New Moon

by AzuraKeres

13 - Sisters

Artemis had buried his mouth into Bud’s coat as she carried him up the stairs to the attic. She wondered why in Equestria she hasn’t bought her son a pacifier already until she heard a familiar voice, “I think it’s supposed to go right here?”

“You think,” Bud heard another voice. “Come now Pear, you have the picture right there.”

“I’m sorry Chiffon, but this here is more difficult then it looks. I can barely make heads or tails of this bun.”

“But it’s so me. I have to have this for my wedding.”

Bud stepped into the attic and before her stood two of the greatest friends a pony like her could have. A bond so deep that she considered them more like sisters than mere friends. Bud smiled and then announced her presence, “You two are as chummy as always.”

The two ponies turned and the blue mare, Chiffon Swirl, said, “Bud is that you?” The mare widened when she noticed the colt in Bud’s hoof. “Who is that foal in your hoof!?”

The other mare, Pear Butter, was quick to approach Bud and examined Artemis. Artemis stared at the ecstatic mare as she grinned, “Now ain’t he a cutie. Is he yours?”

“Y-yeah,” Bud awkwardly answered with a blush. Somehow the reaction from Pear was overwhelming to her. “His name is Artemis.”

“Well hey there Artemis,” Pear greeted the colt with a nuzzle. Pear chuckled when Artemis gnawed on her snout and then pulled back. “Now this has to be the biggest surprise of the year. Who’d think the both of us would be mothers.”

“Hey,” Chiffon voiced. “Don’t you go downplaying my marriage! And I want to see Artemis too. Bud, could you be a dear and bring him over? I don’t want to move around while my mane is unfinished.”

Bud listened to Chiffon and placed her son on a desk her cousin sat before. “Oh,” Chiffon cooed. “Pear was right. He is a cutie.” Chiffon tugged on Artemis’s cheek, prompting him to gnaw on Chiffon’s hoof. “That’s so adorable. Bud, how could you not tell me about this wonderful colt?”

“I don’t see how I could,” Bud said. “I’ve only had him for a few days.”

“You mean you recently gave birth to him!?” Chiffon glanced incredulously at Bud. “Sweetie, you should still be resting in bed right now.”

“Bud,” Pear placed a hoof on Bud’s shoulder. “I know you want to be here for Chiffon’s wedding, but you shouldn’t go pushing yourself. No pony will mind if ya take time to rest.”

“It’s okay guys,” Bud moved Pear’s hoof away. “I’m fine. Besides, I want to hear all the details about Chiffon’s love story.”

“Believe it or not,” Chiffon started. “The two of us did not begin on the best of terms.”

“Really? How bad was it?”

“Well, it all began many months ago when I went to Fillydelphia.”

“You mean where Uncle Gossamer and Auntie Blue have their new bakery shop?”

“That part is not important.” Chiffon picked up Artemis, who was still grinding his small teeth onto her hoof. “Anyways, there was a bakery contest being held there and I decided that it was a great opportunity to boost popularity for the Sugarcube Corner. If ponies from a big city learned how great my bakeries are, I was certain I would gain more traction back home.”

“Wait,” Bud tapped her chin. “If you were in a baking contest, does that mean Carrot Cake was also a participant?”

“No theories in between my story,” Chiffon snapped. “But yes, Carrot also participated in the contest. And my goodness we could not stand each other.”

“Well, that doesn’t sound promising.”

“Carrot was very proud of his creations and a bit of a braggart if I have to be honest. I don’t know why, but that snide confidence of his really irked me, so I decided to give him a piece of my mind. And because of that, we ended up becoming fierce rivals, wanting to outshine the other.”

“Don’t you think you’re exaggerating a bit with the ‘fierce’ bit,” Pear voiced. “I mean, it is a contest where two or three ponies judge a few cakes, right?”

“You’d be speaking a different tune if it involved apples,” Chiffon countered.

“Fair point,” Pear admitted.

“So which of you won the contest,” Bud asked.

“Well sadly neither of us won,” Chiffon answered. “It just so happened that my mother also entered the contest and I think we all know that her craft is an otherworldly kind of good.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t even realize your own mother was in the contest,” Pear said.

“I was caught up in the rivalry,” Chiffon defended herself. “And she made the trip back to her shop so overbearing when she kept teasing me about my strife with Carrot.”

“What happened next?” Bud asked.

“Well, Carrot had seemed to follow me back to my parent’s bakery shop and surprised me with an offer of a date. He caught me so off-guard I was barely able to make words.”

“Did you take the offer?”

“Of course I did,” Chiffon said matter-of-factly. “I wanted to learn the secrets of his baking and apparently he had the same idea. However, what ended up happening is that we developed a steady relationship and has flourished into what you see now. Isn’t it the perfect love story?”

“I say it’s a bit…odd. But still, I’m so happy for you.”

“I honestly didn’t think my opinion of him would change so much, but I guess love has its way of getting through to ponies.”

Artemis voiced his attention the mares as he reached his hooves out for Bud. “You want to go back to your mommy?” Chiffon asked. “Don’t you want to spend a little more time your Auntie?” Artemis continued to dangle his hooves out and so Chiffon resigned to returning him back to Bud.

“Little Mac will be so happy to have a friend his age,” Pear said.

Bud perked her ears and then asked, “Who is Little Mac?”

“I did mention that both of us are mothers, did I?”

“You have a foal too!? Where is here?”

“Bright and I were preoccupied, so Granny Smith offered to babysit our son for us back at Sweet Apple Acre. You wanna see him?”

“Right now please!”

“Oh,” Pear frowned. “I don’t know about now. I should finish up Chiffon’s mane before anything else.”

“You won’t be using me as an excuse,” Chiffon voiced. “Just call my mom up here. She can finish it.”

“You sure about that,” Pear asked.

“Yes, yes. Go on now. You know how passionate our Bud is about foals.”

“Well alright then. C’mon and follow me then Bud.”

The large group of apple trees that surrounded Bud was a nostalgic sight. She recalled many moments from her past where she and her two friends would play across the field and have picnics. Of course, then, there were many pear trees about. It was a bit surreal to see them absent with only acres of apple trees to fill their space.


Bud leaned her sights down at the stroller she was pushing. Bother of her foals were inside it and Nebula was wiping her mouth with a hoof.

“I must say,” Nebula started. “Those bakers can make delectable sweets. Perhaps I should introduce them to Celestia to offer her their delights. Yes, I can see her now pigging herself out like the sow she is. And when she bloated and weakened herself, I shall smite her off the face of these lands.”

“How much did Lazuli feed you?” Bud asked.

“As much as I demanded. A filly’s charm can work wonders on a pony when desperate for her reception.”

“I didn’t take you for the manipulative type. I thought you had more pride than that.”

“Only fools refuse to take advantage of what they have at disposal. Besides, if I’m to appear as a foal, I might as well play the part.”

“Is it now? Does that mean my daughter is finally ready for diapers?”

“If you so much as dare to tarnish my figure with that I will—”

“Yes, yes, you’ll tear me asunder,” Bud interrupted. “You’ve told me that countless times already.”

“Then stop bringing it up!”

“You okay there sis,” Bud heard Pear’s voice from beside her. Bud reddened after realizing to her friend, Bud was having a genuine conversation with a baby foal.

“Oh yes,” Bud hurriedly answered. “I’m just dandy.”

“…Alight, if you say so.” Pear sighed and then continued. “I’m still surprised that you have twins. That must’ve been something for ya. I remember when I had Little Mac. Just one was more than I could bear.”

“Well, I don’t exactly remember the whole thing. I kind of slept through most of it, if not all.”

“Oh, they gave you the drugs then?”

“Oh no, I was just asleep. That’s all.”

“Really?” Pear looked incredulously at her friend. “So you’re telling me that you pushed out two foals in your sleep? You must’ve had a really good dream to pull that off.”

“It was very vivid.”

Bud and Pear reached to a house within the field and there they discovered Granny Smith and a red baby colt on the porch. Granny Smith held the colt as she rocked back and forth upon a swinging bench she sat upon. Her eyes aimed at Bud and Pear when her daughter-in-law made a creak on the stairs.

“Well now,” Smith started. “If it isn’t our shy little Bud…Is that what I think it is?”

“Hi Momma Smith,” Bud greeted her.

“Now hold there missy,” Smith halted Bud and then approached her with the red colt still within her hoof. Bud briefly glanced at the stoic colt and fought her urge to immediately coo at him.

Granny Smith peered upon the two foals in the stroller and exclaimed, “This year just never end with surprises.” Nebula defensively glared at the old mare, but then burped to her embarrassment. “And what in tarnation is with the little filly’s eyes. They look mighty fierce.”

“I can explain,” Bud started.

“Later on dearie, I should really finish sprucing up the rest of the apple pies for tomorrow. Blueberry has been on my flank for a whole dozen.”

Granny Smith hoofed the red colt to Pear as her daughter-in-law asked, “And what about Bright Mac? Has he come back yet?”

“Left as soon as he came back a few hours ago,” Smith answered. “He was in a really good mood too.”

“Do you know where he went,” Pear asked.

“I’m sure he’s doing fine,” Bud said. “What I’m more concerned about is that precious little colt in your hoof.”

“Well be sure to stick around,” Smith said. “I’d like to introduce myself to the new pair in the family.”

Granny Smith headed inside the house while Bud picked both of her foals one by one to the bench with Pear.

With the foals seated between the mothers, Pear picked her son’s hoof and waved them at Artemis and Nebula. “Say hi to your cousins Little Mac,” Pear said.

Little Mac crawled up to Artemis, who began to sniff upon Little Mac’s mane when he got close. Suddenly, Artemis toppled over Little Mac and begin to nip upon his mane.

“What are you doing Luna” Nebula voiced. “Cease this scandalous position with that peasant immediately.” Before Nebula could intervene, Bud scooped her into her hooves.

“He’s certainly a curious one, isn’t he,” Pear commented.

Little Mac looked back to his mother, but then shut his eyes when Artemis began to sniff on his face. At that point, Bud used her other hoof to scoop Artemis from the red colt and said, “I think that’s enough Artemis.”

Pear shrugged and picked up her son. “I don’t think it bothers Little Mac,” Pear said. “He likes to wrestle with Bright Mac every now and then. His papa is a great actor when he wants to be.”

“I would love to see that.”

“Heh,” Pear chuckled. “You know, it’s kind of strange how so much has changed in just a year. I’m now married and a mother too. Chiffon is going to have a lot of change as a married mare. And you. You have twins.”

“I guess so,” Bud agreed. “A lot has changed. It almost feels like things are moving too fast. It’s kind of hard to keep it up with it all.”

“Sounds like you got something on your mind. Want to talk about it?”

“What,” Bud widened. “No, I don’t have any problems. I’m fine.”

“Hey now, you don’t have to put up a strong front with me. We’re sisters, remember? You don’t need to hide anything from me.”

“I…But, I don’t want to think about it.”

“And yet it seems to me that it’s fresh on your mind.”

“…,” Bud squirmed back into the bench.

“C’mon Bud,” Pear used a hoof to run Bud’s face to her own. “Just let it out. I promise you’ll feel a lot better. I’m right here.”

Bud faltered from Pear’s hoof. “I…I thought I would feel fulfilled after having foals of my own. When mom moved me away from the daycare center, I felt so devastated like a gap was made in my heart. But when I became a teacher, I believed I could use my students to fill it for me. But not much had changed. Then again, I think it was the same at Baltimare.”

Bud pulled Artemis back from Nebula when he tried to reach for his sister’s ear again. “I thought this was it for me. I still do. But…it’s just, they’re so different from what I imagined.”

“They’re unique,” Pear said. “There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“I know that. But, don’t you think there’s a limit? I mean…Have you heard about what happened to a hospital at Manehattan?”


“There was an incident where a magic shockwave occurred and placed every pony there to sleep. Artemis did that, and he was less than a day old.”

“The whole hospital,” Pear widened. “Goodness, this little fella must be very magical if he can pull off that kind of feat.”

“It’s not just that. Nebula…,” Bud’s Daughter cautiously glanced at her. “I know next to nothing about raising a Thestral. The only pony who can tell me anything is Princess Celestia. Did you know that she came to the hospital to visit me and offered to be my son’s personal teacher?”

“The Princess! That’s incredible Bud. It must be an honor.”

“No, it’s scary,” Bud retorted. “I have all these expectations and all these things I don’t understand. And I’m not sure if I’m the right mare for the job. I feel horrible thinking that I might not be the best mother for them. A mother shouldn’t think that way.”

“Bud,” Pear laid a hoof on Bud’s shoulder. “It’s okay. I know for certain you can do this.”

“But I don’t think so. Not as sure as I used to. I mean, I’m not as strong-willed as you are.”

“Bud, let me tell you something that I came to realize.” Bud paused and listened. “Being a mother isn’t something a mare can really prepare for. I know that now after having Little Mac for only a few months. Despite how cute and lovable he is, this little colt is a lot of work. Every night he keeps Bright and I up and we would have to debate which of us should go calm him. I have to sacrifice time from the field and give my portion to Bright Mac often when I have to feed him and change his diapers, which that part is way more often than you would expect. And don’t get me started on his tendency to go off somewhere when you leave him alone for only a few seconds.”

“Sounds like you had your own kind of problems.”

“It comes with parenthood. But do you know why I haven’t lost my sanity and question myself anymore? I had Momma smith here to help us out and even the Swirls on occasions. They helped us figured things out and over time we adjusted to having Little Mac in our family.”

“The help of others,” Bud started. “My friends have been helpful. I think I may have been even more lost without them.”

“And you also have us from Ponyville. Trust me sis, give it some days, some weeks, or maybe even a few months. You’ll get the hang of things and you’ll stop questioning yourself. And if you do have issues, your friends and family will be there to help out.”

Bud donned her eyes to Nebula, who averted her gaze from her mother. Artemis on the other hoof, was bouncing up and down trying to reach Bud’s face. Their mother wrung them in and gave them a firm hug.

This week has been a whiplash for her, but for only this week. There’s still a lot more she needs to tread to make progress with her foals, but at least she wouldn’t have to face them alone.

“You’re the best sis a mare could ask for,” Bud thanked Pear.

“I know, but don’t go telling that to Chiffon. She’ll get mighty jealous.”

The two laughed and then stared at the wide field before them. They continued their chat, catching up with each other with their fair share of stories.