• Member Since 25th Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Sunlight Rays

Love is Love, Pride is Pride, People is People. Be who you are, for there are no wrong answers in who you want to be. 21 yo trans girl, bi/poly.

More Blog Posts109

  • 50 weeks
    The Colors We Paint: the Thought Process Behind Writing "The Colors We Wish For"

    Hello, Sunlight Rays here, and I’m here with another Writing Of blog post. It’s been a hot minute since the last time I did this; I didn’t do this for… More than two years. Jeez. But I feel the need to write a blog post accompanying this new story of mine. As in, I have to write this. Because this is the most personal story I’ve written since End of the Line, and The

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    0 comments · 109 views
  • 147 weeks
    It never gets easier...

    Hey guys, Sunlight Rays here, and I'm back with another blog.

    It might as well be the last blog post I make in a very long while.

    It's... well, this ain't easy no matter how many times I do it. It never gets easier. I don't think it ever will. But it has to be done, doesn't it? So I'll do it. It's going to be painful, but I'll still do it.

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    10 comments · 344 views
  • 149 weeks
    August Report: Lots of Things to Come

    Hey guys, Sunlight Rays here, and I'm back for a brief update on how things are going.

    The last blog was a bit of a vent, and I apologize if I made anyone uncomfortable with it. I assure you I'm feeling better. Not substantially, but at least by a bit.

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  • 151 weeks
    Status Report: Sick of Myself

    Sunlight Rays here, with another blog post.

    As you can most likely tell from the title, I am not doing so well. I don't lie with the titles I make, after all.

    Recent events have had me think about myself: about the things I've done, both to others and myself, and their consequences, about how I've constantly failed others' and my own expectations.

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    2 comments · 238 views
  • 153 weeks
    April ~ June Wrap Up: Three In One Package

    Alright, it's been a very, very long time since the last time I did anything like this. It was for a good reason, too, as we all know. (wink wink)

    But all in all, since I restarted writing back in April, let's start counting the words from there, shall we?

    April 24th: 1035
    25th: 1
    26th: 302
    27th: 20
    28th: 90
    29th: 178
    30th: 187
    May 1st: 0
    2nd: 584
    3rd: 126
    4th: 3
    5th: 0

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    0 comments · 179 views

Writing of: Built From What Is Shattered · 6:23am Jan 29th, 2021

Hey guys, SunlightRays here, and I'm back with another "Writing of" blog entry!

This time, I'll be talking about the first story I had the pleasure of writing for someone else. Yup, that's right! Today's fic will be my Jinglemas story, Built From What Is Shattered.

EBuilt From What Is Shattered
Through broken snowballs, Starlight builds something magical.
Sunlight Rays · 6.3k words  ·  18  1 · 282 views

The process of writing this story was quite the stressful yet delightful one, so let's get right into it!

Receiving the Request

So, Jinglemas 2020. A way to give a delightful present to people who spent the miserable year fighting against the plague in their own ways. So I signed up for the event, and this is the PM I got from Petrichord:

Hello! I'm Petrichord, co-administrator of the Jinglemas group. Flutterpriest and I would like to thank you for joining us for Jinglemas 2020!

This year, your assigned Fimfic User is: BronyWriter

They've requested a story that has: Tempest Shadow and Starlight Glimmer

Their special notes are: No romance, nothing sexual, no EQG

Thank you!!! Let me know if you have any questions.

So. Turns out I had gotten BronyWriter. No pressure at all right there. Nope.

Okay, I lied. Truth be told, I panicked. Hard. BronyWriter was one of the most famous writers on Fimfiction, and I, a person who had barely 85 followers at the time, was supposed to write a story for him. But hey, I had to do something, right? I couldn't just sit there and not write anything.

So I came up with an idea and began writing... only to shoot it down a few days later.

Perception of the Idea

Now, Starlight and Tempest are quite interesting characters. They're different at first glance, yet they have a lot more in common than what one might think.

Originally I tried to go with a dialogue-heavy story where Tempest Shadow was still being shunned by the Ponyville citizens before meeting Starlight. But then I realized that it wasn't an idea that was going to go anywhere, nor was I satisfied with how the 1k-word long test draft turned out to be. So I promptly erased the entire thing and went back to brainstorming.

Then I came up with the idea of having a village-wide event of sorts. At first the idea was to have the event be a snowpony-building contest (Do you wanna build a snowmare~?) but then I decided that a snowball fight would work better.

After that, it was chaos. At that point in time, I had less than a week left to finish writing the story. Normally I would try to recount the exact process I went through while writing the draft, but for this story, my memory has become so mixed up on how I even got to that point. Hell, I was writing and editing the draft until 15 minutes before my deadline arrived.

But I managed it. Somehow. Please don't ask me how because I don't remember and I'm not sure if I would want to remember.

Anyways, that was it for the "Writing of: Built From What Is Shattered", and I'll see you next time.

SunlightRays out.

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