• Member Since 20th Sep, 2012
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"What is better...to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" -Paarthurnax, Elder Scrolls: Skyrim

More Blog Posts41

  • 59 weeks
    A Small Update

    Just a small little post here to assure people that I'm not dead.

    I haven't been able to write anything for shit lately in far too long, but as the situation drags on, I'm starting to understand why it's so hard for me to just...sit down and write some.

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  • 161 weeks
    Small Rant.

    Nothing to do with EWM at this time, sorry. Though I have officially begun writing it. Not far in yet though. Be patient.

    Anyways, I'm...kind of here to rant a little about something.

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    11 comments · 861 views
  • 169 weeks
    LONG OVERDUE EWM NEWS!!! (plz read till the end)

    Hey, everyone. Been a while, hasn't it? Especially concerning any news whatsoever on pretty much...any story of mine, really.

    The pandemic has been hard for us all, especially for me. I have virtually no energy for writing anymore because of how depressing everything is and how isolated and imprisoned I always feel because of how stupid people are about taking the disease seriously.

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  • 203 weeks
    More Loss

    I've lost yet another beloved pet. I thought I would have more time with Betsy. Much more time. But her health very suddenly deteriorated, and within three days she died in my lap.

    Why have I had to deal with so much death? I don't know. But I made this video to pay tribute to every family member I've lost over these past three years as a way to allow myself to grieve.

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    7 comments · 453 views
  • 203 weeks
    More Loss

    I've lost yet another beloved pet. I thought I would have more time with Betsy. Much more time. But her health very suddenly deteriorated, and within three days she died in my lap.

    Why have I had to deal with so much death? I don't know. But I made this video to pay tribute to every family member I've lost over these past three years as a way to allow myself to grieve.

    0 comments · 314 views

Small Rant. · 3:21am May 1st, 2021

Nothing to do with EWM at this time, sorry. Though I have officially begun writing it. Not far in yet though. Be patient.

Anyways, I'm...kind of here to rant a little about something.

Am I the only one who is extremely creeped out by the popularity of non-con, parental/sibling incest, and underage sex that seems to always show up in the front page recommended? Like, why would you recommend this stuff? Most of it is morally wrong, but underage sex is illegal even to write.

Like, I know I have my fetishes, and to someone who doesn't know me, they might even see it as weird or even a little creepy. But one of my biggest concerns is consent. I will never do something to someone they don't want. And it disturbs me that non-con has become so popular here that it's even been given its own tag...like the site has legitimized this disgusting behavior.

I guess a part of me is also just...tired of seeing all the M-rated sex fics. Like, as a sex-repulsed, asexual male, that stuff is just not for me.

Don't mind me, I just wanted to vent about a longstanding pet peeve a little.

Comments ( 11 )

you're not alone
i've kinda given up caring tho
funny thing tho, you ever notice how most of that dreck is also anthro?

You're not alone, why it exists, I have no idea.

I hear ya, AJ Big Mac shipping, :pinkiesick: No sweat about the update, just glad to hear from you, hit a lull in my own fic myself. I intend to frequent this site until it isn't available anymore or I die, whichever comes first. Fimfiction is one of the few things I have to look forward anymore.

Hey, personal opinion, do you think G5 will over shadow G4 like everyone claims?

Completely agree, I've just chosen to ignore it and move on, because lord knows if anyone voices any comment of dissent they'll be quashed like no tomorrow.

I've accepted that there are definitely good and bad sides to the fandom, I just try my best to ignore the blegh and move on, since it seems like the most prudent thing to do these days.

Wait, what? I only ever get to stories from either feed updates or from the "similar to this story" list, so I wouldn't have noticed. You'd be surprised how many types of tales can be found from just a handful of starting stories!

For the record, the underage stuff isn't anthro, because as Siravant said that'd be literally illegal.

i was talking about the incest and noncon

It really creeps me out. Non-con just.... it's just disgusting. I don't care if it's good writing, as long as it's portrayed as a good or desirable thing in stories, that's a huge yikes from me.
I can see how it might be used in a story maybe, i.e if a character is assaulted and that ends up being a huge thing in their life. Like, if they then have to learn to deal with their trauma and heal after something like that. But never for just a fun, sexy story that's supposed to be read and enjoyed and it's portrayed as a good thing.
Consent is key, kids.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

Exactly. There's a more common term for non-con. It's called rape.

Featured Box is and always will be filled with coomer stories. If you want the non-coomer version, turn off Mature. Not much to be done outside of that. I don't know if it's possible to blacklist tags; it'd be neat if that were a feature, though.

TL;DR - Sex sells, and if you don't like it you don't have to read it. Turning off Mature in the settings will solve the issue neatly and spare your delicate constitution anything problematic.

It seems that Underage is not illegal if it's fiction character or ponies, (I for one, sorry to say, like some Underage +18 fics) because if you check archiveofourown or even some groups around here, you will see that is not that strange to see it. The best thing you can do is like they say, put the mature content off, or suggest for the choice to blacklist tags if you don't like it. And while yes, there are some things that people don't like, I guess is the 'popularity'... The same thing that make a model wearing a dress made with a trash bag 'fashion'

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