• Member Since 26th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen January 5th


She's looking at you. Yes you. And she is judging you with her eyes. There is no escape.

More Blog Posts2119

  • 56 weeks
    It's late

    But my brain isn't quiet. I'm stoned out of my goddamn gourd. Don't worry, it is just my usual regimen of drugs. That's how I spent a lot of my time now. Wasted. Doesn't really help with the pain much, but makes it a bit more tolerable. All of my drugs cost over 5 grand a month. That's what it takes to keep me going. I'm in somewhat better shape because of all of it, and there's a few bright

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    10 comments · 1,335 views
  • 66 weeks
    Cyborgification is potentially a-go

    Finally found a doctor that didn't run screaming upon seeing my spine images and xrays. The team is coming together. Met with the neurosurgeon the other day, and he thinks I am an ideal candidate for augmentation. The transition is happening, I think. I still have to pass a psych evaluation and other steps, but I am closer now than ever. First I'll have the trial run; they'll sink electrodes into

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    33 comments · 973 views
  • 96 weeks
    Today, life changes forever.

    It's been a long, long road to get to this point. A big thank you to everyone who has been with me during this journey.

    25 comments · 1,024 views
  • 96 weeks
    Big changes are happening

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    35 comments · 1,259 views
  • 119 weeks
    I suppose it is time for an update

    Been meaning to this, and I've become the King of Pro-Crasty Nation. I kept wanting to report, but there was nothing to report, no good news at all, so I just... didn't. Sorry. Went a bit silent on my end. It just sorta happened.

    I finally got a lawyer willing to take up my case. After that, things started happening.

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    17 comments · 2,046 views

Big changes are happening · 4:51pm Aug 8th, 2022

There's a lot happening. Wellness has basically become a full time job. Going to doctor's offices, getting tests, etc. I'm more active on the Discord, so some folks know what is going on. Always feels weird to post here, as I am never quite sure how to begin. The fight for my own existence is ongoing, and while I am not winning, I'm still fighting. So there's that.

A lot of work is ahead. Because I have to spend more time in a reclined position, and sitting up is killing me, I'll need to rig my powerchair so I can mount my keyboard and trackball on it. And then I'll need to get a monitor in a position where I can see it. Or maybe I'll get a RAM laptop mount. I dunno yet. I want to get back to writing because the urge is driving me bananas. I can still type pretty well, but I really can no longer feel my keyboard. Not much of a problem. My hands still remember where all the keys are, so I don't need to fumble about to find the home row and navigate by feel.

My spine needs to be fully chromed out. Not sure what this entails yet. Back surgeries. I'm probably going to get augments in the form of electro-neurostims for pain management. Basically, a system that blocks pain signals from taking the elevator up. This means sinking electrodes into my spinal cord, and then installing batteries inside of me to power everything, and also a wireless management device, so I can operate everything with my phone and wirelessly charge my batteries. Also, I need supports and struts and spine rechanneling and modifications made to my vertebrae. Not sure what is gonna happen, or when. I had a neurologist take one look at my spinal x rays and then just nope out. But some folks are helping me find another neurologist. I have a trauma team saying that I can be reconstructed, but this means Cyborg Hell. I need something called 'skeletal renovation'. Heh. In today's episode of This Old Skeleton... It's not just my spine, either. Had a different doctor take one look at my leg x rays and he bailed out right away. Was later told that I would not be part of that office's success stories. Which is fine, I guess. But annoying.

I am mechanising. I am transitioning into a cyborg. I've already got one eye augmented and it is awesome. Went blind in that eye, but now I have 20/15 vision due to the implant. It also means that I can see colours and such that humans don't normally see, because I have vastly improved light intake. Which has presented some problems, but I've been finding solutions. I'm not keen on having batteries installed inside of me, but this is the way forward. All I have are bad options and worse options. Lots of surgeries ahead. Which is kinda overwhelming, but what can ya do? Will probably have my leg amputated at some point, which will hopefully improve my quality of life. Above the knee amputation. Which is bad. But there are prosthetics. So it works out. I'm just not sure what will be left of it once all of this is said and done. I still need my other eye augmented, because the cataract is getting worse. Probably going to need to have surgery on my elbow, tho I am not quite sure what is going on.

It's easy to feel overwhelmed, but I am managing. Thanks for reading.

Report kudzuhaiku · 1,259 views ·
Comments ( 35 )

Hope surgeries go smoothly as possible and don't result in the need for additional surguries.

We can rebuild him, we have the technology!

Thanks for the update (I really need to join your Discord, but I'm always 3-4 years behind social media technology... *sigh*)

Best wishes & keeping fingers crossed for you Kudz :)
(Also: When the cyborg uprising comes can you put in a good word for us?)

Thoughts and prayers 🙏

Man im glad to hear your still around and kicking got worried with the radio silence on this end of things. Heres hoping things keep getting better.

So what I am hearing is you will either become an anime protagonist or the star of a campy 70s action show staring Lee Majors.

Either way it's good to see an update. You have fans that care and are more than willing to wait as long as it takes for you to be back in the game.

God damn dude

This post really makes me appreciate everything you’ve published and will continue to gift us

Remember us all when you're a member of the Justice League.

Oh, thanks the heavens, I just can´t read The Chase all over again. And again. And again. And again.

Errrr...I mean...I´m happy you are better ? :pinkiecrazy:

I can be reconstructed, but this means Cyborg Hell.

Ave Deus Mechanicus!


Try reading the massive collection of Weedverse stories.

The six million dollar bit individual. See if they can wire control of your chair into your remaining brain meat... then we'll trick it out so you can go plaid! ;)

Seriously though, good to see you're still ticking away.

hopping for the best for you friend.


I appreciate having you here still with us kudzu 🙏

Looking forward to more stories

Sorry for what happened to you dude, this is way more then simple platitudes can provide. I hope that the surgery goes well and that you get at least some measure of normalcy in your life at least do what at least what you love to do.

Already did. Thrice.

If absolutely worst comes to worst there's always the Cryonics Institute who'll put you into storage for the same amount as a half-decent new car.

Cryonics is a massive scam. It's a waste of money for you and your family.

Praise the OMNISIAH.

More seriously wishing you the best of luck with your surgery. Hopefully they let you have a better quality of life moving forward!

I hope your cyborgification and subsequent healing go well for you and you find some docs who are in the game to heal rather than have a spotless record of success in their field. Update is appreciated! I lurk on the discord but there's a lot of noisy chatter so I tend to miss a lot there.

Is there anything we can do to help? amazon wishlist items to help with aftercare or accessibility in the new cyborg future? (or in the pre-cyborg present) ... Batteries? ;)
Please let us know, but above all, rest and heal up, Kudz

chair is looking cool kudzu

the fuck?
why the hell would batteries ever be installed into a body? they are by nature volatile and toxic.
since when is that a thing that is done? what did i miss in medical tech when i was not looking?
good on you for the eye implant and yes, i had read similar stories about the more colours than usual thing.

It is no different than an internal insulin pump or a defibrillator. They've been putting batteries into humans for a while now. These are nothing like consumer grade electronics batteries. They even make them in hyper-exotic materials that make them 100% safe for MRIs.

i know about the pacemakers and pumps, but still, especially the pumps usually have their energy source outside of the body.
for obvious reasons such as safety and maintenance . . but yes, thinking about it, pacemakers and the such probably have them
installed somewhere inside as well where they can not accidentally be disconnected . . i never actually thought about that before.
but in something that goes click and you go dead it makes a bit more sense than in something that takes a bit longer to have a
detrimental effect . .
and the internal defibrilators are something that went by me as well it seems . . i really need to start paying more attention to that field again <.<



While it might seem scary, it is actually really impressive tech. I suffer from nerve cluster pain, which is just about the worst pain that human beings can experience. And painkillers do nothing. The only way to stop the pain is to somehow prevent the signal from reaching the brain and registering.


This makes that possible. Except my surgery will be far more extensive. As in, getting sliced open from asscrack to neck and having electrodes placed along the length of my spine. Then the control unit is implanted and I must recharge wirelessly. I can install a recharge cradle in the back of my exo and that'll make things super-easy. It is probably the best chance I have at having some kind of life.

Yes, i figured that kinda was what you were headed for after your initial description.
I just had no idea about the details of the whole thing.
As i said, i seem to need to read up more on those developements again.

I wish you nothing but the best and hope you're doing well

All my hope that this improves your life. Thank you again for the wonderful universe you let us visit.

I got new eyes, you’ll be happy with them. Good luck!

Hope everything goes great for you. Clearly you got the drive and energy to get stronger.

It's only as much of a waste of money as the person it's done to. In light of that I can see why you would think that.
I would assume that they'd use fuel-cells to be able to use body-safe chemicals to produce electricity.

Holy guacamole and cheese, bro! That's a hella lot to go through. Good on you for having such a great attitude and fighting forward. And I'm not just pulling that outta my backside. I'm a partial quad for the last seven years, went from assistant scoutmaster camp out dad to homebound wheelchair dude who can't get in and out of the house without help. All I can say is:

  • Dude, you are in my prayers and thoughts! :twilightsmile:
  • Keep rocking forward man! I've falling in the lanes and wanted to not get back up (yeah, when I fall it takes 2 adults to life me back into my chair, sucks). Keep fighting! :rainbowdetermined2:
  • Wishing you all the best! :raritywink:

Rock on man! :twilightsmile:

Cyberpunk 2077 meets cyborg Franky from one piece? No but seriously I am again reminded how strong Kudzu is. Mind over matter (for some anyways) is literally a hell of a thing. Hope the surgeries go well and greatly look forward to your return to writing. At the very least gotta water the sunflowers yeah?

I have a condition called neuroplegia. Among other issues. Pain and inflammation and swelling along my spine causes loss of sensation and transient paralysis. This is made worse I found out by congenital stenosis (just diagnosed) as well as additional stenosis caused by a number of spinal cord injuries. (Yes. More than one.) I just flunked my nerve conduction study, but I already knew that I would before going in. :rainbowlaugh:

Thankfully, I respond exceptionally well to electrical stim, so I might see some small restoration of function. Not sure what that means just yet, but it is the only star I have to steer by.

Been keeping track of you for years now since I came upon the Weed, been concerned about your worsening health and now I have an answer to what to call it. Hope you get it all sorted so you can get on living instead of coping. Can't imagine how it feels and I hope fewer still don't.

Keep at it and be stubborn, out live us all.

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