• Member Since 19th Oct, 2015
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The Sleepless Beholder

I just headbutt the keyboard till my ideas spill out into writing. Sometimes it works.

More Blog Posts73

  • 28 weeks
    Do people still read thsese?

    Hello everyone. Back from the dead so I can bring a small piece of Goddess of Empathy before the next chapter, showing a bit of what the God of Knowledge is about. Part of the Sovereigns contest which I wanted to participate before it ended (apparently?)

    Also, if you read Goddess and you're wondering: This takes place some years before Sunset's execution.

    2 comments · 217 views
  • 64 weeks
    I'm Alive... Kinda. Also, Contest!

    So... it's been months... again...

    Things have happened... again...

    (deep breath)

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    3 comments · 423 views
  • 78 weeks
    Finally back!

    Hello everyone!

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    7 comments · 410 views
  • 96 weeks
    Author Update: Things are kinda fucked

    Hey everyone, long time huh?

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    10 comments · 452 views
  • 105 weeks
    Finally Finished The Third Chapter

    Some might've seen it already, but yeah. The Third Labor is finally over. I knew this was a chapter of many reveals but honestly it never occurred to me it would extend so much. I really have made a big world with a lot of people Sunset has talked and befriended, there's many more she'll find in her travels.

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Author Update: Things are kinda fucked · 5:19am Aug 11th, 2022

Hey everyone, long time huh?

I'm sorry for the long time without any real updates or anything. To be completely honest, I've been in a bit of an emotional ditch for some time. First it was just burn out, then I got busy with some other projects not related to my writing, and finally the economic situation in my country went into crisis, which lead to me cutting costs on food and other stuff to pay my part of the bills, which just fucked me up in the long run.

It wasn't till I read I-A-M's book that I got some of my writing spirit back up (Go get Reflector and read it) so I've recently doing my best to put things in order so I can go back to write my stories.

And I do mean my stories. During the course of this emotional ditch, I arrived to the conclusion that participating in contests are just not worth the effort. I never go into them with expectations to win since simply there're better authors out there (and I say this with respect to them) and even when I won a second place in one, I didn't feel like the stress I went over competing was paid off.

So, for now on, unless there's some special case (Like a Wallflower/Sunflower contest), I'll just stick to writing my own stories. It's not like I don't have an unending list of ideas to try out.

Which leads me to my next point and probably the reason you started reading this blog; Goddess of Empathy.

I've started writing the next chapter (yes, starting. You can be angry, I don't blame you) but I'll also be writing a .5 chapter in between the third and fourth labors to address some stuff that would never be shown due to time passing between the labors. For now it's just an extra small chapter between labor's 3 and 4, but I may add more .5 chapters (need to come up with a better name for them) for unresolved things in previous labors. So, if there was something you would've wanted to see during the time-skips (Like Sunset's training) tell me in a comment and I'll see if I can work it in.

I think I've rambled enough. Please take care everyone. And try to keep yourselves healthy, it really helps with practically everything.


Comments ( 10 )

That's okay. It's always best to know when to back out of something, especially if it's not enjoyable anymore. Good luck with your writing!

Take your time. Dont rush yourself and put yourself under pressure.

Honored to have been a judge on your final contest, even if itโ€™s almost certainly because I pestered you into writing it :twilightsheepish:. Looking forward to anything you have in store, but take whatever time you need. :twilightsmile:

Oh, don't worry. yours was a fun one to do XD. The one I'm referring in the blog is the 1000 word contest

Thanks' Armid. I'll try

Thank you! And I do enjoy writing a lot, I just got lost into other stuff for a while. Hopefully I can come back from it and regain that fun

Nah mate that's completely understandable, I've been tempted to enter a few contents over the years, but seeing as I can barely finish my only story... Didn't seem worth it ๐Ÿ˜‚

Best of luck though, we'll all be here for you no matter what!

Sorry to hear things had gone that poorly for you. Hope things continue to improve.

Fair enough. I personally just treat contests as prompts, but if they don't spark joy for you, then not participating is the right move.

Looking forward to the next installment of Goddess, though I won't be sure what I'll want to see during the timeskip until I see what Sunset's like after it. That said, a glimpse of someone else's perspective might be interesting if you're willing to offer one.

Thank you! And yeah, entering contests doesn't really help ongoing stories.

I hope so too.

Yeah, I'm not saying contests are objectively bad, just not the best for me.

And you can ask anything from before the three labors that are already published. Though I'm keeping things from Sunset's perspective for now. Have something planned with that :raritywink:

That's understandable, a lot of people have been running into issues.

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