything went according to plan, Lore, she took the whole hook, bait and sinker when I mentioned her sister returned, she already knew about the Elements of Harmony and to use them on Luna to cure her of her corrupted state of nightmare moon.” I replied.

“Hmm, typical of the princess, use the elements to solve all of her problems. Either way, be careful when mentioning her sister, she is the older sister and will do anything to protect her little sister.” they warned.

“Yeah I can tell, she already fired a warning shot at my foot when I mentioned her little family reunion, was walking on eggshells there but I did lead her on the elements reactivation, just had to send her little protégé to Ponyville, that way it’ll kick start this whole show event, though there are a few things I can speed up the process on.” I said, scratching at my chin.

“What would those be?” they asked.

“Well, for one would be Discord, though it would be very difficult to control the being of chaos to our side, guy’s already manipulative as I am, plus he has those chaotic spells that can turn the world upside down.” stating the facts to Lore Master.

“But, you know it is possible to get Discord trust if you promise him true freedom, it worked when he was teamed up with Tirek.” Lore replied.

“Oh shit you’re right, I remember that finale, Tirek was able to convince Discord to join him, after he drained every pony of their magic he betrayed him and drained his chaos magic.” I replied.

“As of now, we don’t want to release Discord too early or else Celestia will think we have something to do with it, we have to wait until the three fillies make the argument at his statue.” Lore stated.

“You mean the CMCs huh, alright, we’ll wait until that happens.” I replied.

“Good, now I suggest you keep an eye on Twilight’s progress in the shadows, you’ll find an item that’ll help you with sneaking around, and no it’s not the cardboard box, you’re not Solid snake nor Big boss, so it won’t work out for you too well. It’ll be in the closet down the hall, you’ll see it floating for you.” Lore replied before disconnecting from the call.

Again the world resumed back to normal as I stood back up, looking down the hall to see if anyone else was around as I casually jogged down the hall, and to Lore Master’s word there was the closet.

I reached out to the door handle, twisting it as it was unlocked, I mean duh it’s a closet it has all the cleaning supplies.

As I opened the door, on the floor was an object just floating and spinning in circles in the air. It looked familiar to me, I walked over to it as I picked it up, and soon I did white text floated up in the air Stealth camouflage” it read out before the text slowly fades away.

“No fucking way he sent me this..” I muttered as I look at the device in my hand before putting it on and pressed a button, soon I became nearly invisible, trying to look at myself as to me as I became transparent.

“Well it works but don’t know how long the battery life is, so gotta keep this on reserve.” I muttered before turning it off and pocketing the thing. I slowly stepped out of the closet and shut it behind me. With my new equipment in hand I left the castle, asking a maid nearby where the exit was as she kindly gave me directions to it.

“Leaving already?” a female voice called out as I turned to See Gilded Cross walking my way.

“Yeah, about to head out of the castle, already had my meeting with the princess and had a nice discussion with her.” I said to the Lieutenant.

“What did you discuss with her?” she asked as she started to walk alongside me.

“ Talked about the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration coming up, asked if I can participate in the event and if she needed extra security. She said I could watch the celebration but kindly declined my security offer.” I said to her, lying to the guards pony with ease as we were making our way to the exit.

“Security detail, what for? She already has plenty of Royal guards to protect the venue and the princess.” she stated as she looked up to me. I let out a small little chuckle as I looked down to the 4 foot tall pony.

“You forgot, I’m a Major, meaning I’m part of the military, what military I’m in, eh, I’ll tell you later. For now I'll let you know that I lead an elite group of soldiers that follow my command.” I replied to her as we made it to the courtyard of the castle.

“Really? And where are your troops right now?” she asked, looking around the courtyard and raising a brow.

“They’re all waiting for my signal to show up, but right now I have somewhere to be at the moment, so it’s nice talking to you Miss Cross, until we meet again.” I gave her the Ocelot signature salute as I walked away from the castle and its courtyard.

Gilded Cross watched the human walk away, scratching at her chin with her hoof as she also heard a small phone buzzing from her armor. She pulls out a small flip phone from her pocket as she puts it to her ear “Yes? He just left the castle now….My guess is heading to the station…Alright, I'll try to see if I can make contact with the Griffin Empire…You want me to make him the next agent?.... I see… Alright, I'll do it…” she answered before closing the phone and putting it away. She lets out a small sigh as he walks back into the Castle.

I continued walking down the main street, asking around for the direction for the train station and once I got the info, I started making my way down there easily.

Once at the station I walked up to the station booth “ One ticket to Ponyville please.” I asked the booth teller as they punched out a ticket. “That’ll be two bits please.” they asked. I pulled out two of the coins and placed them on the table and slid them to them.

They slipped the ticket to me as I grabbed it, heading to the station landing. After several minutes a train did slowly roll in as ponies started entering and exiting the train. I walked in through one of the train doors and walked down the narrow path, finding an empty chair as I sat down, sighing softly as I kicked my boots up on the other side in front of me as I placed the beret on my face. ‘Might as well catch a power nap, for all I know it’ll be a looong day..’ I thought to myself as I felt the train move as I shut my eyes for a needed nap, next stop Ponyville…