The Last Cutie Mark Crusader

by Jatheus

34 - Gathering, Part 6 of 6

Scootaloo now saw them, and the sight that lay before her was nearly enough to steal her courage... nearly. From a mountain on the southern side that overlooked Apple Loosa, the entire expanse of the changeling's largest force could be seen. Littered across the ground, they completely swallowed up the abandoned town and the surrounding low-lands. Like a great sea, they clamored all over each other, constantly moving. This made an exact count of them all but impossible, but Flittergear was working on it.

The Taskforce and a single regiment had secured this location while the main force was forming up northeast toward Dodge Junction. The heights they wanted were west of the town, but the timberwolves were spread out that direction, so they would to have to draw them off. Sparklefly was pointing out the features of the terrain to everypony. Mane Crusher, the traitor, was with them.

"So that there, where they rise up west of town, that's the heights we are hoping to take once we draw them off. With a little luck, we'll pull them away, swing around behind them and form up. When we draw them back to that position, we'll be able to hold them there for a while. Maybe a week or two."

"I see," Mane Crusher replied. "If they don't take the bait?"

"We've been considering that," Charging Lance answered. "As long as we can stay mobile enough to keep hitting them, we believe they will pursue us."

Sparklefly added, "Ultimately we'll just have to step carefully and hope they commit."

"And your supply trains are already worked out?" Mane Crusher asked.

"Yes," Masher replied. "We can keep fielded for about three days without resupply. A little longer if we ration, but we can't keep too many supplies with us or we sacrifice mobility."

Mane Crusher nodded, "Three days... that’s good. What about after two weeks?”

The others stared back at him without reply for a long moment. Charging Lance broke the silence.

“Every day we delay them is more time for everypony else to prepare or get out of the way. I doubt if there is a viable strategy other than keeping them occupied.”

The traitor frowned, “Then we’ll have to depend on them to make a mistake.”

He stared out over the expanse of the enemy, “You seem to have this all well in hoof. Why did you send for me?"

Sparklefly took a breath, "Mainly in case there is anything we have overlooked. You are the best strategist I've ever seen."

He turned and looked over the vast host that lay before them. Scootaloo wondered what he was thinking.

“I don’t know if anypony is that great a strategist... They will try to cut of your resupply," he finally said. "One way to help with this is to avoid sending or receiving supplies at regular intervals."

"So they can't predict our movements," Scootaloo added.

For a moment, she thought Mane Crusher smiled, but it was difficult to tell under his mustache.

"Yes. Also consider having supplies dropped at a position to which you'll be moving, if you're certain to arrive before the changelings do.”

Sparklefly nodded, rubbing at her eye patch like she usually did when she was thinking. She seemed apprehensive or distracted. At the very least, more was on her mind than the problem ahead. Scootaloo couldn’t place her hoof on it and guessed it was likely an after effect of Sparklefly’s recent capture.

"If they get the supplies, they won't even have to fight you," Mane Crusher said.

"Right, because we'll hit them fast and hard in retaliation," Pacer added.

Mane Crusher gave a bewildered look.

"Don't mind him," Scootaloo said, "He says a lot of stupid stuff, but he doesn’t mean most of it.”

Charging Lance and Masher laughed. Pacer was about to challenge what she'd said, but his expression betrayed that he wasn't quite sure if she’d meant that as an insult or not. Flittergear stood up and whispered in Charging Lance's ear.

"Well, an exact count seems impossible," Charging Lance said, "but we have an estimate. They are no less than seven-hundred and fifty thousand."

"Against our eighty-thousand?" Mane Crusher asked.

Silence followed and Charging Lance nodded. Scootaloo felt a slight sinking feeling as if they were already in over their heads. She tried to ignore it. Sparklefly stared out at the endless enemy force, her stance tight. A flutter of wings heralded a scout approaching. It was a blue pegasus mare with pink eyes. She landed and saluted.

"Sergeant Featherplume reporting!" she spoke as she submitted to being magically scanned by Masher.

"Go ahead," Charging Lance answered.

"Sirs," Featherplume spoke almost as rigidly as she stood, "General Brax has made his own assessment of the field and agrees with your strategy. His forces are arrayed on the eastern side of Apple Loosa, obscured from enemy view, and prepared for battle. He is deferring to your signal to begin the attack."

"Send the general our compliments," Charging Lance said with a smile.

Featherplume saluted, turned and flew off in the direction of Brax's forces, which couldn't be seen from this vantage point. Scootaloo turned her gaze back to the enemy. They were a large swarm just massed all over each other. It was eerily sickening how they could exist like that. Something had changed; she strained to look closer.

"Are they..." Sparklefly began.

"Moving," Flittergear said quietly.

If Scootaloo hadn't been standing beside her, she wouldn't have heard her speak.

"They're moving," Scootaloo said.

Pacer added, “West, naturally.”

"Then it seems that the time has come," Mane Crusher observed. "I recommend beginning with a small fast force to test their reaction time before you commit larger numbers.”

Charging Lance nodded, "How about a hundred pegasi?"

Mane Crusher nodded.

"Fly in, smash a little and fly out?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yes, but cautiously," Charging Lance answered. "We can't afford to give them a single life."

"I can lead that mission," Scootaloo volunteered.

"I want you on the CAP," Charging Lance replied thoughtfully. "We don't want any surprises from them."

Scootaloo nodded, not exactly disappointed, but she definitely wanted any chance to distinguish herself that she could find. There was also the matter of paying them back for Rainbow Dash’s injuries.

"We should send Colonel Skyflame," Masher said. "She's the fastest pegasus we've got."

The others nodded agreement, but Scootaloo caught a wry smile on Sparklefly's face for a moment. As they prepared to leave, Flittergear caught Scootaloo's attention when she kicked a small rock off the cliff. She watched it tumble as it fell, striking the steep slope as it went.

"If we could draw them to a cliff, we could drop an avalanche on them," Flittergear said with that mischievous grin she made whenever she had an idea, her mouth curling to one side.

Scootaloo looked doubtfully back at her, "Maybe, but it would have to be an awfully big cliff to cut down the numbers they have. Besides, how would we start an avalanche without getting ourselves killed?"

Flittergear shrugged. Scootaloo smiled at her and patted her on the shoulder after connecting the harness. The Taskforce flew back down to join up their own main force. As they came into view, Scootaloo felt somewhat better, but was surprised at just how few they seemed in comparison to what they were going up against. They found General Brax on a small, gently-sloped rise that offered a view of the field before them. The entire Taskforce landed without incident, and Scootaloo disconnected from Flittergear immediately.

"Welcome to the Assault Corps," Brax greeted them.

"Glad you could make it," Charging Lance replied glibly.

Brax noticed Mane Crusher as Sparklefly unhooked him from her harness. His expression betrayed distrust and contempt that his voice did not, "Mane Crusher."

"Congratulations on your promotion, General," Mane Crusher replied.

"They've started moving west," Pacer began. "We recommend sending in Skyflame with a hundred pegasi to see if we can draw them this way."

"Very well," Brax replied.

Masher added, "If they commit, we'll need to be pulling back quickly to stay ahead of them."

"It won't be a problem," the general replied. "I've already got scouts keeping an eye on our flanks and rear. It's all clear to the pass behind us, all the way to the badlands."

"We shouldn't have to run that far," Sparklefly said. "We just need to get them east of town. Let me fill you in on the plan."

Something about Sparklefly’s demeanor still seemed off. Scootaloo made a mental note that she would have to find time to talk to her soon. The pegasus left the discussion and found herself in command of a squad flying as part of the CAP. They were the highest patrol, which gave a complete view of everything that was happening. The size difference of the two armies was even more apparent now that both could be seen. The other pegasi with her were quiet, no-nonsense types. She could tell that they had been well trained to this task, eyes ever searching.

Before long, Skyflame's company was airborne. Scootaloo watched them fly fast and low, straight for the enemy. It seemed almost insane, but they knew what they were doing. They closed on the mass of timberwolves. It would only be a few seconds now, but they showed no signs of slowing. Then they made contact. Punching directly into the rear, timberwolves erupted into chaos as they spun and leapt to attack. Skyflame's company smashed through and pulled up. They turned and headed away, just out of reach.

A few dozen stragglers aside, Scootaloo couldn't see any change in movement from the main force. The pegasus formation looked still intact. They turned, dropped and hit the stragglers full on. A tangled mess resulted that lasted for a minute or so. Then Skyflame's force took back to the air and made a second run at the enemy. The timberwolves turned on them much faster the second time, but they again pulled up out of reach. The result was the same; only a few dozen stragglers pursued.

Skyflame ignored them, and instead headed north, up the line of the enemy, drawing close. Rather suddenly, her entire company turned and dove into the line, sweeping past them and inflicting what damage they could as they shot down the edge at high speed. For a moment, Scootaloo lost sight of them in the movement that occurred, but then they emerged again, flying hard away from the horde of timberwolves. Like a swell on the sea, the timberwolves began changing direction, moving at a run in pursuit of the pegasus company.

"Keep your eyes on the sky," Scootaloo cautioned her squad. "We're about to have incoming."

Skyflame's much more mobile force had no problem outrunning the timberwolves; it seemed that they had taken the bait. They charged through the destroyed eastern orchard directly to the hills where the main EUP force was sitting. The timberwolves were spread out when they arrived, and between unicorn magic and a solid wall of earth pony melee, not a single one breached the line.

The entire action lasted a little over an hour, but the main force of timberwolves didn't charge straight in. Scootaloo could see them spreading out to the north to press the ponies’ flank. The terrain was rough, but they'd be able to cross it soon enough. The bulk of the timberwolf army still remained to the west. The movement suggested that changelings were nearby, orchestrating the stick-dogs’ movements.

A scout flew up to their position and reported, "We are pulling back to the east toward Badlands Pass!"

"Copy that," Scootaloo replied. "Get to your assigned passengers!"

The CAP dissolved, and within only a matter of minutes, the entire Assault Corps was off the ground and flying east. Scootaloo found Flittergear at the command center where she'd left her. Without a word, they connected up the harness and took flight, following the rough formation. Officers were shouting and moving everypony into more precise positions, which would be important if they had to make any sudden changes in their retreat plan.

"They're smart," Flittergear said.

"You think so?" Scootaloo asked, not entirely convinced.

So they didn't rush in blindly and follow when they were hit the first time, that didn't necessarily mean they were smart. Besides, between Sparklefly, Brax, Mane Crusher, and Charging Lance, not to mention the rest of the Taskforce, Scootaloo wasn't terribly concerned about getting outsmarted, changelings controlling them or not. It was their overwhelming numbers that had her attention.