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    Tell Your Tale: A Swing and a Misty

    My inner shipper is squealing.

    If you've wanted Alphabittle, Haven, and their respective kids to become a new family unit, this episode is for you.

    12 comments · 76 views
  • 6 days
    Did anyone actually ask for this?

    So apparently Playtonic is remastering Yooka-Laylee.

    Who asked for this? Who thought this was a good idea?

    A few things, Playtonic:

    1. This game is only seven years old.

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  • 1 week

    I have an excuse for not being able to aim straight.

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  • 1 week
    Will try and get an update or two out soon, but...

    ...These next two weeks at work are going to be stressful as hell.

    I just have to say one thing, just to get it off my chest.

    If any of my readers are private health inspectors with standards higher than local laws, I just have this to say:

    That is all.

    Good night.

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  • 2 weeks
    Tell Your Tale: P + P = BFFs

    This week, we've got a... Somewhat touching Posey episode?

    Think this would benefit from a longer runtime. I also laughed harder than necessary at Izzy in the very beginning.

    16 comments · 157 views

Why does so much of this fanbase hate Sixth Ranger Syndrome? · 7:43am Dec 28th, 2021

That poll is quite close.

Too close, in my opinion.

Does half of this fanbase hate redemption stories?

Because when it comes to redemption stories, almost all of them in G4 turned out to be good.

The only one I'll come out and say was outright shit was Garble. Too fast, and too far out in left field.

So, would you like Sprout as a regular cast member?

Why or why not?

Report milesprower06 · 294 views · #g5 #sprout
Comments ( 23 )

I don't doubt he deserves a redemption arc. But I don't find him the least interesting. He will do fine as a secondary character, but right now they need to develop him more before it feels right to have him in the main cast. I mean, Sunset was able to become part of the main band of Equestria Girls through redemption, so it's not unheard of in the same show.

I think it would be great to see Sprout get a redemption arc!
Although one thing I will say is that I would like to see them spend some time with the mane five from the movie first. Poor Pipp had so little screen time and lines.
After that sure! Like you said, Pony redemption arcs have been pretty good and I think they can do it again in G5.

No. I think the group is fine the way it is and he isn’t needed. Besides it wouldn’t make sense to add him because the fact is he doesn’t know any of them aside from Sunny and Hitch and as such he doesn’t have any sort of bond with them the way they do with each other.

I’d like to say I would, but I don’t think he should be part of the main cast. Like 5621410 said, he would make a great secondary character, possibly going the way of a Starlight/Zecora combo. A great redemption arc, then possibly being someone that kinda helps out on the side every now and then.
Him being part of a ‘Mane 6’ would also make the group very Earth-pony-heavy. Poor Izzy would be the only unicorn while they’d have three Earth ponies.

Honestly at this point, if he is to be a new member of the team he's going to have to earn his keep. I don't doubt he'll eventually have his redemption arc but for him to be part of the team he's going to have to prove himself worthy. He is a semi-antagonist in the movie, he did just destroy Sunny's home, and he (so far) had no sign of any redeemable quality; so before they just hand him the keys to be in the team he needs to learn from his mistakes.

The Hard way.

No I just don't like him that's it.:ajbemused:

I will argue that Starlight's wasn't handled well either but I liked hating her so I have a bias here. Also Daring Do's villains also had the super rush redemptions. So G4 didn't handle them well. That said Sprout is just an idiot.

KMCA #8 · Dec 28th, 2021 · · 1 ·

Half of my issue with him being the 6'th is he's not a unicorn, upsetting the balance... also he's a whiny little momma's boy who went full dictator surpassing even Starlight Glimmer and while I put up with it from her I won't put up with it from him.

I think there's a lot of good potential for him. Only he and Sunny are particularly well-developed in the movie.

I have mixed feelings, I am not against him getting redeemed but I want it to actually mean something, ya' know?
Don't get me wrong, G4 will ALWAYS have a place in my heart. But as a whole, it definitely suffered from "too many cooks" syndrome. There were a lot of continuity errors throughout the show. And especially towards the end, it seemed they wanted to wrap everything up in a neat little bow.

And as others said, yeah redemptions started becoming almost a joke in the series it didn't have to make sense, or look like the villain in question wanted to change, it was just a rainbow blast and pretty much "oh HI new friends" (apologies to Izzy).

That. All of that. It is not Sixth Ranger Syndrome. it is the fact that he was introduced to us like a HUGE jerk. So, that Sprout that, so far, we know, is a unlikable character. If, and that is a big IF, he gets his redemption arc, then you can ask us again.

Or, in other words, imagine Loki. Would you want Loki to be an Avenger right after New York´s Invasion ? Probably not. Would you after Thor: Ragnarok or, even better, after the Loki series ? I would. Actually, I would be very dissapointed if he does not become an Avenger in the near future.

I´m talking ´bout the Marel Cinematic Universe, obviously.

Redemption arc - yes, sure, but I don't think he needs to be a new main character right now. Lets give the main five heroes a time to develop their characters (for a season or two) first. After that we can consider where the series took Sprout and judge whether he would fit as another member of Equestria-saving, adventure-going team. ;)

It all depends on how well they handle him going forward. I don't expect Prince Zuko or Sunset Shimmer levels of quality, but he needs to undergo some kind of redemption arc before they add him to the main cast. Ideally, they could spend the first season slowly building him up, letting us see another side to him.

Yep, first impressions matter and not every antagonist is presented with qualities that make audiences want them to stick around.

I mean I don't think anyone wanted Sunset to stick around initially because she was just a crummy 2 dimensional villain. It took Rainbow Rocks to win people over on the idea.

He was a jerk as a kid, he was a jerk as an adult, has zero redeeming qualities and he learned nothing. “Mommy, was I a good sheriff?” SERIOUSLY?

The obsession with having six main characters makes no sense. Let’s work on the five we have.

Don't exactly follow the Loki example, not being a huge Marvel person (I know bits and pieces, but I am hardly fluent).

As others pointed out, take Starlight Glimmer, for example, she was a fascinatingly twisted and dark villain because on some level she KNEW she was doing a bad thing but was doing it anyways. I don't hate her as an individual, but I do find that they did her a serious injustice with her cardboard "backstory" and her happy little redemption...although now that I think about it...there are several Real World stories of people who deserved much worse than they got in terms of "legal justice".

Sprout should at the very least be shown doing massive community service or having ponies give him the stink eye for a while, even if Sunny herself forgives him, he needs to prove, perhaps to himself that he is worthy of her forgiveness. But definitely NOT one quick song/dance/rainbow and suddenly he's everypony's BFF.

Gotta disagree with that analysis, Starlight absolutely believed she was right and that the ends justified the means.

As for Sprout he didn't really do anything that bad. All he did was give into mob mentality when what was needed was a voice of reason. I mean yeah that's bad but that's on the entire town not just Sprout.

Without diving too much on spoilers, let's say that in the Loki series, he went to hell, quite literally, saw everything that made him be him his desires, dreams, hopes, dear ones, being absolutly destroeyd, even the things he desired more were wiped out of existence, and, now, knowing the truth, he is not a good person...just someone who always survive. Except that, to survive, this time he needs to save the universe. Well...one of then, at least.

You do have a point, but he should at least be made responsible for fixing Sunny's house. The issue is that a lot of the time, G4 "cured" a villain and moved on to the next story with little to no follow-up to give us the sense that they had to earn their forgiveness or learn anything. An artist on DA did a comic series that had a really good explanation of all this, but basically, it boils down to that Sprout did bad things, was he the worst thing ever? Not by a long shot, but he should still have SOME consequences for his actions. Also, perhaps in his head, Sprout has guilt over what he did, so even if Sunny says "I forgive you" which I could see her doing, he would still want to prove (if only to himself) that he was worthy of that forgiveness. Does that make sense?

Forgiveness can't be earned. It's something that can only be given at the discretion of the victim.

Still, do you see what I'm saying?

I just need him to be an interesting character, I could care less of they dedicate screen time to his "redemption". Just acknowledge it in some way and move on. I stand by the fact that it was ultimately a group effort and if anything Sprout is just a victim of his upbringing.

I could tolerate a redemption arc if they make him contrite and truly regret his misdeeds. He would have to be held responsible for his actions, not the "Phyllis brainwashed him" cop-out I hear from so many bronies.

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