• Member Since 17th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 6th, 2023


"The purpose of the first draft is not to get it right but to get it written." -John Dufresne. Please send corrections via PMs. The Blade of Quill & Blade

  • TTrials of a Royal Guard
    Duty, honor, and loyalty above all else. That was what Silent Knight had been told ever since he was a colt. They had guided him all his life and he was more than ready to follow in his father’s hoofsteps by dedicating himself to the Royal Guard.
    Anzel · 261k words  ·  1,061  27 · 9.6k views

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  • 126 weeks
    Q&B Final Update

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  • 136 weeks
    Trials of a Royal Guard Physical Print

    Hello everyone!

    It has been quite some time since anyone has heard from Crystal and me. I wanted to briefly interrupt the silence let those fans left know that they will soon be able to complete their 'Royal Guard Trilogy' physical collection.

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  • 262 weeks
    Secrets Hardcovers Wave 2 Update

    Hi all!

    We have the hard covers here at the house. Due to some unexpected work travel I haven't had the chance to get to them. Crystal and I are going to clear some time out tonight to get them signed and packaged. I hope to actually have them out the door tomorrow or Monday.

    Thank you for your patience!

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  • 270 weeks
    Cleaning out the game room: Free/PWYW Items

    Pony pals

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  • 273 weeks
    Secrets Hardcover Update

    Pony friends

    I am pleased to say that books are being signed and sent out. These encompass the first order specifically. Some are already in hoof while others are being worked on. A large bulk of them will go out tomorrow.

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Trials of a Royal Guard Physical Print · 7:41pm Oct 29th, 2021

Hello everyone!

It has been quite some time since anyone has heard from Crystal and me. I wanted to briefly interrupt the silence let those fans left know that they will soon be able to complete their 'Royal Guard Trilogy' physical collection.

During quarantine I took comfort in reading through my old stories and tweaking Trials. I made some clarifications, deleted some redundancies, and smoothed out some pacing problems. On the whole it resulted in a better story in my mind. I then took that story, commissioned a cover, and set to creating the physical edition.

If you're interested in a signed copy of that you can use the link at the bottom of this blog. If you just want a copy, I'll post a new link to that later on in this same blog post. If you want neither and just want to read the new version of the story, there is a link for that too. I won't be updating FIMFiction chapters.

This will complete my trilogy and as you may guess, my time here. Thank you for all of the support over the years and I'm glad many of you enjoyed my stories. Take care of each other out there.


Trials of a Royal Guard PDF - Click Here
Signed Trials of a Royal Guard Order Form - CLOSED

Report Anzel · 2,092 views · Story: Trials of a Royal Guard ·
Comments ( 52 )

it was wonderful to have you and Crystal as a part of the community, and while we miss you, we're happy you guys are doing whats best for you <3

Ah, truly is a shame to hear you'll be departing the fandom fully. It's not surprising, after all the Q&B site has long since been down, but it's still a shame.

I’m happy to get a signed copy of one of your stories, but I’m sad to see you leave the fandom completely. It’s been a long while since hearing from you and Crystal and I have missed your writing. Please take care and know I wish you both well in all you do.❤️

Let us know when we can get unsigned.

Any hopes for further Crystal Wishes?

Glad you two are doing well, still.

Quick question, I see the order form has spots for 5 books. I was only aware of 3 in the main trilogy (Memoirs, Secrets, Trials). What are the other two?

This is honestly extremely surprising, I had just accepted that the third book wouldn’t be a thing. Happy trails from here on out.


Is Crystal doing alright? Best wishes to the both of you.

Purely speculation, but maybe Crystal's Wishes and Crystal's Hopes? Those are the other two main stories in this setting.

Any hope that we can see a conclusion to Crystal's Hopes?

I'm assuming it's just how many you want of trials, but I could be wrong. Memoirs and Secrets can still be found on lulu, but I would like to have a signed copy of both.

I'm relieved and delighted to see that the last book of the Silent Knight trilogy will finally get a printing. I'm saddened to see you formally leaving the fandom, but I'll respect your wishes. I hope you and Crystal will do fine in whatever other endeavors you choose to pursue.

This does leave me wondering about one thing, though. Now, I'll refrain from asking about Crystal's writing status or the future of Crystal's Hopes, but I do wish to enquire about whether we'll see a printing of the second half of Crystal's Wishes at some point.

5601451 Thank you very much. It was a pleasure to get to know you too! We truly enjoyed our time here.

5601461 Indeed, but we'll always enjoy the time we spent here!

5601462 That is very kind. Thank you! We really did enjoy getting to know you too! It warms my heart to see that folks I recognize are still here and still watching. Honestly I barely expected anyone to notice this.

5601463 Will do. I'll update this as soon as I can. The proof is on the way and once it is approved the direct will be available. Unfortunately it does not look like we'll see any more of Crystal's Wishes. My Crystal has moved on further than I have and is struggling with writing in general. The future is unwritten though!

5601523 Thank you! That is just to allow you to purchase multiple copies in the event you wanted them.

5601526 Yeah, absolutely! I imagine most folks didn't expect this. I just couldn't leave it unfinished though. Plus I really did have some updates I wanted to make.

5601578 She's doing very well, but has different interests now. Writing isn't really a big one. She changed jobs during the pandemic quarantine too and that has changed her focus and time. She spends a lot of her free time programming and exercising now.

5601611 I'm afraid not =( It was just for people who wanted multiple copies. It is unlikely that Hopes is going to be completed unless I jump in and perhaps finish it for her.

5601636 You are exactly right and I'm happy to get you set up with all signed copies.

5601676 Thank you for understanding. I honestly don't think Crystal is going to want to publish the second half of Wishes, but it might be possible if I do it for her. The same goes with Hopes. I highly doubt she is going to write it but I might be able to ghost write the rest if she is interesting and I think I can do it. It is a discussion she and I can have. To be perfectly honest, we had no idea anyone would still be interested in this. We've been out for so long. This is humbling.

Oh geez, now I have no excuses to get them physical books X3;;

With almost all of your official sites going down, not to mention officially closing this chapter of your life, I'm assuming there's no way to get copies of the first two books in physical form? I discovered you too late. :raritycry:

You guys really did create a phenomenal universe. Good luck with whatever you two get up to in the future

I'm still reading through crystals stuff, but I too would be interested in seeing it completed

5601785 I can assist with the physical books. I'll post the link to them all here. If you wanted them signed, that will require some extra steps. If so send me a PM please.

Well for whatever it counts, I'm throwing out a vote for you to ghost-write Crystal's Hopes to a conclusion. I absolutely understand that you're on to other things, but these stories really have been a lot of fun to read and properly finishing the last one outstanding before you douse the lights and close the door would be nice.

And you've surely read your share of fanfiction as well, perhaps you can recall that feeling of frustration and disappointment when a really solid story just sort of... stops before reaching the finale? It's the literary equivalent of blue-balling and it hurts almost as much :rainbowlaugh:.

Thanks for telling me all this. I've never given up hope that this series would one day be given its proper conclusion. I'm sorry to hear that those are the odds. I do hope that Crystal is open to the idea of you handling her series in her place. Printing the second half of Wishes should be a simple matter of copyediting, although I do recall that Crystal found that sort of talk to be a nuisance in her comment sections. As for ghost writing Hopes, looking back at your respective writing styles, you both are fairly similar; the only difference being Crystal being a bit more descriptive of characters' actions. If you feel up to the task, it just might work.

All that said, I realize that none of this is my decision. It's yours, and hers. If you both end up agreeing that you no longer wish to continue on with this universe, then it's my responsibility to let go, as well.

Thank you so much. I hope you and Crystal are doing well. The days of multiple updates a week from the both of you while your stories intertwined are some of my fondest memories from this fandom.
By the way, I went looking for your website about a month ago and couldn't find it. I assume you took it down?
Love you both.

5602082 Great to hear from you! Hope you're doing well. We kind of made a mistake on the ole QnB Website. We let the domain lapse and lost. Not the end of the world but unfortunately that took the website with it. I don't think Crystal will get it back up and running but we do have all of the code around here somewhere.

Thanks for letting us know! I love the series that you guys made!

just a side question, for all the images that seem to be down in the chapters, is there a place to view all the works? I'd hate to miss out on some great artwork

Any update for this?

5602623 Good question. The art is still on our server but as far as putting it all together to be viewed that would be a Crystal item and I'm not sure she'd do it. If we get something together I'll let everyone know.

That's all I can ask, thank you

I wanted to type some deep, long, meaningful paragraph about how this story has effected my life. But honestly two words suffice.

Thank you.

Thank you and Crystal for all the hours I enjoyed spending on your stories. You've both managed to write a world of living, lovable, breathing characters.
I hope you'll both keep enjoying sharing your stories, in whatever format they might take.

I don't know if it has been asked - and just drowned in the comments. - But with QnB down, and you signing off from FimFic, where might one follow you elsewhere? :twilightsmile:

Still waiting on the proof to arrive. Once it is here and I know it is good to go I'll kick out invoices for everyone.

Wait, what? I'm not sure I understand. I was waiting on a link or something to be able to get the previous two books since your website went down.

Unless you're checking with a printer first before sending invoices before you actually have them printed?

Sorry, I have no idea how it works to get a book printed and just want clarification.

No worries. If you're looking for unsigned copies of the books you can get them here:

If you want signed copies specifically, send me a PM and we can work through that.

In totality, yes we still remember and love you and your work.

In 2018~ I discovered your work here, and it got me in love with the fandom and writing in general again. It's the whole reason I made this account, basically. Since then, I've re-read the trilogy and it's spinoffs once a year at least as an annual thing for my soul, haha.

You became my favorite writer overnight, and to this day I still love these stories. I'm absolutely jumping on the chance to get a signed version of book three, and I sincerely wish you well. Thank you for the work you've already done, and no matter where you go in life from here I deeply wish you all the best.

Sorry for the delay, was waiting to get paid. Thank you for doing this :)

You may want to put these links in the main blog, too, or make another one advertising it.

Great writer. All I have to say, and such tenacity. You have written so much, so many good stories and ideas are left as ‘incomplete’ started reading your stories in 2016, forgot where I was so I started over again. Love your work, will read anything you write.

Any idea when we should expect invoices?

Hello there! Today!

Thank you very kindly =D

I responded to the question in the email you sent. You can send me the invoice.

I'm glad that you guys are back!

haven't noticed the blog post before, but there is a printed version of Trials? need the third part to complete the Memories and Secrets i have at home

In all honesty and in full disclosure, we're actually not. This is basically the fond farewell. Finishing up the last book, getting it out there, and closing up the shop.

Just wondering, am I too late to get the trilogy in physical print? The links posted are 404.

Unfortunately, yes. Lulu deleted the QnB account for copyright infringement and at this time I have no way of printing books.

Do you think you could put it up on a new site? I really wanted to go and get the other two books after getting the third one!

Well, I'm sorry to hear that, and I apologize for hassling you after your big finish & 'retirement'. I hope to be one on the mailing list if you ever plan to republish it.

5634494 Yeah, they did this to iisaw, too, but it was only because someone who doesn't like him (for whatever reason) reported him to the site that he was publishing books with copyrighted content.

5634494 5634549 This is a good thought.
Just Google "self-publishing" websites.

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