Time Bubbles

by Janicethelight

Chapter 11: The Dangers of Talking About Magic

The next thing either Derpy or the Doctor knew, they were facing a group of raccoons sitting around a tall table, staring down at the two and the group that brought them in.  Derpy shuddered, stepping back from the uncomfortable gazes, standing behind the Doctor. The Doctor felt her discomfort and gave her a comforting smile before looking back to the concave.  All around them, the prideful faces of the raccoons who found them turned as well, awaiting the voices of the concave.

“When you reserved your time with us last year, raccoons around you scoffed.  Raccoons going into space was one thing, but bringing creatures from different worlds, how absurd!”  The concave all laughed at once. “Glad to see you were correct!”

“Just look at them!  No claws, no sharp teeth.  How do they defend themselves?”

“The male is the bigger of the two.”  The scientists noted.

“The female has wings.  She says they can have either wings or horns where she comes from.”

“And believe it or not, she can use those wings to fly!”

“With that body mass?!”

“You realize how rude that is, right?!” Derpy asked, but was ignored.

“We saw it ourselves!”  They grinned, “she flew!”

“But how?”

“Oh, you’ll love this one.”  One snickered.

“I don’t think we need to…” Procione looked around nervously.

“Oh do tell us.  We love a good joke.”

“She says it’s magic!”

Laughter erupted through the concave.  “Ah, poor simple child believes in magic.”

“But magic is real!”  Derpy shouted.

Silence fell around her.  They could hear a pin drop.  “Young child, you live in a savage place that still believes in magic?!”

“Equestria is not savage, sirs!”  Derpy interjected, “sometimes ponies forget to be understanding, but we still love and celebrate every moment because we hold harmony above all else.  And yes! I believe in magic. I see it used by unicorns every day for all kinds of spells! Earth ponies use it to till the land and bring food for the harvest!  I use it myself to kick clouds, walk on them, create the weather, and yes, I fly!” She stomped her hoof assertively feeling like she’d made her point.

No one was laughing now.  Procione looked around the room skittishly, “they do not know the ways of our world yet, sirs.  Please forgive her any rudeness.”

“Forgive me my rudeness?!”  Derpy scoffed.

“See? She is sorry,” Procione insisted.

“No.  I’m not.  I’m not apologizing for believing in something just because you don’t!”

The concave shared looks all around the table.  “Seems our little Obet needs a demonstration to understand the truth.”  The others around the table nodded.

“Wait,  what do you mean by that?” The Doctor asked.

“Please, sirs, with all due respect, she is a newcomer to our world.  She doesn’t know the laws.” Procione begged.

“Why do you look so worried?”  the Doctor asked Procione.

Procione could only look back at the Doctor with apologetic eyes.

“I won’t let you hurt her!” the Doctor yelled.

“I’m not going to let the--”

“Defense of Chaotic actions is the same as supporting it. So you shall assist her in proving that magic exists.”

“Forsker, do you side with Procione’s protest?”  A member of the conclave asked.

“I trust in the decisions of the conclave, sirs…”

“What decisions?  Why is no one answering me?”  The doctor growled in frustration.

“Good boar, Forsker. For your invention, you and your colleagues, and even the visitor, may have first pick at tonight’s pile search.  As for these two...we wish to chat with them both.”

The concave walked down, dragging Procione and Derpy away to a different room.  Doctor bounded forward to follow only to be caught by the raccoons around him. “Let me go!  Let me go! I swear, they hurt one hair on that mare’s head.”

“They only wish to make their point, Doctor.”  Forsker spoke calmly, “I’m sure they’ll go easy on her, given that she is from a different world.  Tell us...have you seen this magic she speaks of?”

The Doctor bit his lip, “...no...but I haven’t been there long...where she’s from.  I sort of travel in my spaceship.”

“You did seem different: a man of science like us...do you believe in what she says?”

“I trust my companion...my friend, sir.  She says there’s magic, I trust that she believes it is.”

“Do you believe it is, Doctor?”

“I don’t know…”  he sighed, looking around.  He had to seem calm to save her...had to use anything at his disposal.  If he could make it back to- “My Tardis!” He spoke, watching the blue box carted off by another raccoon, “where are they taking it?”

“We told you already Doctor: everything here belongs to everyone.  That includes your interesting ship!”

“So that’s what this was really?  Take creatures from space and steal their technology?!”

“Anything on our planet becomes property of its’ citizens!”

The Doctor looked around.  He had a chance. He ran toward the Tardis as fast as he could, catching quickly to the raccoons that wheeled it on the cart.  The group followed behind, running after him, some going on four legs to pick up their pace. He threw any spare piece of anything on workbenches behind him.  He was so close now. He jumped, willing his hooves to stay on the wood, and they did.

“That’s impossible!”  Forsker said.

“I’ve been learning that ponies can do lots of impossible things!”  The Doctor grinned.

He rummaged through his mane, taking out a key.  “If I still had finger I could just snap it open...here’s hoping that I can still turn a key!”  He jammed it in, opening the door. The raccoons marveled at the tiny peak they saw inside. He closed the door, running for the sonic.  He shoved it into his mouth before running out. “I’m coming Derpy!” He shouted with the sonic in his mouth, slamming the door before hiding the key in his hair.  He ran back, jumping over the raccoons as the tried to catch him. Fast as his hooves could carry him, he ran to the now locked doors. Every one of the raccoons watched, waiting, secretly hoping.  The screwdriver hummed different frequencies until the door unlocked. He opened the door, and the raccoons all ran for it with their various gadgets. The doctor ran as well, leading the way back into the room with the giant table.  He snakes into the door where they had led Derpy. Sonic held tight in his mouth he huffed before climbing the stairs before him. Up he went to the roof of the building. He breathed, climbing up the stairs, joined by countless raccoons.  There he found Derpy with her wings bound by rope, sitting in what looked like a giant slingshot. Procione was right by her. He put his sonic screwdriver in his hoof, glaring, “let her go!”

“Or what doctor?  You’ll hurt us with a sonic wave?!”  His hoof was kicked, causing his screwdriver out of his hand on onto the floor.  Forsker stomped on it with apologetic eyes.

“Sorry, Doctor.”

“If she can indeed fly with magic, then she has no need for wings!  Now watch as Obet shows us all once and for all if there is magic!”

“For the last time, my name is Derpy, and I need my wings to help me fly!”

The Doctor tried to run, grabbed by the same group that brought them there.  “Stop this! You’ll kill them!”

“This is what the price is for belief in magic! Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. All we want is proof, Doctor!” They pulled the lever.

Derpy and Procione flew into the air like a rocket.

“DOCTOR!!!!!!!”  Derpy screamed.as she bulleted further and further away from him.