• Member Since 6th Jul, 2020
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Soft Shake

I like the pretty ponies.

More Blog Posts6

  • 4 weeks
    Posting, yes, right, of course, that

    Yes hello hi, it's been like a YEAR since I've posted a fic on here. Long story short, I was worried nothing I came up with would be as good as some things I've already written, but I know I really need to start taking this a little less seriously and relax. Writing silly pony fics is meant to be a fun hobby. The thing is, I've still been writing. A LOT. But I don't commit to anything

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    2 comments · 62 views
  • 62 weeks
    About "Intermission"

    Well hello, hello, hello!

    I've been a bit quiet on here. Of all things, I certainly did not expect Intermission to be the fic that I posted next.

    It wasn't even in my list of projects previewed in my last post-- I don't think I had started it at the time. Well, rest assured, all those projects are still well on there way. None of them have been abandoned.

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    2 comments · 132 views
  • 87 weeks
    Updated Cover And Some Sneak Peeks (Also hi, I'm okay)

    So. Quick thing before anything else:

    Firstly, thank you to the few of you who saw my last post and lent me some caring words. I just wanted to quickly say you have all been seen and heard and very much appreciated, even if I didn't respond.

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    0 comments · 183 views
  • 91 weeks
    A vent

    This is the thousandth time I've tried to write a blog post about anything, I always write miles of words and give up and delete it. Every other time was going to be about fic related topics. This time I'm going to vent.

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    3 comments · 208 views
  • 108 weeks
    About "Touch"

    First of all: Trashie. Why isn't this a more popular pairing? I really don't know.

    Second: I wrote a strange one and now I'd like to talk about it into the void that perhaps no one will read! Here is the fic!

    [Adult story embed hidden]

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Updated Cover And Some Sneak Peeks (Also hi, I'm okay) · 8:23am Oct 9th, 2022

So. Quick thing before anything else:

Firstly, thank you to the few of you who saw my last post and lent me some caring words. I just wanted to quickly say you have all been seen and heard and very much appreciated, even if I didn't respond.

So, brief check-in, update, thing: I'm, um, in a much better headspace now than I was when I wrote that. Funny story actually, I cried so much that day that for weeks afterwards I couldn't cry despite feeling like I needed to, so I had all this pent up anxiety and stress that I couldn't let out, which put me in a sour mood pretty much all the time. That was until I spend a morning squeezing a fluffy orb, stuffed animal, rabbit, thing really hard.

About a half hour of squeezing later and I felt incredibly better. I can definitely testify to the claim that you have no idea how bad you've been feeling until you feel better. It felt like.... like a snake that had been strangling my whole body, for weeks, trying to kill me, had suddenly slunk to the floor, dead. It felt like it had never been there in the first place.

And although I want to say it's gone, I know it's not. I can feel its cold molting skin peeling off at my feet, breathing life back into its body whenever I make eye contact with someone, ready to coil around my leg at the worst moment and summon a new eclipse. I can only hope that next time, I know where the sun has gone.

Hahahaha, :rainbowlaugh: Sorry!! I like metaphors and I just got carried away for a second. I'm genuinely doing pretty good for the most part.


I have just updated the cover to a fic from a bit ago, I think it's much better, so take a look! (Easiest way for me to show you is to embed the fic 😏)

ETo Hear the Words
Luna asks her marefriend a question. Maybe it would seem strange. Maybe it shouldn't have been weighing on her mind in uncertainty the way it was. Maybe the answer should have been obvious. Regardless, she asks.
Soft Shake · 1.4k words  ·  70  3 · 1k views

The previous cover had been bothering me the entire time it was up, knowing I could make it so much nicer than it was. I hope anyone who saw the previous would agree. I really like drawing in this vector style. Also saves me the trouble of having to do faces so that's a big plus.

As far as fics go, I am indeed in the process of writing several. Too many. Definitely too many for comfortable momentum. I get too ambitious; Too many ideas, too many ideas within the ideas, too many possible methods of delivering them, etc. But, as evidence for all my hard work, I figure I might as well give some sneak peeks for the more solid ideas I'm working on that will hopefully see the light of day eventually. Which will be finished first and when? I have no clue.

I even have some cover art ready for them, but I can't figure out a way to show that here so enjoy these snippets of words instead.

If she backed out now, it would be cruel. Apple Bloom would probably believe it was a sick prank. She couldn’t show her up.
But she could barely face her either.
“Diamond Tiara! Hey, Diamond Tiara! Over here!” 
Gah! Pony feathers.
She’d been caught. And Apple Bloom was broadly waving a hoof at her with that same goofy grin on her face she remembered from their fillyhood.
This was going to be fine. All she needed to do was walk across the open field of grass dividing them.

Current wordcount: 1,816
Status: Writing it down // Figured out
Passion: 8/10
Estimated Final Length: Medium (4,000-8,000)

Twilight’s hair was nuzzled in between her neck and Bon Bon’s cheek. “Maybe not yet,” [Bon Bon] said under her breath in a sudden state of relaxation. “But whenever Celestia decides to let you in on that magic flowy shampoo solution, you’ve got to let me compare.”
That was really funny.
Bon Bon was completely relaxed against her. She was warm. ….Cozy. ….Friendly. …Electrifying.
Wait, what? What was that last adjective?
“I found iiit!” came a singing voice from the other room, and Bon Bon lifted.
Lyra Heartstrings trotted into the living room with a portrait levitating in her distinctly energetic golden aurora. She was still staring at it, completely blocking her view,  as she navigated across the memorized furniture without so much as a glance. “It was in the storage room the whole time! Pfft, duh.”

Current wordcount: 1,830
(Current deleted wordcount: 3,187)
Status: Figuring it out
Passion: 10/10
Estimated Final Length: Long (~10,000?)

That was when Vinyl walked in.
She always forgot to knock.
Octavia hid her face in her pillow as fast as she could, but the damage was done.
Her voice was hoarse due to its lack of consistent use.
It was never that she couldn’t talk, Octavia had come to understand, but that most of the time she simply felt no need to. She blasted music into her ears or into the space around her every hour of every day, and at one point or another it had just swallowed up her voice without an ounce of complaint from her. After going so long without talking by pure accident all the time, digging her voice back up from her graveyard of a throat had just become a hassle.
So the fact that she had chosen to use that voice at this moment meant that she’d deemed it necessary.
“It’s nothing, go away,” groaned Octavia into the pillow.
“Tsk,” said Vinyl as she trotted over to  the bed, approximately translating into a sarcastic, ‘Oh yeah?’
“Yes, I mean it, go. Now.”
Vinyl flopped herself onto the bed, bouncing Octavia a bit, and completely invading her space by laying close enough to rub against her.
It was initially intended as another viscous groan of disapproval, but she hadn’t had the heart to carry through on that. So instead it was meek and accepting.
Eventually, amidst Octavia’s pillow crying, she heard the soft click of Vinyl’s shades settling on the nightstand.
And Octavia sighed, knowing she was being stared at. Waited on.
“I can’t talk about this,” Octavia settled on saying. “I’m… not ready yet.”
A patient, and unexpectedly comfortable silence filled the room. It was comfortable in the sense that she knew Vinyl wasn’t pressuring her. That she was content to support her in shared silence, just by being here with her. And that made the anvil in her chest lose a bit more of its weight the longer it went on.
She pondered on talking about it after all.

Current wordcount: 2,993
Status: Complete, Pending Revision // Woah, this would be scary to publish---
Passion: 5.7/10

“...Twilight?” Rainbow muttered after enough silence.
Twilight shook her head a little and closed her eyes. “Sorry. Sorry, you’re right. I’m being distant and I shouldn’t be.”
Rainbow wasn’t actually sure if that was a good response or not. She couldn’t really think of anything better to expect, but it didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel good or relieving. It felt… prolonged.
“Okay. Tell me what’s wrong.” She should have probably asked a while ago.
“What do you mean? I just told you, I’m under the weather.”
“No, I mean,” Rainbow started again, carefully formulating her words, “What are you thinking about?”
“Who says I’m thinking about anything?”
“Oh come on,” Rainbow might have laughed, “Is that a joke? You are always thinking.”
“Well,” began her marefriend in defense, her tone lightening just barely. “That’s the same as everything else that’s capable of thought. But that doesn’t mean I’m thinking about anything, does it? What would you know? You don’t think at all.”
“Hey!” Snapped Rainbow in offense. “At least I can tell when there’s something my marefriend isn’t telling me. Because you totally are thinking about something. I’m not that airheaded.”
A long deep breath, eyes meditatively closed. “...Sorry.”

Current Wordcount: 1,286
Status: Writing it down // Figured out
Passion: 10/10
Estimated Final Length: Short (1,000-4,000)

It was a raspy voice that made Vinyl turn. Interestingly enough, it was the blue pegasus who owned that voice.
“...?” Vinyl finished her slurp in response.
“Your Pinkie’s friend, aren’t you?”
Pinkie. RIght, that was her name, wasn’t it.
In truth, they hardly knew much about each other. But that crazy pink pony was the host of almost all Vinyl’s gigs. Pretty much made her career, that mare. Even helped to make this club possible in the beginning.
“You're a pretty sick DJ.”
Vnyl nodded.
“Awesome! Wanna come home with us?”

Wordcount: 1,139
Status: Almost Figured Out?
Passion: 10/10
Estimated Final Length: Medium? (6,000-9,000)

Okay so in all honesty those, above, are the fics I'm putting the most time into, and those are the ones that are most likely going to get done if any, but... This is really fun, so I'm gonna show you a couple other fics in progress that will almost definitely never see the light of day! Enjoy!

But a fall from this height, from the cloud you're on now, would allow you enough force to pass through without a problem.
You open your wings to indulge in the air around you, a chill breeze easing the tension throughout your bones.
Your uniform is silent against the wind’s current, allowing you to become one with the breeze at any moment. Ready for the hard beating pressure that grows and shifts and sways, to guide you home the moment you take flight.
But you won’t follow its pull.
This would be its last act of service.
A sharp and careful inhale, a slow and conscious breath out. To calm your fiercely beating heart.
Relax, your inner voice is telling you. 
Everything is okay.
Everything is finally okay.
Because this is it.
Because this is all there is.
Because this is all that will ever be again.

Current wordcount: 1,628
Status: Figuring it out // Woah, this would be scary to publish--
Passion: 7/10
Estimated Final Length: Medium (4,000-6,000)

Derpy didn’t bother to open her eyes. She didn’t remember where she was, but if she was going to die here on the cold, wet grass beneath her body, maybe she was better off not knowing.
Her ear twitched at a voice.
It was muffled beneath the piercing ringing she’d awoken to, but the owner was shouting loud enough that she could manage to make out a couple words.
‘Something something back to tartarus… good for nothing. . . self centered pieces of horse[Censored for blog].’
Though the voice had a less familiar quality to it, it wasn’t all that different than what she should have expected. Whoever it was, it was nothing she needed to pay attention to.
She narrowed her ears toward the sound just a bit, straining to focus on the words again.
‘Something… something… deserve to go on living… None except her…’
No, something was different after all.
The rasp was familiar in itself. It was a feminine voice. They were angry, too, but not in the same way ponies usually were. This pony, whoever they were, had a fragile, shaking quality to their voice every now and then, like they were on the verge of breaking down into a fit of sobs.
They were sad. Scared, even.

Current Wordcount: 2,509
Status: Figuring it out // Woah, this would be scary to publish--
Passion: 10/10 now that I've looked at it again
Estimated Final Length: S-... Series?!

“Tell me, Tia,” Luna began, not averting her gaze from her own night sky. She looked pained now. As if longing for something she could never have. “Why… Why is it that one can only see rainbows during the day?”
Celestia snickered.
Luna’s eyes widened and looked over.
“Ahaha, whew, I’m sorry.” Celestia cleared her throat and sat down.
“What? What could possibly be so amusing?” Luna scolded, eyes fiercely narrowed.
“It’s nothing, really. You’re just so… artful.” 
Luna squinted. “Artful, you say. Is that just a polite way to say something else?”
“Oh no, sister, not at all. I enjoy your artfulness.” Celestia dismissed her own amusement, wrapping Luna in her wing. “Anyway, perhaps it's… for the same reason that shooting stars can only be seen at night, hm?” she suggested, a grin refusing to leave her lips.

Current wordcount: 1,277
Status: Figuring it out
Passion: 6/10
Estimated Final Length: S-... Series?!

Hope some of that gives someone something to look forward to! I need to sleep. :ajsleepy: Promise I'm working on these. I've got some free time this week, so. Maybe one of these will pop up soon! Probably the first one... Or the.... Okay goodnight.

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