Among the Ruins

by SteampunkBrony

4: Release

Among the Ruins
Chapter 4: Release

((Thanks again to all those who are reading this and to Doom for editing. Sorry about the wait folks, but the good news is I got another job now.))

“Zat... does not sound good.” Dr. Vow muttered as we trotted over to the holographic display.

The semi-transparent hologram came into view, earning a gasp from Redheart and myself and a muttered “Fascinating...” from the doctor.

The display showed my skeleton, which was now the brightest thing there aside from my blood vessels. Of my internal organs, only my stomach, lungs, heart, brain, and a few other organs remained. Where my intestines should have been there was an oddly shaped organ that was a bit brighter and more angular than the rest.

“Is that... a crystal?” One of the hazmat ponies muttered as they looked at the scan.

“It vould appear so...” Dr. Vow muttered. “But vhy is it zere... vhat does it do?”

“The acid's source was the crystals beneath Canterlot,” I offered. “Perhaps those are the same material?”

“It could be...” Dr. Vow replied, “However zat still does not explain vhere the nanomachines are coming from.”

“Perhaps that... crystal... produces both?” Redheart said, zooming in on it with the controls. There were pockets of less dense crystal near the center.

“Zat... should be impossible... Vhere does it get the material to produce zee nanomachines zhen?”

“I... think I know.” I said after a moment of thought. “Back in Canterlot, I'd occasionally come across small piles of metal or crystal that were surrounded by nanomachine swarms. They were like hives for them and the machines would use whatever materials they could find to construct them.”

“That... is a very interesting bit of news.” The Hazmat stallion said.

“It does make sense though.” Tenderheart said. “If there was a small nanomachine plant there then you wouldn't run out of them, and if it was made out of the acid crystal than you have a source for your blood. My question now is why your bones are so bright on the scan. They would have to be made of something denser than calcium to show up that brightly.”

“Zat is correct Tenderheart...” Dr. Vow said. “I vonder... Twilight, would you be willing to try something that could hurt quite a bit?”

“And what would that be?”

“Vell, ze only vay we could get to your bones is with a quick extraction, however it vould be painful due to the tools needed.”

“I'm fine not knowing what they are made of.” I said after a moment's thought. If I had to choose between having a part of my skeleton rather forcibly removed and not knowing, I could deal with ignorance, some prices are too high. “Still, what do we do about the nanoswarm that's apparently inside me?”

“Vell... ze rats are still alive so I think we're okay. All of the Canterlot nanoswarms killed within minutes, it's been over a fifteen minutes since exposure so I think ve vill be okay... Still only von vay to be sure...” Dr. Vow grabbed the head of his suit with his magic and removed it before any of us could react.

“Doctor!” Redheart yelped as he took a deep breath, although a nervous one.

“Stay back.” He said. “I have to be sure before I can release her from ze quarantine. Zis solves zhat question zee fastest, if she's dangerous to be around, I think I'll be able to tell.” He chucked a little, but the attempt at humor fell rather flat.

We stood there in tense silence for a few minutes before I spoke. “Well? Anything?”

“I do not feel any different...” He said with a shrug.

“So it's safe?” Tenderheart asked.

“Apparently so.” He said. “Although, I vould like to check if the nanomachines have entered my bloodstream.” He said trotting over to a machine that had a few syringes on the side of it. He quickly took a blood sample and put it in the machine, the results showing on a screen beside it. “It can't be...” He muttered, reading the results. “It is... Zis could be... I can't believe it...”

“What is it?” I asked, trotting over.

“I tested positive for EIV two years ago, I got it from a patient of mine who coughed up some blood during an examination. Zhis machine is programed to pick up on it, but it's showing that aside from zee nanomachines, there is nothing else that shouldn't be there...”

“So you're saying it...” Redheart trailed off ask Dr. Vow nodded.

“It somehow... killed off zee virus.” He said as he sat down. “I vill have to run some more tests but zhis... ve may have found a working nanoswarm.”

Everypony just stared at each other for a few moments before I spoke up. “That... would actually explain quite a bit.”

“It vould, if the Nanomachines vere constantly repairing any damage done to you and altering your body to keep you alive and carry zee... let's just call it a hive... Were the first few hours to days after you were hit by the swarm and acid cloud painful?”

“I... was unconscious for a while... I don't know how long. When I awoke there were still ponies dying though.”

“Was the wall complete when you woke up? If we can use a few timeline marks that we know from outside...” The Hazmat mare asked.

“Yes, it was... a week after that I spotted the princesses on top of the roof over the city.”

“I remember that... that would put you waking up some point... about... four to six days after the gas release...” She said.

“Zat vould be enough time for a properly working, albeit overzealous, nanoswarm to do its job correctly.” Dr Vow said, thinking for a moment before his expression hardened. “Zis news does not leave zis room.”

“What?” Tenderheart nearly yelled. “We have a working nanoswarm, one that helps ponies, why would you want to h-”

“Because it vould be Canterlot all over again!” Dr. Vow yelled. “I had a friend on von of the nanomachine research teams,” his voice dropped down to barely a whisper. “He was killed by his research when it founds a microscopic crack in its containment unit, zat vos the start of the Nanoplauges. The nachtmahr zat vas caused by that first swarm led to chaos in ze labs and the release of ze rest of ze incomplete nanoswarms. One mistake killed thousands before the EMP vas discovered. One crack, so small zat it vas invisible to ze naked eye, and it vould be ze nanoplauges all over again... I am not about to let zat happen.”

Tenderheart just stared at the doctor for a few moments. “I still think someone should look into a way to reproduce Twilight's nanomachines.” She muttered.

“I vould agree, if not for the fact that ze swarm within her is the von out of hundreds of nanoswarms developed. Trying to reproduce it vithout ze equipment in ze Canterlot labs, it vould be nearly impossible.”

“I have to agree with the doctor on this one.” I said with a frown. “The lab equipment in the labs where the nanoswarms were created was one of a kind. I've been through them, and they’re mostly rubble. It would be nearly impossible to reproduce the equipment unless you had the engineer and the manufacturing drawings.”

“I... well then would you at least be willing to help every now and then in the hospitals Twilight?” Tenderheart asked. “We have a few cases of acid victims from the release before the wall went up, if you could help them...”

“I would love to, but I think we should run it past the princesses first.”

“Finally, hope to heal him...” She muttered, I almost didn't hear it.

“Heal who?”

“Oh... well my brother had acid burns on a good deal of his body from the gas release.” Her voice was pained, and it looked like she was struggling not to cry. “We managed to heal most of the external damage, but the damage to his lungs... he needs 24 hour care and can't leave the hospital. He was just leaving the city when it happened.”

“I... I'll see what I can do. Are there many cases like him?” I asked.

“Thirty in Ponyville Royal, ten in Cloudsdale General, and a few in Manehattan and Fillydelphia.” Redheart listed. “Most of those are wealthier ponies who could afford the cost to move themselves. It's not easy to transport someone like that.”

“I don't doubt that. Anyhow doctor, am I clear to leave?”

“Ja, you may go, but do not tell anypony aside from ze princesses about ze nanoswarm. You of all ponies should understand why.” Dr. Vow said. “Actually, let me exit first, zat vay they vill know you're safe without all the damn tedious papervork...” He chuckled as he headed for the door. I glanced over to the Hazmat ponies to see if it was okay and, at a shrug from them, followed him out.

As soon as I stepped out I heard someone nearly yelling “Twilight!” only moments before I was tackle-hugged by a flying pink blur.

“Hi Pinkie.” I said chuckling.

“Ohmygosh! I almost can't believe it's actually you Twilight, when we heard that you were in the city, I couldn't stop crying for almost a year and then I was all Saddie-Pie, but now that you're back I don't have to be sad anymore, I-”

A blue hoof came into vision as it was stuffed into Pinkie's mouth. “Geze Pinks, don't talk her ear off, let us have a chance to speak as well.” Rainbow Dash helped me back to my hooves before hugging me as well. “We thought you were dead...” She said, as she hugged me, her head on my shoulder. “I... well I suppose we should take you to the others, when Pinkie ran out of the room I was the only one who followed her, the rest are just down the hall.” I held back a few tears.

“Thanks.” I said and followed my friends as Pinkie attempted to bring me up to date. I say attempted because she was speaking so fast I couldn't understand her. This is actually happening... I'm finally free of that place. A memory from one of the first few days after I awoke surfacing.

I trotted through one of the residential districts of Canterlot, the thick green mist obscuring my vision past about three blocks. Every now and then a droplet of acid would land on me. They never burned me, and just felt cold.

A cough echoed through the streets, slightly louder than my hoofsteps.

“Hello?” I called.

“In here.” I heard a mare's voice say as the porch lights flickered on one of the houses. I quickly trotted over to it.

As I trotted up to the door I found myself staring down the business end of a crossbow. “You better not be after any of my fil- oh... How in Celestia's name are you still alive?” She said as she lowered the crossbow. I could see her face was obscured by a gasmask and the rest of her body was covered in an acid-proof suit from one of the factories. The back of her head was covered with the hood as well.

“I wish I could tell you.” I said after the shock of having a crossbow pointed at my face wore off. “I'm Twilight Sparkle.”

“Morning Dew,” she said smiling. “Come on in, I’ve got a safe room with some supplies in the basement, if you don't mind going through decontamination.”

“Yeah I'm fine with that. Wait, if you have a safe room why are you up here?”

“Simple, I want to scavenge as much food as I can, I have the supplies and equipment to survive for five years in my bunker, but I don't want to use any of that if I can help it. Sealed tin cans are still good, and you can tell which ones are bad the moment you open them.” She said nodding to a bag by the door.

“Good thinking. What was that about filters then?”

“Oh, Well when the gas started shooting out of the sewers I was working in the chemical plant just north of here, those of us who were working the floor had full hazard gear on, and access to the plant's stock of mask filters, we split them up evenly, but somepony got the idea in his head that he could nick a few from the others, I thought you might have been him.” She explained as she led me through the house into the basement. “Sorry about the crossbow by the way.”

“You didn't fire so I'll forgive you.” I replied with a smile. “So you have some kind of bunker then?” I ask as we weaved through her basement.

“Yeah, I had it built when I moved here after hearing about how close I'd be living to the largest chemical plant in Equestria. You have no idea how glad I am that I put a few hundred thousand bits into building that thing right now.”

“I can only imagine.” I said with a shudder. “Take my advice, don't go through the market district anytime soon... I don't think I found all of the survivors, but the streets were full.”

“I... geeze...” She said as we reached a large concrete door. She tapped a code into a keypad beside it and the door slid off to one side into the wall. As we stepped in the door slid shut behind us. Sprinklers in the roof doused us with water for about a minute after she put her saddlebags in a slot on the wall. “I don't even want to imagine how horrible that must have been.”

“Yeah... I helped whoever I could, but all I could do is an anesthetic spell.”

“At least you could do something...” She said as the sprinklers cut out. “Between the Nanoplauges and that acid gas... It just makes you feel helpless at times.”

“I know the feeling.” I said as the other door slid open. She trotted into the next room and began removing her hazmat suit. “Still, it's nice to see another pony that made it.”

“Mom!” I heard a voice from the other side of the room. I looked over to see a grass green earth pony filly run towards Morning Dew.

“Give me a hand with this will you Summer?” She asked and the filly nodded, undoing a zipper on the back of the one piece orange rubber bodysuit. After a moment she was free and had removed her mask. She was a cream colored earth pony with a blue and cream striped mane. Her cutie mark was a set of industrial valves. “Twilight, this is Summer Fields, my daughter.”

“Hi Miss Twilight.” The filly said cheerfully. “You have odd eyes.”


“It's alright.” I said with a chuckle. “I guess I do, I don't know why they're like that, I woke up a few days ago and they just were.”

“Ah, probably has something to do with that green stuff from the sewers then.” Summer said.


“I don't want to breathe that stuff, it made those ponies on the street act weird; I just ran down here like mom said to.”

“Anyhow, do you need a place to stay?” Morning Dew asked me.

“I found a small clothing shop near where I woke up and have a place set up there. It's not the best, but I don't want to impose on you two.” I said before dropping my voice so that Summer couldn't hear me. “Besides, I want to see if I can find any other survivors.”

“I won't keep you here then, but at least stay for a while and talk.”

“I'd like that.” I said with a smile.

They gave me a communication gem when I left. We stayed in touch for a few weeks, but I couldn't return to the bunker. The house was weakened by the acid and collapsed. The bunker survived, but they stopped responding on the communication gem.

Pinkie stopped her rambling as we stepped into the room where everyone had been waiting. “Twi'!” I heard from my right as I was tackle-hugged off my hooves again, this time by Applejack.

“H-hi everypony.” I said. “Um, Applejack, kind of hard to breath down here.”

“Oops, sorry sugarcube.” She said sheepishly causing everypony to chuckle. She helped me up after a moment.

“It's alright Applejack.” I said with a smile. “It's great to see all of you again.”

“I don't think anyone here doubts that Twilight Sparkle.” Luna said. “Least of all me...” She added in quietly. I think Celestia was the only other one in the room to hear it though.

My parents had trotted up in the meantime. “We thought we had lost you...” Mom said before hugging me. “Don't ever leave again.”

I hugged her back as Dad joined in the hug.

“Group hug!” I heard Pinkie shout from my right and soon felt everypony joining in.