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23 KM To Nerdiness

You know I'm super fly...🪰 | 23 | Straight/Black/Nerd 🐢 | Ask For Ko-Fi | Twitter

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Be Honest #4: CHAPTER 3 - Open Paws · 5:07pm Sep 14th, 2021

For those who care sticking around, here's the third chapter of Kyle & Lucy.

Once again, for any newbies, I'll take all the feedback I can get. If there's a better way to get a certain point across, let me know, share what you think should be improved.


You know those moments where, deep down, you have that feeling someone's watching over you? That warm sense that you're never truly alone, a sense that'll stick with you? I had one of those feelings when I woke up the next morning.

*insert image of Lucy innocently hovering over Kyle*

But not in the way that you think.

"You look so peaceful when you're asleep." the demon giggled, propping her head up with her claws.

That didn't sound creepy at all.

"Morning." I signed, sliding out from under the covers to stretch.

"Sleep well? Any good nightmares? I had one, my horns were cut and I was hanging with some strange fish guy thing. He was cool though."

"BREAKFAST!" we heard Gram bark from downstairs.

"Come, Kyle," Lucy cheered, giving me a couple shoves. "Look alive!"

The idea of me "looking alive" is rather debatable.

*insert image of a groggy Kyle looking lifeless*

Passing on breakfast is a crime against the universe, so I collected my hoodie and flopped about toward the stairs as Lucy floated around trying to keep me on my paws. Try to keep in mind that I was completely drained there.

*insert image of Lucy floating, happily carrying a frumpy Kyle downstairs in her arms*

"Morning, you two," Gram hummed, waving us over in the kitchen. "I took the time to whip up some hot melted iron and a side of copper pastries for you, Lucy."

"Yes!" Lucy squeed, dropping me on my face and skipping to the nearest bar stool.

Slumping off the floor, I made it up to the seat beside her, resting my head on the counter. I could tell from the small pile of Eating With Eggish cookbooks that Gram was doing a little experimenting with her meals. I may not be a metal eater, but chocolate copper crullers sounded super tasty.

"Juice?" Gram offered me.

I held a paw out, lazily clawing at the air. Yanking a thick wire from a cabinet below the sink, she clamped the thing to my ear, giving the floor an alerting stomp. A low whirring sound ringed from the basement as a surge of electricity spread throughout my body, perking me up within seconds.

Gram unhooked me. "Good?"

I gave a thumbs up, putting on my hoodie.

"Interesting." Lucy pondered, sipping her hot iron.

"Mmhmm," the pug chuckled, patting my head. "Young cub here is one in a million, aren't you?"


"Kyle, honey, put it back. Those are for Lucy."

I frowned, spitting a copper cruller back onto the counter. The leftover berry straws in the fruit bowl were good enough for me.

"Hey, why don't you show our guest around today, hmm?"

"Ooh, that would be fun!" Lucy hollered, shaking and twisting in her seat.

"Yes, ma'am." I finished slurping the last straw.

Literally pulling myself together, Gram pulled at my sleeve as I slid off the stool, handing me a pouch of coins. "Try not to...run into any trouble, you here?"

"No sweat, Grammy," Lucy flashed a shiny black ball. "I have all the answers with this treasure. Oh, mighty ball of eights, will there be any trouble today?"

I looked over the toy as she gave it a quick shake. The floating piece inside popped up. 30-Day Free Trial Expired, it read.

"Hmph," the demon grunted, tossing the ball in the trash bin at the end of the counter. "I never trusted 8-balls anyways. Let's just go!"

Pocketing the remaining crullers, the silly girl bounced toward the staircase, begging me to hurry on. I clipped the money pouch to my pants and caught up to her at the lobby.

"Have fun!" I heard Gram as we stepped out into the streets.

The mornings on our street always started out pretty calm and quiet, usually kicking into gear after the goats finished gnawing down the neighborhood's dewy lawns. I appreciated her enthusiasm, but to say Lucy's first impression was a rocky start would be an understatement. The whole stroll through town, her presence turned almost everyone's day upside down; she scared the leaves off of Burk, nearly choked poor Ahana with a leftover coal cake, and I think, amongst all the alarm, I became a monkey's uncle.

*insert image of a baby monkey clinging to Kyle*

I tell you, I haven't seen such chaos around town since Milton stated an unpopular opinion at Geek Fest. It was ugly.

Lucy pretty much accomplished what she said she was sent here to do, but she seemed more confused than pleased, almost hurt. I kept us moving as we eventually wandered into the stone-tiled marketplace of Prairie Plaza, earning the same shocked gazes or frantic scrambling as expected.

All the ripe, juicy produce bundled around the place in woven wicker and oak barrels enchanted my peculiar companion. At every stand, she'd gasp and point at everything like a toddler at a toy store. I had to stay cool passing the cucumber booth. I don't know why, but something about those things just kept me feeling super uncomfortable.

Soon, we arrived near the heart of the plaza by the wide marble fountain when something caught Lucy's eye.

"Ooh, perfect," she skipped toward a rustic stand surrounded by breakfast items. "I need to brush up on my cereal killing, and I'm so sick of eating Kicks."

Before I could react, Lucy was already taking handfuls of cornflakes from a hefty barrel and stuffing her face with a delighted giggle. It was safe to say the girl's appetite was monstrous, to say the least. As I got down to sweep up her mess, a hollow THUNK shook the stand.

Out from under the wooden counter rose a burly brown cow in a frilly green gown, Bo, shakily waving a flimsy spoon our way.

*insert bio image of Bo*

"Keep on, and you'll get the spoon, ya wee devil!" she snorted, pinching the tool between her dark meaty hooves.

"Even better!" Lucy peered up, swiping the spoon and resuming her killing spree of flaked goods.

I grabbed Bo's attention, wrapping my tail around the munching creature's waist.

"Kyle, lad," she paced her breathing. "You're with this child?"

I nodded.

"I'm Lucy," the demon muffled. "Mmm, I love that little snap after every bite. Like each flake has a teeny weeny spine."

Bo's frightened look eased into one of curiosity as Lucy sweetly wiped her crumb-covered lips. "Well...if you're cool with her, then I don't see a reason to make a fuss. Do any o' me stocks have any use?"

"It's delicious!"

"Why, thank you. Um, care for anything to drink with that? Got milk, orango juice, apple—"

"Unsweet tea?!" Lucy gulped, staring lovingly at the clear labeled drink dispenser behind the cow. "Yes, please!"

Served the near tasteless beverage, she clutched her cup, warming the drink between her palms to a boiling temperature before sipping. There, Bo erupted into a hearty laugh. "You never stop bringing the surprises, kitten," she gave the girl a friendly shoulder tap. "She's an interesting creature, this one."

"Aww, you're a fine cut of beef yourself, Bo!" Lucy hummed.

"Many thanks?"

"Mmm, you have to try this, Kyle."

I caught the cup in reflex as she handed it over and bounced the scalding glass off my sizzling paws, slinging it away. The cup flipped into a pyramid of fish tanks at a stand across from Bo's, water flooding out of the cracked panels and spilling a small school of frisky piranha on the ground.

"Classic Kyle." the cow chuckled, crossing her hooves.

"Sorry!" I signed.

"Ooh, I'll name you Percival," Lucy cooed, scooping the flopping fish up one by one. "You'll be Painkiller, you'll be Paingiver, and you'll be li'l Precious. Who's a bunch of cute little flesh eaters? You are! Yes, you are!"

Her rather odd display of affection did grab a good chunk of the plaza's attention. Now was a good time for me to set a reminder to everyone. I tossed a few coins on Bo's counter and guided Lucy over to a bronze plaque in the center of the plaza.

As the ancient founder of this place, Rose "Three-Toe" Sloth said it best:

In Rosewatch, we stand, tall and small. With open paws, we welcome all.

Call it cheesy, call it hammy, call it corny. Call it cheese-filled ham with a side order of corn if you want to pretend to be funny. Nothing is more awesome than acceptance, and that's exactly what Rosewatch was all about.

At that moment, it appeared to have clicked to everyone else as the running and screaming finally cooled down. Some still looked unsure with all this demon business and went on about their day, but at least no one came running at us with pitchforks, I figured. Everything was chill again. Well, as chill as you can be when your new arrival is a spirit of evil that just wants to give you hugs.

I did feel a little bad that our old neighbor, Mr. Goatenheimer, couldn't cash in on the opportunity though.

*insert image of a grumpy goat by a fully stocked mob supplies stand*

Report 23 KM To Nerdiness · 298 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

I swear, you should write a novel

Such a fun story! I've really enjoyed reading what you've posted thus far. Keep up the good work!

I finally got a chance to read this and love it!!! Can't wait for the next chapter.

Paced nice and still full of personality. I'm loving the unique speech style that pops up too. Ball of eights and Type of stereo, it's fun and adorable.

Pacing is fantastic, and the personality of the story and characters, great. this story is fun, I love it.

Just as expected, the part in which Kyle shows Lucy around town!

And it was rather hilarious, with more quirky and fascinating characters being introuced, whose interactions were quite sweet as well!

As others said as well, the pacing is fantastic too. :twistnerd:

Lucy is adorable and such a fun character, the chapter here is just good fun!

"Come, Kyle," Lucy cheered, giving me a couple shoves. "Look alive!"

The idea of me "looking alive" is rather debatable.

*insert image of a groggy Kyle looking lifeless*

I choked on my coffee at this :rainbowlaugh:

I had to stay cool passing the cucumber booth. I don't know why, but something about those things just kept me feeling super uncomfortable.

Gotta love the little details like this, there are plenty of details similar that really add life to who and how Kyle is and I really adore it. Breathing simple life into the story and adding just as much personality, I still love this story so far!

Character game is so strong. Not to mention story is whimsical as heck considering there's no overarching story yet, but I'm content with more fun slice of life stuff.

Yeah, I'm worried of turning others off from the lack of story here so far. Just hope it's charming enough.

I really think it is charming enough. Sometimes it's really nice to hear a funny cute story.

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