Honest Hearts

by YuCheng Huang

Chapter 6 - Do it for Chalk, Part 2

The sun was setting and it was almost time for dinner, Joshua was sitting next to the campfire reading his scripture, he then heard footsteps and hoofsteps from behind, and he closed his scripture.

"You're back, did you find anything we need?" Joshua greeted them.

"Not yet," - Tom scratched his head - "but we have a few question to ask you."

"Sure, ask away." Joshua said.

"First of all, Follows-Chalk said that the Bighorners up there are pretty angry about a missing calf, and they said the Dead Horses are responsible for it." Tom said. "They were planning to attack the camp."

"The Dead Horses have standards, they don't hunt the youngs." - Joshua looked a little confused - "And how did you know about it?

"Fluttershy can talk to animals, she already told them that you're not to blame." Applejack explained. "And she engaged a negotiation between you and the Bighorners."

"If that so, if those Bighorners really attack our camp, even we successfully defend our camp, we will be vulnerable to the White Legs. Tell me about the negotiation." Joshua said noticing that the team was still standing. "Come, take a sit."

Tom and Chalk both sat next to Joshua and the ponies sat next to Tom. Fluttershy was still concerned about her relationship between Joshua Graham. Fortunately, Applejack was there to comfort her.

"So, Fluttershy." Joshua said. "What do they want?"

"Umm, the chief said they won't attack your camp if we return the missing calf and stop hunting his kind." Fluttershy said.

"It's a fair deal, but the Dead Horses will face famine sooner or later if they stop hunting the Bighorners." Joshua said.

"So that's why ah suggest that we teach these Dead Horses" - Applejack shivered - "how to farm." Applejack took out some apple seeds. "The Zion Canyon's environment was similar to a place in Equestria, Appleloosa." - Applejack walked towards Joshua and handed him the seeds - "If the ponies there can grow the second best apples in Equestria, ah bet ya can, too."

Joshua took the seeds. "Thanks, Miss Applejack. We'll begin as soon as you come back from returning the missing calf."

"Don't worry, Joshua. Ah will help ya as much as ah ca..." - Applejack's stomach growled - "Ha, ha. Maybe we should have dinner first."

"You can say that again." Tom said.


Shortly after they finish their meal, Joshua looked at Tom. "So, anymore question?"

"Yes, actually." - Tom looked at Chalk - "And it's about Chalk."

"Huh? Is anything wrong with him?" Fluttershy asked.

"Not really. Chalk said that he wants to venture out Zion to admire the civilized land." Tom explained.

"He wants to leave Zion Canyon?" Fluttershy said looking a little concern. "Is there anywhere safe outside this place?"

"Yes, but actually no." Tom answered. "Anywhere beside New Vegas is not safe in the Mojave Wasteland."

"What do you mean?" Chalk asked.

"There are aggressive animals like coyotes, giant geckos, mole rats," Tom said.

"That...that doesn't sound so bad. They may can be tamed." Fluttershy said.

"You're not wrong, Fluttershy. But you haven't heard the worst." - Tom inhaled - "Giant scorpions and fire breathing ants crawl through the dessert." - Tom waved his hand like he was flying - "If you think the scorpion stings are deadly, you will never want to encounter any cazadors, some mutated wasps or some shit.Their poison can kill you within a minute. Also, the infamous deathclaws, which can tear you into pieces in a matter of second."

The ponies had started cowering by each other, but Chalk still looked determined.

"May...maybe it's better for y...ya to stay here, Ch...Chalk." Applejack said hugging the terrified Fluttershy.

"I don't scared of these creatures. I'm great hunter, I know when to fight and when to avoid." Chalk said.

"If you really are capable of protecting yourself, then I think you should give it a try." Tom said.

"Thanks, Tom." Chalk said.

Joshua sighed. "Maybe animals are not problem to you Chalk, but there are more than dangerous creatures you need you to be cautious about. The Mojave is not a place for you."

"But...but." Chalk couldn't think a better excuse to convinced Joshua.

"No 'but', you need to stay 'here', Chalk. End of discussion." Joshua stood up and walked back into the Angel Cave.

"Joshua, wait!" Tom followed Joshua into the cave, leaving two horrified mares and a disappointed young man by the campfire.


"Joshua, I know the Mojave is dangerous, but do you have to crush his dream like that?" Tom said.

"Tom," - Joshua stopped and gave Tom a death stare - "do you know what is the true danger in this world."

Tom was a little confused, but he soon realized the answer was. "It's humans, isn't it."

"Exactly, you met the people in New Vegas, the Legion and the NCR. People think, Tom, and they aren't all selfless like you, they will do anything to benefit themselves." - Joshua let out another sigh - "Chalk may be a great hunter, but he's still an innocent tribal, people outside will definitely take advantage of him, he won't last long in the Mojave."

"I understand, Joshua. I will try to convince him to stay." Tom said.

"Thank you, and please tell Chalk that I'm sorry." - Joshua turned away - "Good night, Tom."

"Good night." Tom left the cave.


When he went outside, the ponies had fell asleep and Chalk was no where to be seen around the camp. Tom started to panic. He then noticed some fresh footprints heading out the camp.

"Oh, no." Tom thought. "Don't do anything stupid Chalk!" He then left the camp looking for Follows-Chalk.

When Tom reached the T-junction where they came from, he found out the river was a little bit red.

"No no no, this is not good." Tom took out his revolver and followed the red trail to the right.

Soon after, he heard someone talking, he traced the sound, only to find Follows-Chalk captured by four White Legs, one of them was using a mantis gauntlet, two of them were using sub-machine guns and the last one was using a anti-material rifle.

"Jeez, where did these White Legs find these weapons." Tom whispered.

The White Legs started taunting and torturing their prisoner. "Where is your Joshua now, huh?" one of the White Legs slap Chalk's face. "Without your Joshua, you Dead Horses and Sorrows are nothing." and punched Chalk stomach. "Soon you will join your worthless brothers and sisters." and started laughing.

"These bastards, they will pay for it!" Tom thought in his head. In the mean time, he was thinking how to rescue Chalk. He entered his V.A.T.S and aim at the White Legs, but his action point can only make him take three shot. "I hope Chalk know how to react. Here goes nothing."

"Beg for mercy, maybe I'll make it quick." the White Leg said.

"Go to hell, you White Legs scum." Chalk spitted on the White Leg.

The White Leg was pissed, "Fine, White Legs will kill all of you pathetic existence." and ready to execute Chalk with his gauntlet.

Bang Bang Bang.

One of the White Leg with machine gun's head got blown up, and the other one's arm was crippled by the bullet, and the third one hit the leg of the executioner. The White Legs started to fire at Tom's location, then he took cover behind a rock.

Upon seeing the chance, Chalk tackled the executioner, knocked him out, and charged toward the one with the machine gun with his hands tied. He kicked the White Leg's weapon off his hand, and head butted him to other universe. The rifle man noticed the situation and turned towards Chalk, but before he can fire, his skull was pierced by Tom's bullet.

Tom ran to Chalk, untied him and put down the rest of the White Legs for good.

"Are you okay?" - Tom gave Chalk a med-x - "This can ease the pain."

"I'm fine, and thank you, my friend." Chalk said.

"Let's head back to the camp then." Tom gestured at Chalk.

But Chalk just stayed at the same spot. "No." Chalk said.

"What do you mean..." - Tom sighed - "Chalk, the Mojave is not a place for you. The civilized land and people won't treat you kindly, trust me."

"Now you talk like Joshua," - Chalk became furious- "why don't you two let me pursue my dream!"

"You need to understand, Chalk. Me and Joshua stopped you because we care about you. It hurt Joshua when he realized he was stopping you from what you want. Joshua doesn't want to lose you, and your friends here don't want to lose you, too. You have family here, Chalk, it is your duty to protect your family."

"I...I..." - Chalk looked at the White Leg corpses on the ground and remembered what the White Leg told him about his people and the Sorrows - "You're right, I have to protect my family from our enemies." - Chalk looked determined - "Thank you, you are a true friend."

"How about we go back to the camp, and get some sleep?" Tom asked.

"Can't agree more." Chalk tried to walk, but found himself crippled.

"Let me help you." Tom lent Chalk his shoulder.

"Thanks." - Chalk raised his fist - "Friend?"

Tom bumped Chalk's fist.



Joshua couldn't fell asleep, he was worried about Follows-Chalk. He left the Angel Cave, only to see the ponies sleeping together by a died out campfire. He sat down next to them.

Joshua smiled under his bandages. "May God protect these two innocent creatures from the cruelty of this world."

Joshua looked up to the night sky and suddenly heard a weak tender voice. "Mr. Graham?"

"Ah, Miss Fluttershy, you're awake." - Joshua looked at Fluttershy - "Did I interrupt your sleep?" Joshua asked.

"No, no. Not at all." - Fluttershy brushed her mane with her hooves - "Mr.Graham, I just want to tell you I'm sorry."

"It was no big deal, and I am sorry for being rude at you." Joshua said.

Fluttershy looked at Joshua. "Does that mean we're still friend?"

Joshua patted Fluttershy on the head. "Of course." he then noticed movements on the river. Joshua stood up, taking out his pistol.

"What's wrong, Joshua?" Fluttershy asked.

"Something is coming from the river. Prepare yourself." Joshua aimed his pistol.

"Oh dear, are those Tom and Chalk?" Fluttershy exclaimed.

At the entrance to the Dead Horses' Camp came two figures. It was Tom and Chalk. Joshua noticed Chalk's condition and ran toward them.

"What happened?" Joshua asked while helping Tom assist Chalk.

Applejack woke up from her sleep, rubbing her eye, "What in tarnation is going on?" and she saw the badly injured Chalk. "Sweet Celestia, what happened ta ya?"

"I tried to ran away to venture the civilized land, but got myself captured by the White Legs scouts and almost..." Chalk felt ashamed. "I'm so sorry, Joshua."

"It's alright, the most important thing is that you are safe now." Joshua comforted Chalk. "Let's go patch you up."

Tom and Joshua carried Chalk into the Angel Cave, put him on a mattress. Joshua started applying medicine to Chalk's wounds. Tom and the ponies stood beside them, praying for Chalk to recover.

Joshua turned to the trio. "He's going to be fine, but he needs to rest."

"Joshua," - Chalk wiped the tears from his face - "I've been so foolish for wanting to travel to the civilized land."

"You are no fool, Chalk. You have grown up, and I know it's your dream to travel. But, your family needs you." Joshua said.

"After getting captured by those White Legs, they not only tortured me, but also threatened to destroy the Dead Horses and the Sorrows." - Chalk's face became serious - "So I swear that I will protect my family from the White Legs, even if it cost my life."

"Thank you, Chalk. Now, you need to rest." - Joshua stood up and walk to Tom - "Thank you. For saving Chalk."

"It's no big deal. Glad I found him just in time." Tom said.

"Alright, now go get rested. We still have a busy day tomorrow." Joshua said.


The next morning, the trio gathered at the entrance of Angel Cave. Chalk was still resting and was taken good care by the other Dead Horses and Joshua.

"Alright, ponies." - Tom looked at the mares - "You two have to find the lost calf ASAP. Understand?"

"No need ta worry, Tom." - Applejack tipped her hat - "We won't let ya fellas down, will we Fluttershy?"

"R...Right, we won't." Fluttershy said. "What are you going to do, Tom?"

"Since I am not allowed in the Bighorner's territory. I will be looking around the camp. Scavenge anything I find useful." Tom said. "We'll meet back at the camp." - Tom looked at his Pip-boy - "Time is money, let's move out."

The ponies nodded and head to the Bighorner's territory, and Tom headed the opposite direction out of the camp.


- On the way to the Bighorner's territory.

"Hey Applejack." Fluttershy called.

"What's wrong, sugar cube?" Applejack said.

"Can't the conflict between these tribes solve with friendship?" Fluttershy asked.

Applejack looked a bit down. "Ah don't think it can. They are already at war, Fluttershy. And ah don't think those White Legs are reasonable. Remember what they try to do to us, and what they did to Tom and Chalk."

"You're right." Fluttershy felt sad, thinking why couldn't this can solve peacefully, why it had to so violent. "Then what do you think what our friendship problem is?"

"Ah don't know. Maybe we'll find out if we keep follow Tom after this." Applejack said.


Soon, they reach the Bighorner's territory and found Chief Big Horn was waiting for them.

"Ah, the ponies had returned. What did the human said about the negotiation?" Big Horn asked.

"They agreed." Fluttershy said.

"Very well. Now, go find our missing child, wish you luck." Big Horn said.

"Thanks, and don't you worry. We'll find him. Let's go Applejack." Fluttershy said.

"Alright." Applejack followed. When she get passed Big Horn, she just tipped her hat at him with a awkward smile.

They reached another rock bridge, and Applejack stopped Fluttershy. "Look at this place, where do ya think the calf will be?"

"He's still a child, so he may not move to far." - Fluttershy looked to the other side of the bridge - "And there is only one way up and down. He must be in the deeper section of this mountain."

"Let's not keep him waiting then." Applejack said.

They carefully crossed the bridge, and walked deeper into the mountain. On their way into the mountain, luckily for them, they didn't encounter any danger. After a long walk, their legs started to sore, so they rested by a alien plant full of fruits.

"What is this?" Fluttershy asked. "They smell pretty good."

"Ah don't know. We shouldn't eat anything that is alien to us, you know." Applejack said.

"Yeah, I know. But I think we can pick some of them and ask anyone whether it's edible or not." Fluttershy said.

"Sure, go ahead." - Applejack took out two apples - "Want one?"

"I do, but how many do you have left?" Fluttershy asked.

"Not many." - Applejack gave Fluttershy an apple and took a bite on hers - "We really need to find some new food to eat, don't we."

"Well, that will be inevitable." Fluttershy nodded. "Maybe I'll pick more of this fruit."

After they finished their apple, and rested for approximately thirty minutes, they continued to hit the road. Eventually they reached a dead end without finding any missing calf.

"Well, what now?" Applejack asked.

"Shhh, I think I heard someone crying." - Fluttershy noticed something between the rocks - "Over there!" she point at a small path that a normal size bighorner couldn't fit, but fortunately they fit through just fine.

The path got a bit wider as they went, and at the end of the path, they found the missing calf crying in the corner. The calf noticed the ponies and started to panic.

"I don't know you. Stay...stay away from me!" the calf shouted.

"It's okay little one." - Fluttershy tried to approach the calf - "We're here to safe you."

"Even if it's true, how can I trust you?" the calf was still cautious.

"Your mother, Belle, is worried about you, when we met her, she thought you were captured by the humans by the river." Fluttershy explained. "I'm Fluttershy. And there's Applejack."

"Uh, howdy?" Applejack waved at him.

"I'm Stevie." the calf said.

"Why are you here all by yourself?" Fluttershy asked.

"Few days ago, I was enjoying a nice meal of banana yucca fruit with my mother. And then I got distracted by some beautiful flying things and followed them here." Stevie explained.

"What's banana yucca fruit?" - Fluttershy took out an alien fruit - "Is this one of it?"

Stevie's eyes opened wide. "Yes, it is. And it's the best thing I've ever taste!" - Stevie's stomach growled and he blushed - "I've been hiding here for a night without eating."

Fluttershy walked next to Stevie, "Here, you can have this." and handed him the fruit.

"Oh, thank you Miss Fluttershy." Stevie started to feast on the fruit.

Fluttershy then noticed the Stevie's back leg was injured, "You're injured. What happened?" and took out some bandage from her saddle bag. She then proceeded to wrapped bandages around his leg.

"When I was lost in the mountain, a pack of coyotes found me, and I used my whole strength to escape. During the escape, I fell hard. Fortunately, when I fell, they no longer chasing me." Stevie said.

"Well, what happened to the little one?" Applejack asked.

"He was hunted by coyotes and injured his leg in the process." - Fluttershy pondered for a few seconds - "That's strange. Coyotes usually don't leave a easy prey."

"That's right." a female voice came from entrance of the path. "Coyotes don't usually leave easy prey."


When Tom separated with the ponies, he remembered that they came across a cave that was mark by tons white painting. Tom carefully avoided some of Dead Horses' bear traps and arrived at the cave entrance, his Pip-boy showed that this cave was called "Fallen Rock Cave".

"Wonder what kind of taboo they mentioned." Tom shrugged, "It's probably nothing but some spirits or stuff." and entered the cave.

Upon entering the cave, it was an open space with some sunlight shone through the crack. "It's quite bright here for a cave, I guess there's no need for flashlight." and took a step forward.

(Rope cut) Tom noticed he just tripped on a trip wire. "Fuck!" (Bang*2) He was not quickly enough to dodge all the bullets from two rigged shotgun and some hit his left leg.

"God Damn it!" Tom hit himself with a Stimpak and sit right next to the wooden crate. "So, these are the taboo. The cave was booby trapped. I gotta be more careful."

Tom crouched down, turned on his flashlight, and slowly move forward. He disarmed some trip wires, avoided a few frag mine, and nearly got blown up by a plasma mine. "Jesus Christ! Whoever lives in this cave, must be very sociable."

After disarming the last trip wire and a frag mine, Tom didn't notice that he had enter the main room of some sort. Two workbenches, a mattress, some crates to loot and a terminal on a desk. "Maybe I'll check that later. I wonder who fortified this cave." There was really nothing much in those crates, just a few ammunition,food and aid.

Then he noticed, a duffle bag next to the mattress. He opened it up, "I hit the jack pot!" and started looting. "One reinforced leather armor, two regular leather armor, decent amount of ammunition and...what's this?" he took out a strange weapon.

Tom inspected the new gun he obtained, "Hmm, it got some electricity marks on it. Maybe it's a energy weapon." and put it back into his inventory. "Alright, time to check out the terminal."

After surfed the terminal entries, Tom learned that this cave used to be a research station, and these entries were written by a man who survived the big ol' bomb two hundred years ago. The man lost his wife and child, and witnessed the tragedy made by the nuclear explosion, but instead of ended his own life, he chose to move on.

"Man, I don't know who you are, but I feel you." - Tom stood up from the terminal - "I tip my hat to ya, the Survivalist." Tom left the cave and went back to the camp.


Fluttershy and Applejack (She could only heard howling.) looked at the path they came from. And two coyotes emerged from the rocks beside them, and the alpha came from the entrance.

"Since the bighorner is injured, we're just using him as a bait, to wait for his fellow bighorners to find him." another voice said.

"You three are surrounded." the third coyote said. The others just confusingly staring at him. "At least from this side." he added.

The coyotes turned to their prey menacingly. "Any last words?"

"Fluttershy, took the calf and fly to safety!" - Applejack took out her rope - "I'll handle these gosh darn puppies."

"No! I can't leave you to fight by yourself again." Fluttershy cried.

"Take THE CALF to SAFETY. We don't have other choice." -Applejack stared back at the coyotes - "Now go!"

Fluttershy dropped a tear and took off with Stevie in her brace. Leaving Applejack and the coyotes just staring at the scene, stunned. A clear whistle ring through the air, and the three coyotes turned to face Applejack.

"Howdy, howdy. Let's get rowdy."