The Last Cutie Mark Crusader

by Jatheus

34 - Gathering, Part 4 of 6

Beigh felt upset at the predicament in which he found himself, but he wasn’t certain what to do.

“Please don't leave me behind!" LD begged.

Beigh looked at him doubtfully. The sterile scent of the hospital mixed with blood and sweat in the overcrowded building.

"I'm not sure how I can help you."

"I'm not injured; I don't belong in the hospital, it was just nerves. You were the medic that brought me in; if you sign off, they'll put me back on duty."

"You realize we are mobilizing, probably to go on another offensive."

LD hung his head and spoke softly, "Yes, and that is why I need to come. I can't explain how I'm still alive. I was convinced I would die out there, I don’t know if I got anypony else killed because I didn't fight. If I have to stay, I’ll die from shame.“

He looked back up, his blue eyes boring directly into Beigh, pleading even more desperately than his words.

He shook his head, "I just don't know if you're ready."

"Figures," came a dejected reply.

Not entirely sure what to do, Beigh came to a simple decision, "I'll talk to your unit about taking you back, but I can't recommend you take your place as a lieutenant again."

LD looked back up hopefully, “I don’t care about rank or position. Just get me back in the fight; I won't let anypony down again."

Beigh nodded. He turned to leave the overcrowded room. Exiting the stench of the hospital brought a different situation. Ponyville was practically flooded with soldiers. Another train had just arrived and ponies from the Crystal Empire and VanHoover poured out. The little town was barely large enough to navigate the streets now that they were clogged with soldiers trying to get to their rally points.

As Beigh worked his way through the crowds, he found himself wondering whether Sparklefly was part of this deployment. She made him feel complete in a way that he hadn't ever known before. He hadn't known anything was missing until the day she'd kissed him. It awakened something inside, a complex determination of sorts. It was definitely going to take some doing, but he smiled to himself in knowing that he was going to marry her someday.

"What are you grinning about, soldier?" Lieutenant Clyde asked.

Snapping to a salute, Beigh replied, "Sir, nothing, sir!"

"I need you to round up the rest of LD's platoon. You've all been reassigned to me," the lieutenant said.

"Yes, sir. In that case, I need to talk with you, sir.”

"What about?" Clyde asked.

"It's LD, sir. He seems to have recovered from whatever had affected him in Dodge Junction. I believe he is fit to return to combat."

"You do," Clyde said; it almost felt more like a statement than a question.

"Yes, sir. However, I believe it should be on a trial basis. I don't believe he should be put back in command of a platoon."

"Let me get this straight," Clyde seemed wary. "You found your own lieutenant uninjured but unable to fight for nerves. Now, only a few days later, you want him back fighting by your side?"

"Yes, sir," Beigh swallowed hard. "I believe he is fit to fight."

Clyde sighed and then stepped forward, drawing face to face with Beigh and said, “Granted, but make no mistake, if he does anything crazy that threatens the lives of my ponies, I'll kill him myself."

Beigh felt a cold shiver run down his spine. The tone in Lieutenant Clyde's voice was one of complete sincerity. Unable to find words, Beigh simply nodded.

"One more thing," Clyde added, still maintaining an icy tone. "I have heard it reported that you are unable to use offensive magic."

"Ah," Beigh stumbled with his words, "Well, um, yes, sir. I never had a talent for it.I’m a medic, sir.“

"LD might have let you get away with that, but he's a pegasus. After you get your platoon informed, have them all meet up with us at the school house. You and I are going to do some extra training. Dismissed."

Unsure whether to feel relieved or concerned, Beigh made busy rounding up the rest of his platoon to inform them of the reassignment. Then it would be back to the hospital to push through the paperwork to get LD out. Ponyville seemed like it was nearly at the breaking point for the numbers of soldiers still arriving. There were tens of thousands of them, all organizing into companies. While he was walking by, Beigh saw a group outside the castle talking. It consisted of at least seven commanders and three generals. With more still arriving, something big was happening without a doubt.