Roaring Winds and Rising Tides

by vortex123

Celebration gone wrong

"A-CHOO!" Wendy sneezed with a shiver, the after effects of the fight catching up.

"Bless you. You alright?" Mike asked, giving her a concerned look. She nods and smiles.

"Yeah thanks, it's just a sneeze. Nothing to worry about." She says, though her off sounding voice betrayed her. Before Zoey could say anything, Twilight came down with a panicked expression.

"ITS GONE!" She yells. Everyone looks at her in confusion, even Spike who came down with her.

"Wha?" Everyone including Spike asked, Twilight's left eye twitches.

"The silhouette on the moon is gone! It's not supposed to be gone until it reaches midnight and it's only 11:54pm!" Twilight explained. She was expecting concerned and terrified reactions, she was severely disappointed.

"Well it was a pretty *cough* old prophecy, it's highly possible that the one who made it was slightly off. Could you blame them? I doubt they had a lot of resources to work with, so it's pretty impressive that it was that close." Wendy reasoned. Twilight sighs and rubs her face.

"I guess you're right. When you think about it, it's actually pretty logical that it was slightly off." She says in an aggravated tone, she then looked at Mike. "Come on, let's get going. Here's some "magic for fouls" books I want you to read, the sooner you get the basics down the sooner I can teach you what I know. We'll also have to sign you up for classes on magic, maybe your mentors could help too." She says in an "I'm NOT taking no for an answer!" tone, handing him said books.

"Alright gees, I'll read them!" Mike said exasperated! She was basically shoving them into his chest, but was only doing it because she cared. "Well we'll see you girls at the celebration. And Wendy, make sure you tell Zoey about what we talked about!" And with that, Mike, Twilight and Spike leave. Zoey gives Wendy a questionable look.

"By order of the Princess, Mike is to stay at our house until we prove not to be a threat." Wendy says. Noticing Zoey's upset look, Wendy continues. "Don't worry, everything will be fine. There's laws in place for this type of situation, as long as we follow the law until we prove ourselves, he has to treat us like any other pony. He can stay in our home but if he does anything that's immoral to us or our possessions, he'll be removed permanently from our home. He also has to pull his weight, he showed me an up to date law book when I gave him the same look you gave me." She explained.

"I guess that's reassuring, come on." Zoey says with a groan, missing Wendy's coughing fit.

At the celebration everything was set, Mike was reassuring Twilight about the prophesy while the mayor was rapping up her speech.

"And without further ado, it is my highest honor to introduce, Princess Celestia!" The mayor announced as the curtains to reveal…someone who wasn't Celestia or Nightmare Moon, she was a grey unicorn. Her hair was shoulder length with bangs, it was bright yellow with white streaks spread out through it. Her eyes were as yellow as her hair, though it looked like it was red close to the pupils but it was hard to tell. She was wearing a red vest with a white shirt underneath. She had black jeans and white tennis shoes.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but the Princess seems to have not arrived yet. Please wait calmly and patiently for her arrival, thank you for your corporation." The lady says before turning to leave.

"Wait!" Rainbow yelled. Wendy could hear the lady mutter something in a language she didn't know. But from the sound of her voice, it wasn't pleasant. She turned to address Dash with slight annoyance.

"Yes Rainbow haired girl, what do you need from me." She said with a forced smile, Zoey could relate to that.

"It's Rainbow Dash and don't you forget it!" RD says with a smirk. The lady, AJ, Mike, Twilight and Zoey all rolled their eyes.

"Yes Ms 'Dash', what is it?" The lady asked again, reminding Mike of his former School teacher when his caretakers, the guards and the princess was busy.

"What do you mean she's not here!?" Rainbow clarified with agitation, she just gives Rainbow a stupefied look.

"........what do you THINK I mean by that!? She.Isn't.he-" before she can finish, blue smoke fills the area. It then condenses on the balcony to form Nightmare Moon. She was wearing a bipedal version of the armor she wore in the show. But it covered more vital areas then the other version and was silver instead of blue. It also had a purple cloth hanging from the bottom half of the chest plate. There were crescent moons on the top and bottom of the chest plate. In her hand was a scythe, the blade looks like a crescent moon complete with craters. It gave off a moon like glow, it looked kinda beautiful actually.

"Apologies, art we int'rrupting thee two?" she says, grinning at them. Dash gives her a confused look.

"Art? We? Thee? Why are you talking like Shakespeare!?" Dash asked, surprising Wendy and Zoey that Shakespeare exists here.

"Silence thee issue! doth thee knoweth who is't we art!?" Nightmare Moon asked enraged, confusing Dash even more.

"She said "silence you child. Do you know who we are?" Twilight explained, before looking at the woman in question. "I don't suppose you know how to speak modern English?" Nightmare Moon thinks for a moment.

"We…do…know a little,…though we prefer the other way." She says with difficulty.

"Alright just talk how you were before, I'll translate what you say." Twilight says, Nightmare moon nods.

"I don't give a flying buck who you are! I wanna know what's going on with the Princess! So spill it, what's the deal?" Dash said before looking at the lady from before. She on the other hand, was more interested in listening to her music with her headphones then acknowledging what was going on around her. Before the Alicorn could strangle her, Twilight steps in.

"You're the lady in the moon, Nightmare Moon!.…Though I don't remember the book saying you had a scythe and talked like that." She says in mild confusion.

"(That is correct child, I guess some of you actually were raised well enough to have basic manners after all)." Twilight translates for Nightmare Moon, while the woman in question glared at Dash in disdain. Dash faces away from the crowd so the children don't see her flipping NM the bird, then continued trying to get that lady's attention and failing miserably.

"Hey! Either find a private room and kiss or get on with it! I have better things to do then watch an old moon chick and a young rainbow haired prick arguing!" Zoey shouted, earning their attention.

"OLD!?" Nightmare Moon asked/shouted, her gaze turning murderous. "At least we can claimeth our looks art actually ours, unlike thee, wench!" After Twilight whispered what "wench" ment, Zoey glared at Nightmare Moon. "(Enough with this, the night will last forever!)" Twilight translated for Nightmare Moon before the woman in question flew off.

"Wait, what did she just say?" Rainbow asked, now paying attention.

"Pretty sure she just declared that she's keeping it night." Mike said, before noticing a weird lack of purple. "…Twilight? Spike?"

"If you're looking for the girl and that scaled creature, the ran out of here the moment the Alicorn left. They left in a hurry, the girl looked like she would tear all her hair out at any moment for some reason." The lady from before said.

"I was talking about her comment on Zoey's looks but that to I guess." Rainbow says, making Zoey and Wendy go wide eyed in realization at that. "Come on! I got some questions for her, and maybe the kid too."

"No. No! NO! where is it!?" Twilight ranted as she looks around the library, she was searching the library for the book on about the Elements. After coming across a book titled "Helements of Armory", she just screamed in frustration and threw it as hard as she could. She took a few moments to get over the lightheadedness she felt after the scream, she then continued searching. Mike suddenly came bursting in while brandishing a knife, giving a concerned look.

"TWILIGHT! ARE YOU OK!? WHATS GOING ON!?" He yelled, looking for any threats around.

"I'm fine, calm down you goof ball." Twilight said making a "calm down" gesture with her hands.

"Good, so you can answer my questions. What's going on? Are you with that Alicorn pony that showed up? Nightmare Moon was it?" Rainbow says/asked in suspicion.

"An ancient enemy of Equestra has came back from her thousand year banishment to the moon, don't ask me how she could have survived something like that because I don't know. No, you literally saw me casually walking in town with our childhood friend who was sent here with me. Yes that's her name, she's from a well known legend by the way." Twilight answers without missing a beat. "Now can you help me? I'm trying to find a book on the Elements of Harmony."

"Found it~! It had tape over it reading "Helements of Armory" on it. It blended really well with the cover, this is the third book in here that has hard to see tape on them." Pinkie suddenly says with a smile. Rainbow sneaks a glance at Zoey who chuckles at her, Rainbow chuckles as well and smirks at Zoey for the first time since they met.

"…when I find out who did that, I'm gonna strangle them!" Twilight vows with rage. "In any case, it looks like their in the castle of the two sisters.…that's oddly convenient considering how close we are. You all can go about your night, I can handle this on my own." She says, already walking outside. Everyone save for Zoey, Wendy and Mike chased after her.

"…aren't you going after her? You looked pretty concerned for her well being earlier." Zoey questioned Mike who chuckles.

"Relax, Spike went with them. He may not look it, but he's pretty tough when it matters. And if he isn't enough, Dash and Twilight will be." He says with confidence in his eyes before they hardened. "I'm more worried about our missing Princess. You girls can go after Twilight if you want, but I'm checking on the princess!"

"Pretty sure if it's something that can stop someone who can move the sun, then a single Pegasus who just got magic isn't going to be enough. We should come too, you can use that song Link taught us to get there." Zoey says. Wendy agrees, still not totally convinced something will go wrong. And with that, they vanished in a flurry of golden feathers.

They appeared outside the castle entrance, the girls are stunned at the scenery while Mike smerks at them. He then frowns as an "important" pony make himself known.

"What are those creatures doing here? You, Pegasus boy! What are those things doing here?" A gaudy pony asked in disgust.

"First of all his name is Mike, second of all-" Zoey starts before getting waved off by the pony, though Zoey did earn a appreciative smile from Mike.

"Second of all-" Mike continued with a glare. "They aren't things, they're humans! Now what do you need? I'm a very busy stallion."

"What I need is for those ruffians to be thrown out of this fine city and back to whatever dump they came from!" The gaudy pony said with a huff.

"No." Mike bluntly said before addressing the girls. "Come on, right this way." He says. He completely ignored the gaudy pony and walked away, the two right behind him much to that pony's fury. Zoey subtly drenched the pony in ice cold water before they left, earning a grin from Mike and Wendy and a shrike in surprise from the gaudy pony.

"-so that's basically all you need to know, I'll take my leave now." Someone with a familiar voice says. When the three got close enough, they saw that lady that was fussing at Dash earlier. Mike clears his throat, gaining her attention. "Oh, you must be that Mike fellow ponies keep mentioning. My name is Storm Bringer, I manage the weather here in Canterlot." She says, offering a hand, Mike takes it and gives it a shake. 'When she's not angry, she's actually pretty cute.' Mike thinks, his heart skipping a beat.

"Nice to officially meet you, I was at the celebration. You were oddly aggressive towards that Rainbow haired women, could you please explain why? Also I know teleportation is a thing but normally teleporting this far is only possible for ponies with a special talent for magic or are much older. You appear to be almost the same age as me and if your special talent was magic, you would have worked in a job that focuses more on magic then anything else." Mike asked. Storm made a pretty unladylike laugh before getting herself under control.

"Forgive me, but I am much older than I look." She says with a grin, Mike gives her a disbelieving look. "Also I could ask you the same thing, how did you get here so quickly?"

"A friend who calls himself Protective Shield helped with that, he's from out of town. He told that Dash pony he was going to help with the celebration but he had to go back home." Mike truthfully says.

"Huh, I'll have to look into him later. Well as I've said, I'm much older than I look, though I doubt you believe me from that look you're giving me. I teleported here after you all left after that purple pony. As for my aggression, I've been having trouble with my anger and lack of patience since a certain accident open my eyes long ago. I'd appreciate if the next time you see her, you'd apologize for me. I'd do it myself but I'm a busy-." She says before hearing a sneeze, she turns to the sound and sees Wendy and Zoey then stiffens.

"Bless you." Mike says before looking at Storm and notices barely visible sparks around her horn.

"…w-what are you two-!?" Before she can finish, Mike jumps in.

"Calm down miss, they're with me." He says with a calming smile. Wendy made calming gestures.

"Yeah, what h-*cough*- he said. We mean you no harm, maybe we can be friends! I'm Wendy, and this is Zoey." Zoey waves, smiling. "We just wanted to check on the princess, under Mike's supervision of course!" Wendy explained.

"…alright." Storm says slowly before shaking her head. "Right, my deepest apologies. Someone of my standings shouldn't jump to conclusions like that and judge others I…just met. Forgive me, I wasn't thinking." She says still a little tense but no longer generating electricity, they wave it off.

"Well if you don't mind, we need to get going. Feel free to tag along if you want, the more the merrier." Mike says. Storm smiles and follows them.