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I played Dark Souls · 3:19am Aug 15th, 2020

I actually played a couple other games from my youth, but I got to play Dark Souls with a friend of mine, and this is what I felt like writing about.

Dark Souls. The game that for many is synonymous with brutal. While it is notoriously difficult, it's also extremely lenient. You die a lot, but there's very little by way of actual punishment for dying. You lose you in game currency (souls), and can retrieve it if you're luck enough or lose it. But if you find the right places, it's no problem to regain the lost souls.

Before I get more into the game, let me take a minute to set it up. Once you make your character and choose your starting class and gift, you find yourself locked in a cell. Why you're there, it doesn't really say, but you're there and somebody drops a body from the roof into the cell with you. This body has a key and now you're roaming the halls of this prison filled with the undead.

Beyond some rusty and broken bars is a demon walking around, presumably your jailer. From here you start exploring the tutorial level and learning how to play.

After you get the basics you walk into what looks the be a massive foyer, the doors close and another demon drops from the roof. Your first boss. From here you have three choices: Fight, Flee, Die. (Okay, maybe die isn't so much a choice as it is just something that's likely to happen.) My first time playing the game, I ran. This time, I fought (not NG+). Remembering this boss I was ready and took my time ending the battle.

This game's not so much hard as it is a learning process. Once you know what works, you can usually implement it adnauseam successfully. My first time through the game I found myself studying the enemies long before I encountered them. And would use as many of my souls before blindly throwing myself into the fray to die over and over again while I learned what worked and what didn't.

Got distracted again. Okay, once you leave the tutorial level and are dumped into the game proper you make your way to Firelink Shrine, ultimately the hub for the rest of the game. It's actually really cool how they made everything connect in the game.

Multiplayer is not really straight forward in the game, you have to find Sunbro before you can summon your friend into your world, or go to theirs. And it's only cooperation until they beat the area boss. And while you're capable of summoning and being summoned you can get invaded (PVP) and have to fight a different player.

On that note, I have no idea what happened, but I was invaded and spent a solid fifteen minutes looking for this guy, only to have an unarmed naked dark spirit come running around the corner Turn and sprint away only get bashed over the head with my club. As I went to meet back up with my friend I found a pile of stuff (good stuff too) lust laying on the ground. My friend suggested that maybe he dumped his stuff after invading to give it to me. Kind of a gift.

The way he stopped and rushed away without saluting back (etiquette as I understand it.) I don't think so. And yes, probably not nice for me to take him out like that if he really meant to fight, but don't dump your stuff when invading them.

As I've said a couple times, this game is less difficult and more a learning curve. And combat can be approached in a multitude of ways. I usually start cautiously while building a tank and by the end of the game I'm trading blows with the final boss without real concern as my HP and Defense are both high enough to keep me safe.

My friend throws himself in, dodging, parrying, riposting, and generally messing them up while not getting hit. His build eventually taking him to become a threat from a distance so he doesn't even need to fight.

But the fact that he took out Havel the Rock before we even got to the gargoyles still surprises me. Havel may be slow, but at our level even a grazing hit is instant death. And the Dragon Tooth has a huge hit-box.

One thing that impressed me was the story telling of the game. There's some great pieces: Like if you do the DLC before fighting Sif, she recognizes you and the fight against her has a much sadder tone. But also there's bits of lore and story in item descriptions and what enemies are where, not to mention even the scenery tells pieces of the story.

Speaking of, I can try to give my rundown of the story but I wouldn't do it justice. I'd recommend VaatiVidya who has done several series on the story. His Prepare to Cry series is probably my favorite of his videos.

The controls for the game are satisfying, even if I can't get used to some of the more tricky parts of it. It's pretty straightforward and explained fairly well in the tutorial. There's also stats and equipment load to take into account when you get ready to go out and fight. It's an active RPG, with a really good combat design and button layout. But the real star of the show is the design.

This game is amazingly detailed with a really impressive Gothic tone. And those of you who are familiar with Berserk may recognize the influence that it played in this game. This is a dark game done well. Not just dark to be dark, but dark to set the tone. There's desperation in the characters, and you can see that in what has happened as you learn how far they fell from where they were.

This is a cyclical world, and when someone tries to break that cycle things go horribly wrong.

I don't finish the onion knight's story line anymore. I can't destroy him like that, but neither can I let the bug get Sunbro. Even as despondent as he gets, he doesn't go hollow. Besides, he's an awesome ally for the final boss. And saving him helps the Fair Lady, so it's still a positive. I'm not just trying to convince myself, I swear.

My friend and I tore our way through that game in about a day (Twice if you think about it. I summoned him, and after we beat my boss he summoned me and we did it again in his game.) Enjoying the game for what it was and cracking jokes at the silly parts.

An NPC killed himself trying to circle around me, but I couldn't let him get away that easily so I hurled myself off the cliff after him. “LEROY JENKINS!” As a Tank, it was my duty to run face first into danger and take it out, even at the cost of my life. And I payed that price often.

With the release of the later Souls games things have died off in the first one for PVP, making things a bit less frustrating. But some Jolly Cooperation is best if you've got a good friend to run through with.


Comments ( 1 )

Coolies! OoO

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