• Member Since 5th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen April 30th


I am a mighty thesaurus. Rawr!

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On Writing: The World, the Moon, and Smartphones · 5:26pm Sep 22nd, 2020

I don’t consider myself very spiritual, but time and time again, I come to a realisation. Admittedly, this realisation sounds so cliché and banal that it might fit neatly on some uninspired Facebook page dedicated to trite – sorry, “inspirational” – quotes:

Everything is connected.

Consequently, when building the world of a story, I find myself compelled to consider… quite well everything, really. Of course we are only human, despite our best efforts, and no one person – or a hundred – can ever consider everything. It’s not a job for the lazy.

In developing my next novel, I got a bit lazy, and I almost ruined my own story for myself.

Did you know that I have a website? Yeah, I don't do a very good job of advertising it on here. It's okay, though, because there's not much content on it... for now.

Ever since I started my blog last year, I've been trying to nail down a style or a format that would fit a regular (or at least semi-regular) schedule. I must have started and thrown out a half dozen potential blogs in the past few months.

I think I've finally got it.

If all goes well, I'll be able to make "On Writing" a regular fixture of my site; the idea is to make it a sort of "writing advice" series, without simply sitting down and reciting opinions, do this, don't do that. I'm the sort of person who loves stories, and I realised that I learn the best via anecdote, so I decided to try to do just that: provide anecdotes and examples based on what I've been reading and working on, and provide some insight into my own thought process on what makes a good story.

So this first blog, which connects storytelling with the history of astronomy, is my first experiment. I'd love to hear what you think, what you think could be improved, and whether you found it interesting or useful at all. As this is the first in the series, I expect it'll take some refining yet. But I think the foundation is there. So, hey, if you've got a few minutes, go and take a look. Maybe pick up one of my books while you're there.

Report JawJoe · 327 views ·
Comments ( 3 )
Site Blogger

I'll vouch for this. I quite enjoyed the winding historical adventure the blog puts us through.

I'm always inspired by this Despair.com poster, and wish they'd let me post it at work because it fits so well:

Aw sweet, you have an RSS feed! Consider yourself double followed.

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