• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
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I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.

More Blog Posts1235

  • Saturday
    Episode Re-Review: Friendship University

    Season 8 returned to the airwaves around August, like always, but the first episode to greet viewers was the absolute disaster that was "A Matter of Principals", in which Discord became the latest character to be completely ruined. And the worst part was he got off scot free for his actions. Things seemed to be better with "The Hearth's Warming Club", which finally let the student/young six hold

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  • Friday
    Happy Birthday, Daniel Ingram

    Today is Daniel Ingram's birthday. He is the talented composer who gave us the many wonderful songs across FiM's nine seasons, including timeless classics such as "Winter Wrap Up", "Smile Smile Smile", "This Day Aria", "The Pony I Wanna Be", "You're in My Head Like a Catchy Song", and "The Magic of Friendship Grows".

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  • 1 week
    Special Re-Review: Equestria Girls: Rollercoaster of Friendship

    Season 8's mid season hiatus couldn't have come at a worser time for it, right on the heels of really bad episodes "Marks for Effort" and "The Mean Six", which were so low quality you have to wonder how they didn't get flagged for obvious writing mistakes or plot holes, and just further seemed to make the School of Friendship look like a bad idea that should not have been greenlit. So many people

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  • 2 weeks
    Episode Re-Review: The Mean Six

    First and foremost, I want to briefly mention that my account for paid commisssions is up and running. It's CSPB2024. If you could all help spread the word about it, that would be appreciated. Now it's on to the episode proper, though I do briefly want to touch on the controversy surrounding the rumor about A.I. voices for "Make Your Mark" and "Tell Your Tale" that were recently debunked. It's

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  • 2 weeks
    Commissions Account is Up

    I have now established a separate account specifically for any paid commissions or requests. It is FiMFiction user CSPB2024, and contains a link to my Paypal account. Head over to there to find out the rules.

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Episode Re-Review: The Cutie Map a.k.a Cutie Markless Parts 1 and 2 · 4:08pm Apr 18th, 2021

An unexpected development occurred after "Rainbow Rocks" came and went in theaters with better fandom reception, but not much else to its name. Hasbro and Discovery Family parted ways over The Hub, owing to the fact that the network had never lived up to the potential either company had wanted even in the era of cord cutting. So Hasbro gave up its stake in the network and control reverted back to Discovery Family, throwing everything into question. Although re-runs still continued on Discovery Family, many of Hasbro's shows faced an uncertain future and there was talk of potentially shifting to another network. Hasbro even frequently almost let the Netflix license for the show expire only to keep extending the deadline. Finally, it seemed Hasbro gave up on trying to shop their biggest success story to other networks and settled on letting Discovery Family air it. Meanwhile, information about Season 5 was slow to creep out. But at long last we had this two parter premiere that was written by Scott Sonneborn and the returning M. A. Larson (who was also serving as story editor for a number of episodes in the first half), though Meghan McCarthy was credited with the story. Considering what this two parter ended up leading to, has its reputation taken a nosedive or is it still good on its own merits? Well, let's find out.

Part 1 begins with what's basically a recap of "Twilight's Kingdom". At the time it seemed like this was taking place right after it, but now that we know the Equestria Girls films are canon that means "Rainbow Rocks" has to have taken place and therefore it's been quite a while. Rainbow Dash's annoyance at this recap thus makes more sense. But Twilight convinces all her friends to sit down in their respective thrones anyway, and when they do so they trigger a giant table map of Equestria. Spike can't resist playing Godzilla with it.

Then the map shows the cutie marks of the mane six hovering over a mysterious village, which Twilight decides is a sign of trouble. Fluttershy is initially hesitant to go with the others, but decides to tag along after Spike mentions a weekend with Big Macintosh involving hoofball. In the "Bronies React" video for this premiere, M. A. Larson made a comment about the original draft involving a changeling war re-enactment. I have no idea if he was being sincere or if he was just joking. Anyway, it's funny to think that from what was likely just a last minute explanation for Spike's absence would end up leading to what could best be described as the guys night trio.

So the mane six take a train out to this mysterious village (which we'll never get a proper name for) and Pinkie Pie points out how the smiles are not natural, she knows because she knows smiles. But even she still goes into the village anyway as everypony there seems to be welcoming, though strangely all don't have their cutie marks. We're introduced to Double Diamond and Party Favor, who upon learning Twilight is an alicorn and a princess opt to take her to the village leader: Starlight Glimmer. And a lot of people joked about how she looked like Aria Blaze if Aria were a pony. However, Starlight is nowhere near as grumpy as Aria. In fact, much to Rainbow Dash's annoyance she doesn't seem to be any kind of monster even though she thought a monster was behind everything (probably sensing a pattern). Starlight isn't surprised when she learns about her village popping up on a map, and offers to lead a tour of the village as we get the song "Our Town". Daniel Ingram willingly admitted it's based off of World War II propaganda films and songs.

Rainbow laughs at the idea of giving up cutie marks, but Fluttershy says they shouldn't be judging the villagers for the decision they made on their own. Interestingly, during the song we got the line "You can't have a nightmare if you never dream." which may explain why this village has never caught the attention of Princess Luna. Twilight doesn't suspect anything when Starlight says that no one who's come to the village has ever wanted to leave. Then Starlight leaves and talks to herself about how if Twilight gives up her cutie mark it will advance her (Starlight's) cause. It isn't long before the mane six discover the village is far from cheerful and void of conflict, Double Diamond in particular serves as Starlight's eyes and ears.

We meet Sugar Belle (hard to believe she would become Big Macintosh's wife) who whispers to the mane six to come inside and see her. They decide to use her muffins as an excuse by having Pinkie Pie eat them all after she orders a dozen, only to find out the muffins are really bad. Still, Pinkie takes one for the team and the mane six go inside to talk to Sugar Belle in privacy. Oddly enough, we briefly see Pinkie all pudgy and green faced before she inexplicably returns to normal. There's not even a vomit discretion shot where they cut away before she can throw up.

In the basement of her bakery, Sugar Belle re-introduces the mane six to Party Favor and we also meet Night Glider (who is never named on-screen for some reason). It turns out that all three adore the mane six's cutie marks and long to have theirs back. But Starlight Glimmer took their cutie marks away with a powerful artifact called the Staff of Sameness, replacing them with equal signs. However, the cutie marks are stored away in a vault in a cave. The next day, the mane six go to see the cave and Starlight mentions that the Staff of Sameness is one of nine enchanted items made by the ancient sorceress Mage Meadowbrook. Odd how this would never be explained once Meadowbrook was established to be an earth pony instead of a unicorn. But then again, we'd later learn that Starlight inquired from Maud about a stone that could store magic, so maybe something similar to that is in play here.

Pinkie Pie then accidentally lets slip about why she and her friends came up to the vault in the first place, and Starlight decides to take away their cutie marks so they can no longer influence the villagers. Twilight does try to fight back, but even she is overpowered and stripped of her cutie mark as part 1 ends.

After the "Previously On" segment, Part 2 opens with the mane six in a hut where Starlight's propaganda is everywhere. And we see that the equal sign she's imposed on them is able to prohibit their special talents and anything related to them. It even limits their personalities, preventing Applejack from making "countryisms" and forcing Pinkie Pie to act glum. There's also a joke from Fluttershy about how "Even tweets don't make sense anymore." However, Twilight concludes that there's a way to escape. Have one of them pretend to have changed so as to gain Starlight's trust, then steal back the cutie marks. And everyone settles on Fluttershy because she was the one who kept saying how nice the village is. Some might complain about using her, and under different circumstances Fluttershy probably would be the weakest choice. But in this particular instance Fluttershy is the only one who could believably sell a defection.

Of course, Fluttershy has be to reminded to do so after the rest of the mane six shoot down the idea of joining Starlight's community. However, Starlight demands that as proof of her dedication, Fluttershy rat out the ones who told her about the vault. Fortunately, Party Favor takes the fall and joins the rest of the mane six as he honestly believes Fluttershy has accepted Starlight's ways. Twilight, however, sees a chance to use him to break Starlight's hold on the village by showing how strong they are in adversity. Meanwhile, Starlight shows just how smart she is by having new converts stay with her until their cottage is built. Then, that night, Fluttershy sneaks up through the chimney and sets out for the cave. This time, her hesitation rewards her when she finds Double Diamond bringing the mane six's cutie marks in jars to Starlight's cottage. And as Fluttershy watches, she discovers that Starlight's equal sign is painted on and she hasn't actually given up her cutie mark after all.

We never see Fluttershy convey this directly to the others but she must've done so somehow, because the next day she makes it look like Twilight wants to join too (after Party Favor defects back to Starlight) and Twilight asks if it would be okay if she just lived in the village with her cutie mark even while she abides by the teachings. Starlight says no, but Fluttershy throws a bucket of water at her to expose her. It doesn't wash off the cutie mark but Double Diamond rubs it off without thinking and Starlight is finally exposed. The villagers naturally become outraged and Starlight insists that it's the outsiders who are the trouble makers, promptly shutting up Twilight when she's about to give one of her friendship speeches.

The villagers don't buy it, however. They insist that Starlight has to give up her cutie mark too and Starlight claims that she had to keep hers in order to take others away since the staff was in fact just a random piece of wood. Then she flees back to her hut while the villagers storm the vault to get their cutie marks back. Fluttershy then tells her friends that their cutie marks are still with Starlight, and Starlight is prepared to flee with the cutie marks in tow as punishment for the mane six upending her plans. Because the mane six still have the equal signs they're forced to rely on Double Diamond, Party Favor, Sugar Belle and Night Glider now that they've regained their cutie marks. But what makes this work is that Twilight points out how they inspired the four to stand up to Starlight and fight back, so now the villagers are helping them. Starlight, however, does everything she can to keep the equal four and the mane six from catching her. Even pulling a "You shall not pass" and destroying a bridge.

Fortunately, the equal four's talents come into play to keep the chase alive. And an air drop from Night Glider allows Double Diamond to bury Starlight alive in a mini-avalanche, breaking her hold on the cutie marks and allowing the mane six to get theirs back. Interestingly, Applejack makes a comment about snake herders and ranch houses.

But Starlight emerges from the snow and tries to attack the equal four, only for Twilight to throw up a barrier and easily shut Starlight down. Starlight is furious that anyone could surpass her, which Twilight counters by saying that it's her friends that have given her so much power. Starlight insists that's a lie and then casts a blinding flash as she runs off into a series of caves.

Rather than chase after Starlight, Twilight decides to leave her alone to have time to think. But she doesn't install any kind of warning system or urge any of the villagers to keep a look out. Heck, she never goes on to pass word to the other princesses just in case Starlight might surface again. The mane six then return to the village as we get an oddly out of place Wilhelm Scream during a celebration, right as the mane six's cutie marks glow to signify that their mission is complete. Pinkie Pie, however, says that it doesn't have to be an ending even though it feels like one.

And that's the story, so what do I think of the two parter? Well, even putting aside the fact that it was the first major pony content in over half a year due to the longest hiatus of the show's history, I think it's pretty good. Rather than follow the usual two parter formula of putting emphasis on Twilight and shunting the other mane six (and Spike) to the side, this time we have a group mission for the entire mane six. If anything, Fluttershy ends up being the most vital to the mission's success given that she discovers Starlight Glimmer's secret and concots the plan to expose her for the fraud she is. The others all get to play their part too, helping to win over the villagers by showing through example how friendships can thrive despite differences and disagreements, countering Starlight's influence and shutting down a counter argument. Yes, this is very much your typical equalist movement/cult following plot. But whereas most plots either depict such cults as delusional or their leaders as powerless the moment they're exposed as shams, this one wisely shows that even a dethroned leader can still be quite dangerous. Starlight is not in fact defeated, she becomes the first villain to get away. And for here at least, she demonstrates a remarkable degree of genre saviness. She leaves nothing to chance, makes sure to exhert as much control as possible and is careful not to openly reveal her intentions. At the time, no one knew what was going to happen to her. And even putting aside what we now know ultimately becomes her fate, she was a good villain because she proved to be the threat no one saw coming (and not in a painfully obvious way like Cozy Glow). Spike's absence is at least explained even if it does feel last minute, but at the same time I don't know what exactly he could've done since he didn't have a cutie mark. So both parts still get an A+.

But now comes what may have been intended to be the season premiere for Season 5 in the form of "Castle, Sweet Castle", and oh boy is it going to be a mess.

Comments ( 7 )

Strangely enough, Starlight stripping ponies off their cutie marks is a lot more creepy than Amon from Legend of Korra taking people's bending away.

This is easily one of the best premieres.

Actually, Spike being immune to Starlight's "Sameness Spell" might have been SOME help in that he would still have his full range of abilities (such as they were at the time) rather than getting forcibly nerfed like the Mane Six were (no Cutie Mark to mess with and dragons supposedly have at least some degree of resistance to pony magic). At the very least, he could have helped Twilight and the others escape and MIGHT have, from being around Twilight as many years as he had, helped them figure out Starlight's line of baloney about Mage Meadowbrook a bit faster. He could have also served as proof that "you don't need to be a pony to be considered an equal", "just because you have different abilities doesn't mean you're not friends" and friendships can extend past the species barrier.

Plus, he could have gotten a message to Celestia and Luna the INSTANT he smelled a proverbial rat. And, of course, Celestia and Luna could have a legion of guards there in a matter of hours (AT THE MOST) to shut down Starlight's cult, even if that would have been treating it like a police/military matter instead of a friendship problem.

The villagers naturally become outraged and Starlight insists that it's the outsiders who are the trouble makers, promptly shutting up Twilight when she's about to give one of her friendship speeches.

I wouldn't be surprised if that moment came from Scott Sonneborn's side of the writing, as it feels very similar to the "No time for a song" joke from Somepony to Watch Over Me.

5500739 I think that might be because Starlight taking away ponies cutie marks means taking away their individuality, especially when we see that those equal signs can block special abilities and personalities. Amon could never do that even after it was established that he was actually doing was a type of blood bending, though for benders I imagine losing your bending would be a lot like losing your identity.

5500769 Maybe so, if Spike had clued in to what was going on. Which, considering even though Twilight knew something was off about the town, she wasn't expecting Starlight to have the power to take away cutie marks, it's unlikely Spike would've realized in time what was going on. And Starlight would've most certainly tried to take him prisoner as well, interrogating him for information.

5500767 Second best for me, and if I'm being honest it and "Princess Twilight Sparkle" are pretty interchangeable for both best premiere and best two parter.

I always figured that Earth Ponies, their natural aptitutde for nature aside, non-Unicorns could channel magic, their own innate or otherwise, thorugh a foci

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