The Last Cutie Mark Crusader

by Jatheus

30 - Symbiosis, Part 4 of 10

‘R, I was surprised and, I admit, overjoyed to receive a letter from you. I’m glad to write that you did not misread me in our last encounter. I am indeed interested in seeing how things develop, as much as our present stations permit. It may go without saying that our positions will not allow anything formal, but there is no harm in becoming closer friends for now. I guess you’ll just have an added incentive to work hard and get promoted to an officer. Until then, I certainly welcome your correspondence. Looking forward to hearing from you soon, Sparklefly.’

‘Momma Mare, I’m afraid the newspaper greatly exaggerated my part in the mission at Hoofington. I’m not certain whether the reporter misunderstood me or if they saw a chance at a more sensational version of the events that unfolded there. I’ll have to tell you about it when I see you. Suffice it to say that I didn’t personally lead our forces into battle that night. While I don’t have a special somepony per se, it would not be accurate for me to say no. Before you let your mind race on that, I am behaving myself, and the stallion in question is stationed in a different unit, so I don’t even know when I’ll see him again. I suppose if anypony asks, you can tell them that yes, I am seeing somepony. I’m excited for your move to Ponyville! Sweet Apple Acres is truly a wonderful place. Maybe the open spaces and small farm life will improve Glitterdust’s mood. I know none of us liked the cramped apartment they stuffed us into in Baltimare. Missing you, Sparklefly.’


Duster entered the infirmary too quickly, nearly crashing into Beigh.

"Hey, watch it!" the medic barked.

"Sorry," Duster shot back, looking past him. "I heard Gunnysack's awake."

"He is," Beigh confirmed. "He's in bed twenty-nine."

"Thanks," Duster nodded and continued on, leaving the medic to his duties.

The enemy had been pressing their attacks on several fronts, and Ponyville was among them. Casualties had been relatively light, but the fatigue of constant battling was wearing on everypony. A small boost in the food supply had helped matters greatly, but protecting the land that was being farmed in Ponyville was proving a difficult task.

Reaching bed twenty-nine, Gunnysack looked much better than the last time Duster had seen him. There were bandages on his throat and evidence of stitches snaking up onto his face.

"Oh, great," the patient’s dry cracked voice was filled with disdain.

“And I thought you'd be happy to see me," Duster spoke sarcastically.

"Then you're dumber than you look."

"How are you?" Duster tried to let the insult go.

"I was getting better. Suddenly, I'm worse."

Duster sighed at the sour attitude, “Well, look at the bright side, if you kick off, you won't have to see me again."

Gunnysack snorted, "I'd never give you the satisfaction. I'm going to live at least long enough to see you buy it."

Duster smiled in spite of the hostility. In a strange way, it was almost comforting.

"Well, if you need anything, just say the word."

"You'll be the last to know," Gunnysack spat back at him.

Duster turned and walked away. He wasn't entirely surprised by the reaction, given their history, but it was a little unsettling. Duster had seen the injury when it happened. They were both in the thick of the fight that first day, but there was no way to help. Since then they'd been repelling attacks every three hours, like clockwork. Due to this, everypony was on standby alert now and the infirmary was full. Rumors had come in that this pattern was consistent all across Equestria. So far, no cities had fallen, but the regiment that had been dispatched to Hoofington suffered moderate casualties to hold the town.

Duster's thoughts turned to that first pony he'd killed; he had looked so frightened. The stallion shook his head and tried to put his mind on something else. He hadn't slept for the last three attacks, and his eyelids were getting heavy. It should be at least another two hours before the next one; maybe he could find a few minutes to rest.


‘Sparklefly, I just had to write quickly to tell you that we have finally been given our travel orders! There is still quite a lot to do, but I’ll be sure to write from Ponyville once we arrive. Also, my dear sweet girl, you cannot tell your mother that you have a special somepony and then neglect to give details! Be sure to tell me all about him in your next letter. Missing you, Momma Mare.’


Scootaloo grimaced at the craggy terrain that was Galloping Gorge. They had come up to investigate after reports of changeling activity north of the Unicorn Range, but if they went much further they'd be heading into the Crystal Empire. That was one place the timberwolves didn't dare go for the cold. The scouts that had been through the area had all come back with the same unsatisfying information.

"It would seem we've found another dead end," Charging Lance spoke as he finished reading Skyflame’s report.

“You think?” Scootaloo vented her exasperation.

Flittergear stood next to her, munching on some oats, and Pacer was with them also.

"Yeah, we get lots of those," Pacer agreed. "I can't remember a solid lead since Las Pegasus. You'd think with such renowned heroes like Colonel Rainbow Dash and The Hero of Canterlot we'd have found Omega twice by now."

Scootaloo gritted her teeth, instantly feeling defensive at the sarcasm in that last remark. She was further annoyed that she wasn't recognized enough for her own accomplishments. Recently it seemed that everypony was exaggerating Sparklefly's abilities. Scootaloo was dumbfounded when she'd heard the reports about what had supposedly happened in Hoofington. The other feeling was anger at the loud mouth for often insulting Rainbow Dash.

“Do you ever shut up?” Scootaloo shot back.

He gave her a sleazy grin, “Only when I’m with a mare.”

“By Celestia you really are a complete moron.”

"You want a piece of me?" Pacer challenged.

Flittergear darted between them.

"No, a piece of you, any piece, is the last thing I want," she quipped.

"Ah ha!" Masher laughed as he approached. "So, Pacer, I guess you're not as popular with the mares as you said you were."

"Oh, please, I thought this one was a stallion."

Charging Lance sighed, “Settle down, children.”

Scootaloo felt her rage beginning to seethe again. She turned and walked away. Masher and Pacer took to arguing among themselves with Flittergear standing between them. Trying to control her breathing, Scootaloo walked faster toward the rear of their cloud. She wanted nothing more than to scream as loud as she could. That’s when she accidentally came across Sparklefly. Hoping she hadn't been seen, Scootaloo turned to walk away and maintain her solitude.

"Hey!" Sparklefly called out. "Guess what?"

Nodding at the letter Sparklefly was holding, Scootaloo snapped, "What? Answering your fan mail?"

Sparklefly frowned, stopping short. Scootaloo knew she hadn't found that joke funny the first time Pacer had said it, but she was so filled up with anger that it had to go somewhere.

"What got you all wound up?" Sparklefly asked curtly.

"Maybe I'm just tired of you getting credit every time anything happens."

"You know I hate it as much as you do."

"Yeah, it must be such a burden being so well-liked," Scootaloo realized her tone had become rather harsh. “If anypony lead an attack into Hoofington, it was me!”

“That’s what I told the reporter.”

“I’ve been with you every step of the way, and everyone thinks you’re so much better than me, but you’re not! You get yourself in trouble all the time, and I come save you. I did in the Everfree Forest, and I did again in Hoofington. Where would you be right now if I hadn’t?”

Sparklefly stood rigidly, “I’m well aware of all of this. I have never undervalued or looked down on you. You’re a fine soldier and have earned your rank and position, but some of the things we do just can’t be public knowledge right now.”

“That’s easy for you to say since you’re the one getting the credit for everything we do! Just be sure to remember us little ponies after your coronation!”

"Anything else you need to say?"

Scootaloo was coming up with another insult when she saw it. There was a look in Sparklefly's face that she had never seen before. Normally, Sparklefly had an icy shield that guarded her emotions fairly closely, but in this moment, Scootaloo realized that she had broken it. A tear escaped from under the eye patch and ran down her cheek. Her other eye was filled with hurt and sadness. Nothing else about her posture gave away the injury. Scootaloo no longer saw the battle-hardened soldier in that moment. She was reduced to the nineteen-year-old filly that wanted no part of hardship or war.

They stood face to face in silence for a moment, then the wounded mare quietly turned and walked away. Scootaloo wanted to apologize, but she felt so conflicted that she decided to sort out her own feelings first. Pacer was annoying, but how was he able to get under her skin like that? The realization that she had intended, even wanted, to hurt her friend made Scootaloo’s anger heavy with sorrow.