Roaring Winds and Rising Tides

by vortex123

Courage from another world part 1

1st POV Earlier in the morning

"Zoey?" Wendy called, gaining my attention.

"What?" I asked, putting on my backpack. I had a project I've been working on and I don't want the coming bookworm sticking her nose in it.

"I'm heading out, going to practice my flying and acrobatics until Twilight and Spike get here." He stated. While skittles was suspicious of both of us, she respected Wendy's love of flying and offered to help him get better. Something about knowing how Wendy felt, apparently skittles was a type of Pegasus that lives for speed. All in all I could see why Wendy liked to hangout with her, she'd be ok in my book if not for one thing. Her damn obsession of spying and getting in other people's business, I could understand if it was because of people who have so little of a life that they ganged up on your friend and got mad when you butted in. Trash like that shouldn't be allowed to go into public, but we've both been pretty good...when I'm sober but can you blame me?

According to my roommate, she's quick to accuse people of being spys. I don't want her getting the wrong idea and wrecking everything. Thankfully she not that book smart so my plan should work. Grabbing my 'official document' I head out to the Golden Oaks Library. With my water body spell I reached there in no time at all, and surprise surprise, it was unlocked. Stepping inside I took out a check list, it was organized to show the more important tasks on the top and less important tasks on the bottom. Task one: make sure nobody ever learns that I made a check list, obviously the most important one. Task two: get my project and all relevant notes, not as important as one but still pretty important. And finally task three: take any and all books that interest me, not like she'll ever know! Jumping into gear I quickly but carefully finish task two and take my time with task three. I'm thankful for the enchantment on my backpack, I could take everything in this library as long as it fits in the opening but I didn't need that many things. I then exit the library after everything was done.

"And just what were you doing in there?" A certain Pegasus asked.

"Oh my god you're actually awake, hell must've froze over. So what do you want to talk about? Let me guess, stallion troubles?" She sputters for a few moments before shaking it off and glares at me.

"You know exactly why I'm here! I'll admit, Wendy's pretty awesome, not as awesome as me of course but still pretty awesome." I'm not sure why, but my eyebrow twitched hearing her say that. "But that doesn't mean you two aren't up to something, and I'm going to find out what it is. So what were you doing in there?" She asked impatient as always.

"What, can't a girl just tidy up a library in the goodness of her heart without being interrogated like some criminal?" I asked. She gave me a disbelieving look.

"Really? So explain those other times I saw you go in there. You don't exactly scream "upstanding citizen" to anyone, let alone me." She says. Crossing her arms.

"Well if you must know, I was given a job to keep it clean for the time being. Here, I even have the document to prove it." I say, handing the paper to her. In truth, it was just a bunch of random big words from a dictionary that I doubt she knows. She's not an "egghead" after all, so I'm in the clear.

"Uhh...what does all this mean?" She asked, confused as hell. I give her an "are you serious" look, bingo.

"You're joking right? This is all basic stuff, I mean even I understand it. It's pretty uncool if you're being serious right now." I give her a disappointed look, her eyes widen.

"O-Obviously I'm joking! I mean how could someone as awesome as me not know something as simple as this?"....God she's a terrible liar, then again by cartoon and anime standards it's pretty good. Either way it works in my favor, now to end this conversation before she catches on.

"Well if you'll excuse me, I've got other things I need to get done. And so do you, aren't you in charge of the weather?" I asked, She scoffs.

"I can handle that in ten seconds flat." She brags and she's right, I've seen her practice with Wendy so I know she can. 'She'd be fast friends with's not the time to think about that.'

"True but what are the chances you'll be too late just because you decided to stick with me? Plus Wendy is practicing her flying, maybe you'd like to join her?" She thinks about it then nods.

"Alright, but I've got my eye on you!" She says, I nod.

"Makes sense, I am quite the eye candy." I wink at her.

"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT AND YOU KNOW IT!" She shouts before blasting off. I chuckle before heading to the Everfree forest.

I reach the 'unnatural' forest, still can't believe their reason for being scared of this place. Don't get me wrong, it's incredibly dangerous. But being scared of it because the plants grow, the clouds move and the animals take care of themselves all on their own? It's probably because me and Wendy came from a world that works like that, but it's just ridiculous to me. I was here to get ingredients for medical treatments and different types of potions, Wendy never bothered to check his entire bag so it wasn't until I found a book on potion making in it that we started preparations. I told him about my project, apparently in pony legends a familiar trident was used in a war long ago. Of course neither of us are stupid enough to go for it as we are now. So until we have a good enough handle on our powers, we'll just keep preparing for the journey ahead.

Right now I'm looking for Corkbulb Root and Marshmerrow for a health potion. Also Hackle-Lo Leaf and Kwama Cuttle for Water Breathing, I can breathe underwater but Wendy can't and his healing spell only takes care of poisoning and stamina. 'The more I think about it, these ingredients actually sound familiar.' I muse to myself.

The forest itself was kinda creepy I guess, though it’s not terrifying. The creatures on the other hand were kinda interesting, Wendy tried finding a book about the forest but couldn’t much to her dismay. First there were the cockatrice, some of them tried to turn me to stone. Wendy told me about them, as long as you don’t look into their eyes they can’t do crap. After them there were the animals, most of them ran when I approached them. I found a Cragadile in a lake I was exploring, I used water body to try and quickly search the water for any of the 4 plants. It was an odd experience to say the least, I’m pretty sure I know how slimes feel now.

Then the forest started getting thicker and more annoying. First there was the torso high plants that got in my way, but I did get to practice water-make sword on them so it wasn’t all bad. Then the vines, not as annoying but still annoying. I used water-make arrow on them for practicing precision. “I’m definitely not making this an often activity. What’s that smell? It smells like something died, I’m gonna be sick!”

After searching around for about 30 minutes, I've managed to find a fairly decent amount of all four of them. A pack timberwolves, as Wendy called them, tried to have me for a meal. Wanting to be a cheeky bitch, I simply used water body until they gave up. I could have sworn one of them actually call me a bitch, but chalked it up to my brain just trying to entertain me and succeeding too! "Well that should do for now, off to Sweet Apple....where's my bag? I was just wearing it, where the hell is it!?" I'm getting really angry as I realized the gravity of my situation. 'Not only did that bag have all the ingredients I spent 30 minutes finding, it also had the week's worth of all the work I've done in it. The money, the books, my project, Wendy's A.S.C,.....Wendy.'

"Oh shit...ohshitohshitohshit! He's gonna kill me when he finds out about this, I was borrowing so many of his things. Not to mention I told him I wouldn't come here alone to make sure this very thing didn't happen. Calm down girl, just retrace your steps. Ok-oook. I had found the last Hackle-Lo Leaf I needed, then the bushes rustled. Out comes a pact of 5 Timberwolves, I casted water body the same way I've been doing it. They attacked and I just stood there mocking them, I feel an odd ripple as one shoots behind me and missing me completely. Wait now that I think about it." 'Didn't the one who I thought I heard call me a bitch, have something in it's mouth.....?' My entire body freezes, then I shake in unholy rage. "you!"

Utilizing water body's flying perk and the fact that I won’t have to worry about turning, I shoot in the direction I say them go. In all the times I've practiced this spell, I've always done it with only my clothes on. Since I hadn't practiced with my backpack on, it must have remained solid when they attacked. "Guess it wanted to give a 'fuck you' before bailing, guess I can relate to that feeling. Doesn't mean I'm going to lighten up on them, I'm going to wreck them. Starting with that thief, COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!" It wasn't long before I started catching up to them. When they noticed me they did the second cruelest thing they could have done to my target, they scattered in an attempt to shake me. It became obvious to them who I was after, the one who still had my bag in it's mouth. Then by some sort of divine intervention, it managed to have a thought smart enough for save itself. Without warning it through my bag to me and sprinted as fast as it could, hoping I would give up the chase. Luckily for it I did, but not before glaring at it. Looking it over I noticed that there were no damages, much to my relief. As long as there were no tears, nothing on the inside would be damaged. "Gotta love enchantments, now to bail before something else happens."

3rd POV Present

As they were walking towards our their stop, Mike and Wendy decided to strike a conversation. 'I guess I can't be to upset with him, I mean he is going to spend a lot of time with her and someone named Zoey so he might as well get to know them. Hope he can handle his job correctly, knuckle head almost forgot his luggage. Not that it really affects me or anything, his mentors and by proxy the Princess are counting on him to do his assignment properly. I'm not letting him disappoint them just because he lost his stuff, I'm not going to be here long so I got to make sure he's prepared.' Twilight thought, slightly annoyed with him.

When they arrived Twilight notices a woman shouting and running towards a tree, when she reached it she spun around, put her hands on the ground and thrusts her feet at the base of said tree. It shook for a moment then a bunch of Apples fell and landed in a bucket, along with a weird flower star thingy and an oval shaped necklace with a strange eye in the center where the hole is. For some reason they gained both Mike and Wendy's attention.

Pausing her conversation with Mike, Wendy goes over to the bucket. As She got closer she figures out that the star looks exactly like that charm from Kingdom Hearts, picking it up she hears a girl's voice in her head. “This is my heart, my strength, full of color, full of life. If I am who you seek, speak 'light,' and I shall come. However, if your intent is evil... ash to ash, dust to dust, fade to black.”

The necklace looks like it’s straight out of the Legend of Zelda, specifically those things that play songs as a game mechanic. When she picked it up, she hears Zelda’s Lullaby.

" this is how Natsu felt when Hibiki Lates used telepathy on him. Should probably wait until Zoey is with me before I test these out." She says, slightly on edge. She notices Mike deep in thought. 'What's up with him? Could he, no way he could be in the same boat as us...right? If he is, why isn't he a Fairy Tail character?' She ponders. 'I know I've seen those things before, well at least the star. The necklace is familiar but not as much as the other object.' He thinks, before noticing Wendy giving him a look.

"What's y'all got there?" AJ asked.

"Oh these? Just something from games back home, nothing you need to worry about right now." Wendy says, trying to act casual.

"Right now?" AJ asked giving her a look.

"I'd rather hear Zoey's thoughts before I do anything, but I don't think it's bad. You mind if I keep it?"

"I don't mind sugar cube, and Zoey got here earlier when she heard what we're doing. So why are y'all here anyway?" She asked.

"We're here for the banquet preparations" Spike answered.

"Well why didn't you say so?" She asked. She then rang the triangle instrument thingy while shouting "Soups on". Suddenly a bunch of ponies and Zoey came running, Zoey running the same way people do in anime when they run intensely. Wendy flys up above to avoid the stampede and leave the others to deal with it like the "good" guide She is. Nothing of note happens until Twilight mentions leaving. After foolishly trying to resist AppleBloom's puppy dog eyes, she inevitably agrees to stay for a bit.

'I don't get why Wendy is interested in this chick, she's kind of a bitch. I may be a bitch too but at least I try to be entertaining, her way is pretty boring and annoying.' Zoey thinks, more than a little frustrated. Earlier She was trying to start a conversation with Twilight and she flat out brushed her off. When She asked Wendy, she said Twilight doesn't interact with other people until after Nightmare Moon was taken care of. They were talking in Japanese of course, John went the Konosuba route and just dumped the knowledge of the language in Wendy's head. She was unconscious for the rest of the day after he left, the sudden changes to the brain and suddenly gaining a lot of knowledge were too much for her.

“Hey, whatcha got there?” She asked Wendy.

“Some weird necklace, it played some song in my head.” She answered.

“Let me see it.” She hands her it and she hears a fun and playful but dark tone. Before she could start humming, Mike walks over.

He reaches the two in moments, and takes the time to actually take in Zoey's appearance. She was wearing the outfit she wore her first day in Ponyville, she saw what he was doing and smirked playfully. Wendy had summarized her personality to him earlier so he knew where this would go if he didn’t stop her.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to see what the fuss is about.” Zoey shrugs and tosses some necklace at him. Catching it with ease he hears some song play, it sounds relaxed and laid back. It sounds so nice he unknowingly started to hum along

A melody rang out all around them, sounding like a string of piano keys being struck in quick succession. All was eerily silent before it was suddenly broken by a long wolfish howl.

“What the hell!?” Zoey asked, on edge by the howl.

“There aren’t supposed to be any wolves in this area, right Twi?” He asks in confusion, to which she nods.

“Maybe it’s Fluttershy’s, she has all sorts of animals.” Wendy chuckles nervously.

A swirling amount of green energy began to gather through the stone’'s eye, it spun faster and faster until it gathered in a centerpoint of the hole. Suddenly, something leapt out form within the hole and landed in front of the group, Slowly, it turned around until its blue eyes gazed upon group. It did not look like a normal wolf, it was glowing like some sort of spectral. What made it even more odd were its colors being mostly red down his back and onto his tail, it had some shades of green below it before fading to grey and white, it’s chest has a discolored star-shaped pattern. On its forehead was some sort of symbol looking like a fiery wind. Other than its colors, the group could tell it’s been in quite a number of fights due to the claw markings on its muzzle.

“....” they all look at the wolf in silence, then Zoey blinks.

“Did those farmers drug us?” She asked, as blunt as ever.

“ZOEY!” Wendy shouts, upset Zoey would even think that, but not surprised.

“Well considering that weirdly colored wolf just appeared outta nowhere, it’s the most likely reason.” Twilight states, Wendy tried to counter that but couldn’t.

The wolf’s eyes quickly darted over to Mike, and suddenly without warning; leapt toward his head. Before the boy could react or defend himself, the world around him became a blur of white, the next thing he knew, he woke up to beheld an unexpected sight; Mike was high above the clouds, he was able to see all of equestria at this height. When Mike looked around, he found the same wolf from before sitting there no longer looking like some sort of ghost.

“So...are you possessing me? Because if you are, it won’t take long for Twilight to get my mentors. Then again, Jenny will probably take this opportunity to screw with me, so it’s kind of a lose lose situation for me. Please tell me you can talk and I’m not just being an idiot.” Mike says, hoping this won’t be a repeat of the last time he was possessed.

The wolf let out a gentle howl as his body was consumed by light, and with a flash the wolf changed forms, now looking like man taller than Mike, He stood there with a red cloak covering his upper body and a hood keeping his face hidden. “Nothing of the sort.” The man said. As Mike’s eyes looked down, he spotted something very familiar; a green tunic below the cloak but couldn’t remember where he’s seen it before.

“Oh thank god you can talk. So who are you and where are we? Also how am I floating without flapping my wings and how are you floating without any wings at all?” Mike asked, trying to think of an explanation. ‘Maybe the wolf bit me and I’m unconscious, bleeding out.’

“You may call me Jeff, or for the sake of the non-displaced, you may call me Link. As for where we are, we’re in the mindscape; a place created by linking our minds together, so no, you were not bitten by the wolf.” Link explained, surprising me that he heard my thoughts. Link reaches up and lowers his red hood, revealing a face with many scars across it.

“Ok one: it’s only fair I give you my name. I’m Mike, nice to meet ya. Two: how did you know what I was thinking. And three: our mindscape? Also, non-displaced, what’s a displaced?” He asked, confused as hell. Considering how he got to his current world, it’s been a long time since he was this weirded out.

Link let out a gentle sigh. “So i’m your first then. Well, to put it bluntly, we are displaced; people torn from our world, thrown into a different body with powers, and into another world for whatever purpose the merchant wants us to do regardless if we wanted it or not.” Link explained as he raised his leather gauntlet covered hand, causing a copy of the necklace that was found before. “And this, is known as a token, just one of many across the multiverse that lets you summon others who have suffered the same fate, said token can also help you traverse the void safety. You’re not alone here.” Link said as the token vanished in a burst of black particles.

Something clicked when he said void, a memory Mike could barely remember.

Fifteen Years ago

“I’m terribly sorry for your situation, my name is Princess Celestia. You see, I was attempting to bring my student back via summoning. She had fled to another world and I couldn’t follow her because of my position as princess. Friends of mine, the two that just left, have experience in universe hopping. With my magic and their ‘void energy’ as they call it, we used a special mirror as a focal point. Unfortunately it didn’t go as planned, I think it was because of their...strange magic.”


This was something he needed time to think about. Shaking his head, he brought his attention back to Link.

“The merchant?” He asked, trying not to think about his mentors.

“Didn’t you buy anything from someone?” Link asked curiously.

“No. You remember my mentors I mentioned earlier? They with the help of Princess Celestia, were trying to bring said princess’ student back from another world but messed up and brought me here instead. They, my mentors, did use something called void energy though. And I did become a Pegasus after I was sucked in a portal. Have you met anyone who went through that before?”

“..No, I haven’t. Most of their explanations was that they bought an item from him, then poof, they end up somewhere completely different.” Link said as he rubbed the back of his head. “While I ended up the way I am due to opening up a treasure chest containing the Triforce Of Courage that was left at my doorstep.” Link explained to Mike.

“Triforce of Courage? What’s that? And before you ask I was turned into a five year old and lived here for fifteen years, I barely even remember anything about my old world.” Mike says, it sounded familiar but he was drawing blanks.

Link raised his right hand as a gentle glowing triangle symbol appeared on the back of his glove. “This is the triforce courage, one of the three relics created by the goddesses of hyrule, although this is just a void copy that can do the same thing as the original.” Link explained, then lowered his hand.

Mike was going to ask more about it but figured it was time for them to get back on track.

“More on that later. So why are we here?” He asked, feeling more at ease.

“I made the token allow me to assume a spirituel wolf so that I may leap into your mind to speak with your privately so I can see if you’re trustworthy. Most Displaced would either go mad from what they became, or they’d use their powers for their own selfish needs, I wanted to make sure you weren’t one of those people.” Link explained with a nod. “You haven’t attacked me yet and your words have been truthful.”

“Hell of an evaluation test.” Mike muttered. “So anyway, if that’s all we should probably take this back to the real world. God knows how Twilight, Spike and those girls are reacting to this.” Mike says, knowing how Twi’s magic reacts when she’s panicking.

“...Yea, especially the stunt I just pulled..” Link said with a chuckle. “Right, you’ve passed the test.” Link said as everything got brighter to Mike’s eyes. Mike finds himself back where he was before, still standing instead of laying on the ground.

Knowing it was already too late to stop her, Mike braced himself as Twilight tackles him and teleports both of them five feet back. Spike flat out screams bloody murder, and the remaining girls just watch the train wreck unfold. As Mike was trying to call the two messes down, Wendy and Zoey decided to take a look at the new addition that jumped Mike.

“Sorry about that.” Link said as he was now standing a few feet back after he had left Mike’s mind.

Both of them just stare at Link as they chose to ignore Mike’s pleas for their help in getting Twilight off him.

“I’ll give you points for entrance but could you tell us who you are and what that was about? I mean unless I’ve missed something, that kinda came outta left field.” Zoey asked, still ignoring what was happening with Mike. Link explained the same thing he explained to Mike, how he just appeared through the use of the token due to Mike humming the tone that radiant from Link’s token who he calls his Howling Stone.

“Any questions? I know you guys have a lot, especially you, Twilight. And before you ask, if you understand the Multiverse theory, then you’ll know why I know your name. ” Link explained, he sounded like he has been through this before. Twilight paused her one-sided conversation with Mike at the mention of questions and looks to Link. She then teleports to him and begins the Q&A.

“What kind of magic is the triforce? What does the triforce of courage do? What are the others? What do they do? How did you turn into a wolf? How did you go into Mike’s mind despite all the wards Jenny put on him without his permission?” She fired off, but not before Mike could get a word in.

“She WHAT!? So that’s how she’s been doing those pranks!” Mike fummed. At Zoey and Wendy’s confused looks, Mike explained. “If you cast those types of wards in a certain way, you can affect someone’s dreams and actions. As long as it’s something they would do themselves and the target is both calm and familiar with the caster, it’ll work.”

“The Triforce isn’t exactly magic, well except the Triforce of Wisdom but others such as Power and Courage boost the wielder of whoever possesses a piece. The Triforce Of Courage, despite being a void copy, contains Farore’s essence and is associated with helping the wielder become more brave. Their names pretty much explain what they do. As for how I turn into a wolf.” Link said as he reached up to grab hold of the original copy of his howling stone. “It contains Twilight magic I’ve recreated from the void to allow me to assume the form of a wolf and thus allowing me to leap into Mike’s mind and fuse his with mine. I suppose due to it being of void nature, it bypassed the wards really easily.” Link said, managing to answer all of Twilight’s questions.

“Someone actually managed to keep up with Twi, good thing it’s past the ten year time limit or I would have owed Shining so much money.” Spike says, relief dripping from his voice.

“Twilight magic?” Twilight asked, wondering what she had to do with turning people into wolves, plants sure, but wolves?

“Not to be confused with your name, of course. Twilight is..well, another realm all together outside of this universe, I don’t know where though since I haven’t met a Twili Displaced yet.” Link said as he stroked along his blond goatee. Twilight chose to ignore the fact the her brother’s nickname for her is the same as a name for a species in another universe.

“So you, Zoey, Wendy and Mike are Displaced, I know Mike’s reason for coming to this world but why so many others? Why specifically Equestria?” Spike asked, his voice a little sore from the screaming.

“The multiverse is pretty huge, and for some reason this merchant characters want us to help that multiverse, but that’s about it of what I've learned from other Displaced.” Link said with a shrug. “Those three have a purpose, possibly against someone or something the-” Link stopped in mid-sentence as he leaned toward the three Displaced, he covers the right side of his mouth and whispered. “What happened before I arrived here? Asking now so I don’t end up revealing future events.” Link asked.

“Season one episode one, we just finished checking the banquet preparations.” Wendy whispered back, making sure spike wasn’t able to hear with his dragon hearing incase he had sharper hearing.

“Then we’re quite a ways back.” Link said, nodding to Wendy before redirecting his attention to Twilight. “Basically, certain worlds need help when they can’t solve it alone. Something in this world is going to happen that will require those three to solve it or help out.” Link said as he pointed at the three with a thumb.

“Ok. I have no idea what you guys are talking about but this place seems like it’s some girl paradise, I don’t know what the big deal is.” Zoey says, looking at Wendy and Link in confusion.

“Or so it seems until a certain Nightmare appears or something we never expected.” Link said as he glanced toward the sky. Zoey just keeps staring at him in confusion.

“Zoey’s never seen the show, as far as she knows, your just staring into the sky for no reason.” Wendy whispers to Link.

Meanwhile Spike and Twilight are a little away from them.

“Any idea what they're talking about?” Spike asked Twilight.

“No, but apparently it’s something displaced have to deal with. Let’s just let them be, I’m just going to lay down and let my stomach settle.” Twilight dismisses.

Back to the displaced group.

“Well, I don’t say much though as I don’t want to change fate. Let’s just say you need to be prepared for when it does happen.” Link explained to the three. “..But I can give you new items or powers incase you need to combat something Twilight and her friends can’t handle.”

“That sounds good but what could be so bad that they couldn’t handle it? Not that I wouldn’t help them, but save for a certain magic gluten, a shapeshifter, and a friendship obsessed girl, what could be so bad?” Wendy asked.

“...A Lot of things can be far worse. Someone or something that can destroy equestria? Beings or creatures more powerful than you that wants to kill everyone you know and love? Or someone who wields powers that go beyond that you wield?” Link said as he listed good example.

“...other then someone who can cause odd things to happen, I’m not sure who in Equestria could do that.” Wendy says, she knows that none of the villains besides Discord could do something that big.

“Oook ...I'm even more lost than before but if fangirl over here isn’t worried then I don’t see the problem. I mean she’s the more rational of the two of us, so that kinda has a lot of weight to it.” Zoey says, now wishing she had made the effort to watch the show. Those two might as well have been speaking in another language.

“However, this is not the same as the show, have you not seen any differences besides you and I?” Link asked with a raised eyebrow. Zoey looks to Wendy as she as given up on keeping up.

“I’ll admit there are differences, like the ponies being anthro and Twilight being able to use magic even though unicorns here still need a horn. Not to mention the weird phenomenon with Earth ponies and Pegasi, and everyone forgetting the unnatural rain storm, me and Zoey’s fight and the sudden small hurricane that spawned near our home. Also no one noticed how different we look until after Pinkie’s party. The plants look weirdly familiar too. But I don’t see the big deal, none of that stuff screams dangerous.” Wendy explains. Though as much as she tried to hide it, there was a little worry in her voice.

“At least not yet. You’re only seeing ponyville in its current timeline, plus you may end up facing something that isn’t from Equestria. For example, back in my world, I have to face a daily threat of monsters from the legend of Zelda series that fight differently and more intelligently than their video game counterparts.” Link explained to the three. They were silent for a moment before Zoey got an idea.

“Hey, we’ve been standing around here talking but haven’t really done much. Me and Wendy need to get used to our powers and abilities if we’re going to face whoever you guys are talking about.” Zoey states, in actuality she was just bored.

“Well, you guys have fun with that, me and Twi have to finish her tasks, catch up with us when you’re done. Come on spike, let’s get her and go.” Mike says, already walking towards her. Zoey looks at Link expectantly with a grin.

“...Something on your mind?” Link asked curiously.