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Jake The Army Guy

Be excellent to each other, and PARTY ON, DUDES! ~ Abraham Lincoln

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The (In)Complete List of Furry Waifus/Husbandos By Decade! · 4:00am Apr 9th, 2021

Howdy, folks! First and foremost, as always, Adorable Applejack:

Warning: The follow blog contains overwhelming amounts cringe. Just... all the cringe. Save yourself and click away.

Now then...

Being the internet savvy degenerates cartoon fans that y'all are, I'm sure that you seen this meme before, or at least one similar to it:

It's pretty funny, and like the best memes, it holds a kernel of truth. Ask any furry and they'll tell you that their thousand mile journey to degeneracy began with a single step. That step was usually one or more particular characters from their childhood that they latched on to. This could happen for a multitude of reasons, and not all of them sexual in nature. Maybe they're from your very early years, and the character was just very pretty, or they had some maternal/paternal vibes that made you pay closer attention. Maybe they're from your preteen years, and you saw a character that was just so cool or had some virtue that you admired. Or, being honest, maybe they're from your early teens when you saw that one character who looked just right to make you go from, "Eww, gross" to "Oh, murr" in about five seconds flat.

Whatever the reason was, your attention/admiration/attraction to this character(s) likely led to you wanting to see more of them, or more characters like them. From there, you fell down the rabbit hole—given the context, I probably should have found a better phrase than that—that eventually led you to a vast fandom, good friends, talented artists, great movies and shows, and the EU's flavor code for monosodium glutamate.

Memes like the one above highlight what most people think of when they think of the infamous term "furry bait" for those decades, and to a point, they're right. However... they're not the only ones. So I thought it would be fun/indulgently cringy to issue a more complete list. Notice the title says Incomplete. That's because there will always be some random character that changed someone's life. One person may find a certain character trait or design very appealing, while someone else finds it repulsive. This is more of a broad spectrum list built by asking some friends and my own opinions. Another thing you may note from the title is that these memes always leave one particular thing out: husbandos! I mean hey, straight women and gay or bi boys had awakenings of our own! It's the current year!!!

I'm setting a few rules for myself. For starters, no more than two characters per property. In a setting like Beastars where every character is a furry, we could just list them all, so I'm boiling it down to two. Also, I'm only going back to the 70's, because from what I know, that's when the very earliest versions of what would become the "furry fandom" began to coalesce. I mean, I could go back hundreds of years and list kitsune from Japan, or thousands of years to Anubis. Shit, some cave paintings got pretty raunchy! It seems like we've always wanted to fuck animal people...

One final note: you may notice that several of the characters aren't really "furries" in the traditional sense. They're just talking animals, not anthro animals. This may set off all sorts of alarm bells, but I maintain that personality can be a very attractive thing. Hell, if you gave him enough charisma and charm, fucking Sludge could have been a worthwhile character! But he wasn't, so fuck Sludge, and fuck Father Knows Beast.

Alright, enough preamble. Let's make with the Waifus! Again, really could have phrased that better...

"I am not a furry. AAAARRRRROOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Maid Marian (Robin Hood)

Robin Hood (Robin Hood)

Miss Bianca (The Rescuers)

"Mister Gorbachev... don't lewd this mouse!"

Mrs. Brisby (The Secret of NIMH)

Gadget Hackwrench (Chip 'n Dale's Rescue Rangers)

Dodger (Oliver and Company)

Magica de Spell (Ducktales)

Lion-o (Thundercats)

Cheetara (Thundercats)

I just want to chime in here about something interesting I learned while building this list. I'm putting it here because I didn't want a giant wall of text before the pics. While I was thinking up characters, I had a hard time thinking of less famous furries. You can probably see a few decades are less populated than others. So I went to e621 and checked their tags page to see which characters had the most tagged images. Apparently, the top ten most tagged characters on the entire site, not in order, are "Generic Fan Character," Judy Hopps, Nick Wilde... and then the Mane Six and Celestia. Huh. Another thing I found interesting is that in the just under five years since Zootopia came out, Judy Hopps has amassed over 25K pics. Whereas Bugs Bunny, who has been around for 83 years... only has about nine hundred.My theory is that he and most Looney Tunes characters are just so tied to happy childhood memories that people don't want to lewd them. Even degenerates have limits

"I did not have sexual relations with that chipmunk, Ms. Acorn."

Lola Bunny (Space Jam)


Sawyer (Cats Don't Dance)

Goliath (Gargoyles)

Sally Acorn (Sonic SAT AM)

Chance "T-Bone" Furlong (SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron)

Nala (The Lion King)

Roxanne (A Goofy Movie)

Fox McCloud (Star Fox)

"Can we have waifus? Yes, We Can!"

Krystal (Star Fox Adventures

Master Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)

Carmelita Fox (Sly Cooper and the Thievius Racoonus)

Sly Cooper (Sly Cooper and the Thevius Racoonus)

"We are gonna make waifus great again!"

Judy Hopps (Zootopia)


Nick Wilde (Zootopia)

Isabelle (Animal Crossing)

Retsuko (Aggretsuko)

Haida (Aggretsuko)

Loona (Helluva Boss)

Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)

Legoshi (Beastars)

Louis (Beastars)

Did I miss anyone? If you're sad pathetic brave enough, list your first furry crush/interest below. Never forget that I fucking love you all. Til next time stay safe, stay free, and stay metal! Jake The Army Guy out!

Comments ( 23 )

... Whelp... I only have one response to this.

You'll never learn my childhood crushes! NEVER!!!... Well okay, maybe if you ask really nice.

Of course:

Some of us are so old, when you're talking about the movies (Mrs. Brisby), I'm talking about the books (Mrs. Frisby). And especially when it comes to Miss Bianca. I mean, Garth Williams's illustrations for the original books by Margery Sharp?

I date my downfall from there. :pinkiehappy:


Currently rewatching Rescue Rangers. Frankly, I like Gadget because she's the most emotionally mature out of all the characters.

I’m literally just a fan of ponies from multiple generations of MLP and now I’m surrounded by furries. I don’t think the characters are attractive. :raritydespair:

Same, but I'm still fascinated by the glimpse through another person's eyes. I never would've expected Goliath of all characters to be on this list.

Huh, so I guess there are few more non-furries left on the site then. Neato.

I'm outright ace and still look at porn for probably insane reasons. Also make dirty jokes and cite the premise of observational humor as an excuse. (To bring this back on topic, a titmouse is something entirely different from the images above)


I'm outright ace

Bruh, same.

You know, in hindsight, I probably should’ve noticed I wasn’t into girls much earlier in life after always wanting to watch Gargoyles for Goliath.

Honestly? I don't even remember when or how I became a furfag furry connoisseur of anthropomorphic animals. I don't think my fall ascension had anything to do with attraction, but rather with a desire to become something else. I think that old CSI episode was the first real exposure to it, which is quite a coinky of a dink. But that was after I'd found religion, so I was already a weirdo at that point. I mean, if they're gonna burn me at the stake anyway, might as well make the judge work for it. Commit one sin, go to Hell, commit a thousand, go down there as a legend, and all that jazz.

As for what or who I wanted to be... that's personal. Suffice it to say my activities in the furry hypnosis side of the Internet did not end on a high note. But that's an old story by now.

Also: a good number of people will cite Dust: an Elysian Tail on the same level as Star Fox, actually. It's in a somewhat 'Don Bluth Does Manga' kind of art style, highly recommended for the gameplay. And Fidget. Fidget is cool.

I'll even bring the nails. Ave, true to Caesar.

Wait, The Rescuers was based on a book?! Huh, Today I found out.

Not to mention the most intelligible.

One of us, one of us...

I never really watched it growing up, but a buddy told me Goliath's imposing presence and morals really made an impression on him. Plus, Keith David could narrate the phone book and make people moist.

Another girl I know tells me she has zero interest in the sticky side of the fandom, but she remembers being a very little girl and having a huge crush on Robin Hood.

You mean you weren't tipped off by loving to watch a show about a muscled dude who only wears a loincloth? :pinkiecrazy:

Heh, yeah. Being a Christian and a furry makes me think that when I die, I'll get to the pearly gates and Jesus will say, "Dude... what the fuck? Go... go sit in the corner and think about what you did! Not like that!!"

Heh, yeah. Being a Christian and a furry makes me think that when I die, I'll get to the pearly gates and Jesus will say, "Dude... what the fuck? Go... go sit in the corner and think about what you did! Not like that!!"

Funny story, but if it isn't specifically disallowed He still has to let you through. There's no other possible way to interpret how comically specific Leviticus and the Commandments get but as a comprehensive body of law. (This is not my craziest opinion on the Christian God)


1. Think you tagged Wise Cracker instead of me. :rainbowwild:

2. I could have a long theological argument about the Levitical laws, but this ain't the time nor place.

It was a response to both of you, more or less. You just weren't tagged because you already get a notification from the fact it's your blog.


One of us, one of us...

Considering how nothing I've had as a hobby has turned me into a furry yet in two decades, I think it's safe to say I'm immune. Not to mention, anthro as a concept is a little too uncanny for my tastes, and it just so happens furries built their subculture in the Uncanny Valley and stayed there.

Margery Sharp's Miss Bianca books:

For me are the absolute gold standard when it comes to talking animal fiction. Sharp had been writing light but thoughtful romance novels for 30 years before she wrote The Rescuers in 1959, and she said herself that she never meant it as a children's book. She wrote another six Miss Bianca adventures during the 1960s, then wrote two more after the Disney movie came out. Fine stuff.


Nails...? What the heck do you think this is?! We can't afford nails! No no no, we just take a bunch of scrap iron and weld you to a bunch of steel crossbars! Ave, true to Caesar!

And Jesus is proooobably gonna have his hands full when we all get up to those Gates... I just plan to stand on the sidelines and wait... Quietly. Very. Very quietly.

Ahah! You have fallen right into my trap! I said I found religion, but never specified which religion!

In all seriousness, though, I'm a chaoist, not a Christian. And a poor chaoist at that, since I can't seem to stop myself from reminding people like I'm some sort of preacher. My fellow chaos mages probably wouldn't be able to stand me... which is par for the course in chaos magic circles, funnily enough. We tend to be solitary practitioners because we can't agree on anything. Get a second opinion on that, though, some may want to argue that point.

But yeah: chaos, not Christ. The phrase "I'm going to Hell in every religion" is more a little more literal in my case than it is for the average Joe.


something something why so serious


Hail Discordia, MRLP for Parliament.

Cthulhu for President, because why settle for the lesser evil?

What, no mention of Minerva Mink, from Animaniacs?

The cartoon character who literally had to have her cleavage airbrushed out of some of her appearances, because the artists drew her too horny?


Didn't think about it that way, but can't really object. Guy like that shows interest in me, I'm hoping on

what about this? anyone remember these? took a bit to track down


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