• Member Since 19th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen January 3rd


Only mostly dead.

More Blog Posts688

  • 105 weeks
    It's Just More Entertaining

    You know, after all this time, I'd still rather watch Countess Coloratura sing "The Spectacle" than see Rara perform "The Magic Inside". It's a matter of taste, of course, but to me, the songs and the performance of "The Spectacle" is just off-the-charts more entertaining. I'd much rather see that concert.

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    8 comments · 325 views
  • 123 weeks
    Fimfiction's Autumn

    So Seattle's Angels and The Royal Canterlot Library both shut down this week. I confess that I find that to be pretty sad. I had my share of success on this site, but most of my attention came from critics. I really appreciate the time that they took to review my stories and everyone else's who would normally fly under the radar. It meant the world to me, even when the review itself wasn't

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    12 comments · 333 views
  • 133 weeks
    Mystery Figure

    Okay, so my friend sent this image to me, and I swear I know who that winged figure is in the back, but I just can't come up with a name. Anyone know who the weird demonic creature is? I swear he's related to Grogar somehow.

    Hopefully this link works. I'm too lazy to find my login credentials for Photobucket.

    The image in question.

    8 comments · 259 views
  • 184 weeks
    Hindsight Hilarity

    Been a minute since I've been here, and I decided to read my last for blog posts to see what was going when I was around last.

    The second most recent post was written on New Year's Eve 2019 where I spoke about how eager I was for 2020 and how much hope I had that it would be a better year.

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    18 comments · 436 views
  • 209 weeks
    The Newer, Angrier Fimfiction

    I'm not around much anymore, so I'm not hip to the latest trends. I dip in every so often to check messages, and about once a week I look at my notifications.

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Hindsight Hilarity · 7:40am Dec 3rd, 2020

Been a minute since I've been here, and I decided to read my last for blog posts to see what was going when I was around last.

The second most recent post was written on New Year's Eve 2019 where I spoke about how eager I was for 2020 and how much hope I had that it would be a better year.

Wow. I just don't even know what to say to Past xjuggernaughtx. Sorry, buddy. Things... well... Things didn't work out all that well.

Still awesome to live in the mountains, though. And I so far haven't died from a respiratory disease. So I've got that going for me. Which is nice.

I also reference "The Jetfire Situation" as a brouhaha that was going on, and I have no memory of what that is at all. Whatever it was, I assume Chris was annoyed since he really likes It's a Dangerous Business.

Report xjuggernaughtx · 436 views ·
Comments ( 18 )

Good to hear from you, as always.

The "Jetfire Situation" involved the aforementioned author making national memetic news by getting beat up after counter-protesting against the BLM protests by attacking people with a sword. The Internet thought it was funny and then Kyle Rittenhouse did something similar with a gun and some people died and I guess it wasn't that funny anymore, if it ever was.

2020 exceeded my expectations for what a globally shitty year can look like. There are probably shittier years to come, but we can always hope not.

You just said everything I was going to.

But yeah, I hope everyone reading this is at least seeing things improve.

I assume Chris was annoyed

Between Jetfire and Eric Clapton, 2020 hasn't been a great year for content creators I've stanned.

Great to see you round these parts again, though! Just please don't let it be a prelude to you doing something awful that makes me feel uncomfortable about liking you/your stuff, since that seems to be going round. Well, that and covid.

Author Interviewer

Oh fuck, I never heard about Clapton before this. D: Better to know...

Site Blogger


(TIL about Clapton...)

Yooooooo awesome to indirectly hear from you! Were up in the mountains do you live? I have a car again thanks unemployment money so next time I make a Norcal road trip would
definitely like to visit you and your amazing dog again

When it comes to racist rock stars, Clapton is just Boomer Morrissey. Or Morrissey is just Gen X Clapton. Whatever

Hey, glad to hear you're still alive! In this day and age, that alone is good news. I've been totally absent from FimFiction.net until recently (and even now I'm only using it for a single, long-running story that recently started getting updated again). I went through your last blog post and was pleased to see we have similar political outlooks. I also went back and read your post from the end of 2019; nice to hear that you've moved into a better location! Honestly, right now, moving into the tiny village in the mountains sounds very appealing. :rainbowlaugh:

If you're on Discord at all, I'd love to add you. It's basically the only social media-type platform that I'm active on, and it's not how I keep in touch with most of my friends. Even if you're not on frequently, it would still be nice to have that point of contact.

2020 hasn't been the bestest, no. But I do take some comfort in that I'd rather be living where I am right now than almost any other period in human history. I don't know when it will pass. Hopefully soon. I don't want some of my son's first memories to be of people wearing masks, and I want things to be a lot better by the time my second son is born in March, but even if that is the case, I still have things pretty good, relatively speaking.

But my son and both first cousins tested positive for COVID, and my dad and brother might have just picked it up. I'm not saying it's the best time ever to be alive.

Ah, yes. I remember the Jetfire thing now. It's sad that it seems pretty tame compared with many of the insane things that have happened recently.

As for 2020, I'm certainly hoping that it was a high water mark for terribleness. I have hopes that this next four years won't be as crazy, at least.

We could all use a little relief and stability, that's for sure.

I'm too friggin' busy at work and exhausted at home to be controversial. Like, the most inflammatory thing that I'm likely to put on this site is my nap schedule.

You know, I'm still mad that you didn't go to the Bronycon that I went to. I wanted everyone to cosplay as PresentPerfect emoticons. I was going to be ---> :B

It sucks when the artists that you admire turn out to be shitheads. One of my favorites ODed on heroine a few years back. Just such a waste.

My two amazing dogs now. We bought our neighbors' dog a few years ago because they mistreated her.

I live kinda near Yosemite now in a teeny, tiny town of 189 people called Glencoe. We wanted seclusion, and this isn't exactly it, but at least I'm not surrounded on all sides by people I want to murder. It's a big step up.

I keep joining Discord and then I never log into it or use it in any way, so there's probably no point in giving my Discord handle to you. I'm just generally too busy at work or wiped out at home from work to regularly engage on it.

The move to the mountains has been great. It's not perfect, but it's a big step in the right direction, and in a time of global superviruses, the extremely low population density is comforting.

Glad to see that you're still here. Been a while, and it's always nice to have more progressive voices.

Yikes! Well, I certainly hope your son and relatives are okay. At least it seems like children don't usually get hit nearly as hard as adults do.

As for this year, it's been so weird. I hate Trump and I've hated these last four years, and while this election has been insanity, at least I feel better about the coming years. COVID has, of course, thrown everyone's life into a tailspin, but it's been especially weird for people like me. I work for UPS, and basically everyone has been ordering things online all year. So while most people are stressed out about their jobs being closed and clientele not visiting, my job has been super-crazy-ultra busy every single day. It's been like December all year long. It feels so strange to listen to people on the radio that are so desperate to get back to work, and then step into insanity where everyone is working like three people's jobs just trying to service all of this volume that shows up everyday. It feels like living in an alternate reality.

And like everyday I get a legal notice in my work email stating that yet another person in my facility has contracted COVID and to stay safe...

Yeah, I get those emails as well. Probably three or four times a week. My son and cousins are fine. My son and one of my cousins was hit pretty hard, but my other basically got a cold. I'm wondering if one of my friends is right when she said that everyone will get it, and who's left is left, and n it'll run its course.

Hope not. If rather not get it, thanks.

Yeah, that makes sense.

Well, enjoy your new life in the mountains, and hope you stay safe, of course. Though sounds like that'll definitely be easy in such a small town.

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