The Last Cutie Mark Crusader

by Jatheus

25 - Preparations, Part 1 of 4

Beigh had finally completed his assigned task: inventory his company’s medical supplies. He'd been working on it for what seemed like an entire day, but in reality, it was only most of the morning. The Baltimare Fever had drained their resources significantly, but barring any other emergencies, they should have several weeks to restock. With the illness leaving and training returning to normal, the types of infirmity that were coming had been the usual bumps and bruises plus the occasional broken bone. Something felt missing, but Beigh couldn’t put his hoof on just what it was.

He was a little sad to have no more physical therapy sessions with Lieutenant Sparklefly. She’d been far nicer to him than most officers or the other cadets. In spite of her celebrity, actually meeting her on the occasions he'd been able to was quite different than he had thought it might be. It was amazing to discover that she seemed to be just another mare, like anypony else. While he didn't doubt that she'd been involved in each of the feats he’d heard told and retold, it did make Beigh wonder how much of the stories were true. In any case, she didn’t seem to let it go to her head.

He knew that a friendship developing there was likely rather slim. She was interesting, but she was also an officer, and the EUP had rules about that sort of thing.

Beigh decided that he'd best get the inventory report finished and turned in before anypony had to ask him for it. It never hurt to impresses the boss.


The scent of the pine needles filled Pixyglitter's nostrils. Oddly, it reminded her of home, which was comforting albeit false. She was from Manehattan, and were she awake, city smells would have been more likely to make her experience nostalgia. In any case, the feeling didn't last; the moon shone brightly overhead, and she realized that she was dreaming again.

Darting under the young tree, Pixyglitter hid beneath the low branches. She accidentally brushed her nose against the bark, which was cold and rough. She wanted nothing more than to wake up, but she didn't know how. This sort of experience was exactly like being awake. If she hadn't been able to remember what all had happened, that she was actually blind, she might have just accepted all of this as real.

"Come to me!" the lunar voice boomed above.

It sounded less like a chorus, and more like a singular voice this time.

"Come to me!" it repeated.

Pixyglitter cowered against the tree trunk, scratching her body against the bark. She crouched on the crunchy carpet of brown pine needles and covered her head. Now there was only silence and a stillness to the night air. The quiet was almost unbearable, but even worse was the feeling that she was being watched. It was as if the intelligence that brought the dream could see her, no matter where she hid from it.

The ground began to rumble, and then it shook. The trees swayed without a breeze and began toppling over. Pixyglitter ran off in a panic as the behemoths crashed down around her. The earth split open in front, and she was left with only one option. The flapping of wings took her quickly above the trees. She flew hard and fast, trying to escape. Faster and faster she flew, the cold night air stinging her eyes.

"Come to me!" the voice said a third time, now filled with rage.

The world, the clouds, the moon, and even the air itself burst into flames. Within seconds the heat also ignited Pixyglitter, and her body roasted in the fire until she awoke screaming. After the pain and fear had subsided, Pixyglitter was relieved to find that her room was empty. She lay back down on her sweat-drenched pillow, hoping she could stay awake for a few hours. The dreams were becoming consistently nightmarish.