The Last Cutie Mark Crusader

by Jatheus

22 - Bonds, Part 8 of 8

Pixyglitter and Cloud Blazer stood upon the surface of the moon. They began walking side by side upon the face of it, a bright silvery dust beneath their hooves. Each filled with a giddiness, it was unlike any dream either of them had previously experienced. Cloud Blazer suddenly stopped.

"Look!" he said as he pointed up into the sky.

Following his gaze, Pixyglitter began to ask, "Is that...?" She didn't have to finish.

"It is.”

The world hung above, suspended in the blackness. All of Equestria could be seen laid out before them. They stood, captivated by the beauty, wondering at how far away they must be for it to appear so small. Cloud Blazer could clearly see the oceans, mountains, and rolling plains that formed the land. Near the center would be Canterlot, and Cloudsdale must be nearby. Ponyville would be to the south, but he couldn't see it. Pixyglitter was in complete awe. They stayed like this for what must have been several minutes, then they looked at each other uncertainly. Normally the subconscious mind would create actions in addition to context of a dream, but everything was so quiet and vivid here. It was as if they had stumbled into some world that existed on a different level of consciousness.

"Now what?" Pixyglitter asked.

Cloud Blazer shrugged, "We could go exploring. I've never been to the moon before."

She smiled at him, and her golden eyes seemed to twinkle. They began galloping across the barren plain. The shimmering silver dust kicking up in their wake; they ran far and fast. Before long, they came upon some rolling hills. They charged up the first, and Cloud Blazer threw himself down, rolling down the hill like a yearling, laughing all the way. With the flapping of wings, Pixyglitter flew over to him.

"You are covered in moon dust!" she teased.

He jumped up onto all four hooves and shook himself off; the silvery dust sparkled in every direction as it fell back to the ground.

Breathing deeply, he said, "I have never felt more alive than I do right now."

Pixyglitter could feel it too. It was as if everything was perfect in this moment. She felt like all the joy of an entire lifetime had been brought here, coursing through her veins, making her body tingle with the warmth of mirth from her head down to her hooves. The moment stretched on, and the sheer joy that flooded the two of them was the most pure feeling either had ever experienced. It was so exhilarating that they could never have imagined such a sensation.

With Cloud Blazer leading the way, they took flight together over the lunar surface. They travelled as one, stopping sometimes to look at the natural beauty of the magnificent desolation that extended before them. From the deepest valley canyons to the highest mountains, they flew. Rolling plains sprawled out beneath them and craters dotted the landscape here and there. They must have explored for hours, but no weariness or sense of boredom ever invaded the adventure.

As they soared, Cloud Blazer saw a circle carved into the surface. It looked as if it had been dug into the ground, and there were five large boulders set equidistant around the perimeter of it.

"Look at that.”

"Let's go check it out," Pixyglitter replied.

They landed near monoliths and approached slowly, their hooves sinking in the shimmering sands beneath them. They walked around it for several minutes, examining the giant rocks, but there didn't seem to be anything special about them, other than the fact that it was not a natural formation.

A voice that sounded like a chorus of waves pounding against a seashore spoke to them from the rocks, "Welcome!"

It was so loud that the pair nearly fell over. The voice resounded off of the mountains and finally faded in the distance.

"As you have come, so you must go!" the voice boomed.

"What do you mean? Where are we going?" Cloud Blazer asked.

"Remember the dreams!" The voice spoke a little softer now, "Find the keys to open the door."

"What dreams?" Pixyglitter asked.

"My dreams," Cloud Blazer replied; they all flooded back to him in crystal clarity. "Have you been giving me these dreams? Who are you?"

"We are that which remains when all else is ash and dust!" the voice boomed, and the moon shook beneath their hooves for a moment.

"What do you want from us?" Pixyglitter asked.

A rumbling from above caught their attention, and the pair looked up at the world; all of Equestria was becoming consumed with a great fire. In only moments the smoke grew so thick that the ground could no longer be seen. Pixyglitter gasped.

"What is this?" Cloud Blazer demanded.

"This is the fate of your world if you fail," the voice said, almost sounding saddened or resigned to this outcome. "The world will burn, and you are the only hope to save it.”

The joy that had filled the pegasi only moments before faded away. The ground shook again, but not from the voice. Exchanging a glance, both Cloud Blazer and Pixyglitter took flight, gaining some altitude so they could see.

Just over the nearest hills, and laid out across the lunar landscape all the way to the horizon was an innumerable horde of timberwolves. They were like the sand on a seashore, and they were charging into a much smaller army of ponies. Changelings flew through the air casting down magical bombardment. The pair was speechless as they observed. There had to have been a hundred thousand ponies by Pixyglitter's estimation, but even so they were hopelessly outnumbered. Even though he couldn't see them, Cloud Blazer knew that his friends were in the fighting; he could feel their presence. The pair returned to the circle of stones on the ground, which were now glowing with a purple light.

"Our magic wanes, and we cannot prevent this fate for much longer. You must hurry," the voice insisted.

"But what are we supposed to do?" Pixyglitter asked.

"The keys!" the voice boomed loudly, knocking the pair down.

Timberwolves began pouring over the nearby hills and running straight at them.

"We have to go," Cloud Blazer said, acute fear gripping him.

As the pegasi ran away, they heard the voice boom one final time, "Find the keys to unlock the door!"

As they took flight, changelings intercepted them, and a flurry of kicking and biting followed. The fighting quickly became too thick for either Cloud Blazer or Pixyglitter to escape. Soon, they couldn’t even see each other. They both were beaten horribly until everything began spinning and went dark.


Pixyglitter awoke screaming. She could hear Cloud Blazer yelling something.

Without a doubt, that was the most vivid and bizarre dream she had ever experienced. She hadn't realized she was sitting up, and moments later she laid back on the bed. The sheets were soaked with sweat, and she was trying to catch her breath as her heart raced.

"Are you okay?" Cloud Blazer asked.

"What do you mean?" Pixyglitter replied; she was shaking.

"You look upset," he replied.

"It's nothing," she evaded, "just a dream."

He became silent for a minute. A sea of raw emotions stirred inside the mare.


Cloud Blazer was considering his own dream that had just awakened him. It seemed strange that they would awake from nightmares at the same time. Looking at Pixyglitter, he felt sorry for her; she was shivering. Slowly sliding off of the bed, the dull throbbing that came from every injury began pounding much harder. As Cloud Blazer stood there, putting his weight on the three legs that were not broken, he nearly passed out as the waves of pain hit harder and harder. Carefully, he shuffled across the room toward Pixyglitter; she was crying. Climbing halfway on the bed, and putting the rest of his weight on his left hind leg, he half hugged her.

"Quiet down now," he spoke softly to her. The pain was still beating through his body. "It's going to be alright; you're awake now."

"I'm sorry," she replied, still shaking as he held her.

"Hey, there's nothing to be sorry about. I have bad dreams ever since I was hurt too. I get ripped apart in most of them," he tried to sound cheerful as he said this, but then wasn't sure talking about such dark things would help. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No," she replied quickly. Twisting to push him away, she said, "Get off of me; I'm fine."

He backed away from her, standing on three hooves again. He wasn't feeling so well, and decided that he needed to get back to bed before he passed out. Each step sent the pain, now more like lightning bolts, through his body from each injury. He was sweating profusely, and his mouth was impossibly dry. Climbing back into bed was arduous, but once he had achieved it, there was minor relief. He lay there for a while before the pain began subsiding. The fact of their simultaneous awakening was nagging at Cloud Blazer.


Pixyglitter felt bad for pushing him away, but she didn't know what else to do. Normally, she was totally self-sufficient. Now she'd been reduced to a blubbering blind idiot from some dumb nightmare. It was making her hate herself; she should be stronger than this. Now she'd let some pony she barely knew see her crying like a filly.

Cloud Blazer spoke suddenly, "You were on the moon, weren't you?"

An icy chill took hold of Pixyglitter, and the tears stopped.

"What?" her voice came out as a ghostly whisper.

"You ran across the surface of it, and then flew. You found a circle with rocks embedded in the edge of it. Five giant stones that spoke of a coming disaster," he continued.

Curiosity and fear replaced the sadness and embarrassment.

"You saw Equestria burning and the largest horde of timberwolves, a number of them beyond imagining. You were told that you could stop it."

Completely dumbfounded that he knew her entire dream, she had to ask, "How did you... how could you guess all of that?"

He took a breath before replying, “I’m the stallion that was with you.”

Her heart nearly stopped.

Cloud Blazer said, "I also had that dream, and I wasn't alone either." He paused a moment before saying, “You had golden eyes.”

Pixyglitter shivered as the hair on the nape of her neck stood on end. Both of those things had been impossible. There was no way he could have known about her dream, but he did. He also knew another thing about her that he couldn't have known; he’d met her after they had been lost, and she never told him what color her eyes had been.