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Sunbone · 3:39pm Nov 18th, 2020

You may recall a post I made a few months ago about pony "dissectibles," half normal, half with exposed bones and organs. Well, we have a new entry in the roster, and she raises a rather uncomfortable question. Cutting it off here for the squeamish.

Note the object anterior to the rib cage. Now, we've seen unusual X-ray opaque structures in ponies before, but those are located near the pelvis. This, well, isn't. So, does Celestia have a fusion reactor in her chest? Does Cadence have a backup Crystal Heart? Does Flurry Heart have an inchoate mass of undefined protomatter? (Well, yes, but that's just how her stomach works.)

I'm definitely overthinking this, but that's how I have fun. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 40 )

My Celestia headcanon is already a setup for a "blood plasma" pun, so this works.

On one hand, its a thing for the kiddies to go "Oh! She has a sun heart!"

On the other hand, she is literally a sun deity with organs to match. I wonder if Ra and Apollo have sun hearts.

Further more this could be an organ-specific to Alicorns that could act as a receptacle or storage container for their mana.

Or just have an unknown function like an irken squiddelilyspooch.

Also, anyone else notice how their wings have no bones to support the feahters?

Also also...

Her skeleton is YELLOW!!!

Does that mean Luna's is blue? And Cadence's is pink?

Makes you wonder what the doctor hears through the stethoscope during her check ups.

Now we know what really happened to Iron Man after Endgame.

Author Interviewer

The title sounds like a clopfic about Celestia having a dick. :B

Well, there is certainly a fanfic to be made from this picture. I can only imagine how painful the six-pointed star in Twilight’s chest must be.

I think you may have read a tad too much clop lately. Mr. Perfect.

........I don't understand that entirely. And since it's you, IDK if I wanna know.

Wait, this makes no sense. Twilight is also an alicorn, so shouldn't she have her own cutie mark hanging out in her chest cavity too, instead of a regular organ?

I want this toy, but it would give my very sensitive daughter nightmares. :fluttercry:

That's how actual bird wings work?

Does this mean ponies have something similar in shape to their cutie mark inside their bodies? What about blank flanks?

It is not, but the show implies it's the case for Pegasi. (Also linked by FOME in the blog.)

I still want to know why these show them having merged digits in their wings like birds despite the fact that every appearance of an x-rayed pegasus, alicorn, or griffon wing in the show has made it abundantly clear that they have independent digits like bats- which is why wing hands work.

Oh yeah! There's an apple in AB and a cloud is RD! Hmmmm.... Maybe it's their personal mana storage core?

....I was gonna make a, 'By the magic of the Sunstone' joke, but then I started thinking scientific too :derpytongue2:


Further more this could be an organ-specific to Alicorns that could act as a receptacle or storage container for their mana.

Hmm. If it's actually a white mana receptacle, that may mean that Luna has two skulls.

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The fellow who designed the skeletons may not have done enough of a deep dive into the series to know about finger phalanges (which frankly raise their own uncomfortable questions.)

Her skeleton is YELLOW!!!

Like teeth, healthy bone is supposed to be slightly yellow.

Can't be any worse than Pinkie Pie. Especially after she discovered Spotify in the human world.

Genius billionaire playmare philippist...
Yeah, it checks out for the most part.

I knew someone would say something along those lines. Especially since the card's quite obscure.

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The Mane Six all have some kind of anterior thoracic mass, though it's more a nondescript lump of flesh that may be meant to be muscle tissue. It's possible that Twilight's is slowly developing into something more cutiemorphic as she literally grows into her power. Alicorn physiology is not a field for the faint of heart or wobbly of stomach.

Understandable. At least you can appreciate the images without distressing her.

Isn't speculative pony biology fun? :pinkiehappy:

So, does Celestia have a fusion reactor in her chest?

I mean... that's so awesome that it has to be true.

Also I'm stealing the word "inchoate"

It’s a great word. So are deleterious, indefatigable, and ineffable.

Ah. Interesting points. Also I admit I dunno much about skeletons and bones aside from what the school teaches me.

And. Two skulls? What makes you claim that?

There's also a very large and heavy piece of jewelry right above it. Containment? A focusing array? A suppressor so she doesn't give her court skin cancer and cataracts?

Whatever it is, 100% headcanon that the front of her torso is capable of very large sunlaser shenanigans, regardless of horn status.

I’m a fan of implacable and inexorable, myself.


Isn't speculative pony biology fun?

I always thought that pegasi and alicorns physically cannot support their bodies in flight due to their wing-size to body weight ratio, as well as their wing flapping speed. Just like their ability to walk on and manipulate clouds, their ability to fly is actually just an extension of their pegasi magic. Tirek showed us pretty clearly that pegasi cannot fly if their magic is taken from them, so I think this theory pans out. Which would mean that the bones aren’t there to really do much except give form to the wings.

So, pegasi working out... does their magic emanate from their wing and chest muscles? Or are they working out their center of magic? :rainbowderp:

This is clearly just a surgeon's error.

...I think I'll just take this as further evidence for my eldritch alicorns thesis. Hm. Might need to think on putting this into Call of Cthulestia...

In MtG, the white mana symbol is a sun, while the black mana symbol is a skull. So if Celestia has a sun-shaped white mana battery organ, Luna could have a skull-shaped black mana battery organ.

It honestly depends on a few factors
When it comes to magic and psionic phenomena it requires specialized organelles to tap into the energy field magic is present in like a pidgeons(correct me if wrong) little iron thing that let's them tap into the magnetic field to navigate and remember their home.

First is what type of organ system they use for it, specialized organs, a spread out node system like say a naruto shinobi, or a hybrid of the two such as say a cultivator in the case of unicorns it's the first, and pegasus probably have the second, while earth ponies have the third.

Next comes from what type of magic or psionic phenomena they use, ritual magic requires precision body movement, incantations requires precise voice control, psionics requires incredible brain processing, etc and if the magic or abilities derived therein are partially conceptual in nature it most likely reverb into a being's aesthetics and if especially intertwined personality.
for example magic is conceptually linked to landscape, adaptions occur to be able to live in said landscape, magic is conceptually linked to the concept of candy appearance starts to gain candy esque details such as candy cane patterned hair, glossy colored bone structure such as nails matching rock candy, personality may start matching candy based aesthetics being exceedingly sweet or sour, biology may even start gearing towards to consumption of excessive calories and particularly unhealthy parts of candy, clothes may get a glossy and overly colorful appearance.

And this is not even dipping into faith based magic that relys upoun metaphysics and deities which can create even more drastic divergences in biology

Obviously that's the part of a pony that is the sun.



Entirely too impressive horse punning. I'm shocked that you'd do that so offhanded. It's like a van Gogh doodle on the back of a restaurant bill. (Before joining this site, I would not have thought that horse punnery was a field of achievement that could have this effect.)

It would be pretty funny if it was an entirely unrelated piece of jewelry that ended up stuck there. Maybe she had it when she was younger and she grew around it, like a tree growing around string.

Or maybe an extra layer of protection for her internal organs. A magic source that projects a second, magic-based ribcage.
I've seen a few argue that that's her natural state. I definitely believe it would at least be Daybreaker's.

Princess Celestia has a fusion generator in her chest. I've watched enough Gundam to know that means she generates a hilarious amount of Minovsky particles. Celestia is a walking I-field generator. Celestia is why technology on Equestria will never achieve radar.

It also means that sunbeam she fired at Chrysalis was actually a Mega Particle Cannon.

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Put all of them together and you have Azathoth.

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After retirement started to lose its luster, Celestia went into metalworking. As a piece of industrial equipment.

Regarding pegasus wings, there's presumably some purely biological component. The wings clearly act similarly as horns in terms of thaumic projectors, but even if they don't provide much lift, they're still the primary control surfaces.

I suppose with toys, it's all plastic surgery.

The internal eyes are the hardest to close. Not even mirrors help.

I mean this in the nicest sense: This is fascinating, but it would be a lot more so if you put periods between your sentences.

Thanks! :pinkiehappy: Though I'm not sure if that even qualifies as a pun anymore.

A sort of barrier-projecting lens would be quite interesting, though Celestia growing around old regalia does make for a delightful mental image. Especially the midway phases where the court just assumes it's a deliberate fashion statement until she asks a maid where it went. The poor mare has to knock on her skin, producing a metallic clang.
:trollestia: "Oh no, not again."

What, you didn't actually think that Celestia just moved around a massive celestial body every day, did you? She moves her normally sized (or as certain sisters would argue, slightly less massive) Celestia-l body around, and Equestria's sun is simply a projection aimed at the firmament by a set of complicated and mostly automated magic mirror spells.


I imagine it would be somewhat like putting your ear to a running combustion engine, only without the heat.
Also possibly with the heat. And radiation.

Knew I forgot something when I went on that tangent give me a moment

Are we all just going to ignore the fact that her intestines don't actually hook up to anything? I'm a little worried that Celestia might share a few traits with a certain N. Korean dictator...

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