• Member Since 12th Feb, 2018
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Author, Historian, M.S., Fallout Fan, Fisherman, Texan. If I don't know it, I will find out.

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Vignette - Stress Sewing · 1:15am Apr 9th, 2022

June 10: Friday

Rarity guided the fabric through the sewing machine. She was only half focused on what she was doing. She was waiting for her acceptance letter. The stress made it impossible to do anything but sew, while also making it impossible for her to give her real projects the attention they needed. She was stress sewing; because that was the only way to calm her worries.

Their applications had been in for a month, before school was done. The letters of recommendation, resumes, biographical essay, and preliminary grades had been submitted. The program’s committee had to not only assess each student’s academic abilities, but determine if they believed they could make the transition to the foreign school and then back. They also had to believe the student could function in another country for several months. If the student failed, the burden of proof would first be on the committee to prove that they had chosen someone capable of overcoming those challenges. Success was the goal. They didn't want to send someone who would fail and suffer for it.

All of their biographical essays included the goal of attending the program with each other. They all argued having their friends would make their chances of success higher. That is what their Japanese Language teacher, Sakura Sensei, had instructed them to do. Pointing out that they would have a support group was information that could swing the decision in their favor.

Summer break wasn't that long, so they had to do things in advance of final grades. That included a video interview with the committee. Rarity had to do a portion speaking entirely in Japanese and so did Twilight, Applejack, and Dash, while Sunset and Pinkie had to do their interviews entirely in Japanese.

Rarity’s interview deviated at one point, shifting to fashion and her love for it. She hadn't realized until after that she had been fluently speaking in Japanese, she had been so caught up in talking about her love. She figured that it had to be a positive moment in the interview. They also deviated to ask her some atypical questions, in English, about her relationship with her friends, indicating that they had already interviewed Sunset, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie earlier in the day. It was nothing invasive, just trying to understand the group dynamics. Although it made Rarity nervous that she might screw one of their applications up by her interview.

Fluttershy had asked them about their interviews and learned hers was radically different. Fluttershy spent the bulk of it translating back and forth between the English speaking committee members and the Japanese speaking committee members. The entire committee could speak both languages, but having Fluttershy translate was an interesting tactic. It told them a lot about her language skills, while also getting the information required from her.

Nothing could be decided before final grades were submitted by the school, which had been done on Monday. Fluttershy, Sunset Shimmer, and Pinkie Pie had already received their acceptance letters three days prior, on Wednesday. The fact that they had taken more than Japanese 101 and scored A's in each level of the Japanese language classes made the decision easier. Paired with the interview, the committee didn't have to worry about the language being a barrier as much as they did with the others.

A knock came at her door. It was immediately opened by Sweetie Bell. "A certified letter just arrived for you," she said, holding it out but not entering the forbidden room.

Rarity abandoned the fabric, the sewing machine going dead as soon as her foot left the peddle as she tore across the room and snatched it out of her sister's hands. She closed the door in Sweetie Bell's face without thinking.

"You're welcome!" Sweetie Bell yelled through the door, but Rarity was entirely focused on the letter.

She resisted the urge to rip the letter open and sat down at her desk. She had a plan she had worked out. She quickly checked a pocket mirror to ensure she looked good and then started to record with her phone, propping it up with her in frame.

"Hello world! Rarity here and today, Friday June Tenth, I come not to you with fashion." She turned off the sewing machine. The hideous amalgamation of patches under the presser foot sitting in plain view made her cringe. "Sorry, I was stress sewing, nothing important or worthwhile. It was all I could do while I was waiting for this letter." She held it up for the camera to see. "This envelope holds my future! Or well, the future of my first semester of my senior year of high school. It will tell me if I either get to go to Japan on the foreign exchange program I signed up for, or not. Three of my friends are already accepted. Let's see if it will be four of seven!"

Rarity ripped the thick envelope open with no grace. She had none left in her after the stress of waiting.

She skimmed through the header listing the names on the committee and then read the decision out loud. "Our deliberations have found you to be in good academic and social standing and we have no outstanding concerns that the program will put undue burden on you. You are hereby accepted into the foreign exchange program to travel to Tokyo, Japan for study. Attached are the requirements for fundraising and cost, as well as details for getting your student visa, a list of what to bring and not to bring, and a note from the family you will be staying with. Congratulations on the achievement." Rarity squealed in excitement.

She looked at the other papers, forgetting that she was filming. The visa wouldn't be hard. Most of the work had been done by the exchange program. She just had to go to the consulate in Canterlot. The city was large enough that many nations had a consulate office in a shared building to make them accessible to the public to obtain travel visas.

The list of what to bring and not to bring was simple enough. They would be required to get uniforms particular to their specific school, but that was covered in the cost of the program. They wanted her to raise at least fifty percent of the tuition and had attached a list of ideas for fundraisers and tips for successful fundraising.

Rarity also had contact information for her "exchange family" and a letter written by them to the unknown student. It had a picture of their family.

All of what the program meant suddenly hit Rarity. She turned the phone to narrate her thoughts. "Suddenly, I realize all of what it means to leave. I don't intend to stop posting, you will absolutely get documentation of my time in Japan, but I won't get to sew when I get stressed…at least not like I currently do. The sewing machine will be staying here. I will be out of my element in more ways than just the language and cultural differences between Canterlot and Tokyo. I will not have my usual things to calm myself or wind down…I'll be living with strangers. I'll…need to develop a new routine.”

Rarity let out a sigh as the reality of her interpersonal situations came crashing down on her. “I…I won't get interrupted by my sister…which is…bittersweet…I just slammed the door in her face, preoccupied with the letter she had kindly brought. I…did not even think about it…or how rude it was. I knew I would miss my family at times…but…I am starting…” Rarity trailed off. She suddenly felt very hot as her emotions caught up to her. She fanned herself. “I am starting to realize how different it will be without my family constantly around.”

Rarity took a moment to compose herself. She was on camera. Emotion was fine, to a certain extent. Her followers did not need to watch her suddenly cry over the fact that in the future she would be missing her family.

"But enough about that. I’ll sort that out later. I must admit, I thought my first international trip would be to Paris or Milan or London, one of the fashion capitals of the world. Tokyo has a strong fashion scene and is a contender if you were to expand the capitals to include more than just the big four. Still, I'm not going to Tokyo for fashion. I am going for school, but also the cultural opportunities. I'll get to expand my horizons with a unique experience. I won't be a tourist. In many ways I'll get to see and understand Tokyo better than I ever could vacationing there. It will still make me a world traveler and I'll become a better person because of that travel. This experience will make those future ones easier and help broaden my horizons, including what I can do with fashion!

"These papers in my hand are not all show, fluff, or filler. Some of it is serious work I need to get done, such as fundraising requirements. I'm certain you will hear more from me soon about those endeavors! I have plenty of other things to do to get ready. Bye-bye, darlings!"

Rarity blew a kiss and then ended the recording.

She texted her friends, letting them know she had gotten accepted. The group chat lit up as Twilight also told them she had been accepted. Applejack chimed in a few minutes later with a picture of her holding her own acceptance letter.

It was down to Rainbow Dash. She was the only one without an answer. She had pulled off an A with a lot of help from Sakura Sensei and their teacher had written a letter of recommendation for Dash, something she was proud to do after all the work Dash had done, but out of the seven of them, Rarity's athletic friend had the weakest resume for acceptance.

Rarity suddenly realized what it would mean for Dash, personally, if she was accepted. Rarity was leaving a lot behind. Dash was going to be giving up on several teams, leaving them without a captain, and Japanese schools didn't do high school sports in the same way that Canterlot did. They were clubs, not teams associated with the school. The school wouldn't have a mascot for them all to rally to. Dash possibly had the most to give up by going and the least to gain. As a senior, especially for soccer, college scouts would be evaluating her. They would not see her in her final season, potentially eliminating any scholarship offers. However, a successful foreign exchange program on her college applications would be like a golden ticket. It would make her stand out among the crowd of other applicants. Scholarships could be awarded for walk-ons or follow up seasons.

Rarity couldn't worry about Dash. She had major planning to do for herself. She now had fundraisers to pull off. The others needed her expertise in areas to help them as a group fulfill the fundraising requirements. The more they worked together, the bigger the fundraisers they could pull off and the easier it would be on them all. Plus, if they didn't work together, the seven of them would trip over each other trying to raise the funds from the same group of people. It would also mean their parents had to pay less, and less was always better. Their parents had all agreed before they sent in their applications, understanding the costs involved. Twilight's parents had spent more a semester sending her to Crystal Prep, but anything they didn't have to spend was good for a variety of reasons.

Rarity posted the video update and then looked at the dress she had been making. It was hideous, made from scrap fabric, and not her best design anyway, but it was a western design. She would need to start looking into the Eastern fashion scene. Her semester abroad might provide crucial contacts in the international market. She would have to try and make some form of connection to the fashion scene while she was in Japan. Tokyo was in the top ten as a fashion capital. The land of the rising sun might be the true rise in her already surfacing fashion career.

Before any of that though, Rarity needed to go apologize to Sweetie Bell. Rarity left her room and stepped to the next door over. It was shut. She knocked on her sister’s door.

“It’s open,” Sweetie Bell called out.

Rarity opened the door. Sweetie Bell was sitting at her desk on her own laptop. Rarity couldn’t see what she was doing, but it didn’t matter.

“Hey, Sweetie Bell,” Rarity said. “I’m sorry I was so distracted earlier and slammed the door in your face. It was rude of me and there is no excuse for my actions.”

Sweetie Bell let out a sigh. “I accept your apology. I know the exchange program is really important to you and that you were stressed. Since you’re not crying and I heard a squeal from your room earlier, I assume you got accepted?”

“Yes!” Rarity said, squealing a bit. “I have a lot to do to finish stuff for the program, but before that takes my attention, how about some sister time? Sugarcube Corner, my treat, for an apology? I know dinner wasn’t that long ago, but it’s summer. We get to stay out later.”

“Alright,” Sweetie Bell said, smiling at Rarity. “Let me change real quick. Meet you at the front door in five minutes?”

“I’ll see you then,” Rarity replied, sliding out of her sister’s room and closing the door.

Rarity smiled to herself, content for the first time in a week. Sugarcube Corner was more than an apology trip. The end of the school year was always a crunch for time and the past semester had been even more so. Sweetie Bell had finals too, so they seemed to drift apart every year over the last month of school. Ensuring it wasn’t a permanent shift was important to Rarity.

Rarity unlocked her phone, pulling up the camera. She propped it up, ensuring she was in view, and then double checked her makeup. With her looking as fabulous as she could, she started recording.

"Hello world! Rarity here and today. Monday June Thirteenth, I again come not to you with fashion advice or anything I am designing, but an update on moi and the trip. I know I've been oddly silent the past few days. Once I got the acceptance letter, it put a lot of things in perspective. It's all good stuff…but my world, my life in Canterlot, has suddenly shrunk …now most places that used to seem far…don't. Because it is still within the city. If this was a trip, a vacation…it wouldn't shrink my world. I'm going to be spending months living in Japan!"

Rarity squealed a little. She didn't like squealing on camera because it wasn't composed and lady-like, but it happened. It was an expression of pure joy. Showing that, at appropriate times, to her followers was not bad.

"I'm so excited, oddly terrified, and…” Rarity paused, thinking about where she was compared to her plan. This wasn’t about her shrinking world. “And I am already off of my starting point. Bear with me, darlings. I’m preoccupied from my research, but I swear, I have an update, because I’ll be in Japan from late August to almost January. Four whole months. It’s not all about the academics, if it was, my world wouldn’t be shrinking. I’m realizing how small Canterlot is in the scheme of our world.”

Rarity slipped off topic again without realizing it. Speaking to a mirror or camera was often cathartic as she worked through things. In this case, she had herself she could see on her phone.

"Wherever your family is, that is the most important place in the world. My friends will be with me…but my family won't. I know she secretly watches these updates and will get annoyed, but as much as my little sister annoys me at times…I'm really going to miss that. All of the little inconveniences in life…I will miss those too…which probably sounds odd. And my parents…but I am once again off topic. I’m sorry, darlings, let me restart.”

Rarity took a moment to breathe and focus her mind, hoping it wouldn’t slip as she continued to her point. "So, I'm going for much more than the school. Actually, the school is probably more of an…inconvenience to the whole thing. I'll have to attend classes, daily, just like I would at home…and that isn't bad…but it will stop me from exploring and experiencing a brand new world to me with adventure around every corner. Things I am not familiar with and will get to learn about, firsthand. Things that, for the first time in my life, aren't practically in my backyard."

Rarity sighed. "This is why I haven't posted since my last video update. I'm so distracted and once again off topic. Home shrinking, world expanding, lots to explore, adventures to have, and back on track with some fashion talk!

"Okay…so I have been researching…a lot about a lot of different things. The list of what I could and couldn't bring sparked the research. I do not believe I have mentioned that I will be required to wear a uniform to school. I knew Japanese culture was very prim and proper, but I didn't realize how…different school would be. I don't move classrooms; my teachers change classrooms. I know everyone bows to each other, which I, quite frankly, find very charming. I could only learn so much about those difference while being in Japanese class at CHS. The focus is the language and only for an hour each day.

"What I had not understood was just how…much that prim and proper structure is seeded into everything. The uniforms are not severe. They are…classic. They have a certain, retro-historical charm that is reminiscent of either a British boarding schools with an Asian flair, or an early twentieth century sailor. Plaid or solid color pleated skirts, dress slacks for the boys, straight neckties for the boys and our school uses crossover ties for the girls, white dress shirts or blouses, dress shoes in a color that matches the rest of the uniform, stockings or leggings for the Ladies that fit in the guidelines, and jackets on top, with a big school patch. Many schools have standards for their hair styles too. The uniform colors vary depending on the school and this is a picture of a students in the summer uniform of our school.”’.

Rarity held up the picture she had printed so it could be seen. It was a few students. The girls were in plaid pleated skirts, navy and green, with several different lengths of white socks or leggings, while the boys were in navy slacks. The blazers were navy with two silver buttons and the school’s patch on the pocket and the penny loafers were also navy. The ties were also of the same plaid.

"Like I said, none of it is bad, but it…really has me shifting perspective. The cost of the program includes the uniforms, which I will get shortly after I arrive. I will have several sets. The winter uniform adds a sweater for the girls and white leggings. While I always like to present myself as best as possible, I will have to keep it in good order all day long or I could get in trouble. I don't want a reprimand for something as simple as my clothes. It's a lot of pressure that I didn't expect. A lot of the pictures I post while there will have me in a uniform.

“I have no idea how AJ or Dash will handle the uniforms, that is assuming Dash gets in. We still are waiting for word from her either way. It's been three days since Twilight, AJ, and I found out…it's getting…concerning. I don't think either Dash or AJ watch my video blogs.” Rarity shrugged. “I didn't say anything bad about either of them. I’m just off my topic…again.”

"The point I am once again getting away from, is that I'll have very little time for regular clothes. I have to conform, which has its pros and cons, but I'm not going to be swimming in fashion like I do every day. On some days, I'll change outfits two or three times, depending on the day and what I am doing, or what suddenly comes up that requires a wardrobe change. Beyond clothes, jewelry and accessories will be restricted because they don't conform to the uniform. That…” Rarity let out a sigh and bit her lip. “I am not happy about, because I love to accessorize. They reflect how I feel that day.

"Having some of this structure in my life will probably do me some good. No, it definitely will. Life can get so chaotic and I never intend to let it spiral out of control. The…price…for that structure means I have to wear a uniform. I’m not disgusted by the uniforms…more of a…disappointment that grew as I researched more.”

"I won't be able to be moi, to show off who I am, on a daily basis and they won't have casual days either. That is a huge change for someone like myself. It's not enough to make me rethink this amazing opportunity. Not even close. I'll make the best of it. I just wasn't expecting the…severity of Japanese schools. Severity is probably too harsh. It's…their culture. What I mean is, the kids grow up understanding that a uniform is a part of school, the same as the classes they have to study. From first day they go to school, they wear uniforms, and the little boys and little girls often look cheek-pinchingly cute in them. Uniforms are something expected of them and they rise to meet the challenge. I want to rise to meet that challenge too.

"I am sure some of you are thinking it is the same as many private schools. It's not. It is uniquely different from some of the private schools I have seen closer to home. For one, these are Japanese public schools, not private education. Public schools here might have dress codes, but they really just make sure people are properly dressed. The private schools, parents pay a lot of money to send their kids to. Not that I am disrespecting them in any way, they just are…well they have uniforms which tend to make me shudder, but they are not that different from some schools.”

Rarity let out a sigh.

“I think it is a cultural difference, where it is the expected norm that no one questions in Japan, here it makes you stand out. I do think, from what I have seen, that Japanese schools have the better uniforms, but that isn't necessarily a constant, since each school has a different one. You can tell where someone goes just by their uniform, and that is with everyone wearing uniforms that are very much the same… yet not, specifically if you line them up. I’m glad the school I am going to doesn’t have a sērā fuku, the sailor style, uniform. They may look cute on elementary girls, but they are not refined for a young lady in high school."

Realizing she was wandering again, Rarity shook herself. "But I got off on yet another tangent. Back to uniforms and Rarity. It will be a challenge, a change, but it has its benefits. I just don't want to lose myself among the crowd. I've always been able to make myself stand out in some way. After all, I am the beautiful and radiant Rarity! I am…concerned about getting lost…losing my identity…but I guess this exchange program will help me build an identity that is deeper than the clothes I wear, my love for fashion, and belief in always looking your best."

Rarity's phone had a notification pop up. Usually she ignored them while filming or swiped them out of the way. This one was a text and in the way. As she went to swipe it away so she could see herself in the camera, her finger paused.

Rarity didn't trust her eyes since it was half opaque from swiping it away. Lifting up her finger made it disappear and she had to scramble to get to her text messages. She forgot about the camera as she pulled the group chat up.

Dash: I'M IN! I'M GOING TO JAPAN WITH EVERYONE! SEVEN OF SEVEN! Now to figure out fundraisers.

"YES!" Rarity exclaimed, jumping out of her chair. She had dropped her phone onto the table as she jumped for joy. It didn't harm it, but as she picked it up, she saw the blinking red light, reminding her that she was recording and what she had been doing before the text.

"Sorry, darlings," Rarity said as she composed herself in her chair. She lost her composure and squealed again. "I just got notified that Rainbow Dash made it! She is in the exchange program! All seven of us are going to Tokyo! No best friend gets left behind! I knew Dash could make it, but I was most concerned about her. Her Japanese improved drastically from her very rocky start at the beginning of the school year, but she was still the one I was most concerned about.”

Rarity shook her head. "Oh my, if I am going to have a challenge with the uniforms…well Dash's challenge will be a lot different. I'm struggle with losing my identity and finding a much better, more solid and lifelong identity. Dash…she will struggle to keep it in shape throughout the day. My athletic friend won't like the tie, or jacket, or dress blouse, or the required stockings. The stockings will be an issue because she doesn't like to be told what stockings to wear. She will oddly be absolutely fine with the skirt. Dash also has an uncanny ability to winkle her regular clothes before the end of home period. I swear, I see her before classes start with everything looking great, and right after home period we have a class together. By then, everything is wrinkled. Maybe even a stain on it from something she ate. Home period isn't even fifteen minutes long!” Rarity brushed some hair out of her face before continuing. “It would be impressive if it wasn't a terrifying fashion disaster scene. It is why she tends to wear clothes that are made out of synthetic materials and more athletic. They don't wrinkle as easily as cotton or other fabrics. Seriously, she will have trouble keeping the skirt, jacket, and blouse from wrinkling by lunch, and I am pretty certain that she will find some way to wrinkle the crossover tie.

"Dash's final statement in her text messages was right, we have to look forward, towards the fundraising we have to do. For my followers in Canterlot and the surrounding area, keep a lookout about those. I'll be posting what events we are doing to raise that required cost.

"Okay, I have to go and do more preparations for the trip. I know, it is still weeks away, but as you all are aware, I am a planner. I want to be mentally ready to pack up and go when that day does come. Besides, we now absolutely need to get together and seriously plan our fundraiser events, not just theorize like before. It will probably happen sometime today. I need to be available.

"Bye, bye, darlings," Rarity said as she blew some kisses to the camera. "Sorry for rambling a bit. Rarity out!"

Rarity stopped recording and pulled up her social media account. As she went through the steps to post the video, she had the idea to make a joint account they could all post to. Their supporters could follow it and stay connected to them on their trip, as well as logging their adventures for their own records. It was an easy thing to set up and do, but they didn't have to do it right away. Rarity would work on it for the group in her spare time.

Rarity texted a congratulations message to Dash in the group chat. She followed it up with a second one, also stating that they needed to meet as soon as they could to start talking fundraising details. They had confirmation that everyone was going, so they have no excuse to not start. The deadline to raise the money would come up quickly if they were not careful. Since they had learned they had a minimum to fundraise, they had set a personal goal to fundraise it all.

Rarity got a text from Dash, not in the group chat. It simply said, "I saw what you said in your latest video."

Rarity sighed. She was surprised Dash was following her, especially closely. She had a lot of followers and she couldn't remember all of them. She had topped twenty-five thousand last month and that number was still climbing. People loved her fashion stuff; be it her showing off what she had made or the newest piece she purchased, or her tutorial videos on make-up or sewing, or her very popular series giving fashion advice, which had started as simple videos on general topics and had developed to include her answering relevant questions from her followers whenever the topic was appropriate.

She knew her observations concerning her friend were correct, but she also knew Dash was going to get her back for publicly commenting on Dash’s clothes. It would be well thought out payback, among friends, but payback. The focus on fundraising might distract Dash to the point where she forgot. Hopefully it would.

Rarity was excited to hear what the others were thinking about setting up. She had an idea for a fashion show, but it was rather complex and might not be worth the donations it would bring in. She would suggest it if they needed another idea.

Comments ( 8 )

nicely written!

I had a interesting thought while reading this what if one or two of the girls host familys were parents of canon SAO players?


Very well written, and some good insights to the culture difference between the East and West. You question why others do things differently, but the answer is that it's because what they were taught. Then you question why you do something a certain way, and find you don't have an answer. You've just done it that way as far as you can remember.

Fluttershy's interview seemed pretty interesting. There isn't always a clean translation between languages, especially when they don't share a root language. I'm guessing they were testing if she could keep up as a translator, along with following the right level of formality between the involved parties.

I'm curious how Rarity will grow from this. If she can't find a creative outlet through fashion, she'll have to find something else. A music or art club could be possible.

Knowing where this ends up, I'm imagining what her viewers will be thinking when the video uploads suddenly stop, and how they might react. I'm imagining what her last video might be, and how she wouldn't even be aware of the trap she's about to walk into.

Intresting question, I can see Rarety geting along fine whit Asunas famely and they would have an easy time acomadating an extchage student. Kiritos famaly could maybe do it and we simply dont know the famalys of the rest of the cast.

Reading about Rarity and Rainbow's aspirations for after highschool, especially how Rainbow is sacrificing the opportunity for a soccer scholarship... just made me really sad, considering they're gonna spend two years in basically a coma. It'll take years for Rainbow to get back into her previous shape, if it's even possible.

That is an interesting idea. As stated, don't know much about most of their families. We get a comment from Shinozaki Rika/Lisbeth about her parent's pitching a fit over playing VR games late, but that is it. It's possible for her family. Ayano Keiko/Silica's family has an interesting tradition:

Keiko's family follows a tradition when naming their children. Since Keiko's grandfather was a chemist, he named his son Tetsuhiko after iron (鉄, Tetsu) due to Tetsuhiko being born on February 6 (2/6) and the 26th element in the periodic table being iron. Tetsuhiko continued this tradition and named his daughter Keiko after the 14th element, silicon (珪素, Keiso), as Keiko was born on the 4th of October, but Tetsuhiko could not make a girl's name after the 104th element, Rutherfordium, thus resorting to merging ten and four to get fourteen.

Keiko's display name, Silica, means Silicon Dioxide (SiO2). She chose this name for her character due to her real name being based on silicon. The reason why she chose "Silica" instead of "Silico" was because "Silica" sounded cuter. She even ties her hair with two red ribbons to have two ring baubles which symbolize two oxygen atoms bound to her.

Tsuboi Ryoutarou/Klein is a bachelor and most likely on his own. His parents might be able to. That is an interesting idea. Andrew Gilbert Mills/Agil is married. His parents immigrated to Japan from the US, he is a natural born Japanese citizen, and then later his wife immigrated to Japan from Boston. I could see them being much more open to the idea of hosting a foreign exchange student.

I know Kirito's family couldn't. His dad is out of the country quite often and his mom works odd hours as the editor of a newspaper. That isn't very conductive to supporting a foreign exchange student. Asuna's family is quite traditional in many ways and elite. I don't see her parents being open to supporting an exchange student. Asuna would love it, but her parents wouldn't.

I don't think I will be able to work that in, but it is an interesting idea.

Thank you. I study cultures and society. I love learning and experiencing all of the differences. Technically, I have done a semester abroad, but it was a summer semester in Belize doing an archaeology field school, digging up Maya ruins. I paid to be their work force. lol. They still did everything possible to give us the experience of living in Belize on our weekends and evenings. And I was working alongside locals who were hired, many had been working for them for years, to help with the excavations. It was an amazing experience for many reasons. I was able to take all of that and what I have seen and heard from other people, and transition much of it to Rarity.

It will be interesting to see how she grows and develops from it. All of the girls do join clubs. I imagine that she would post to her followers that she is about to "Dive" for the first time into SAO, a brand new game, and then they could figure out the rest from the international coverage of the tragedy of Kayaba's stunt.

It was fun to come up with a different interview to test Fluttershy since she had a lot more time with the language, it just made sense that they would expect different things for each level of proficiency. Being a translator definitely requires a very different mindset and skillset with the languages to properly convey conversations, especially when the language cannot be flipped for the words. Japanese and English approach language differently. Is Fluttershy going to be doing that in Japan, no, but it is a good way to test her skills.

Yeah, as I was writing it, I realized how much Dash is potentially sacrificing. It has a solid chance to benefit her more than she sacrifices, but she does have more to lose short term. It will be possible for Dash to get back to her previous shape, but it will take time. It will help that she starts so physically fit and her body knows what that means.

Wow! When I typed "sewing machine finger" into the search bar, looking for fimfic'ers who had stabbed themselves with their sewing machines, I certainly was not expecting to find anything of quality. But this is a great surprise! This is some excellent writing!

Or maybe, this just exactly my kind of trash. Regardless, I'm going to squeeee about it!

You do an excellent job with Rarity's thoughts running while she speaks. I also love the fact that she's not shy. I feel like even though things like her squeals are spontaneous, she's still very deliberate about sharing them to the internet. There's a kind of interplay between what a person thinks and what they present and what they do. It's find fascinating! Rarity is cool because she clearly puts a lot of effort into all three, and it seems like she's already figured a lot of herself out. Of course, the fact that there's a lot more to find out is, I guess, the entire point of the blog.

Also, Rarity making it up to Sweetie Bell felt very genuine. Made my heart melt a little bit.

I loved how you pointed out the opportunity cost for Dash. I almost felt like it might be better for Rainbow to not get accepted! The tension building between finding out whether or not she'd get accepted was delicious! It felt like an actually believable "this could go either way, and I both want and don't want both!!" The indecision! The Waiting! Very well exectuted, IMO.

I thought Rarity trying to figure out the culture of Japan from the mandatory outfits was interesting! Though, the line "The…price…for that structure" felt very unnatural pause-wise. It broke my immersion. :(

Also, this fic makes me feel like my experience in highschool was just me being a lazy bum compared to these high school juniors. Though, I guess these highschoolers are exploiting the power of teamwork, whereas with myself... I didn't make friends until Junior year. And having friends that are mutually interested in doing something extremely challenging? Oh man. The things someone might do for that kind of bond.

Like maybe even...
Actually talking to people...


talk to people, it's good for you.

Reading through the comments, I realized I had completely forgotten about the SAO branding up at the top of the page. Honestly, this slice of life stuff is great! It's an adventure like any other, forcing Rarity to confront challenges, reconsider her worldview and grow as a character.

It kept jarring me that this blog is part of an SAO crossover series apparently. But, looking at it, if the rest of whatever this thing is a part of is presented with this blog's kind of nuance and believability... :trixieshiftright:

Also. I was going to say that this whole blog came across like a personal experience, translated to a character, so it's nice to see I was DEAD ON.

I had to reread the vignette, just to remember it fully. lol Anyway, I'm surprised a blog came up, but happy. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I very much enjoy trying new writing techniques and doing the bulk of the framing as a video, where I really have to tell versus show, the opposite of what "good story telling is". I asked the question "how would Rarity speak and act doing these videos?" and this was the result. I'm glad you enjoyed the interplay.

I absolutely agree and understand the pacing point. I can hear it in my head, but I wrote it. Expressing those natural pauses in a character's standard cadence so that everyone understands the change is not easy. Commas were too short of a pause, so ellipsis were chosen, but they did feel long at times.

I was home schooled, so I saw school from a very different angle. I knew people who had high school foreign exchange students with them. It is very much an opportunity that many do not get. It seems to be harder for U.S. kids too because the bulk of the world at least teaches English in primary education, often in elementary, while the U.S. doesn't. I've seen a variety of opportunities afforded to certain schools and students that others do not even have offered. It's sad, but unequal distribution of resources seems to be a fact of life. And a huge chunk of this type of resource is less access and more about having school staff who encourage the broadening of horizons in such a drastic way.

Yes, it is a crossover with SAO. I do try to balance the adventure side of the story with slice of life, but in a T rated story. All of the vignettes are compiled on the story's initial chapters the "Pilot Episodes" are them in Japan and absolutely slice of life. The vignettes focus on them getting into the program and prepping for the exchange program. The Pilot Episodes are setting up for getting into SAO in some ways, but its just a game they are looking at playing together (and opportunity to do real virtual reality, something they wouldn't get back home), and the rest is absolutely Slice of Life. The first Episode is when they dive into SAO, so even if you don't want to read SAO stuff, the other Vignettes and Pilot Episodes may be enjoyable to you. Rarity does some fun things in Japan, but it is from Sunset's view, who also does some really cool things in Japan and unique experiences.

I know not everyone likes SAO. There are issues. Reki Kawahara was an inexperienced author who got better, but the early story has some issues. I was there at one point in my writing career. The only way to get better is to continue to write. I do place the Light Novels are my primary canon, ahead of the Anime. The Light Novels are way better than the Anime. The Anime does some good things the Light Novels can't, specifically with art and visual pictures of bosses, but TV/movies are a medium that typically can't out match a written story.

There are two "versions" for the SAO crossover. Aincrad was written first, it places the girls in SAO canon. It was supposed to be way shorter than it turned out to be. For Ruby Palace is being released and it's a true crossover, where the girls are involved and shape events. I've done my best to keep key SAO canon events needed for canon characters but the story focuses on the girls (none of them fall for Kirito). Mostly from Sunset Shimmer's viewpoint, but the girls. I try to jump into the other's minds and get their point of view at times. And insert the question "what would they actually do being faced with being stuck in SAO?" That way, I slide in as much slice of life in Aincrad as possible. I have some readers who are not into SAO but like the story because it avoids much of the issues of SAO, while still exploring the concept and system mechanics presented by SAO. That is what I find most fascinating with SAO, what if they got stuck in a fantasy MMORPG game with the mechanics? And my editor and I have expanded aspects of them mechanics to overcome some holes and limitations.

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it the vignette. It certainly was fun to write!

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