Honest Hearts

by YuCheng Huang

Chapter 5 - Do it for Chalk, Part 1

It was 8 A.M in the morning according to Tom's pip-boy, the Dead Horses had already woke up to do their daily routines, and so did Tom. Some wood striking noise woke the ponies up. Tom was sitting next to them, browsing his inventory. He had several stimpaks, a few bottles of whiskey, Sunset Sarsaparilla and purified water. When he check on his weapons, his revolver was on low condition

Applejack let out a long yawn, "What in tarnation was that noise." rubbing her eye.

"Good morning, you two." - Tom pointed outside - "It's just some Dead Horses tribals practicing combat with their wooden clubs."

Fluttershy let out a small yawn and looked at Applejack. "Good morning, Applejack."

"Good morning Flutter-" - Applejack gasped - "Oh my, you looked terrible."

Fluttershy did look terrible. Her mane was messy and she got some serious dark circles around her eyes.

"It was about Joshua, wasn't it?" Applejack whispered to her.

"Yes, it was. I know he was a part of the Legion, but I was just curious. I'm afraid to lose him as a friend or even worse, anger him."

"I know, but judging by his action, he isn't the Joshua in the past, Fluttershy." - Applejack put Fluttershy's head on her chest - "Joshua was rude at that time, but it was reasonable."

Tom couldn't hear what they were talking about, but Fluttershy's appearance made it clear that she was still worried about what happened last night. He stood up, "I have something to ask Joshua, you two go get prepare for the mission." and walked away.

Tom walked to the workshop room and saw Joshua working on the workbench. "Joshua, before we head out, can you repair my gun?" Tom asked Joshua handing out his revolver.

"Sure, let me have a look." - Joshua started inspecting the revolver - "Don't worry, It can be fixed in no time."

After a moment, "Hey, Joshua. Were you mad about the thing happened last night?" Tom asked.

Joshua didn't answer, but he did finish his work, the revolver was good as new.

"Fine, I still think you two should have a talk." - Tom took back his gun and walked away - "Thanks for the repair."

Joshua just sitting there, recalling the event. He knew Fluttershy asked something he felt shame about, but he felt guilty for being rude to that innocent pony.


The trio had finished packing their stuff, and met up with Follows-Chalk outside the Angel Cave.

"So, before we move on." - Tom looked at the mares - "What can you bring to this team?"

"Well, ah'm a good kicker, Bucky McGillygutty and Kicks McGee never failed me." Applejack kicked the air with her legs and Tom could see the power in those kicks. "And Fluttershy here is good with animals."

"And how good is that?" Tom raised an eyebrow.

"She can actually communicate with them. Pretty impressive, right?" Applejack said. Fluttershy just blushed.

"You can talk to animals? I may have a task for you before we leave." Chalk said.

"Sure, what's the problem?" Fluttershy asked.

"The mountain Bighorners - whole herd of them up of the cliff there,"- Chalk pointed at the mountains, sure enough a few Bighorners could be seen - "became aggressive."

Fluttershy was exited first, but upon hearing the word 'aggressive', she started to feel nervous. "Why?" she asked.

"My guess is one of the calves got lost somewhere along the way. Bighorners are communal, one missing calf, and the whole herd gets ornery." Chalk said.

Chalk knelt down in front of Fluttershy. "If that calf doesn't turn up soon, they might very well come down into the valley and attack the camp." - Chalk held Fluttershy's hoof - "Can you help us?"

"Say no more." Fluttershy said with determination.

They walked up the cliff and the ponies met their first Bighorner. The Bighorner became aggressive when it saw them approach.

"I think me and Chalk will wait here, we are more likely to anger them." Tom said.

"Don't ya worry, I'll take care of her." Applejack said.

Fluttershy slowly closing her distance with the Bighorner, but it was still stomping the ground. "Don't worry, we're not here to hurt you" the Bighorner seemed to calmed itself down. "Tell me about your problem."

Both Tom and Follows-Chalk was amazed by the her performance, the Bighorner sat down and looked like it was talking back to Fluttershy.

After their little conversation, Fluttershy walked to them. "Her name is Belle, and it was her calf went missing." - Fluttershy looked at Follows-Chalk - "And she blame your kind for it."

"No, no. Please tell her it is not our fault." Chalk was panicking.

Fluttershy turned to the Bighorner. "Mrs.Belle, you have to understand, that they didn't take your child."

"Then, please. Prove me wrong." Belle told Fluttershy.

Fluttershy waved her hoof at the others telling them to come over.

Belle became aggresive again when the two humans approached her. "Only your orange friend can help you." - she stared angrily at the humans - "I can't trust them until you bring my child back."

"So, what's her problems, now?" Tom asked.

"Umm, she said doesn't trust you two and only allowed Applejack to help me find her child." Fluttershy said.

Tom let out a sigh. "Fair enough, I hope I can count on you ladies."

"Please, our camp's fate is at your ha- I mean hooves." Chalk pleaded.

"Don't worry Chalk, we'll bring her child back. Let's go Fluttershy." Applejack said.

Fluttershy nodded, "You can count on us." and went onward with Applejack, leaving the Bighorner, and the humans.

The scene was pretty awkward since they know what the Bighorner thought about them now.


On their way searching for the missing calf, they came across with a few stone bridges, but Fluttershy was not afraid this time, since they're just finding a missing calf, not a huge dragon. When they crossed the first bridge, they were stopped by a few more Bighorners.

"You're in our territory, strangers." the largest Bighorner said. "State your business."

The Bighorner in the front were larger than those yaks in Yakyakistan. Fluttershy gulped and her legs were shaking. "We're...We're finding Belle's missing calf, mister..." Fluttershy said.

"Big Horn. I'm the chief of these Bighorners." - Big Horn's voice became more serious - "And I'm afraid that you're just wasting your time," - Big Horn's voice became furious - "because the calf was taken by the humans down there!"

Fluttershy panicked. "No, Chief Big Horn. They didn't took him." Fluttershy tried to calm him down. "Belle's calf was seen in this area by the humans."

"Why do you speak for those filthy humans?" Big Horn asked Fluttershy. "They kill my kind just for our meat and fur, children are no exception."

"What happened, Fluttershy?" Applejack asked nervously. "He looks furious."

"Chief Big Horn is mad about the Dead Horses hunt his kind for their meat and fur." Fluttershy said.

Applejack whispered in to Fluttershy's ear. "What are we going to do? We can't proceed without passing them."

Fluttershy fell into deep thought, and moments later, she called Big Horn. "Maybe we can make a negotiation with the humans since we are friends with them."

"I'm listening." Big Horn said.

"If we find Belle's calf and return to you, I want you to make peace with the humans down there, and the humans to stop hunt your kind in return."

Big Horn thought for a moment. "If you can't find him then we strike!." - Big Horn pointed his hoof at the Dead Horse's Camp - "Now go, tell the humans about the negotiation and come back to me. We have more to discuss."

Fluttershy nodded. "We'll be right back, Chief." - Fluttershy turned to Applejack - "Chief Big Horn agreed my proposal!"

"Phew. Nice one Fluttershy." Applejack cheered.

"Let's go find Tom and Chalk." Fluttershy said. Applejack nodded.


Tom and Chalk sat on the ground where they separated with the ponies, with Belle death-staring at them. They both felt uneasy at first, but managed to adapt it. Follows-Chalk was the first one to break the awkward silence.

"I hear some odd things about the civilized lands outside Zion. Is there really a giant thunder-lizard people live inside?"

"Not really, but there is one man setting up shop in that dinosaur, a pretty nice guy." - Tom chuckled - "He had like a thousand of mini-dinosaurs and toy rockets in the storage."

"Woah, that's a lot of them." Chalk was amazed by the information.

"Since I got the caps, I bought all of them except the rocket, they are irradiated as hell." - Tom handed Chalk a toy dinosaur - "This is for you."

"Oh, thank you, thank you so much." - Chalk took the toy - "Why did you keep those bottlecaps anyway, they jingled like crazy."

"We use it as some kind of currency which used to buy things." Tom explained.

"Why buy when you can just trade with food or cloth?" Chalk asked.

Tom knew the answer, but didn't want to offend Chalk, "Well, to be honest, it's a little hard to explain." he said. "What's your obsession you seem to have with civilization anyway?"

"Well, let me tell you a story." - Chalk cleared his throat - "When I was a boy, a man came through the valley with one of the caravans. Tall man, big mustache, carried a guitar. - Chalk placed his hands in front of him and pretended like he was playing a guitar - "I asked what he did for his living, and the interpreter told me he was a singer. What is that? I asked. The man explained that he went from place to place and sang for people, who gave him food and shelter and care in return."

"Hmm, that sounds familiar." - Tom thought for a moment - "Ahh, I know this guy!" - Tom took out his revolver - "I gave him a job as a singer in a casino and he gave me this baby in return."

"Really! You know him!" Chalk exclaimed. "What is his name?" he asked.

"Nobody knows, we just call him the Lonesome Drifter. He really is a charming guy."

"I couldn't believe that there was a place in this world where a man could do that. That's why I promised myself then that one day I'd explore that world myself." Chalk said with confidence.

"Really, did you tell Joshua about this and what did think of this?" Tom asked.

"I did, but he always told me to stay away from the civilized land, he said it was too dangerous." Chalk said.

"I think I can talk to Joshua about this for you. Be a neutral party." Tom said.

"You'd do that?" - Chalk looked surprised and soon calmed himself - "Sure, sounds smart to me. He might not get so mad at you."

Tom raised his fist in front of Follows-Chalk.

"What are you doing?" Chalk felt a little on edge.

"We bump each others fist, it's called Fist-bumping, a sign of trust and friendship." Tom smiled at Chalk. "You can count on me."

Chalk smiled back and bump Tom's fist. "Thank you, friend."

"Oh, maybe we can ask for the ponies opinions, too." Tom suggested.

"Good idea, let's wait for them, shall we?" Chalk said.


A soon after, Applejack and Fluttershy returned to the humans.

"So, how's your mission, ladies?" Tom asked.

"Well, I convinced the Bighorners to stop the attack, but in two conditions." Fluttershy said.

"And they are?" Chalk was eager to know the answer.

"Return the missing calf and stop hunting their kind." Fluttershy said.

Chalk's face turned a bit pale. "But, Bighorners are our major surviving source, the Dead Horses are hunters, we won't last long here in Zion if we can't even touch one of them."

"There might be a alternative, right?" Applejack said.

"There has to be." Tom said. "What about hunting other animals instead?"

Fluttershy was thrilled by the suggestion. "I know your kind hunt to survive, but there might be a better way to solve this." Fluttershy thought for a moment. "What about picking more fruit or vegetable?"

"Even we pick more, but it's still not enough and it's too risky right now. There aren't many fruit tree around the camp." Chalk said.

Applejack felt a little hungry in a sudden, she took out an apple from her saddle bag. She took a bite and realized something. "Hey, Chalk. Do your kind know anything about farming?"

"Not really. I heard about that, but we haven't try that before. We still stick to picking wild fruit." Chalk said.

"Take this into consideration, Chalk." - Applejack handed Chalk some apple seeds and an apple - "With a little hard work, you can have tasty apples without venturing out of your camp. So, what do ya guys think?"

"That's a great idea, Applejack." Fluttershy cheered.

Follows-Chalk took a bite of the apple. "I think we might give it a try."

"Sounds pretty good to me." Tom said. "Just like I did back...home." Tom's mood suddenly changed. He felt strange, his old memories are vague, but he did remember being a farmer back in California before he became a courier.

"What's the matter, sugar cube?" Applejack asked.

Tom pulled himself out from the flashbacks, "It's nothing, really. I'm fine. Let's talk to Joshua about this." and headed back to the camp.

The other three were concerned about Tom, but they still nodded and followed him back to the camp.