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RarityEQM · 7:03am Jan 12th, 2021

Please please please.

Please please.


I miss and love you.

~ Yr. Soul Brother, B

Report B_25 · 2,079 views ·
Comments ( 59 )

Condolences to those who knew her.

I’m so sorry 😢

Whoa. I'm sorry. Do they know what her cause of death was?

I spoke to them a few months ago. I can't believe there gone. I am still trying to process it and I just can't believe that Rarity is gone. I just can't believe it.

This has got to be some horrible nightmare. Please tell me I'm dreaming and I can wake up. :applecry:

I can't imagine what you're feeling, B. I'm so sorry you had to find out that way.

I didn't know her personally, but she was always the sweetest and most generous-sounding person. People who pretend to be characters from the show almost always rub me the wrong way, but she seemed so much like Rarity it was just... natural.

I don't know what to say. I want to believe this is some kind of lie, like she needed to leave the fandom or something, but I know she'd never ghost you like this so there's no hope of that.

B, please tell us if you learn more. I'd like to donate to any proceedings and share condolences with her family, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that desire.

I know you're suffering most of all, and I'm sorry.

According to the link, it appears to be natural causes.

You have my sincerest condolences.

Wanderer D

I'm very sorry to hear that B, she was an amazing gal, and someone I enjoyed talking to whenever we had the chance. She will be missed.

I love that picture so much, by the way. I have it saved in my, um, special pony folder. Every time I scroll by it, it makes me happy to see you two together like that.


I’m sorry for your loss B:ajsleepy:

..... oh no..... please no..... not Rarity.....

I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could say to ease the pain, but I know there isn't.

She will be missed.

Condolences 🙏🏻

What the fuck

I'm so deeply sorry, and I know this may not help as you've been hearing this all day but my condolences. We used to talk actually. She was one of the sweetest people I knew, incredibly kind. So... genuine. Amazing woman, and she will be missed.

I remember when she posted that picture on her blog and called you her soul mate.

I knew she had a kind heart when she sent me PM's one day thanking me for defending her against some snide criticism. Most people wouldn't go that far to thank someone.

You lost a fine friend. I'm sorry.

I’m sorry about your friend RarityEQM.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry to hear that a great author has passed on to the elysian plains

I'm sorry for your loss.

Oh. Fuck man. May her soul rest easy.

I´m sorry.

God...I'm so sorry for your loss. I only knew her vaguely, but I can tell the world and especially the people she knew will be worse off without her. :raritydespair:

I'm sorry for your loss.
She will be missed

I'm sorry for your loss 🙏

I..... I have no words, I... .gods I am so sorry, ... she was always so sweet to me when I first started out in EQM before I moved over to Discordia... I, I have ....

Sorry for your loss

This is a sad day in an already sad time.

I send my deepest condolences. Although I didn't know about her at all until recently, all I can say is I'm sorry for your loss. She seemed like a lovely person, both on the site and offline, and I hope that with enough determination and vigor, we can push past this and move on to a brighter future.

You have my condolences. I'm sorry, I really am.

So sorry. May she Rest In Peace.

My heartfelt condolences to those who knew her. May she R.I.P

I had never spoken to her but have read some of her stories and she seemed like a wonderful person, may she rest in peace.

I wish I were lucky enough to have known her. You and all her friends and relations have my sincere condolences. Hang in there.

Hey man, I know it doesn’t mean much, as few people on here got to know her like you did, but if you want to just talk with someone, talk to someone close to you. I will say, that everyone who knew her both online and in person will have lost a ray of sunshine.

My deepest condolences for you man.

I'm so sorry.
Good luck to you in dealing with this.
My condolences, and I'm sorry I don't have better words for this.

:fluttercry: it’s a sad day for all.

I don't know what to say else than offer my sincerest condolences.

Nothing more can be said other than to offer condolences for your loss.

I'm sorry for your loss. My thoughts and condolences are with you.

I didn't really know her, but through her writings I discerned a fine soul and a good person. I will miss her presence.

I wish you best of luck man. Just know that you are not alone. You can talk to anyone, both on here and in real life.



You don't have to be sorry, homie—but I appreciate it.

Thanks for always lurking on my stories. Always nice to see your comments.

She had various medical conditions, of which, she was seeing doctors about. Her health was already diminishing due to multiple causes. Currently it's ruled as natural causes—with stroke or heart-attack being the probable ones. We'll find everything out in the next while.

Aye. Neither can I homie. It feels as though all they have to do is come online and put an end to this silly mess. At least that's my hope when I wake up. It's only been a few days, so maybe, they'll come online but—that's not the kind of thinking you want to fall inside.

Do your best to keep well.

Feel the same, homie.

Keep in there.


It was better to find out than to wonder why they never came back online. I'd gotten my final promise to her before the end. But I wish we still had a proper goodbye or a resolution. It's a motto of mine that 'Everyone needs resolution. There's a reason why we talk to tombstones'. Just never expected it actually ever apply to myself.

But that's how life goes. Sorry for the times we treated you like shit. I appreciate the support and you keeping here despite it.

Exact same feeling. With her name, bio, and acting like a pony—those all should have been red flags to me. Too many people asking to Role Play and other such stuff. But I was drawn to her even from the start. Something called me to her for a reason. Think I know what it was. And we were able to get close because of it.

Thanks for your support, Trick. Despite all the shit you take from this website and people and what goes on in your head—you keep kind despite it. I've taken to the motto of 'The Best Revenge is Not to Be Like that' and you embody that. Thank you for being you.

And aye. I'll let you know when further details break.

Thanks Fan.

Hope all is keeping well in your realm of the world.

Thanks Wanderer. Know we don't talk much—but I treasure our friendship together. I recall talking to her about you and how much she liked your work and you. That, and being blown away you'd even talk to her and whatnot. She was an amazing person who didn't seem to think as such. Daily life and family backgrounds to that to a person. Yet, in spite of that, she took to being as she was for no greater reward.

Just that being kind and generous was in her nature.

Keep well and keep writing.

She made the image for me when, in coming to share our names, I had express jealousy at how she could be herself. She acted like Rarity and pulled it off and even got people in RL to call her that. It's may sound cringe but—it suited her. I wanted to be called 'Spike' instead of my real name and her answer was to just ask people to do that.

Made it sound so simple that that, if such a thing were to make you a touch more happy, even if cringe or awkward, then it was worthwhile.

And then she made that art for us.

I did something with that art that I heavily regret now. But I guess it took something like death to make a selfish prick like myself wisen up a bit.

Thanks Sunset. You seem to be a beam of positivity on the site.

Keep it up.

I recall listening to you and crew a lot on Seattle Angels and enjoying most of the shows you guys put on. And how, if people had trouble with EQD or whatnot that, they could come to you with the issue. Sometimes they saw the response system there as cold or harsh and a lot of people never submitted because of that. But in being able to come to you, however, they could, even if the piece or whatever was bad, you'd find a kind or warm way to resolve the issue.

In short. You were approachable because you seemed nice.

Thank you for popping here, fellow canuck, and leaving a message.

Sometimes that's all it takes. Just seeing someone else there.

Thanks homie.

5434498 5434491
Thank you.


She was fabulous because anyone could go to her for anything. She'd send money to a stranger and kept on her promise to send more when she could. To be heard or in need of advice, regardless of you were right or wrong, she was there. Not so much about choosing sides, but rather, ensuring all those a part of it were feeling alright.

EQM was a dynamite woman. Accepted me for the awkward derp that I was. And took great pains to understand the weirder and more toxic side of myself.

I think I miss her more because of how bloody selfish I am.

Oh well.

Thank you homie.

I'd called her my soul sister and she, immediately accepting that, went and made that. Never thought I could care so much about a person, being the derp that I am, and have them feel the same in return. I truly got to be myself in my early days with her. No need to act or be more. Could flush my every, annoying insecurity. And she took them all, without judgement, and gave me the encouragement needed to be more secure in myself.

Or at least make that next step in being.

Sometimes I worry I'm going to lose the feeling of her. That she will just be an online name and handle and that she actually didn't mean all that much to me and that I'm blowing it out of proportion. But then. I get to writing about her again. The feelings rise and the pain comes out and, regardless of what it is I'm allowed to feel—the sadness doesn't care... and comes anyway.

And yeah. She appreciated every little thing. Some people she wouldn't deal with because there was no winning. It got her down. But seeing someone, anyone, standing up for her—it was able to reverse all the bad she'd been feeling about it. Thank you for being so kind. I'm sure she kept you in mind.

To all.

Be well to do well.
~ Yr. Pal, B

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Thank you for the condolences, wishes, and support. I know a grouped together, mass response, might seem impersonal—but I hope it doesn't come across like that. Seeing so many people, strangers and friends, wishing me well, checking out her stuff, and leaving heartfelt messages on EQM's page were enough to get me through the storm of the first few days.

Seeing the constant support, offers, and little stories helped a lot. I've never really gone through the death of a friend—much less cried and been in sorrow for the bulk of my life. Going through this new stage and a different aspect of myself—something I feared I never had to begin with—was made easier and comfortable by everyone's support.

Thank you.

Be well to do well.
~ Yr. Pal, B

Thanks Horse. I know you have a lot of experience and feelings when it comes to death. Your comments on my previous blogs on the subject got me through tough times with a perspective to keep in mind.

Be well.

Indeed she was. I recall you for some strange reasons. Glad to see you here. I'm happy that, in going back to see what she wrote, and how she interacted with people, that her text reflected her personality.

Keep well and keep writing.

To you both.

Be well to do well.
~ Yr. Pal, B

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