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Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker, Occasional Singer

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My Little Pony Movie News 09/18/2021 · 9:56pm Sep 18th, 2021

If they're trying to make anti-unicorn sexy... they're doing something right.

GOOD AFTERNOON, FIMFICTION FANATICS!!! This is the Dramamaster829; Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker, and Occasional Singer, keeping you up to date with the latest news for the Generation 5 Movie and beyond! So I was just making a slight return from the eye doctor earlier today, when I stumbled upon some startling news. Word of which that I, Dramamaster829, with upmost certainly can declare that this is a 'true' state of emergency. Some lunatic theater goer has filmed the entire showing of the movie in their country... AND LEAKED CLIPS ALL OVER THE INTERNET!!!

Insert *Laugh Track* Here...

Nah, I know that's not why you guys come to read my blogs. All joking aside, if the header itself did not give 'too much away', what we do have is yet another clip from the movie itself once more offering a slight preview of events to come prior to the feature. On my last blog, we went over the scene involving Sunny questioning Izzy over some random questions about unicorn culture (Shoutouts to Melody Song & Cody T. Brony for joining in the fun). But today, we are not only looking deeper into the 'fear' and 'paranoia' between the three races but we finally have some footage of one of the new characters of the movie we've lately haven't had much to work with. Which begs just one question: Do you remember when they announced a pony named... Phyllis?

Who's a good philodendron plant? Who's a good philodendron plant?

No, not 'that' Phyllis... the 'other' Phyllis...


That's right folks, today's blog is 'mainly' focused on Phyllis Cloverleaf (I kid you not, that's her name) and her contribution to the story soon to be released next week (Or at least, having a 'hoof' in the vendetta against unicorns and pegasi). And today, we have three clip dedicated to this moment in which we see anti-pony gadgets, wacky shenanigans, and 'possibly' a not-so-subtle hint for moments still to come which can all be seen right about... below this paragraph.

Going by this brief clip alone (And because there haven't been a ton of photos to find to support this blog), we at least get some idea as to what kind of character we can expect from Phyllis, played by the ever talented Elizabeth Perkins. As it turns out, Mrs. Cloverleaf is the founding pony behind the Maretime Bay company, Canterlogic, which apparently specializes safety with style for ponykind for about twenty moons. Which leads us back to Luna's calculation of 'moons', when we look back on her saying how the portal to the human realm initially doesn't open for another 30 moons, and to which Mr. Jayson Thiesson stipulated that the estimated time for ponykind is unit that has no human equivalent. But if we were to estimate the common fact that the moon takes around 27.3 days to revolve around the Earth (Not counting the fact it takes 29.5 to go through its phases) and if we were to estimate Equestria's planet like that of Earth itself, we can estimage that Canterlogic, the company known far in wide in Maretime Bay, has been in business for around 546 days in human years (590 with the moon's phases) which would imply the business has been around for at least a year and *Counts fingers* one, two, three, four... a couple months at least.

That's the laziest answer I have ever heard...

Gimme a break, I'm no Math Magician...

Somebody mentioned me?!

GET OUT OF HERE!!! *Clears throat* Now where was I... OH YEAH... Phyllis...

As we come to know about Phyllis Cloverleaf, she is 'literally' a HUGE pony of interest in Maretime Bay. A pony whose image is not that difficult to recognize and we can confirm how big her presence is based on the fact that her glasses take up a portion of an entire building, which we can confirm represents her company 'Canterlogic':

And we thought Tony Stark was less than subtle with his presence...

While a 'Tony Stark' Phyllis most certainly is not, we do know that ponies literally put this woman on such a big pedestal that they'll follow her philosphy of her 'unicorn and pegasi' stigma... To be scared... is to be prepared. Gee, I wonder where I heard 'that' before...

And when fish are scared, they school together.

Now I do understand why they are 'pushing' this propaganda even toward a younger audience. Fear itself has been a constant reaction to the unknown, to things we don't understand. That when new ideas and concepts suddenly pop up out of nowhere, how what was once deemed unwelcome in society and SUDDENLY become the new normal that's become a common practice in our way of living, it's no wonder why we seem to have this 'constant war' within humanity as a whole and thereby blinding us to the fact that we are more similar than we give ourselves credit for. And while I don't think this plot device offers 'really' anything new other than what we already know about how fear can be a major negative in how we view our fellow man and ultimately ourselves, what's interesting to note is how Phyllis is so determined to build up on 'Anti-Unicorns' and 'Anti-Pegasi' that she and her team have put together a few products to ensure the protection of her fellow Earth ponies...

But let's face it faithful readers, we all know what this is 'really' all about...


EXACTLY!!! Now, having a brief looksie at some of her latest 'Canterlogic' products... anti-mind reading hats...

Because this worked 'so well' last time...

Pega-parascope goggles... right, next thing you're going to tell me is that it's okay to text-and-drive because it's 'so important' to let your friend know you're on your way to her bachelor party. Right, moving on... the Earth Pony Balloon Escape Pack...

HEY! Pinkie called... she wants her gimmick back!!!

How much do I want to bet that the poor unfortunate soul's going to turn into a background character fans will talk about as one of those 'Look there's Derpy' moments. But I will say this about their product demonstrations, as overly exaggerated as they make them out to be, if I had to pick 'one' model who is rather pleasing to the eye... Sugar Moonlight's got my vote on which model I like best.


SHUT UP!!!!! *Clears throat* So what's possibly the foil in Phyllis' overall agenda of 'ensuring the safety of our customers'? Well, if it wasn't plainly obvious by now... that would be the ONE pony in town who wants to supports her father's vision of bringing Earth, Unicorns, and Pegasi back together again...


*Mutters* Not the picture I hoped to use, but I can work with it... *Clears throat* As we can plainly see by the latter portion of the video, things go wrong very fast... one of those 'wrong place, at the wrong time' moments. We see Sunny go to great efforts that the three races should come together, that 'Fear' is nobody's friend...

Wow... what a rude thing to say...

*Whispers* Sorry... *Aloud* But if she wasn't getting any attention from any pony in the room, her being an involuntary 'test subject' for some extremely dangerous Earth Pony defense systems is sure to do the trick. If the ponies weren't worried about filling that one pony's paperwork for a balloon project gone wrong (And eventually becoming the new 'Prince Achmed' by the movie's end), I for one feel so sorry for the town outcast and the humiliating display which could've been avoided... if Hitch wasn't the only pony aware of pulling the cord out of an outlet to shut down a machine.

C'mon... you know why they didn't.

I will give credit to Hitch on this case... as annoyed as he was with Sunny making a fool of herself in front of Maretime Bay (Probably not the first time this has happened), least he answered the gentlecolt's call of rescuing a damsel in distress. Add to the fact we at this point are given a 'less than subtle' foreshadow of Sunny Starscout being the 'next' Alicorn of Equestria, for her endearing passiong of restoring friendship and harmony amongst ponykind... unless you're that asshole who recorded the movie in their country and SPOILED its riches all over YouTube...

And you'd totally watch the spoilers anyway...

Overall, where this scene fails at subtlety involving a 'condescending' way to express 'hate' towards other ponies with their anti-gadgets and gizmos (Not to mention some foreshadowing of events still to come), I will give props to the fact that we are blessed with yet another taste of the hiliarty we are bound to witness once the movie eventually comes to air. A way of promoting the real-life struggles between our fellow man in terms of the themes of fear and paranoia taken to extreme measures, less we risk realizing that we are leading ourselves into that potential pit should we not remind ourselves that at the end of the day we're 'all' still human beings just fighting 'other' humans. Still, the way they portray this theme is admitably funny, there are definitely going to be a ton of memes to follow with these scenes, seeing the slight connection between Sunny and Hitch during that rather quick rescue scene, and on top of it all, some actual footage that grants us an idea of Phyllis' character. With what we've seen of her as of late, does this mean she's the big villain of the movie? Or is she merely just another misguided pony driven and consumed by greed and commercialism to draw customers to buy her products irregardless of the situation?

I mean in terms of 'antagonists' who are mostly just foils and not seeking world domination, it's definitely going down betwen the pony whose 'clearly' not a plant... OR... we're still leaning toward 'this' guy?

'This guy'?!?! I'll have you know that I've obtained several high honors...

Yeah, but... for medicine. On a serious note, I really want to thank our license medical specialists and everything they've done to promote awareness and safety for those struggling during these trouble medical procedures in the past year and beyond...

You still have to pay a few thousand if you want to proceed with LASIK sir...

*Pause* Worth a shot...

But now, the bigger question remains: What do YOU think? Be sure to leave a comment below at your earliest convenience.

And as a little extra fun activity for all my adoring fans (Especially to those I've mentioned beforehand): If you were considering purchasing one of those promoted products, if not for anti-means but to find more 'convenient' uses, which would you prefer to buy? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Until next time faithful readers, this is the Dramamaster829... *Turns to the side* What the fuck's this plant doing on my desk? *Pushes it in the trash*


*Eyes widen, faces the screen awkwardly* Oops...

Comments ( 25 )

Better hope Starlight doesn’t pulverize you after that

I'd go with balloons (I didn't watch the clip, I no like the spoils, but I got the gist). You can feel like you're flying! And surprise your friends by hovering over them and going "boo"

Like I say to all my fans... until the day I get angry fans discovering my house and come knocking on my door, I'm untouchable.

Oh yes, balloon riding is certainly loads of fun are they not? And yet, I still have yet to check off 'Hot Air Balloon Rides' off my bucket-list. But I have seen them on display that one time.

I have to say

Didn’t expect them to make that G4 reference

If that was intended

Either that was 'intentional'... or extremely 'convenient' at the time. But then, I wouldn't be surprised if the team behind this movie were such big fans of G4 that they casually slip in a reference as part of some MLP Bingo game.

There are series and films that makes references to other known things

That’s a common thing

I just realized that RENT made a reference to Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice’s Evita

Oh wow... I actually missed that one during a viewing. I'll definitely need to rewatch that scene just to see.

Go to the song Today 4 U

Look out for the lyrics that mentions Evita

Today 4 U...

OH YEAH! When Angel mentioned the 'dog'...

So that was what it was referencing! See, I had no idea...

I checked on genius lyrics and it confirmed it it seems:rainbowlaugh:

Not to mention in La Vie Boheme it mentions people like Sondheim or Angelou

Oh wow... that 'is' something. And to think I thought they were paying homage to the Italian opera that inspired this Broadway show and its movie.

There are still references to the original opera

Such as Roger meeting Mimi for example

Benny collecting rent

Or Maureen splitting ties with Mark (tho in the opera Joanne was a male)

Yep... there are a few of those nods.

It’s loosely based so it doesn’t make that many references

But you still get the point

Absolutely. A few nods to the show yet the company makes their own liberties with the story. The Broadway company anyway.

I believe even the musical Cats has Rum Tum Tugger as a ladies man but also pays homage to Mick Jagger

That Phyllis character just pulled a Monsters Inc.

In a way, I can definitely see where you are coming from with such choice of words. Next thing you know, Phyllis would be the type of mare to kidnap a thousand unicorn and Pegasus children before allowing them to make contact with the Earth pony race.

Well at least it's not a "voodoo woman named phyllis."

Also, Thanks for the Shoutout! You shouldn't have:twilightblush:.

Oh yes... a good thing. That would've been just as bad.

From what ive seen so far, I think the three side antagonists are Phyllis, AlphaBittle, and Queen Haven for having trouble believing things can change, the MAIN antagonist i think is Sprout with him being an Earth Pony, he would want to stop the team from fixing things so Earth Ponies wont be belittled by Pegasi and Unicorn's magic, without magic their all the same, what do think Drama? Big Shoutout to you and loving the info blogs! XD

In a wy, it's easy to see why the first three names you bring up fill up the antagonistic roles. Perhaps not so much because they want to lead their species as superior amongst all the ponies, but they stand as foils to the protagonists mainly due to the fact they have a tough time believing their views can change after an unknown period of time of fear, paranoia, and blaming each other for whatever problems caused the divide in the first place.

Now 'Sprout' on the other hand... I can imagine why fans also think he's the antagonist. I don't quite know what the difference is between a Deputy and a Sheriff but it seems to me Sprout wants to be the pony in charge, that if things were done his way then the Earth ponies could take immediate action to ensure the other races don't try to usurp their position. All he'd need is a scapegoat, a reason to take advantage of all the fear amongst the Earth ponies and use any of the materials available to see his plan through. Even if the case is not to prevent Sunny from fixing Equestria back to before, he wants to take full advantage of the attitude set upon themselves so ponies will follow his lead.

And don't worry, there will be plenty of blogs still to come.

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