• Member Since 30th Mar, 2020
  • offline last seen Oct 14th, 2020

Izuku Midoriya


More Blog Posts16

  • 195 weeks
    A quick heads up

    My stupid fuckin phone broke the rest of the way and I'm using my father's phone to post this, I won't be on discord until I get a new one @Marchelightspark please if you will make everyone aware or someone else in my server please, also, I might be locked out of my email now so I may end up getting on discord through an alt account (fuck me running this sucks)

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  • 196 weeks
    I'm sorry for the politics but...

    Now, I'm sorry to come on here preaching about politics again, I'm not usually a political person, but I'm going to be honest, we need Trump in office, if Biden gets elected the riots, and the civil unrest will only get worse, there will be a civil war for our guns, and it will be a slaughter fest because I know for a fact that 99.9% of the military are pro-2nd amendment, and the majority of them

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  • 196 weeks
    On a political note

    Let's keep it 💯, if you're one of the "peaceful protesters" looting businesses and burning cars, and rioting, and you want to take away 2nd amendment rights from us law abiding citizens, unfriend me, unfollow me, lose my number, and don't talk to me, I'm sick of the violence, I'm sick of being called a racist and a white supremacist just for being white, I'm sick of all the bullshit, stand up for

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    14 comments · 250 views
  • 196 weeks
    I'm in too many weird ass Discord servers

    That's why I'm numb to things like this

    2 comments · 179 views
  • 197 weeks
    I took a selfie with my gun strapped over my shoulder

    Meanwhile my forehead looks like an airplane landing strip lmfao

    4 comments · 233 views

I'm sorry for the politics but... · 9:40pm Sep 8th, 2020

Now, I'm sorry to come on here preaching about politics again, I'm not usually a political person, but I'm going to be honest, we need Trump in office, if Biden gets elected the riots, and the civil unrest will only get worse, there will be a civil war for our guns, and it will be a slaughter fest because I know for a fact that 99.9% of the military are pro-2nd amendment, and the majority of them are gun owners themselves, so they will be on the defensive fighting for our 2nd amendment rights, I also believe that the rumors and the racism are going too far, the black lives matter movement has gone way too far with their racism and persecution towards white folks, and it has spread to the small children, they are being lied to and made to fear white people, one of my good friends walked into Walmart yesterday and a small child approached her and said "my mommy says that you're a danger to society, and you want to kill me and my family, why do you want to hurt us?" This child had tears in his eyes because he legitimately felt scared for his and his family's safety, this pissed me off to no end, these people have gone too far!!! What kind of fucked up, horrible person would tell their child these things and make them fear for their safety?! It's not right!!! Take a stand!!! End the violence!!! End the racism!!!

And it doesn't stop there, it only gets worse, BLM is taxing you at Kroger and all BLM funds go straight to Biden because he can't make money the right way so he's going to scam it out of you and make you pay for his campaign, this is inexcusable, and an outrage!!!

Report Izuku Midoriya · 290 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

I don't support BLM because that organization doesn't care about you or anyone, all they care about is money and getting Trump out of office, I love you, and I love everyone, I give zero fucks what color your skin is

but I'm going to be honest, we need Trump in office, if Biden gets elected the riots, and the civil unrest will only get worse

Trump has been in charge for the last 4 years. The riots have happened under him, and he's done little to stop them besides ramp up police abuses. His actions and responses to protests against long-standing injustices have led to great tension in this country, I don't see how his re-election would prevent further strife.

Take a stand!!! End the violence!!! End the racism!!!

We all want the violence to end. That's why we need police and criminal justice reform, which Trump and Republicans will not pursue. The best way to stop riots is by preventing them from happening in the first place.  Biden has condemned both the rioters and corrupt cops, and the Democratic platform includes numerous proposals for police reform, the Republicans are just recycling their platform from 2016. We have a better chance of a safer, fairer country if they win. As a white person, the police can still abuse and mistreat people like you if they feel like it and face little consequences. Even if BLM might sometimes have a narrow view, police abuse hurts all of us.

There won't be a civil war, the only way I could see that happen is if Trump tries to hold on to power even if he loses, and maybe not even then. The leadup to the Civil War was bloody and much more tense than what we have now.


There won't be a civil war, the only way I could see that happen is if Trump tries to hold on to power even if he loses, and maybe not even then. The leadup to the Civil War was bloody and much more tense than what we have now.

A lot can change in a few months. The patterns of history suggest we're headed for something like the American version of The Troubles or the Years of Lead. If things escalate, maybe Lebanon.

That being said, you definitely have a rosier view of Biden handling the protests/riots than I do, because I frankly don't trust his administration to resolve anything other than maybe promising some reforms and then never following up on them, and then we're right back where we've started when yet another cop murders a black person with zero consequences.

Dear god, I sure don't hope so. What makes me at least a little hopeful is that we've been through worse without having large conflicts like those. It's painful to see this happen to my country, I might actually try to leave if things get a lot worse.

I have that view of Biden as compared to Trump, who will will only the make situation worse than it already is. I think his actions played a large role in worsening the riots. Innocent people will still get killed by police for as long the lack of accountability continues at a local level, but it will be a lot easier to contain the unrest if at least something is being done and the president isn't going full authoritarian in response. That's not exactly a high bar though.

What I'm hoping for is for Biden to lay the groundwork for further reform. Even if Biden was running as a progressive, that's still all I could hope for since I don't think the big, sweeping changes the country needs are possible to push through right now. The Democrats have noticeably changed in their approach to police abuse in the last ten years as well. And the kinds of things he's proposing are a lot bolder and ambitious than what he did as a Senator or Vice-President, which I'm guessing is a result of pressure from the left. There's a lot more room for reform in a time of crisis, but my hopes aren't too high since he's still a longtime establishment Democrat.

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