I AM Human

by Synthetic Soul

Chapter 3

It was a night sky without the moon or the stars. Inky grey clouds filled up the sky, preventing any light from the celestial bodies from reaching the surface of Canterlot. It was three o’clock in the morning, the so-called ‘witching hour’. Within her tower, Princess Luna lay asleep in her bed. Though she was asleep, she was not resting. She tossed and turned, mumbling, with tears wetting her cheeks.

The nightmares she experienced haunted her worse than any she had known before the tragedy. But she didn’t use her powers to banish them. She didn’t feel she deserved to. She needed to feel this pain, so she could make up for what she’d done. At least, that’s what she told herself.


The voice, loud enough to awaken Luna, uttered the one word that Luna knew she would never be called again. Her heart jolted as she was startled awake, causing her to shoot up in her bed. She looked to and fro, before her gaze fixated on something that nearly caused her to scream out in horror.

In front of Luna was a pony that she knew to be dead. Silver grey fur, and an onyx mane. It was Midnight, her son. But…he was different. His fur was rotting away in patches over his body. He had blood leaking from various wounds across his body. His wings were featherless, just pale fleshy protrusions coming from his back. His horn was chipped and cracked, and he was missing an eye. The being in front of Luna stood in front of her bed, looking strait at her.

Luna’s eyes were wide with fear and horror as she stared at the pony she had called her son. The image in front of her was something that she could not bear to see. No mother would ever want to see her child so broken and damaged.

Luna started to hyperventilate. What she was seeing couldn’t be real! Yet, she would know if she was asleep! She was the Princess, not only of the night, but also of dreams themselves, she would know if this were a dream. But if she wasn’t asleep…what was she seeing?

“Mother,” said her son once more, his voice hollow and broken. New tears made their way to Luna’s eyes as she looked at him. She held out a hoof towards him, and tried to speak, only for foul bile to force its way up her throat. She quickly turned her head, and heaved over the side of her bed. She coughed and hacked, and wiped her mouth, before turning back to face her dead son.

“M-midnight?” she quietly uttered.

“Why did you do this to me?” he questioned.


“Look at what’s happened to me. This, this is your fault.”

“M-midnight, I-“

“I died because of you! You pushed me to this!” shouted the rotting colt, silencing Luna’s attempts to speak. Slowly, the decaying Alicorn crawled up onto Luna’s bed, and walked up towards her.

“You manipulated me…you stole my life from me, in more ways then one. And…you couldn’t even save me from my end,” he said. Luna could now see rotting teeth in his mouth, and dark stained gums.

“I-I’m sorry!” cried Luna, grabbing her pillow, and pressing her face into it. She let out heavy tears as her regret and guilt hit her full force. She did this for several moments, constantly uttering apologies, before she was interrupted.

“Look at me.”

She hesitantly did what was requested of her. Slowly, Luna raised her head to look at her son.

“I’m sorry Midnight! I’d do anything for you, and I’d do anything to bring you back! Please, I’m…I’m sorry….”

The apparition of Luna’s son didn’t appear to react at all to her plea. Instead, he just leaned forward, coming close to Luna, their heads less than a foot apart.

“Your apology means nothing to me. You cannot undo what you’ve done to me. But…there is a way you can make up for it.”

“There is? What is it, I’ll do anything!” Luna cried desperately.

“I think you know what it is you have to do,” replied the rotting prince. Luna did not appear to understand what he meant, looking confused with her mouth hanging open. The colt leaned in closer, speaking with venom.

“Blood for blood.”

Luna, realizing what it was that her son was asking, started breathing quickly.

“You mean?” Her son nodded. “I…I don’t…I don’t know if I could…”

Her son took on a bored look, before stepping back from the Lunar Alicorn.

“I didn’t think so.” Hot tears ran down Luna’s face, as she trembled before the pony she had given birth to.

“You’re pathetic,” said the apparition. He closed his eyes, and chuckled. “Well…maybe you just need some time. Besides, now you finally get what you’ve always wanted!”

“W-what do you mean?”

“Oh, isn’t it obvious? Why, we get to be together again! Forever….”

Luna’s heart skipped a beat.

“I won’t leave you. Not until you’ve met the same fate as me.”

Without warning, the rotting child’s mouth grew wide with sharp jagged teeth, letting out a blood-curdling scream as he shot towards her. It was then that Luna’s world went black.

Prince Blueblood let out a ‘humph’ as he roamed the halls of Canterlot Castle, his mood soured.

‘This is completely unacceptable! I have put up with this for far too long! Auntie Celestia and Luna spend all their time whining over Luna’s dead little brat! Don’t they realize that I’M here, and that I’m far better then he was? I mean, I’m the only prince that Equestria needs!’

The unicorn prince continued to trudge along his path, not focusing on where he was going.

‘I should march right up to Auntie Celestia, and tell her to forget about that little bastard, and focus on ME!’

Suddenly, something caught his attention. He disengaged from his internal whining, and noticed something rounding a corner up ahead of him. It was a tail, and it looked…familiar.

“Have I seen that pony before?” questioned the Prince to himself. He decided to find out. He picked up his pace, and walked after the pony.

“You there! You, stop for a moment!” The pony didn’t seem to respond to the prince’s request.

‘Scummy peasant, don’t they know that I am royalty?’

Blueblood turned the corner, and was prepared to tell off the pony, when he stopped dead in his tracks upon seeing whom it was. There, halfway across the hall, was…Luna’s son. He looked just like he did when Blueblood had met him. He was just…standing there, looking at him.

“No…” said Blueblood, shaking his head. “That’s not possible, you’re…you’re dead!”

The colt in front of him just smiled a toothy grin, giggling to himself.

“Oh sweet Celestia, a ghost!” cried Blueblood with a high pitched screech, before turning tail and running, only to smack right into another pony who was standing right behind him. Blueblood fell to his rump and looked up to see…a changeling. A changeling that looked like Midnight.

“Hey cousin. Been a while hasn’t it?” greeted the changeling, with Midnights voice.

“What in the...” Blueblood looked behind him to see the pony he had thought to be Midnight, advancing upon him. The pony let out a chuckle, before he was engulfed in green flames. His old appearance melted away, to reveal a standard changeling carapace.

“Ch-ch-changeli-“ but before Blueblood could finish, the changeling lit its horn, causing Bluebloods mouth to slam shut. He tried to open his mouth, but it was in vain. He looked from the changeling behind him, to the one resembling Luna’s son in front of him; fear now wedged in his heart.

“It’s nothing personal,” said the changeling Midnight, as he lit his horn. A green fire spread around Blueblood, and once it had fully encircled him, a green bubble of energy surrounded around him. “I just can’t afford to have two of you running around.”

Blueblood tried to scream, but with his mouth-glued shut, he was only able to let out a muffled groan.

The two changelings watched as the prince sunk beneath the floor, pawing at the bubble, trying to break free. And then he was gone.

Tristan looked from the floor to the changeling in front of him.

“You know what to do,” he said. The changeling nodded, before transforming into the pony prince himself.

“Stinger has completed his task with Princess Luna,” said the disguised changeling.

“Good. I bet that gave her a good scare.”

“I’m sure it did, your highness.”

“I told you not to call me that!” snapped Tristan.

“M-my apologies sir.” Instead of responding, Tristan turned around, and began walking away from the changeling.

“Continue with the plan,” he said as he walked away.

“Yes sir.” The disguised changeling turned, and proceeded down the hall, leaving Tristan alone.

“Luna, you think it’s bad now, just wait. I have a lot more in store for you.”