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Professional Mangiacake

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  • 101 weeks
    Quesions and Lore poll 2

    Hey guys! Got another Lore drop poll for you! Which character would you like us to talk about next?! https://strawpoll.com/polls/GJn4G3Lamyz


    You said Celestia is one of the Strongest Creatures in this world. Wonder who else is that ranking also? I bet Torch is one of them.

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  • 105 weeks
    Question Answering And Lore Poll 2- Moon Dancer

    Hey guys! Just closed the poll and thank you to everyone who voted! As you can see Moon Dancer is our big winner for the Lore dump! (Don't worry, I'll reopen the poll later to see who goes next at a later date!)

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  • 105 weeks
    Question Answering And Lore Poll

    Hey guys! So I got a lot of questions during my update that I wanted to go through, but first I have a poll for you. Which character do you some lore on out of the humans? You may pick three. I'll start with the top two. https://strawpoll.com/polls/ajnENjeQxgW

    First and Most popular question

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  • 105 weeks

    Hey guys! Been a while! Good news, the current chapter is in production! Its about 2000 words at the moment, but I've been really motivated to work on it. Its just been really busy with work and my friend got married (I was in the bridal party and her fiancé, also a friend of mine, was working in another part of the country the 6 months before hand, so I was trying to help out as much as

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  • 127 weeks
    New Chapter! New Chapter!

    Next chapter of Friendship Is Monsters :Meliorism is out! Special thanks to my betas Blazeblast4 and theoneAJ!

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Question Answering And Lore Poll 2- Moon Dancer · 9:24am Jun 9th, 2022

Hey guys! Just closed the poll and thank you to everyone who voted! As you can see Moon Dancer is our big winner for the Lore dump! (Don't worry, I'll reopen the poll later to see who goes next at a later date!)

Moon Dancer FIM AU Lore!

So I'll admit, Moon Dancer is sort of off character in FIM. She's mostly shown in her 'reclusive' phase that we meet her in of Season 5, episode 12's Amending Fences. I have a hard time watching characters have breakdowns in public for some reason, second hand anxiety or second hand embarrassment, I don't know. So when she started to breakdown in that episode I either skipped ahead or blanked and didn't absorb her real, not depressed character. In retrospect I kind of made her Sugar Coat, but more sarcastic than blunt. However far into the story I was when I -realized this I decided I wasn't going to change it. For multiple reasons.

First of all the cast of FIM is still in Highschool. While their pony counterparts in the show are likely to be between 16 and 25 (though I always figured closer to 25 as they have their own housing apart from their parents.) The cast of EG, which this is more based off of, and FIM are teens. Being snarky and cynical works for teen Moon Dancer, who is still dealing with a lot of social issues, if not quiet the same as the ones pony her is dealing with. Secondly its just fun to write Moon Dancer this way! If she was more angry and walled off like she was in Amending Fences, then that be no fun! Then if she was happy and relaxed we'd miss out on the fun of Snarky, sarcastic Moon Dancer! So I feel good about her character, even if its not 'Moon Dancer'. However all the characters in FIM aren't quiet the same as their EG or MLP counter parts either. This Twilight would have gone to a party Moon Dancer threw. This Moon Dancer is just not inclined to throw one in the first place.

Anyway! I promised lore! So here we go!

Moon Dancer was pretty much a part of Twilight's life since they were in preschool. However they were never close, close. Both were introverted and bookish. Both never made many friends. The only reason they really knew each other was because their parents work together. Moon Dancer's mother, Star Watcher, works with Night Light at the planetarium, but the two are the only humans who work there.

Moon Dancer's family life is a bit of a complicated one. Star Watcher and Foxtrot, Moon Dancer's parents, were only dating for a short period of time before they got married, when they became unexpectedly expecting with their elder daughter, Milky Way. As it is with most human romantic relationship, the push to find a human partner makes dating difficult, though this push is for a lot of good and not so good reasons. Life span, social pressure, safety and living situation all play a part. However it makes for a very small dating pool of potential, unrelated partners. This has led to many human marriages crashing and burning, as there just isn't enough in common between a couple besides their humanity. This is no different for Star Watcher and Foxtrot.

They tried to make their marriage work at first for their daughter Milky Way. (Who I head cannon is a few years younger than Shining.) However Star Watcher was grumpy and quick to anger, while Foxtrot was very aloof and inattentive. They started to fight a lot, then they'd feel bad or see Milky Way upset when they fought and try to make up too quickly, feeling guilty. They tried to reconnect and get on the same page with a second honey moon, but that only produced Moon Dancer. By the time Moon Dancer was growing up all that was left in the relationship was arguments, cold shoulders and angry stewing. Despite common belief, adding a baby into marital strife does not help anything or anyone.

Moon Dancer saw her parents marriage fall apart in a rather spectacular explosion. She also wasn't born when what little good the marriage had was still there. Her sister, being older than Moon Dancer, would just leave the house to get away from the bickering to hang out with her friends. So Moon Dancer was alone most of the time. She preoccupied herself with reading, studying and videogames, making her a bit antisocial. She also got her sarcastic and a little mean spirited tone from watching her parents bitterly interact around the house. The experiences of seeing her parents failed relationship has also affected Moon Dancer's outlook on relationships in general. They all, eventually, end at some point or another. Why even try?

That's not to say that Moon Dancer is a bad person! She tried to help Twilight when she was being bullied by Kamikaze, even if indirectly by bring her food to the dorm room or just sitting with her when need be. She also has a rather impressive bite to go along with her bark, even if its rarely used. Things at home have also changed for the better in recent years. Her parents divorced and her dad moved out of Everfree, so the house got a bit calmer. Then Star Watcher met her second husband Loop Hole, who's a much better fit for her. Moon Dancer has been seeing a much healthier relationship between the two, so she's starting to come around to being more social.

She's just still snarky, sarcastic and not very good at talking to people still, but she's considering trying.

Extra Tibits!
-Moon Dancer and Loop Hole have a rather good step-parent/step-daughter relationship. He's not her dad but he tries to do all the things a good dad would in her father's absence and she appreciate it.
-In the absence of Cadence in this Twilight's past it was usually Shining Armor who would babysit Twilight, but once he walked out on the family it became Milky Way who was Twilight's babysitter. She'd have both Twilight and Moon Dancer at once, though they mostly just read books or watch science experiments on youtube. Not quiet the magical memories of babysitter Cadence from MLP, but still nice enough.
-Milky Way owns a café in Everfree and she would usually give Twilight a free hot chocolate or tea when she stopped in. She would do the same for Moon Dancer as well, but Moon Dancer is too much of a home body to stop in much. She and Milky Way text a lot though!
-Originally I was actually going to have Moon Dancer have a boyfriend. Someone she'd spend more time and would take her attention away from Twilight, though not maliciously. His name was Stronghold and in MLP he would have been a guard in Canterlot, in FIM he would have just wanted to grow up and become part of the security team for Everfree. Nice, supportive guy, just sorta plain cause he wasn't the main focus. Moon Dancer also would have been less grumpy if this came to pass.
-I also had an idea where Crystal Prep would have a very secure section of the school, in a basement area, that had a shooting range and a competitive shooting team. Moon Dancer would have been on the team and Twilight would tag along to watch her practice. This was scrapped because it felt out of place in a school, even if humans are worried about possible monster aggression in this world. I feel like the school would worry too much about student injury, that it would make them look back and make for a bad reputation. Just a lot of things. It was a fun idea though! This was changed to the off handed comment about the school having a hunting club, who more study hunting than actually do it.
-I was originally going to make Moon Dancer a smoker. A lot of student would have smoked actually, even Twilight. It wasn't allowed on school property of course of, but they found ways to hide and smoke on school grounds. This was to deal with the high stress the school caused, demanding such high grades and all social issues between students. Twilight wouldn't have smoked much but Moon Dance was the one she'd borrow a cigarettes' or two from. I decided to forgo this because of Twilight Asthma. Lemon Zest still gets her weed though and we have Kamikaze's smoking scene left over from this.

OK! Thats Moon Dancers lore! Feel free to ask questions about her if you like! Sorry if some grammar and spelling is off. Its very late at night here. (Early in the Morning?) Let me know if this is what you were hoping for with the lore drop or if you feel like something is missing!

Now for some questions!

1- Did Shiny have any Friends before he left the community?

Yup! He's just a super social, friendly guy! He can make friends anywhere. He had human friends and when he went to camp as a child he made monster friends! He stayed in contact with some human friends when he left, sometimes asking them if they had seen his parents, grandmother or Twilight recently and if they were ok. He also found his old monster friends from camp after he left and reconnected with them! He made friends at the police academy and his work afterward to!(Like Spearhead!) Its also through these friends he met Cadence! So he's not short on good company!

2- After Final Stand did any of his descendants became monster hunters or gain any level of the power he used to fight Luna?

Not really. After Final Stand died I'd imagine Monsters got even more aggressive against humans that then already were for a while. Likely as retribution. Few of Final Stands decedents made it to adulthood to pass on what they knew. Stalking Silhouette and Bleak Shadow, his adopted children, were the closest to his prowess, but neither had children. They did pass on what they knew to the next generation though. Humans never really got to the level of power Final Stand had until they joined forces with the witches. The Twilight line is his only known, possible lineage to this day. As for where his power came from and if Twilight get get any of it, spoilers!

3- What event caused Celestia to change her views of humans and the events leading to her first adoption of a human and maybe also Sunset's adoption?

Spoilers! However Celestia came around after Luna was returned to her, 200 years ago when the humans got enough power to become equals to monsters. However she did have quiet the emotional revelation, and had to think long and hard on who she had been and who she wanted to be. Sunset was not the first human child she adopted, but she really only started to take human children in about 150 years ago. Before that she had adopted monster children, but most never lived past 300 years old.

4- What kind of monster is Cadence?

Next chapter we find out!

5- In the first story Rainbow Dash said that Celestia is the most powerful monster in the world, given that Celestia is the mayor and has power over the other monsters and her role in most stories, would she be the ruler of monsters?

Celestia back in the day ruled huge swaths of land, lording over many races of monsters through her strength and wit . Now she is democratically elected because she keeps her promises and has a lot of experience. I forget where Rainbow said Celestia is the most powerful monster in the world, but she is, sort of. She ONE OF the most powerful. She's pretty high ranking power wise. She's just really modest about it. However she is not the ruler of monster kind. Just the mayor of a city now! She thinks its a nice, easy job compared to the amount of land she used to care for.

6- Is Cantelot City a good example of peaceful community between Monsters and Humans? There is some tension between them, but they seem good enough. Is the World outside generally... let's say less than equal?

Yeah, it a good example! Maybe one of the few examples really. Humans don't really live mixed amongst monster in other places. Mostly out of fear and some places not offering the best equality for humans, even if Canterlot doesn't offer the best equality all time time either. Some city's purposely make it hard for humans to live there so they won't want to, or its just not their environment! Like underwater cities or cities in volcanos! Outside of that there are human only city dotted around. Usually in rough terrain where Monster don't normally stay. Like deserts, marshes and artic areas. Having ruled the world for so long monsters have much nicer city locations, the humans just took whatever the monster didn't want and made it work. Usually as a place of hiding before 200 years ago. The human capital city, and the biggest human city, is in the middle of the Badlands on the other side of the Macintosh Hills... wait, why dose that sound familiar? Oh well.

Alright! More to come later!

Comments ( 10 )

Man, I feel sorry for Moondancer. Growing in an unstable house is rough. I'm happy that her life is better and calmer now. Though I wonder if Twilight's departure will sadden her.

hen they became unexpectedly expecting with their elder daughter, Milky Way.

I think Moondancer does have a sister in the show and her name is Morning Roast. It's just somethin I remembered.

This was changed to the off handed comment about the school having a hunting club, who more study hunting than actually do it.

They probably also have archery club.

She ONE OF the most powerful. She's pretty high ranking power wise.

Wonder who else is that ranking also? I bet Torch is one of them.

I am enjoying the lore and world building of your story.

Dusk Shine is a name that in some stories is used for a male Twlight sparkle, would he be an ansestor of Twlight and if so what happened to him after he was captured and how did he escape to start the family line that would end with Twlight?

How where humans able to capture Luna, why did they not attempt to kill her while she was sleeping and how did Celestia manage to get her sister back?

In the show Grogar was said to be the Father of Monsters in your story did he create monsters and if so how and why and if not how where monsters created in your story?

How and why did Celestia and Luna become vampires in your story and what where they before humans or witches?

Oh I didn't know that was her sisters name. I just wanted something that was space like to match Moon Dancer and coffee themed for her cutie mark. So I just went with Milky Way.

Also yes they do have anarchy club! In The Friendship Games movie its stated that archery is requirement at Crystal prep I think! That's canonical!

(I'll answer the rest in the next blog) :D

Actually Twilight's ancestor was Lovely Twilight! Final Stand's youngest child that Silhouette took with her into the caves!

(I'll answer the rest in the next blog) :D

I also have another question in the first story given the undertone of Sunset reply of what Twilight's blood tasted like will they fall in love at some point or will they remain friends?

The human capital city, and the biggest human city, is in the middle of the Badlands on the other side of the Macintosh Hills...


Fascinating background. Thanks for providing. Incidentally, is Scootaloo a harpy or some other monster? Idle curiosity there.


Also yes they do have anarchy club!

Ah, yes. What kind of self-respecting school doesn't have a dedicated anarchy club?


Thanks for the lore; it's always fun to learn a bit more about these characters..


The human capital city, and the biggest human city, is in the middle of the Badlands on the other side of the Macintosh Hills…

Ah, uhm, eh, that…that ain't good

Thanks for the lore on Moondancer and Shining! Honestly, even if they're characters that won't appear again, just hearing about their background in the context of this story makes it so much more fun! It helps with the world-building and with any future decisions/scenes that occur.

Also, is this the first lore dump blog for this series by chance? And if so, are you going to link it in author's section in the main story?

Yup! This is the first lore dump! Not sure if I'll link it or not! I'm glad you liked it!

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