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My Little Pony Movie News 02/26/2021 · 3:57pm Feb 26th, 2021

Who are you mystery mare?

GOOD MORNING, FIMFICTION FANATICS!!! This is the Dramamaster829; Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker and Occasional Singer keeping you up to date with the latest news for the Generation 5 movie and beyond! As I was pondering over all the news related to the MLP movie the other day, I realized some additional input had been brought up to my attention that would've made for good use on my previous blog. Soon as I heard, naturally I handled this as maturely as you can expect of me...


*Pause* Yeah... *Massages forehead* Anyway, in light of this recent development with additional film news, I've decided a new blog post is in order. Hence at this time, we will use this page as a means to discuss some of the more additional news I managed to muster today. Oh, and before anyone asks: No, I do not know anything about this mare reference in the picture above me... PLEASE don't even ask me why her wings are a different color than her frame... *Grabs stack of mail* Seriously, these are cluttering up my computer! *Throws stack aside ('MY LEG!!!')* Anyways... where do we start... oh yeah!

What do you know? Equestria has Elevators now... or did they always have them and I simply wasn't paying attention?

So from left to right, specifically in the middle, we are introduced once again to Izzy the Unicorn and Sunny the Earth Pony. I am pleased to inform at this time of their 'full names' as revealed from several observant fans: Izzy Moonbow and Sunny Starscout (I mean it's not as fun as Izabella 'Izzy' Bethabelle, but I can live with it). First off, we can tell just from this picture alone that Izzy is the 'silly' one of the duo, possibly the comic relief of our story in this generation of MLP. Now in light of why fans are commenting on her being the 'slayer of tennis balls' as indicated in the picture, I do believe I have a light theory as to why it is. Given that Mrs. Moonbow is a unicorn who happened to stroll into her friend's home in Maretime Bay and given the scenario of how the landscape is so divided compared to Gen 4, it is under the circumstances that Unicorns are not exactly welcome in a land made just for Earth ponies. I wouldn't be surprised if the tennis ball was placed on her horn because the Earth ponies don't take lightly to magical shenanigans in their parts (Suffice to say, Izzy seems to be having fun with it).

We next put light on our lead protagonist in the movie, Mr. Starscout, who to this day I still swear is likely a descendant of Scootaloo just without the wings. Well, guess we know for sure Sunny's not doing any flying much either...


Sorry... sorry... too soon for jokes. *Clears throat* Since we know for certain that Twilight Sparkle is not likely to make an appearance in this movie, if what Tara Strong said is of 'anything' worth taking seriously, it is safe to assume at this point that Sunny Starscout is likely our 'Twilight Sparkle' of Gen5 (Hopefully we don't get any 'Sunny-Nanas' from her). If for certain that Sunny is the character who believes strongly in a world where magic was most prominent, when friendship and harmony was what made Equestria peaceful and wonderful, it's likely she's followed all the stories of the past and once to encourage her hometown... but something tells me it's not going very well. Course, before we start jumping to conclusions that Sunny Starscout is eventually going to be the new Princess of Equestria, we need to bear in mind that at this point it's mainly about restoring Equestria back to whatever glory it was before. If anything, all she wants to prove is that even an initially insignificant Earth pony with crazy dreams can accomplish anything so long as faith is her guide.

As for the two guards in the portrait... they're just the guards. *Pause* That's pretty much it. Seriously, the royal guards in any MLP related feature are nothing but a bunch of...

You want to finish that sentence, boy...

*Eyes widen* Uh... moving on... As it turns out, another additional character has been announced to join the 'mane' cast for this upcoming feature:

I just don't know whether I'm going to like this guy... or if I'm going to find him annoying.

As of right now, we don't have much to go on with this stallion not even a name. Though if I can make a guess on anything about this character, appearance wise we can see what resembles a sheriff's badge which means he either wants to be into law enforcement or his father runs the sheriff's department and he wants to be like him. Based on the short little video released yesterday (Which you can find on Equestria Daily), apparently he and Sunny know each other remotely well. So either they have a sister-brother like friendship or perhaps there's bound to be a potential romantic plot device where he acts smooth and cool around Sunny but is afraid to admit his real feelings. Though based on the use of his dancing in that same video, we can see he appears to be a bit of a showboat thereby indicating a personality that may bear a resemblance to a certain 'rainbow-maned' protagonist from ages ago. Whether he goes with the girls on this faraway journey or not remains ill-determined at this time, but what I am hoping for with this guy is that I have a reason to like him.

Overall, depending on the success of this movie upon it's release on Netflix, we must also make note that this movie is not the only scheduled release for Gen5. As it turns out, a television series run for 'Gen5' will be released worldwide on Netflix. Now we don't know if this series will be released at the same time as the movie (As unlikely as that may be) or if it will take a few months or so following the release of said feature, if the fans can get excited based on the film's introduction to our new characters then hopefully it draws just enough of a crowd to inspire fans to watch this show. Too bad for those fans who either don't have a Netflix account or willing to pay for one, to those fans I'll just say you're likely going to have to wait till it eventually makes its television run or if they eventually release the material on Blu-ray (Considering they are already planning some merchandising on this upcoming series). Course, whether the television series will follow the same 3D animation as indicated in the movie or if the series run is what ends up with the same flash animation format as 'FIM', we hope to learn more about this turn of events in due time.

But the bigger question remains: What do YOU think?

Be sure to leave a comment below at your earliest convenience.

Until then faithful readers and viewers, this is the Dramamaster829... signing off!

Everyone voting for Izzy Moonbow for 'Best Pony' say 'Aye!'.

Comments ( 33 )


Wait...please tell me that that pegasus pony is not what they meant by "World's cutest flying Pomeranian" because while I won't disagree she's adorable, I don't think any pegasus would take kindly to being called a dog...except maybe Fluttershy

It's difficult at this time to say whether there is any connection between the Pegasus mare and the aforementioned 'Pomeranian'. I've got several theories as to what that may be:

It could that there was a spell that went wrong and for a brief time the Pomeranian was transformed into a Pegasus which either has the ability to talk like the ponies... or still maintains some of its canine instincts. That would explain why the wings don't match the body, as it could mean the Pomeranian's original body was that shade of color and the wings were a bonus. Or for all we know it could be the other way around. And unless that's not the case, maybe the Pomeranian is this pony's royal pet.

And judging by the crown upon her forehead, she must be royalty.

True...or it's just like, a headband

Slight correction: the guards are pegasi. Given your aforementioned royalty theory, perhaps this screenshot is close to the scene where we're introduced to the unnamed pegasus?

Maybe the Pomeranian's an aviator who's descended from the Diamond Dogs?

That, or it's a new magical creature that's literally just a dog with wings. (Personally, I'd prefer the former.)

Hmm... sounds plausible. A few more studies when additional news comes up ought to do it.

Yeah, fair

She does definitely look like she could be royalty, but then again, so did Rarity, especially in that dress she wore to the Grand Galloping Gala

Well... by jove… I do believe you are right!

Now how did I not see that before?

I wonder why...

It's possible, if not 'probable', that if the unnamed Pegasus is somehow related to these Pegasus guards (Either they serve her or they are just escorting Sunny and Izzy through town) its likely the guards are taking the two to the rulers of their land. And if this unnamed Pegasus, in any relation, is in likelihood a daughter who is fascinated by a unicorn and an Earth pony traveling together she must likely be one of those types who want to see the world and explore but her parents forbid it... like I never heard 'that' before.

As for the Pomeranian... I'm just hoping it's not the villain, not that it wouldn't be a big surprise but still...

What I'm really worried about is how will they be leading the story.

I've heard some rumors that they will be putting the storyline events based on today's modern problems, and the possibility of this show being too 'woke', biased, and propaganda pushy-ish just makes me want to be ready to press the X button to close the tab.

I'm here for the storyline, the world, and the character development. And personally speaking, I prefur the 2D style to the 3D style, but I still don't mind because it doesnt look bad and since it's a new generation, I was expecting it.

I just hope the tv-series would show the same spark and bring valuable lessons like it did with Gen 4.

Wasn't she just divine? I remember when there was that new fan drawing of the new Rarity with a white coat and a crown when Gen5 was declared, she looked like she was the new Queen of Equestria or something. But who knows? If it's not likely this Pegasus is a princess, perhaps they are like Greeks who often wear those headbands as a form of a fashion sense or something.


And if she is modeled after Greek mythology that would be cool


I understand your concerns surrounding the feature (Even though it's not even out yet). For almost an entire year since this epidemic kicked off, all we've been hearing today is all the modern-day headaches like bias propagandas, fear, paranoia, and everything I mentioned the film was talking about in yesterday's blog. I get it... I truly do. And before you say something, you're not the only one who's worried because I'd like a movie to distract us from our sorrows myself.

Not to say the storyline, the lore, and its characters cannot still be good. We've seen some movies that have taken use of modern day issues yet still made them entertaining for the characters to solve. As for the animation, they say the artwork of the cast was inspired by a longtime fan of the show and just to use that base for the characters has got to be a huge honor (Provided he gets some animation credit in the credits). And while it's not 'Pixar' quality persay, there is some nice detail especially with the manes so at least it's safe to say it's not like those films where the animation is bad (Because otherwise that Animat guy would hark HARD on how bad it is).

As for the T.V. series, as long as it's entertaining enough and doesn't rely too much on either too much pop culture references or toilet humor... like that trashy 'TTG' junk... I'm pretty sure the show itself will do just fine. And if we must have 'pop culture' references, at least we can be 'subtle' about it.

The designs honestly look better in 3D then 2D.

Yeah, your right. It didn't even come out yet amd here I am, already worried.
Maybe having a little faith will be good.
Who knows, maybe it could be one of the best shows no one was expecting!


The designs honestly look better then 3D then 2D.

*Pause* So... do you like the designs in 3D? Or the designs in 2D?

I'm sure a ton of us are worried about this movie. There are simply better ways to handle it. We can analyze the movie based on the details, we can make predictions, and as long as we're being creative we've got nothing to worry about.

Right now, we just need to worry that the movie does well before we even think about the television run. For all we know they could come out separately.

Oops. I meant to say “better IN 3D then 2D.”

Ah... *Nods head* Now that makes perfect sense.

*Examines the pictures* Yeah, they do look good in 3D don't they? Like I said, not Pixar quality but I don't think we'll have too many issues on animation when the movie does come out. At least, I hope we don't. Fans will nitpick over anything.

To be fair the episode hearth's warming eve did the whole people divided thing before raya and the last Dragon did it


How the heck did I forget that episode?

Though that also begs the question if it truly did take inspiration from that episode? And if it's set in Equestria's past... just without Windegos.

Seems like it and this world seems to use technology a lot more then g4 not to say g4 didn't had technology but it wasn't really the focus

All and all, this is a much more modern Equestria this much I've noticed.

Comment posted by Crazycartoons5488 deleted Feb 27th, 2021


The animation looks really crisp and adorable.

The summary seems interesting too, very curious of this now and a bit excited.

That crisp impression the moment you look at the quality of the animation gives off this vibe the studio behind the movie is keen focus on the detail. And I will admit the expressions the characters make are stirring. I'm curious because I feel there is slightly more to the story than even the summary is giving away at the moment. While most of it does feel like a story I've heard many times before, the key with any movie that uses these plots is finding a way to take something familiar and make it new again. Who knows? This could be that one movie this year that surprises me.

I'm not expecting it to be granted a nomination at the Oscars for 'Best Animated Film', but if it stirs people into believing it 'should'... I think we may be standing on a gold mine.

Offscreen: Way to overdo it, buddy.

Lol, as long as it's cute and entertaining I'm sold.

Well then, let's keep those fingers crossed and hope it's got that entertainment vibe we're looking for.

Comment posted by Dragon Turtle deleted Feb 27th, 2021

I keep finding all the fan art of the designs to be more appealing than how they’re rendered in the engine. I think it feels really strange when simpler, cartoonish designs get rendered into an engine designed for incredibly high poly count, when they don’t have the textures or surface detail to go with them. Compare what we’ve seen with the 2012 TMNT series. That wasn’t a show relying on high resolution, it relied on the stylism.

Sir... are you speaking as if you actually worked for an animation studio? Or have you simply spent a whole life time studying the field of how animation looks and how it's meant to appeal to a demographic audience? Or maybe animation is just one of those hobbies you're hopping will make you some spending money?

You seem so invested in the animation promise... please, speak up.

"Please speak up?" That feels like a really weird thing to ask. Am I not speaking up already? I don't get what you're asking.

I haven't worked for an animation studio, or done any animating by my lonesome. I've just been engrossed by animation since I was a tiny kid, and paying really close attention to all my movies, cartoons and videogames. And I've observed even more thanks to being able to follow and interact with the private artists an animators on DeviantArt, YouTube and Tumblr.

Biased for izzy much? Boy you sure made alot of enemies in this blog hehe. But in all seriousness im rather curious about that book sunnys got. Could it be twilights old friendship journal, her book of memories from the coronation, or maybe even chronicles of equestrias past!

I'm used to making enemies... it separates those who only desire to give me trouble from those who 'earned' my respect and companionship. And as for the whole Izzy's popularity ordeal. You should've seen how well she did on the poll on Equestria Daily.

As for Sunny's book, it could be anything. For all we know, the book itself may be related to Princess Twilight Sparkle who used to keep all her letters concerning her friendship lessons and maybe that book inspired Sunny to believe that friendship will eventually return. That book may contain memories of a bygone age as indicated from FIM's series finale. Perhaps the book may hold a key to solving the mystery as to 'why' magic vanished in Equestria and 'why' the ponies stopped being friends.

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