• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 12th, 2022

Sarcastic Brony

Give me one reason Celestia isn't best pony. Pro tip: You can't

More Blog Posts29

  • 91 weeks
    The synopsis of "How many enemies have you made today?" and farewell.

    It’s been a wild ride, but I’m tired, and I think I deserve some rest. Before putting this part of my life in the past, I’ll deliver the final nail in the coffin. Below will be a few chapters and the synopsis of the final book “How many enemies have you made today?”. With that, the name Sarcastic Brony will die here. 

    The following chapter drafts:

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    77 comments · 5,903 views
  • 111 weeks
    I'm done for the time being.

    So, it's been months since my last update. I've worked on a few chapters for HME but yesterday something I've been dreading happened. I had to put my dog down of 17 years. This amount of time isn't common. Saying she was a dog or even family would be an understatement. We've been through a lot of things together. Though, the thing that angers me most is that it wasn't age that took her but

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    17 comments · 2,053 views
  • 128 weeks
    A holiday update.

    Hey there! It’s been a few months since my last blog post, and I thought today would be as good time as any to give an update on what’s been happening lately.

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    5 comments · 1,371 views
  • 139 weeks
    Another Siege montage? Yeah, I'm pretty good.

    My last montage for the time being. Still wondering about the anime stuff next. I've really been wanting to rant about this one anime, that I wholeheartedly believe is the worst anime ever made, but we'll see.

    4 comments · 361 views
  • 141 weeks
    HML ending now or soon? (Story Update)

    Story update time!

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    21 comments · 5,468 views

HML ending now or soon? (Story Update) · 4:02pm Sep 28th, 2021

Story update time!

It’s been some time since I’ve done this but let’s jump right into it! First! I’m working on the end of HML. I have a few rough drafts right now but I’m debating on whether I use them at all or just to mark the story as complete with the chapter you’ve all read. On one hand, I could round out a few edges but on another, it might come off more as pulling teeth. Obviously, this isn’t intended as the end of the story. 

As much as I wanted to make HML the final book, it doesn’t feel right to do that. This story alone has already experienced multiple high points. From Celestia admitting her love, RD and NMM. To continue from there in the same book just rubs me the wrong way. So! I’ll be falling to plan B, which is the epic conclusion “How many enemies have you made today?”

This has multiple benefits, as it did with the books before. Time skipping. A lot needs to happen to bring the final book about and without time jumps, it’s next to impossible. At this point, I kinda feel like I’m dragging the story along with Anon explaining stuff. Where a time skip could suffice for having him recall all these conversations without taking up as much time.

So, yeah. As of now, I’m considering my next move very carefully. I’ll be working on some test chapters to see how I overall feel about leaving things as they are now or to maybe set stuff up a little better for the final story. Oh, I’m also considering working on the final story until I complete it, then posting it, but I’m also on the fence about that. Either way! Thanks for checking out this update. Hope this gives some insight into how seriously I take this story. As always thanks for the support. 

Comments ( 21 )

My expectations were that this ends after the whole wedding thing, with maybe 1 more story to show the afterwards of him leasing Ponyville and maybe returning there to try amd make it better.

There's no guarantee the wedding will happen. The timeline is very loosely based on what happened in the show, but many events have changed it drastically. So how it ends is not centered around the wedding, at least based on all the story pieces as they stand now. While still early to say, ideally every story arc will end with the final book.

Looking forward to it! This series has been a joy to read through and I'm happy to have been here for it. Can't wait to see what will happen with Celestia, Luna, Anon, RD, and NMM. My hope is that the series ends with everyone happy, hopefully it isn't wishful thinking.

Whatever you choose I'm 100% down for it! I love this series SO much that it made me make a account here so that I can save it.

Will be looking forward to whatever you decide

I can't wait! Thanks for the update! I hope that all is going well!

I am looking forward to it! Thank you for creating and sharing.

As a fan of your work the only thing I can say to you is:
Finish your Opus Magnus as you dreamed it to be.
For I, and many other, will read it to the end.
Ps. But if you can add more books to express what you desire in your story,mod it with no fear.

(Insert 'Livin' on the Edge by Aerosmith' here)

That's how I'm feeling on my seat right now!
This story is so enjoyable that it brightens my day and night when I read it.
If you need more time, then I will surely wait for those treasures to arrive!
Thank you for all the hard, wonderful, joyous, and overwhelming work that you do for this story!!! (Bow)

Can't wait for next story

I just read through all of these stories in a matter of about 2 days, and I have cried, cheered, and many other things. Can't wait to see how it ends. I do hope Luna gets to be happy also

I've binged your series several times now, and I can only request moar.
It is the only logical choice of action. I maek me happe.

To be honest I loved this and I want to experience it's ending, I have to say something though: Rarity scares me to death, the way you portray her is as if she's planning something, she has all the signs of a crazy person, worst thing would be that she wants to harm anon, not because of any reason like helping Equestria,but because she wants to hurt him. I have the feeling that acting as if nothing happened with her friends and her sister is a dead giveaway that she's made her mind on doing something. I don't know how you're going to add the changelings into all of this mess but perhaps you could tackle the potential murderer Rarity early on as to have her turn a new leaf so the elements can fight the changelings like in the show.
But that's what I think, anyway I love your story and the way you tell it keep at it

Your writing has been phenomenal, I started the first book in the series, and am almost done with the third not being able to put them down. Made an account just to post how talented your writing is. It feels like I am being immersed into the world, and not to mention the character arcs are absolutely astonishing. I won't spoil the particular character arcs because I am not sure who has and hasn't read it yet

Hope you are doing well and not overexerting yourself.

The only thing I can say regarding the next book that I really hope it deals with a few problems the ending of the current one has. Like it's saying that NMM can't be wrong or isn't allowed to be suspect, when her past gives good reason to.

It's less about her being "wrong" or "suspect" and more about Anon not wanting to put his feelings aside for the sake of others, even if they're close friends. He knows Nightmare did something wrong, and while weary, he still believes she's not black and white evil. As she's not currently harming him or his friends, he wants to know the whole truth and make a choice on what he thinks about her.

Of course, we'll be diving deep into my lore for Nightmare Moon and Luna, how they came to be and what led to the events we saw in the show. Will everyone like my take on the subject? Of course not, but hopefully, seeing the bigger picture will put Nightmare's character into perspective.

Hey man, I hope to see one more story about this series, even if short just to wrap things up, but regardless of what you decide to do, you've made an impact on the community of Fimfiction for millennia to come my friend, this series has been one I read, and re read more times than I can count, and its damn hard to make me do that, so it speaks to the level of enjoyment and investment I have into the characters you've breathed life into, continue your ways, Wordsmith

Hey! I know you probably get told this a lot but this is an amazing story a friend of mine recommended it to me and while I was initially on the fence about it as I don’t usually care for romance/slice of life stories m I was pleasantly surprised. I love this story and every aspect of it, the emotional strife and growth of the characters are all so realistic!
Honestly I wish I could write emotions half as well as you can.
And sorry to bother you about it, but do you have a release date on “How many enemies” yet or is it still up in the air?

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