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commissions--read carefully · 4:27am Oct 27th, 2020

Hi! I am about to do something I don't often do because some serious car repairs have cleaned us out and it would be nice to have some cushion of cash to rely on! I'm going to offer commissions.

I have 5 slots. I'll mark them below and make changes as they are filled.

1. Claimed!
2. Claimed!
3. Claimed!
4. Claimed!

My rates are $15/1K words as a basic charge. I reserve the right to charge $20 to $25/1K words for anything NSFW that I know I'm going to have a hard time with (see list below) but we will talk about that before any money changes paws.

What Can I Commission?

You can commission a lot of things! I'll have a list below of things that I ABSOLUTELY won't do and some I'm less thrilled about but that I might do. I can do romance, I can do action, horror, cosmic journeys, character pieces, whatever. But three big points.

1.) Please have a solid idea. Writer friends who I've talked to a lot, we can work something out. But if I haven't talked to you much and we haven't bounced ideas off each other be aware that not having a pretty good idea of what you want may effect your chances of getting anything. I don't need it beat by beat exactly, but I need a clear picture. Do what you can!

2.) On OCs: I cannot write your OC. I'm sorry, but I can't. I can put your OC into another thing but I cannot center them in a story. I don't know your character, I don't necessarily know you, it is a recipe for disaster. I'd be willing to cameo your OC in the back of a scene somewhere just as a little cheeky bit cause that's fun, but overall OCs are not a great idea here.

3.) I am willing to do NSFW, but have a list of things I'm not okay with or things that will run you a lot more money. Violence, intense situations, some horror imagery, that kinda stuff doesn't really count for me, as I'm fine writing these.

4.) If you don't want to commission pony, I can also do furry stuff or just like, people bein' humans and shit, which I know is pretty radical around these parts. I'm happy to do pony but if you want something else, try me! I can't do fanfic for a show or book or whatever I haven't seen so keep that in mind.

What's the limits here?

1.) Fetish stuff is going to run you more, and if I don't share the interest you are going to need to explain what you like about it, so don't be shy if I ask for insight. I cannot write a thing I don't like myself if you can't explain whats neat about it. If I tell you I can't do a thing, please respect that. If I don't answer, I'm not judging you, okay?
2.) Please do not ask about anything that is generally censured by the community. That is not to say I think you're bad for liking a thing, or that your idea is bad, but I am going to probably say no because I'm concerned about people attacking me over it and I don't want to have to explain why I am saying no to somebody with a great idea.
3.) If your PM includes the words futa, trap, foal, do not write a PM to me, thank you.

How do I commission you?

1.) Send me a PM titled COMMISSION. Write a summary of your request, at least 2-5 sentences, and a ballpark of how long you'd like it to be or how long you think it might be. If you have specific details you'd like, add them as Notes.
2.) I will get back with you if I accept your request with a quote and confirm stuff with you. If I don't get back to you within a week, assume the answer is no. I don't know how many I'll get. If I don't get swamped, I'll just write you a polite no. I reserve the right to reject commissions based on content or time involved.
3.) If we work together, I'll need 50% of the projected total upfront before I write anything. Generally, I'll need 2-3 weeks. If I think a draft is going to take longer, I will spell that out to you as early as possible. I'll come back with a draft. At this point, you can request any changes or corrections. This is free to a point. If the changes are substantial we will need to work out an additional fee. But unless you want me to add a whole other scene or character or something we're probably good. After that, I'll work on any changes and then it will be complete. I reserve the right to publish anything either on my account here or on one of my alts. If you'd like something to not be published on here, or want to commission something nonpony, please mention in your PM!

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