• Member Since 14th Sep, 2018
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Hello. I'm MisterEdd and a horse is a horse of course of course.

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  • 6 weeks
    "A Pup Named Fenrir" Status + Overall Update

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MLP G4 Ships I Don't Like · 5:09am Jun 20th, 2022

Hello, my freaky darlings!

Just to get this out of the way now, how weird is it that the only member of the Main Six to canonically end up in a relationship...is freakin' Pinkie Pie of all characters? Now, don't get me wrong, I love Pinkie, she is high up there in my pony waifu list (in case you were wondering, it's Twilight, Princess Luna, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Applejack, in that order) but really? I like the idea in concept but I just don't buy it. She never struck me as the type to just settle down or even think about a relationship and yet she's apparently the only one. And no, the writers coyly implying a relationship between Fluttershy and Discord and Applejack and Rainbow Dash doesn't count as it's purely meant to be left up to interpretation.

Anyway, let's get down to brass tacks, shall we?

Twilight Sparkle x Spike: Seriously? Ugh, I know, I know, Twilight hatched Spike when she was at least ten- to twelve-years-old so Spike would be a teenager during the events of the series. It's not an age thing...sort of. Mostly it's to due with the fact that Twilight helped to raise Spike, effectively being his mother/big sister-figure, a point that the show makes clear in both "Father Knows Beast" and "Sparkle's Seven" so the idea of these two hooking up is just wrong to me.

Big Mac x Sugar Belle: Okay, I'll admit, I'm cheating a bit (a lot) since this is actually a canonical couple...but I really don't like it. If anything, I prefer the idea of Big Mac being with Marble Pie. They started to set it up and I actually really liked it, the idea of these two shy, quiet individuals winding up together. I mean, just look at how cute they are!

*Sigh* But no, we have that whole maybe-the-Pies-and-Apples-are-related thing (which is never resolved, by the way) and then Sugar Belle is introduced. Look, I have nothing against her but I don't feel strongly about her either. I just liked the idea of Big Mac and Marble but they yeeted her to bring in this new character. It looks like the show is trying to put Big Mac and Marble together, planting the seeds of a potential romance (unlike with Big Mac and Cheerilee, which is shown to be platonic) but then that idea is scrapped and then Big Mac has himself a new marefriend. I mean, just look at what they did to Marble in "Best Gift Ever":

That seems...unnecessarily cruel. Why? Why would they do that? They don't even do anything with Marble; she doesn't really contribute to the story and we never see her recovering from having her heart broken or finding a guy that wants to be with her. I just don't get it.

Flash Sentry x Twilight: I'm going to level with you all: I don't like Flash Sentry. There, I said it. He's the generic nice guy. Flash is like...wait, hold on. Ummm, okay, got it! Flash is like a tofu sandwich: sure, it looks nice but it's bland and devoid of any real substance. Does that work as a comparison? Anyway, yeah, not a fan. I mean, maybe if they did something with him, maybe. They teased a pony-version of Flash at the end of "Equestria Girls" and later showed him again in a couple of brief cameos in the main show but that's it. Did they have plans to incorporate him into the series? I'm going to say "no". Basically, as a love interest, Flash Sentry is what you could call a "safe bet", a partner that is just a good guy and that's all there is to him. Boring. Next!

Timber Spruce x Twilight Sparkle (Sci-Twi): Timber Spruce (at least to me) is pretty much Flash Sentry 2.0. Again, boring.

Fluttershy x Discord: *Siiiigh* Okay, so those of who are really familiar with who I am know that my profile used to read: "Oh, and a hard-core Fluttercord shipper". Well, the truth is...I no longer feel that way. Yeah, I fell out of love with Fluttercord. It all started with "A Matter of Principals", where Discord (somehow) tinkers with the Friendship Map to send the Main Six away so he can do what he wants at the school. Let's forget the part about Discord's motivation not making sense, since A. he's never shown any interest in teaching anyone, B. a teaching role would be boring to someone that's all about chaos and fun, and C. he's terrible at it.

Let's forget about the fact that the map is an extension of the Tree of Harmony and thus Discord shouldn't have any power over it. No, instead, let's focus on the part where Discord not only willingly and joyfully went behind Twilight's back to try and ruin something that means so much to her just for his own nonsensical reasons (especially given how much he came to understand how much she and the others mean to him during "Twilight's Kingdom-Part 2"). Let's focus on how he put his friends in danger and not only his friends, mind you, but also Fluttershy, arguably the most important person in his life. The same Fluttershy that he sorrowfully apologizes to after turning his back on all of them when Tirek betrays him or the same Fluttershy that he nearly banished an innocent pony to another dimension for due to his own petty jealousy. Yes, that one.

And, of course, there's the whole stupid Discord-was-really-Grogar twist in season 9. I have so many issues with this reveal but people much smarter and more eloquent than me have pointed out why this plot point has such ramifications for the show and Discord's character arc so I'll be keeping this part brief. When Discord confronts "King Sombra" (I'm putting quotations because I'm still not convinced that wasn't a warped clone of the original that Discord whipped up), he tells him that Fluttershy is his favorite, "Sombra" decides to gun for her and Discord jumps in the way and freaking Fluttershy right the F out. Then it turns out that he faked being hurt in order to motivate the Main Six and never apologizes for it. It was a massive mind-f*** and no doubt caused immense emotional duress to poor Fluttershy.

Later on, when Discord shows up and tells everyone what he's been up to, there is no hint of remorse or personal responsibility. He plays it off like it's any of his usual shenanigans and repeatedly claims that it was for, "the greater good".

Yeah, that. When Fluttershy, his "best friend" is in tears and demanding to know why he did all this, Discord doesn't even bat an eye.

Remember how he was in season 4?

Now then, compare this moment to Season 9:

In the first clip, we see Discord ashamed of himself and how his actions hurt those closest to him. He doesn't deflect criticism or insist that what he did yielded positive results but instead, he humbly apologizes to Twilight and everyone without a hint of hurt pride or annoyance. You can feel the sorrow in his voice and feel his regret as he is forced to face those whom he's betrayed. You can tell Discord is being sincere and acknowledges what he did was wrong. Then in season 9, he never once says the words, "I'm sorry" or admits that what he did was more than merely wrong.

This was all my long-winded way of saying that not only did I grow to despise Discord but the idea of someone as kind and noble as Fluttershy settling down with this manipulative freak really turned my stomach. So no, I do not support Fluttercord. Also, f*** Discord.

Twilight Sparkle x Princess Celestia: Similar to Twilight x Spike, this is just plain weird to me. Celestia was Twilight's idol growing up and later became her mentor and surrogate mother figure so, again, I do not like it.

Applejack x Rarity: Unlike the others on this list, I...don't actually hate this one, nor do I really take issue with it. If someone likes it, I really don't care. I just prefer Applejack x Rainbow Dash as I feel like they would work better as a couple, seeing as how they are both tough, share more similar interests and have highly competitive streaks. 'Nuff said!

Shining Armor x Princess Cadance: Kidding! I had you there for a second, didn't I? Right, like I'd trash these two. You must all be out of your damn minds!

Report MisterEdd · 428 views ·
Comments ( 21 )

Then in season 9, he never once says the words, "I'm sorry" or admits that what he did was more than merely wrong.

Ironically, he did just that in part 2 of “The Ending of the End”. Why is it that everyone either forgets or ignores that?

Agreed all are shitty

In my case, I've seen every episode of this show but once so I do not tend to remember every single detail. I do not recall him apologizing, just his overall smugness and lack of remorse.

I can see that.

In whatever case, I definitely agree that FlutterCord is a pairing that literally wouldn’t work. Because of how many things Discord did behind Fluttershy’s back and the many times he nearly endangered her, even before Seasons 8 and 9 came, a relationship beyond that of a mere friendship would be too toxic.

I also agree with you on the majority of the pairings. The only one I don’t agree with you on is SugarMac, as I’ve actually enjoyed that pairing. As for MarbleMac...yay, that pairing’s another least favorite of mine.

Fair enough, you do you. Just because I don't like these pairings, doesn't mean that no one can enjoy them. I'm not that guy.

I skimmed through this a little bit, so I agree with some of these and will not explain, for I am tired and will not come back to explain, ever.

honestly I just unabashedly ship every pony with every other pony, canon be damned

I can certainly see why you might not like certain ships tho, the only ship I genuinely dislike is pinkie and cheese, and that's because imo they're way too similar to eachother to the point where they wouldn't balance eachother out in the slightest (and also pinkie was cheese's idol too)

The true villian of season 9 was bad writing it ruined a lot of ships fluttercord included

I can't really argue with that. It's almost as though Pinkie married herself and then gave birth to herself.

It’s funny that you ship AJ and RD since they’re both voiced by the same actress.

Huh. That's funny.

*Finishes reading through the reasons you don’t like Fluttercord anymore* Ouch. Yeah, I can see why that would turn one off the shipping.

Admittedly I still have yet to watch the majority of Seasons 8 and 9. Based on what I’d heard and synopses I’d read at the time, cynical old me was terrified they’d put elements in the episodes that would turn me off MLP so completely it would kill my drive to finish my trilogy and I didn’t want to risk that.

Still even if you don’t like Fluttercord anymore, my egoistical side hopes you can still enjoy my *laughs nervously* rather Fluttercord-centered series. No pressure or shame though if you don’t.

Oh I do enjoy Fluttercord, just not in a canonical sense. I don't like the idea of the two ending up together within the show's universe, I like alternate takes, ones where the relationship isn't so toxic or Discord isn't a prick.

Ah, makes sense. *Goes on in a snooty voice* In that case, I shall continue endevoring to give satisfaction, sir.

EDIT TO ADD: Actually, based on what I've heard about the last two seasons, I think I might be a bit in the same boat as you, regarding their theoritical potential as a couple vs what was actually in the show if you follow what I'm saying.

I have to agree with ya on the Sugarmac part.

Mainly because I have been lately preferring Marblemac nowadays. ^^

Hi I just want to let you know that the MLP finale and the Grogar twist are actually really well loved, if you search more mainstream, like in YouTube. You need to look deeper like in Fimfiction groups to listen to others criticizing them.


If people liked, or even loved the twist and finale, then they are allowed to do that. However, the popular opinion isn't the only one and just because a lot of people praise something, that doesn't automatically make it perfect. if someone doesn't agree with it, then they are within their right to do so. I was putting forth my own opinion and not looking to make others feel bad for their preferences. Now that being said, I will admit that this blog is very flawed and I wrote it in a not-very-helpful frame of mind so I will apologize for that. However, I still do not think that the Grogar twist, or season 9 as a whole, was great and I will stick with that opinion.

That comment wasn’t supposed to cause any problems. I was just saying what the popular opinion is on these. I actually agree with you.

Oh. My bad. Sorry.

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