The Last Cutie Mark Crusader

by Jatheus

39 - Devotion, Part 2 of 16

Pixyglitter had gone into a frantic rage when the sirens split the night in Manehattan. That prompted the exchange of a great deal of shouting between herself and her father. It ended with her pushing him out of her way and stumbling into the kitchen where she found what she was looking for: the knives. She deftly grabbed up two of the larger ones and made for the front door. The locks were fastened.

She got to one side and waited, ignoring the argument between her parents that erupted behind her. She hardly recognized it as anything but background noise. A savage, instinct-like impulse had overridden her ability to think.

She could hear the sounds of battle outside, and she was ready. If anything forced its way in, it wouldn’t be like the time in the hospital. She had her own weapons this time. Her entire being was focused on lethal intentions.

That was how she sat until she lost track of time. Her mind was stuck in a murderous loop, prepared for action that didn’t come.

"Pixy," her mother’s delicate voice said from across the room.

A chill went up Pixyglitter’s spine as she tiled her head toward the sound, unable for a moment to discern who was speaking.

"Please put the knife down."

Turning back to the door, she ignored the plea. It was enough to let somewhat normal thoughts begin to return. She felt stupid for having let Cloud Blazer leave without her; she would not disarm herself while the city was under attack. The sound of her dad muttering something from the other room evoked a shushing noise from her mother. The younger mare was almost back into her right mind again.

"Pixy, my sweet girl...” Gentle Breeze began again.

She spoke gently, but with a tremor in her voice with which Pixyglitter was not familiar. It sounded like fear.

"Listen," she continued. "The sirens have stopped. They haven’t sounded for an hour."

That assessment was accurate.

"The battle, or whatever it was is over. There is nothing to protect us from."

Pixyglitter turned back to the door, certain she had heard something. She was ready, poised to strike.

Nothing happened.

Silence was all that answered her. Slowly, she allowed her tensed muscles to relax. She sank to the floor, filled with a mixture of emotions. Relief was one of the strongest things she felt, but there was much more than that. There was a resentment at her parents for sending the others away. She shouldn’t have stayed here. Pixyglitter stood again, gathered up the knives and took them into the kitchen. Upon returning to the living room, she found her cane where she had left it.

"Pixy?" her mother spoke.

Pixyglitter turned to face the mare and took a deep breath, considering her options. She realized that she felt like a stranger. She had changed, and this place was no longer home. That simple realization brought clarity to her thoughts. She knew what she needed to say; she just had to get it out while it remained focused in her mind.

"Call father," the young mare said. "I have something that I need to say to both of you."

"Okay," Gentle Breeze replied nervously.

Within moments, Bull Market’s obnoxious voice could be heard grumbling as he entered the room.

“We should have all been asleep hours ago. Well, I’m here. What is so important that it couldn’t wait until morning?“ his agitated tone grated against his daughter.

"Mother, Bull Market, I love you both."

"So, we’re using our full names now?" he scoffed at her. "I ought to lay you over my knee."

"For once in your life, would you shut up?" Pixyglitter replied with icy calm.

He began shouting, enraged, "Don’t talk to me that way in my own house!"

"I will not be here one moment longer than I am forced to," Pixyglitter replied with a tremor in her voice. "I love you both, but I can’t stay here anymore. I’ve changed. I’m not a little girl anymore, and what you have always wanted for me is not what I want for myself."

"At least we agree on that much," her father remarked.

Gentle Breeze cried out though tears, "Bully, be quiet!"

"There, are you happy?" Bull Market began, "Now you’ve upset your mother."

Pixyglitter wanted to smash him right in the nose just once, but she held back. It was actually quite an advantage to her anger that she couldn’t see him to land such a blow. She tried to content herself with taking a deep breath. It was only somewhat effective.

"No, Bull Market," she began again, "you have upset her, the same way that you upset my friends, and the same way that you upset me. You’re mean, and I don’t like the way you treat other ponies."

He stomped closer and yelled, "I don’t have to listen to this! Be respectful or don’t speak at all, you pathetic blinded whelp!”

She prepared herself, her cane connecting just in time to show her the distance. The chairs were just far enough apart that she whirled around, dropping low and throwing out a hind leg. She caught her father completely off guard, tripping him. He tumbled to the floor, and then Pixyglitter scrambled on top of him. She banged her head agains the coffee table in the brief struggle, sending splitting pain through her body.

Her mother was shouting for them to stop, but Pixyglitter hadn’t lost her cool. She didn’t want to hurt him and was quickly able to restrain his hooves so he couldn’t strike back. He struggled against her, but the training she’d done in combat was sufficient to counter anything he attempted.

"Let me up!" Bull Market finally growled.

"Father, shut up," the mare replied. "You are a bully, and I don’t have to take it from you or anypony else. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be happy with the life you wanted for me, but it wasn’t me."

"Fat lot of good you did on your own," he sneered. "Now what can you make of yourself? You’re a blind photographer."

She seethed, but tried to stay calm, "I’d rather be free the way I am now than live the life you tried to make for me with my sight."

Gentle Breeze was sobbing on the other side of the room.

"I’m going to let you up now if you promise to be civil."

He snorted at her. Pixyglitter let go of her father and got off of him, backing away until she bumped into the sofa. He regained his hooves and retreated.

"I want you out of this house this instant!"

"Bully, no!" her mother objected. "There’s a curfew until dawn."

"I don’t care! I’ve had it with her insolent lack of respect,“ he growled before walking away and slamming the door to his study.

The release of emotion left Pixyglitter feeling drained. She sank down to the couch, suddenly becoming aware of her own tears that had begun. Moments later, her mother sat next to her and laid Pixyglitter’s cane across her lap. It had been snapped in two.

"I’m sorry, mom," the young mare croaked.

"I know, my sweet girl," a loving answer came.

"I can’t stay. I’m going through some things that you can’t help me with... Cloud Blazer has been through what I have; he understands. I have to find him.”

"I’ll be okay, dear.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Just promise you’ll write."

"I will, and you can visit me anytime."

"If you’re ever in the city, let me know and I’ll meet up with you for a cider," she sounded like she wanted to say more, but Gentle Breeze stopped.

"I will try to set things right with dad, after we’ve cooled off,” it was difficult to speak through the heaving emotions that had churned inside.

Her mother let out a wistful sigh, "That stallion has a gift for pushing others away. Give him some time. Just make sure you write."

"I will as soon as I can. First, I have to find Cloud Blazer. We’ve got to get back to Ponyville."

There was something incredibly liberating about the finality of the path on which she had just set herself. There was no more question of whether she would go or stay. She knew her purpose, at least for the immediate future.