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Interview with BananaChips · 1:28am Apr 23rd, 2021

Interview Rp Format
Nailah as Snow Heart
BananaChips as MoonRaker

Snow Heart

Snow Heart groaned as she stood up from the spot she had been sitting. The grass surrounded her on every side. Most didn't venture into the everfree Forest, it was rumored to be dangerous or something, but Snow Heart never let rumors scare her. She was looking for her little sister. She had disappeared. Snow Heart was a blue bat alicorn with a pure snow white mane and tail, with a cutie mark of a heart inside of a snowflake on her flank. It was late at night, the owl was whooing in the distance, Snow's bat ears perked as she thought she heard a slight shrill of a voice, and headed in that direction, hoping against all odds, she wasn't too late

From out of the trees, a hippogriff flutters down and lands gracefully next to her. His coat is a deep azure, and a seafoam-green mane sprouts from his neck "I thought I saw someone out here."

Snow Heart

Snow Heart's nose scrunched as she heard a pair of feathers fluttering down from the trees. She backed up, preparing a defensive stance just in case of an attack "Um... Hi. I don't suppose they looked like a white pegusus with blue mane and tail did they?" she asked inquistively*


The hippogriff shakes his head. "No, I can't say that I have, sorry. No need to be so nervous."

Snow Heart

"Oh, right. Sorry." Snow Heart eased her bat wings against her sides. "It's just well, this forest is known for well all sorts of crazy things. I certainly wasn't expecting to find some creature out here, so late at night. Speaking of that. Who are you, and what got you into mlp?"


"My name is Moonraker. I was in my freshman year of college in 2011, and one of my friends introduced me to a website called Reddit. I spent a lot of time there, and I noticed there was a lot of commotion around a new My Little Pony show, specifically the premier of its second season. I watched a couple episodes just to see what all the fuss was about, and rest is history as you might say."

Snow Heart

"Ah, I see. Interesting. I got into it myself because of a rainbow colored mare, but I'm pretty sure everyone has heard that story by now." Snow Heart replied, realizing she was being rude to her guest. "Oh, I'm Snow Heart by the way, it's a pleasure to meet you. Sorry about being a bit spooked. So... um what are you doing in a forest in the middle of the night?"


"Just going for an evening flight. I like to stretch my wings every once in awhile. I just moved here from the coast, and everyone says the forest is dangerous, but I've never had a problem with it."

Snow Heart

"Yeah, this place is honestly pretty tame to some of the places I've been. I as looking for my little sister. She ran off after we had a fight, and I'm worried she might not come back." Snow Heart sighed heavily, ears drooping slightly. "I miss her so much. I only wish I had seen the signs sooner. But, ahem. What about you? What inspires you to write?"


"Since I was young, whenever I found a universe that I really really liked, such as from a book or movie, I would imagine myself inserted into that universe and having all kinds of adventures with the characters. I also liked to come up with universes for myself, especially the worldbuilding aspect of it. So in essence I like coming up with worlds for characters to play around in, and writing is a good way to scratch that itch."

Snow Heart

"That's very interesting. Though I wasn't always into writing fanfiction myself. I wrote a book long before I knew what ponies were. But anyways, I'm curious, what advice might you give to a new author, one just starting out for the first time?"


"My advice would be to read. A lot. And don't worry about writing bad stories, because as with any skill, practice helps you get better. I've looked back on some of the earlier things I've written, even posted publicly, and cringed so hard I almost fell out of my chair. Even if you write something and just end up deleting it later, you've still had that practice.

Snow Heart

"That's good advice that a lot of writers often ignore in their excitement to post what they think is their Magnum Opus." Snow Heart replied. She scratched the back of her head. "So, um... Do you like Princess's?" she asked nervously. It was pretty obvious even in the dark, that she was a bat alicorn, but so far, this hippagriff hadn't said anything about it, but Snow Heart was self conscious of her title, and what it usually meant. It usually meant that ponies treated her differently, but all she ever wanted... was to be normal*


"I suppose so. I didn't grow up in Equestria, so I haven't had much exposure to their princesses. I wasn't going to ask, but since you brought it up I can't say that I've ever seen a pony with a horn and...bat wings before."

Snow Heart

"You could say, I'm one of a kind. Hehehe." Snow Heart wanted to direct the attention away from herself and thought of another question.* "So, um what do you like to do for fun, when you aren't writing?"


"I mostly play video games...some might say too much. There are other hobbies I'd like to get into, like machining or working on cars, but since I live in an apartment that's not really feasible right now."

Snow Heart

"Oh, neat!" Snow Heart replied. Thinking of cars reminded her of the raptor incident, and she shivered even though there was no breeze flowing in the forest thanks to the canopy of the trees surrounding them.*
"Tell me friend... is there anything about the writer you'd like to tell us? You know, the one behind the hippagriff?"


"I would say that he's pretty solitary most of the time, and takes a long time to get familiar with any new community and feel like he's not just an invader of some kind. He also wants people to read his stories and give honest feedback, but he doesn't like self-promotion and tooting his own horn, so to speak. He also thinks it's really weird talking in the third person like this."

Snow Heart

"No worries, you're fine." Snow Heart replied putting a hoof on his shoulder. "These "interviews" can be pretty weird at times. I've been in all sorts of situations you might not even expect. But I won't keep you much longer. I just wanted to ask, is there anything you'd like to ask me?"


"What topic, if I got you started on, could you enthusiastically talk about for hours?"

Snow Heart

Snow Heart tensed up and muttered something under her breath "Ropes." She coughed. "I mean books! You heard nothing." Snow Heart blushed deeply, backing away ever so slightly. Damn it, why had she said that out loud?


Moonraker blinked slowly "RIght...books."

Snow Heart

Snow Heart's face was flushed pink now, as she tried to breathe, but ended up panting like a dog after a long run. She caught her breath after a few minutes and finally managed to speak.
"So...um, is there anything else you'd like to say to my um fans?" asked Snow Heart pointing to her stalkers*


"Uh...I'd like to say that I'm not good at public speaking." With a single flap of his wings, Moonraker lifts off and disappears into the night sky.

Link to BananaChip's Fimfiction Profile Page: BananaChips

Comments ( 1 )

Snow Heart is always adorable in these rps

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