• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
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  • 24 weeks
    Happy Holidays^^

    Thought I would take a break from playing dead to wish you all happy holidays^^ Hope you are all safe and healthy and surrounded by loved ones, and those who aren't, well, I hope this little post makes it a bit better somehow:twilightsheepish:

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  • 48 weeks
    Yes I am alive 2

    Really, really sorry about being so quiet as of late. Been busy with work and other stuff, and that non-pony story.

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  • 72 weeks
    Yes I am alive

    Sorry I've been so absent as of late. My new project kinda absorbed me a bit :twilightsheepish: Actually, for the past year ever since I decided to write a Warriors fanfiction I couldn't really think about much else as far as writing is concerned, even right now.

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  • 80 weeks
    My Warriors fanfiction is ready^^

    Well, maybe not ready per say, but the prologue and first chapter were published on AO3^^

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  • 87 weeks
    It's been 10 years!

    Yeah, it's been 10 years since I've made an account on this website and published the first two chapters of Rebirth of the Damned, my first story (you can't tell now because back then when you would edit chapters and save them then it would overwrite the date of publication).

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When next Rebirth of the Damned chapters? Or chapters in general?! Wait, what kitties?! · 3:54pm Apr 16th, 2022

Soo yeah, been very unproductive as of late. Especially in regards of Rebirth, which hadn't been updated in almost a year now.

I am terribly sorry about how slow my update rate has been as of late. I guess I'm just a little... burned out? I mean, I know WHAT I'm going to write, I just really don't feel like sitting down to it. There are several reasons for the state I'm currently in. It might be partially due to how long the chapters for Infinite Potential had turned out, which meant that I ended up working on them for months, that was kind of exhausting. Partially due to, um, lack of attention? Though it is mostly my fault, as the last 3 chapters were for 2 stories that are less popular than Rebirth, so it's not surprising I didn't get as many comments as my ego requires to fuel me :twilightsheepish: Another reason would be that, as I had mentioned in few last blog posts, I recently returned to reading Warriors, which left me very emotionally drained (I am still hurting over the ending of A Light in the Mist, and I read that book 2 months ago now!). Another would be, well, my interest in Warcraft had waned significantly due to how Blizzard had utterly butchered the story there, especially in regards to Sylvanas and Arthas, I will never forgive them what they've done to him, I came very close to just deleting my account! I cannot believe that my stupid fanfiction where Arthas goes to the world of My Little Pony after his death ended up being far more respectful to the character - even considering the silly stuff and borderline out of character moments I had written in the first 100 chapters - than what Blizzard had done and charges people each month to experience!!! Ugh... another reason would be that, as I mentioned in the last post, due to my reneved obsession with Warriors, my borderline autistic brain had came up with a fanfiction idea for THAT franchise, and I am unfortunately probably going to end up writing it as I've been mostly thinking about this story for the past month or two (currently still in the "planning" stage, and I won't start until I write at least a few chapters for my ongoing stories). And lastly but not least, my natural laziness had probably contributed too :facehoof:

BTW, in case you were wondering HOW obessesed I am about Warriors... here's my collection of all the books:

The first two shelves are with all the books, minus latest one "Warriors: A Starless Clan - River" that came out 2 weeks ago and I'm still waiting for; also got it for Kindle so already read it. Yes, I bought the same book twice basically!)... aaand the third shelf are all the books that so far had been translated to Polish :facehoof: Yeah, in February the translation of my favorite book from the series came out, so I figured I might as well give it a read (especially since Polish covers are envied by the entire rest of the Warriors community around the world), and it turns that it was very well translated, so I got curious and thought that about getting my second favorite as well, but it was on sale and the price was below what my store required in order to send the order via mail, so I bought another one, except it was part of an entire arc, not a "stand alone" like those two favorites of mine, so I naturally decided what the hell, I might as well get the entire arc, but then... aaaand yeah, I ended up getting all of them, even the graphic novels (though half of them were in color, unlike my first edition graphic novels in English that were all black and white; they've reprinted them in color since then, but apparently even I'm not crazy enough to get the same comic in the same language JUST because it was now colored). So I've been reading the Polish books now, and it's quite enjoyable^^ I still spot a few translation mistakes here and there, but overall I've been pleasantly surprised^^

Anyways... I've been meaning to step up my writing pace, but then the past months I had other stuff that took most of my attention. Health issues, both my own and family members, some work stuff, the unpleasant thoughts about the war in the country we share a border with combined with the knowledge that my own country is ruled by incompetent maniacs... and finally something that I am quite happy about for change!

Meet my kitties^^ On the left is Lotka and on the right Kimba^^ They're about 8 months old and have been with me for 2 weeks now^^ Lotka is a she-cat and Kimba's a tom. I got them from a shelter where they've been living since they were about 2-3 weeks old along with their 3 siblings, somebody brought them there after finding them in a sack beside the road :fluttercry: They quickly got used to their new home, Lotka was exploring on her first day while her brother spend most of his first two days hiding behind the couch, fridge, or under the bed, but eventually came out and turned out to be almost as curious as his sister and more even cuddly. They often play with each other now, but with Kimba being slightly bigger it usually ends up with him winning which seems to annoy Lotka:rainbowlaugh: Ah, and if you are curious about their names: in their shelter they were called Tralalotka and Simba. So I decided to just shorten Tralalotka to Lotka for simplicity, and change Simba to Kimba since it's far more fitting, don't you think? xD

So yeah, another reason why I've been too busy to write is because I've been taking care of them, and before they arrived I was getting ready for them, prepping my apartment, ordering stuff for them, reading up on raising cats, contacting that shelter, and so on.

Ah, and speaking of "Kimba", naming my cat like that cause me to renew my interest in Kimba the White Lion show, or more specifically the version from 1989 (there were 3 tv shows and 2 movies). That version had 52 episodes but only 13 were dubbed and heavily edited on top of that, and for the longest time there were subs for only about 20 episodes. But that was 15 years ago when I first watched that version (meaning I watched almost entirety of it in Japanese without any subtitles), and apparently since then all the episodes were subbed if you know where to look for them, so I've been making my way through that old show too^^ That version is apparently the most different from the Osamu Tezuka's manga, so I might give the first two tv shows a watch when I finish too (I actually dimly recall watching the first tv show as a kid so maybe I'll recognize some episodes). If you wanna give it a watch and don't know which show to watch, I stumbled upon this video recently:

I also got curious about reading the manga, and being an adult I thought about just buying it instead of looking for it online... and much to my surprise, I couldn't find it anywhere to buy in English. The best I could find eventually were manga books in Japanese, German and Italian on Amazon before I gave up and looked for it online (which also wasn't easy). I would have thought this manga would be a bit more popular, I got to say...

Anyways, that's about it from me. I will TRY to resume writing, I promise. The next 3 chapters will be all for Rebirth of the Damned. Unfortunately, all 3 will be short, I actually originally considered making them all a single chapter despite how different all three stories will be, but as I mentioned part of the reason why I've burned out is because of the length of the chapters, so instead I want to write fast and short. However, due to their length, I am considering publishing all three at the same time. Or maybe just two. Dunno yet. The first of the three is about half done, or maybe 1/4?

Comments ( 15 )

Ok, nice to hear from you! Besides what Blizzard did to Arthas, what did you like about 9.2? I find the whole concept of the Zereths for every Cosmic Force very interesting. In future expansions I hope we visit the Zereths of the other five Forces. I don't know why but I feel like the Seat of the Pantheon in the last raid of Legion is either connected to or a part of the Zereth of Order, Ordos.

Nothing quite like a game developer that just can't resist the urge to fix what was never broken.

After seeing Afterlives Bastion and considering what they did with Illidan in Legion I hoped we would save Arthas and he could become Uthers student as a kyrian in the far future(after lots of years in Revendreth perhaps).

Because I thought it was his soul was the first Frostmourne stole and for me it makes no sense why he butchered his whole kingdom if he was in control all the time O_o.

What we got was his soul turned into some blacksmithing reagent without a single voiceline other than lichking remixed from the anduin fight.

Personally, I'd take the crap that Blizz wrote for Arthas' fate and use it as motivation to give him a much better ending. Shouldn't be hard since Blizz set the bar pretty low. :rainbowlaugh:

Your warriors collection is better then mine and i'm JEALOUS. I only got 27 books><

I like the look of the new zone (except for the desert part) and all the creature models. As for that part of storyline I am conflicted, as I feel that the whole "cosmic forces" idea is going a bit too far with Warcraft lore, I hope the next expansion sticks to more mundane aspects and leave Void, Light, and whatever next for the expansion after that. And Jailor was giant waste, and his last words just piss me off. "A divided universe can't survive... what comes..." WHY?! Why they had to add "what comes"?! How much better it would have been to just have him say "a divided universe can't survive", without implying that some bigger bad is coming?! This is what, 3rd time in a row they've done it?! And this "what comes" is coming a VERY LONG TIME, considering how long ago Jailor had originally rebelled! Christ... I get what they wanted to do with Jailor, similar to how in MLP King Sombra was based on Sauron and tried to show him as little as possible, to be this "presence" that you fear. But tv shows and video games are different from books, and even so, Sauron was never meant to be thought in a boss battle, so that concept goes out the window and was doomed to fail. Also Sauron had no lines whatsoever and yet I feel far more connected to him than Jailor!


My original idea was that we'd save him from the Maw to help fight Sylvanas, as he is the only person who ever won a war against her, and that he would end up being new Jailor, keeping the worst evils of the universe locked up forever.

Exactly, his soul, aka that part that goes to Shadowlands, was locked up in Frostmourne, so all he should have been judged for would be Stratholme and mercenaries, and considering some of the stuff people we know were in Ravendreth had done (GARROSH!), he should have been send there... or, alernatively and hilariously, to Bastion, where he could be freed from his memories.

You know, I could STILL buy that, as much as a waste of a character this had been. IF in that cinematic it would have been Arthas that frees Anduing. During the fight, his soul could start to regain consciousness because of the presence of Jaina and Uther, then with his last bit of strength he helps Anduin free himself, and then he says goodbye to Jaina and Uther (and flips off Sylvanas) as he disappears forever. But what we got instead was a joke :/

Yep :rainbowlaugh: I think I'm doing rather well so far with Rebirth :rainbowlaugh:

Honestly, having so many books is not a good idea, I'm starting to run out of space for them:twilightsheepish: I probably shouldn't have ordered a physical copy of River and just got Kindle (instead of, you know, getting both), that cabinet where I keep my Warriors collection has only one more shelf left, and aside from worrying what will I do in a few years, I really don't have the space to move the stuff from that shelf somewhere else xD

Also, 27 books? Hm, I'm guessing you have the first 4 series and 3 Super Editions then?

I think I got 2 super editions and a manga volume. been a minute since i've seen em since their packed away somewhere Also been a decade since I've read anything 'warriors' Though 'Seekers' is a fun read, haven't started on 'Survivors' yet though..

Ah, I see. I myself had a 4 year long break until recently from Warriors; needed a big re-read of the all the books I read up to th. I'm guessing Dawn of the Clans hadn't enticed you when it came out then? Because trust me, it's very good. Personally it's my least favorite because I love the characters from present time so much, but an argument could be made that it is the best arc of the series. And A Vision of Shadows and The Broken Code are both amazing series^^

Also I'm guessing the two Super Editions you have must be Firestar's Quest and Bluestar's Prophecy, so I HIGHLY recommend you getting Crookedstar's Promise, my personal favorite book in the series. It's very similar to Bluestar's Prophecy, except Bluestar's book suffers from being basically a prequel to the first arc and as such has to set up a lot of stuff that gets resultion in The Prophecies Begin arc, and Crookedstar's Promise is more of a "stand alone" story with little connection to the "main storyline"; Leopardstar's Honor, the newest Super Edition, is practically a direct sequel to Crookedstar's book, so I'd recommend getting both if you're thinking of getting back into the series^^

BTW, if you are curious what made me return to Warriors after 4 years; on their facebook group I saw somebody complaining about Bramblestar and Squirrelflight relationship, and that happens to be my favorite couple in the series, so I got into an argument (being right of course, and no, I don't mean that in the arrogant "I'm the only one right" way, the guy took his "examples" completely out of his ass and they were all untrue), and that stirred the flames for me :rainbowlaugh:

I actually hadn't checked out any of Erins other stuff, or the "Wings of Fire" that I think one of the Erins writes on her own, as I'm reluctant to get into ANOTHER series, even if they are all much shorter than Warriors. Plus I've never been a big fan of bears, and from what I heard "Seekers" is the best among the other series.

Aw, I can understand that. Also someone on Wowhead wrote an article that the Jailer we fought and saw as the enemy isn't really the Jailer. He was just a puppet of someone we trusted, the Primus. Here's the link to the article.

Lot of stuff was going on back then, I had bought a bunch of books from a flea market, and I just never got any books after that, then I mostly read online plus no money lol.

Talking Cats, Talking Bears, Talking Dogs, it is what it is lol

Good luck!

And aww, cats. :)

(Also, what does "Writing draugh" mean? Was that a typo for "Writing drought", or something else I'm missing?)

"What we got was his soul turned into some blacksmithing reagent without a single voiceline other than lichking remixed from the anduin fight."
...They did... what? Seriously? Seriously?
Personally, I stopped playing WoW years ago. Looks like de facto quitting from just spending my time on other things and not wanting to keep paying the subscription for something I might casually pick up now and then may have saved me from explicitly quitting due to... let's be polite and say questionable story decisions on Blizzard's part. Though this is far from the first questionable thing I've heard of them doing with the game.
(Personally, for instance, I'm still annoyed that that Old Gods got retconned into just Evil Tentacled Aliens; I liked the complexity from them having been the original and natural deities of Azeroth, presiding over civilizations with alien ways of life, before the Titans came, fought and defeated them, and reordered the planet. It adds moral complexity (And even an extra touch of tragedy to fighting the Old Gods! After all, they and their surviving servants were here first; they saw their world conquered by invaders from the stars, terraformed, and colonized, while they were pushed to the fringes when they weren't wiped out entirely. They're fighting for their freedom, and to put the world back the way it would have been. But, on the other hand, that's not the way it has been for many, many thousands of years. It's a very different place now, and basically no one still alive is culpable for any wrongs the Titans committed against the Old Gods and their followers. And the world they want is one that _isn't_ conducive to _our_ lives and wellbeing. What does a lake fish that can't survive in a river think of a proposal to remove the dam that makes its home? And so we fight, and that sympathy for the Old Gods' cause can even be dangerous, is quite possibly what's lured a fair number of the Twilight's Hammer members in. Isn't that interesting? Isn't that thought-provoking?), and it implies that there could be a _lot_ of alien stuff out there in the cosmos (Because instead of a few big groups going around terraforming and counter-terraforming and ravaging and such worlds, as I understand is the case now, why, any world could have it's own Old God equivalents, as different from Azeroth's and the Titans both as those two are from each other! I once played around a bit (though didn't end up writing anything, that I recall) with the idea of an Equus in the Warcraft universe... for which the alicorns were the Old God counterparts. Pony magic, cutie marks, Friendship and Harmony? They work the same way as the magic of the Twilight's Hammer or the Qiraji, just from different sources. I wondered what might happen if Twilight Sparkle found her way to Azeroth via a Legion portal left behind from a failed assault on Equus on one end and an artifact brought back from Outland by blood elves on the other; might have been some misunderstandings there, especially with her name! But it doesn't take crossover fanfiction to explore ideas like that. I mean, Blizzard did eventually expand the accessible worlds beyond Azeroth and somehow two versions (still not entirely clear on how the time travel was supposed to work there...) of Draenor, I've heard? Fighting the Burning Legion? Imagine if part of the plotline there had been going to a world under assault by the Legion, which the Titans hadn't managed to reach, or had been repelled from, and teaming up with that world's Old God counterparts! Wouldn't there have been all sorts of interesting things that could have been done with that? Hey, maybe introduce, I don't know, Eldritch Sorcerer or something as a new prestige class with the expansion, maybe with the story of being former Twilight's Hammer members now reentering society. I'm coming up with this by myself, and actually mostly off the top of my head right now! What could a team of writers have done with an entire expansion development cycle? But nooo, we can't have that! Better just strip all ambiguity away and make the Old Gods just capital-E Eeeeeeevil, and aliens themselves to boot, and just lackeys of another big interplanetary faction. Sigh.).)

...Erm. Sorry for the wall of text there. I kind of got going, apparently. :D

Heh. Aye, happily, we still have fanfiction. :)
And as you say, sometimes... questionable things in canon can just spur the fanfic writers on. :D

"My original idea was that we'd save him from the Maw to help fight Sylvanas, as he is the only person who ever won a war against her, and that he would end up being new Jailor, keeping the worst evils of the universe locked up forever."
That also, at least based on what I've heard of what was going on, sounds interesting!
Mind, I'm not exactly free from annoyance on how Blizzard treated Sylvanas, either...

"Exactly, his soul, aka that part that goes to Shadowlands, was locked up in Frostmourne, so all he should have been judged for would be Stratholme and mercenaries, and considering some of the stuff people we know were in Ravendreth had done (GARROSH!), he should have been send there... or, alernatively and hilariously, to Bastion, where he could be freed from his memories."
Also sound good based on what I'd heard!

...They did... what? Seriously? Seriously?

Oh you want to know the best part? Sylvanas, who I suspect Putin is a fan of as he’s literally doing the exact same shit she did, is given a “closer” moment by making peace with the last fragment of Arthas’ soul.

I vaguely remember reading something during WotLK where one of the lead writers said that there would be no redemption for Arthas because the good part of his soul was utterly obliterated. So on the one hand I guess good on them for sticking to their guns. But seriously, not even a cameo appearance in what is supposed to be the sequel expansion? Even I can’t defend that.


Arthas soul becomes a sword.

His End.

At least Dragonflights seams to be a bit more promising...^^

I'm not fully following, sorry. Who didn't have a cameo experience in which expansion?
Oh. Those videos from the other person's comment, is that what you meant? That was seriously it? Well. Yeeeah.

Thanks for the information.
And good luck with the next expansion, then! That third video has gotten me curious... but I do doubt I'll ever resume playing the game myself.

Just glad to see you still write. A lot of people have left.

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