• Member Since 26th Aug, 2018
  • offline last seen June 3rd


''A soldier can also call that a victory, if there is no blood flowing.'' -Captian Paál Farkas (80 Hussars)

More Blog Posts3

  • 190 weeks
    Ahhh... Just...let's get over it...

    1. What is your first name?
    I screwed it up first time, since in my language, the surname comes first, then the forename.
    My forename is László, but in offically it's László Kálmán.

    2. How old are you?

    3. What country are you from?
    Hungary, you know, that one with the very hilarious Hungry-Hungary joke

    4. What do you look like?

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    2 comments · 224 views
  • 205 weeks
    PonyLife: try not to get a seizure!

    Ladies and gentlecolts I've collected the most anoying, disgusting and toxic moments from Pony Life. These moments with the animation, sound efects and with their place in the plot, pissed me off so much I had to pause the show several times. Lets get into it!
    ATTENTION the next pictures can be disturbing.

    Also :moustache:BAD ENGLISH AND PROFANITY ALERT!:pinkiecrazy:

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    5 comments · 210 views
  • 206 weeks
    About Pony Life...

    Well I've finally collected my thoughts on Pony Life. And yes, yes I know the first two episodes appeared a week ago, so Im a little bit late with this. But I just woke up from that seizure caused by them. So yeah, let's get into it.:facehoof:

    :moustache:Profanity alert!:pinkiecrazy:

    I hate Rarity, her bitchin is not funny here.

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    7 comments · 173 views

Ahhh... Just...let's get over it... · 10:08pm Oct 18th, 2020

1. What is your first name?
I screwed it up first time, since in my language, the surname comes first, then the forename.
My forename is László, but in offically it's László Kálmán.

2. How old are you?

3. What country are you from?
Hungary, you know, that one with the very hilarious Hungry-Hungary joke

4. What do you look like?
Okay, let's just say I am not the weakest guy in town, but I just started to grow a hussar mustache... it will be beautiful, it's just needs time, okay?!

5. What do you wish you looked like?
I don't wish, I WANT that mustache!!!

6. How did you come across MLP:FIM?
I saw a parody of the season 6 premiere, I just really liked the character and the word design.

7. What is your favorite ship?
LyraBon of course and I also like Gallustream

8. What is your least favorite ship?
Every main 6 ship. STOP THAT
And I don't really like OctaScratch(I know, I know, how dare I!)

9. Have you told anyone outside the fandom that you like MLP?
Only if they asked somethig like that.

10. Were they a family member?
Some of them

11. Favorite MLP episode?Everytime I start to think about that, the result is totally different
12. Who is your favorite Superhero?
Or the FIRST Spiderman, but I can't quite remember that.

13. Favorite Anti-Hero?
Hm. Now, the OPM fandom is still not sure about that does he counts as an anti-hero or an anti-villain, but now I'll count him as one:
Garou, from One Punch Man

14. Favorite supervillain?

15. Favorite Anti-villain?
See the 13.

16. What was the last book you read?
Lord of Rings and The Deluge

17. What is the last movie you watched?
We had a very long movie night with the lads, I cant remember what was the last one. Its rather
80 Huszár, or
Zulu, or

18. Favorite song at the moment?

19. What song do you always come back to?
Kárpátia-Horthy Miklós katonája

20. What is your current job?
I have some smaller works, but nothing official

21. What job do you want in the future?
Anything to help my stumbling nation. And the word of course, I don't like to talk about this, these are just words. I'll do my best.

22. Dream job?

23. At this moment what is your greatest achievement?
Early graduation from English and German language.

24. At this moment what is your greatest faliure?

25. Do you have any pets?
I live in the county in hungary, what do you think?

26. What is your dream pet?
Mr. Hippo

27. Do you own any weapons?
Part of every Hungarian household: Fokos

28. Is there a gun you really want?

29. What religion are you?
Roman Catholic

30. If you could hang out with one person in history, who would it be?
Jesus Christ or Horthy Miklós

31. If you could bring one person back from the dead who would it be?
No one! I am not a God.

32. Are you political?
Hungarians don't have actuall politicans. So no, I am not.

33. Are you married?

34. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
I used to have a waifu.

35. Have a crush on anyone?

36. Care to explain?

37. Do you consider yourself attractive?
I don't care. Other's would say I'm at least an average. But I don't care.

38. If you could spend the day with someone alive who would it be?
Vona Gábor

39. Who is your favorite pony?
From the main 6? Twilight Sparkle.

40. Any embarrassing secrets you'd like to share?
There is nothing intresting

41. If you have done any stories/art, what is your favorite piece?
I write poems but they are all in Hungarian and Im not gonna translate them.

42. Are you a virgin?
Right untill mariage

43. What is the craziest thing you've done in your life?
I got attacked by a person with another nationality wich I ain't gonna name. But one and a half years of Baranta traning did it's job!

44. Favorite TV show besides MLP?
Clone Wars

45. Do you have a fetish of any kind?

46. Do you regret saying this fetish?

47. What are some of your favorite MLP stories?
The Chosen One by Wingy San
Playing with my Hearth by ObabScribbler

48. Current favorite quote?
Facism will come in the name of Anti-facism -Winston Churchill

49. Did you ever hurt someone's feelings just to hurt them?
It maybe made them feel bad, but I wasn't hurting them. I tried to make them realize something what can make them a better person later.

50. Did you answer all these questions honestly?
Just shut up and let me sleep, it's passed midnight in Hungary

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