Diary of *illegibly smudged*

by Thought Prism

Page 55

*illegibly smudged*

I've decided to propose to *illegibly smudged* this Hearth's Warming Eve! We haven't been together for very long, but at this point I couldn't imagine living the rest of my life without her. She's my soulmate, and I'm hers. With infinite wisdom, Lucky picked out the most brilliant diamond ring, and it's all wrapped up and ready. I didn't draft a script or anything, since it's so soon. I'm just going to speak from my heart, which sings in anticipation, as the truth flows unbidden through me. Hopefully everything goes well! Both she and Lucky have been so good to me; I have to convey the full extent of my gratitude to my love and my guardian angel both.

*illegibly smudged*

I know Lucky will be guiding me every step of the way, but just to make sure everything goes well tomorrow, I'm going to get all my lingering negative vibes out of my head and into this diary. To that end, a confession. I've been unable to remember them vividly upon waking every time, but I believe I've been having strange dreams every night starting about a month ago. Each one is the same. There's this buzzing sound I hear, high pitched on the surface but with an underlying, low resonance that shakes my very soul. It is a song that speaks to a great, dark unknown, the root of all things. But the more closely I listen, the harder I try, the more clear it becomes that the message is too complex for my comprehension. And yet I cannot stop. I must understand. For at its end lies true purpose, the ultimate will governing reality, far beyond even the alicorns. Whew, okay, it's out. All good, now! Hooves crossed!

*illegibly smudged*

EEEE! She said yes! She said yes! I'm so happy! We're going to move in together immediately, and I'm taking care of the logistics there while *illegibly smudged* plans our wedding! We shall beckon our friends and family from all corners of Equestria to be there on our special day, a day of purpose fulfilled! The firmament quakes in anticipation of our glorious union, and joy shakes my very being! My destiny is nigh at last! Does the way I phrased that seem weird at all, diary? Eh, it's probably nothing, I'm just overcome with emotion right now and the words just sort of flow out! Still, I should probably stop, though. She's waiting for me, after all!