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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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Quick Weekend Update · 8:24pm Jul 10th, 2021

Hey folks! I know, I know, you haven’t heard much from me lately. This week saw a Being a Better Writer post on Saturday, and that was it until now. But … I’ve had good reason.

Starforge is in the last five percent. Yes. It’s that close. So I’ve been just a little occupied. There’s a chance that maybe even next week it might be done. I’d be pumping out a lot of words a day, but there’s still a chance.

Speaking of words, the draft is now over 450,000. Definitely Jungle size. Again, this is pre-polish before editing, so there’s a chance things might shift and change, but right now it’s a bit of a titan. A titan that’s kind of consuming my every waking thought because, well, ending!

However, it’s not the only thing I’ve got a bit of news on. Weekends I usually don’t write on primary projects, working on smaller things or side jobs (plus taking a bit of time to myself for things like laundry, house cleaning, etc). This weekend? Finishing off formatting for the paperback edition of Shadow of an Empire!

Yup! It’s done following several hours of work today. Well, save the cover, which is the next step. Cover’s made, you all know (and glorious, as those of you with the 4K wallpaper can attest) but needs to be positioned, have the spine and back text put together, etc. All stuff I did for Axtara, so at least it won’t be quite such a trial and error step by step this time. In fact, I put together a good start at it already, and so the project is in motion.

Get that done next Saturday, and I can order the proof. After which … Well, sales can go live. So yeah, looking at end of this month, or maybe August perhaps? Rest assured, you’ll know as soon as it’s up for pre-order/sale. And that day is close!

I’ll share some more details as things develop. For now, have a good weekend all!

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